Saturday, July 27, 2024

All public service vehicles to be painted with an orange strap- Panji Kaunda


Deputy Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Panji Kaunda
Deputy Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Panji Kaunda

Transport Deputy Minister Colonel Panji Kaunda has announced that all public service vehicles will be required to be painted with an orange strap once a new law changing the colour code is put in place.

Colonel Kaunda said the Orange strap should be 10 centimeters across the body of the bus.

Colonel Kaunda disclosed that a new law is pending clearance to change the color code of passenger public service vehicles.

“Operators who own a fleet of more than 30 vehicles will be at liberty to seek exemptions from the Minister of Transport and adopt their own colour of choice,” Colonel Kaunda said.

He said this during a news briefing this morning that the move was agreed after consultative meetings with various stakeholders.

Colonel Kaunda noted that the move was prompted by the high levels of pirate taxis, and tipper trucks on hire for ferrying goods being used by owners to evade the payment of government needed revenue.

He said luxury buses will be exempted from the requirements.

Colonel Kaunda said taxis should be fitted with a taxi illuminating lump and a display of a taxi fleet code.


  1. I like it.Way to go baba.I would have been against if in meant painting the whole vehicle orange kwati ni jersey yaba Ivory coast.

  2. so how much will this cost and which budget allocation is this coming from. I thot Just the GRZ plate registration si significate

  3. just a strap of about 10cm across the body of the bus. i think its a good move and cost effective because you dont paint the whole car

  4. Ba Cycle Mata #3 don’t be so fast to criticize pa last you even miss what the article is talking about.. Bwana Panji is talking about Public transport i don’t know maybe in you understanding GRZ cars are meant for the public??You can educate me on that one. Your obsession for negative criticism will kill you, what budgetary allocation are you talking about?? Since when did GRZ start operating public transport. Otherwise its a good move

  5. This number three guy is an *****, without even reading he goes to criticis, what a shame and it shows how some people are so sily that they can criticis even things they do not understand.

  6. baice muletekanya tamwishibe ati tulefwayafye aya yonse ama colors yaba MWALYA MWEKA DADDY (MMD) tuyafumye mu system ……. aba baliya calipwa so everything that resembles them should also follow suit …..

  7. Why not on the sides so people from the left side or right side can see. It seems those in front or rear will easily identify this vehicles…unless I did get the meaning of across propoerly!

  8. Imwe this is a siphoning gimmick for panji and his pf cadres. mo money in their pocket for that dog seller.

  9. Good move bwana Panji, the new rule will be of help ZRA as most of the private truck owners are pocketing large amount of money without paying a single ngwee to the taxman. pirate taxis will now easily be identified and would save many innocent lives because their vehicles are not road worthy.

  10. “Operators who own a fleet of more than 30 vehicles will be at liberty to seek exemptions from the Minister of Transport and adopt their own colour of choice,” Colonel Kaunda said. (WHY?)

    I do not subscribe to the above statement. The law is the law and it should be executed without exemptions. I think that everyone should paint an orange strap, save for luxury buses because of their enormous size. There should be some uniformity among public vehicles.

    However, I also believe that the deputy minister has reasons to back the above controversial assertion. As it stands without further illumination, a lot of people will be at loss as to why he is giving a choice to those with vehicles more than 30 to choose the colour of their choice.

  11. baice imwe so tamwishibe ati lyashi lyakusesha ama colors yaba MWALYA MWEKA DADDY (MMD) check this out …….. going back to UBZ busses VIVA PF VIVA forever

  12. Cycle Mata ulichikopo kwena.Your hatrade for the PF government is driving you mad.Read before you critise.Who says GRZ vehilces.I thought you understand english…iwe grade four chikqla.Good move ba zambia

  13. Seems only applies to psv PASSENGER vehicles and NOT every psv vehicle coz even heavy duty trucks could be psv

  14. Colonel Kaunda disclosed that a new law is pending clearance to change the color code of passenger public service vehicles.
    Iyi statement ikuti bwanji azanga? Kapena chizungu chanipita. Colour yamamotoka izacinja then khuzankhala futi kuika ka orange strip. Tizivensensa chinyanja. Manje, bama tipper ya pirate bazaleka bwanji ku tripa, chifukwa ngati nili natipa, elo nizimangila nyumba bazalesa kuzinyamulial sand na myala? Naga kupeleka bana kusukulu kuseni naka Corolla bazayambolesa? Ndiye pirating yiliko masiku bano. Tithandizeni.

  15. Good move. Truely this is a government of the people. This is how it is here in SA. Taxis and cabs only put a removable strap and taxi sign which you can remove easily (pill off) if you want to use your vehicle for private purposes or you want to sell it.

  16. You do not know that through this new law, they will make profit out of these lebels they are going to sell. It is one way of raising money if you don’t know.

  17. What about the canters which are illegally transporting goods all over towncentre should they not be brought in the tax brackets as govt is losing alot of revenue from this business.

  18. Some of us had a prevelage to listen to radio over the same issue. You are all talking about the painting of just ka stripe. The issue is the whole car to be painted but they are not yet agreed on the colour, but the orange stripe is obvious. They have said that those who recently painted theirs would be given a grace period. Lets wait and see.

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