Wednesday, October 23, 2024

CSPR concerned with the way the health sector is being run


(Liyoyelo Clinic) Patients sleeping while others a waiting to be attended too at Liyoyelo Urban Clinic which is in a bad state for health workers and of the Patients in Mongu District
Patients sleeping on the floor while waiting to be attended to at Liyoyelo Urban Clinic which is in a bad state for both health workers and of the patients 

The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) bemoans the continued challenges being faced in the Health sector. We note that the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) has been hit by a crisis of lack of pre nun milk, a supplement needed for the survival and growth of premature babies.

Premature babies in UTH are now depending on well-wishers for the supply of the supplement, which should not be the case. Through the media, we have also learnt that health centres in the country are rationing Anti Retro Viral (ARV) Drugs to HIV patients due to the short supply of the commodity to the Ministry of Health.

We note that at the moment, HIV patients are receiving one month prescription as opposed to three months of the drug. Our concern is that if the Ministry of Health does not act swiftly and procure the ARVs in the right amounts as required to cater for all patients, we risk having patients being affected adversely if they run out of the Drugs. The shortage of these drugs is life threatening and can also result in drug resistance if there is no consistency in the uptake of the drug on the part of the patient.

It is sad to note that on one hand, the Government is able to mobilize resources to facilitate unplanned for by-elections

We have further learnt that in addition to low staffing levels at Kanyama clinic the clinic does not have blankets for patients. CSPR therefore implores the Government to quickly intervene and address the situation at UTH, short supply of ARVs and Kanyama clinic without delay and ensure measures are put in place to improve health service delivery in public health facilities as this is where the majority of poor Zambians access health care.

Through CSPR’s budget tracking and service delivery monitoring work around the country, we have continued to note that rural health facilities still battle with shortages of drugs, equipment, poor staff attitude and poor staffing levels. Therefore we call upon Government to prioritize issues raised within the health sector to ensure that lives are not lost unnecessarily.

It is sad to note that on one hand, the Government is able to mobilize resources to facilitate unplanned for by-elections but on the other hand fail to provide adequate funds for improving health service delivery. We further call for a higher level of transparency and accountability towards dealing with issues in the health sector by Government and demand that priority be given to addressing operational issues at the highest health referral point.

We want to see a higher demonstration of political will towards the health sector which is very cardinal for human development and ultimately national development. If the health sector is not governed properly, we might see a situation where for instance progress said to have been scored in the reduction of child mortality rate under the Millennium Development Goal begin to be reversed.

By Diana Ngula
Information and Communication Programme officer
Civil Society for Poverty Reduction


    • Kapoko was acquitted, but that other guy you have mentioned (despite his letter of confession published in the Post) and his cronies (like the one who stole Global Fund and later stood for a bye election in Monze) were not even charge at all, in return for their testimony against Kapoko.

  1. ARV’s should not be a priority, people should start to buy their own! Put the money on education, it is pointless giving someone free ARV’s and he goes on TV or radio and start promoting risk behaviours like homosexuality! Organisations like CSPR are encouraging this freeloader mentality which is having a negative effect on people because they are becoming more dependent on free handouts from the govt instead of working and paying for things.

  2. Taxpayer u are stupid and a fool u think all those who are affected are not human and it is not that they were careless who knows even u can be infected all i can say is to request the concerned office to take these issues affecting our Nation seriously we all one Zambia and we must be united we all living by the Grace of our GOD is the one who gives life to all.

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