Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bemba Royal Establishment urges President Sata to rescind his decision on Sosala


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

The Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE) has called on President Michael Sata to rescind his decision to de-gazette and recognize Henry Sosala as Senior Chief Mwamba of the Bemba speaking people.

ZANIS reports that the Establishment through the traditional council known as the ‘Bashilubemba’ made the call during a meeting held at Ludo Lodge in Kasama today.

Speaking on behalf of the Bashilubemba, Sub-Chief Chimba said the decision by Government to withdraw recognition of Mr. Sosala as senior Chief Mwamba should be reversed to facilitate dialogue on the matter.

The traditional ruler said the Bemba Royal Establishment still regard Mr. Sosala as the rightful successor to the throne of Senior Chief Mwamba.

Sub Chief Chimba observed that it would be in the interest of the Government and the Bemba speaking people for title of Senior Chief Mwamba to be recognized in the laws of the country.

He further appealed to President Michael Sata to engage the Bemba Royal Establishment in issues to do with tradition and culture in order to have harmony in chiefdoms.

Meanwhile, the Bemba Royal Establishment has appealed to Government to consider recognizing acting Paramount Chief Chitimukulu.

Sub- chief Chimba claimed that Government has allegedly withdrawn incentives granted to acting Paramount Chief Chitimukulu without giving reasons.

The traditional ruler said, in the meantime, that the Bemba people are still mourning the late Paramount Chief Chitimukulu, there is need for Government to give maximum support to the Bemba Royal Establishment.

Last week, President Michael Sata revoked the recognition of Henry Sosala as Senior Chief Mwamba saying Mr. Sosala did not follow the right procedure in ascending to the throne.



  1. That is our CNP for us. Ba president indeed the grass look brown at state house & worse still Zambians are now dying of hunger, the commodities prices have gone up, what are you doing there?

  2. Sata never compromises, so he will just stop paying them. Knowing the sell out nature of these chiefs, they will start going back to him one bye one. In the end Sata will be incharge of appointing Bemba chiefs…so far he has fired Sosal ‘with immediate effect’. Next month he is appointing a chitimukulu ‘with immediate effect’ donchi kubeba!

    • Not with bemba chiefs! if it were chiefs from eastern province ,maybe he could win them one by one, not ku bembaland, achepa saana! In the end, the professor could lose her job for ill advising king cobra.

  3. Mr President ,we have supported u all the way but the way u are about this matter leaves much to desire. Will u please let ‘bashilubemba’abene solve this. U are not the judge ba sir. leave it please b4 it hits right on yo face.

  4. Sata is digging his own grave, the sooner he realizes the better. Imfumu teshakupenenako. There are no elections for chiefs as is the case with politician who come and go and yet chiefs remain with their subjects. Sata should keep his dirty hands in the affairs of traditional leaders and concentrate on poaching MMD MPs. Indeed power has gone to his head and he is sinking so low! Ati man of action, atase!

    • Ba Sata nomba you have grown big headed, please stop mistreating the Chiefs because soon or later you will need them like you did in 2011.
      And you health is not at its best, therefore, try to make more friends than enemies so that ………………………………
      The so called Investors in Mining of copper have started mistreating our local suppliers right in front of your Ministers and are doing nothing about it because they are too comfortable now to be part of us. Remember, days are numbered and RB was smarter than you when it came to organizing resources for campaign but only made a mistake in giving the resources to greedy people who cheated him that he was popular, same is happening to MCS.

  5. BRE=Barotse Royal Establishment & NOT Bemba Royal Establishment! Utu tubantu nitosokonezeka maningi, they don’t even know what to call themselves – one day they are Bemba Royal Council, another they call themselves Bemba Tribal Council and today they are Bemba Royal Establishment. I won’t be suprised if their true name comes out as Katanga Royal Establishment! Come On Fight On – We are watching …

  6. Sata has a very very low IQ and he is very unintelligent.

    Zambians hates this evil mad man who has brought back ritual killing in Zambia. Ritual killing only happened in the time of Kaunda and UNIP.

    Sata is just fit to be SHOT by Zambians just like all other tyrant dictators have been before in front of State House, so that every Zambia will be able to see and rejoice at the death of this HATED mad man with his INJUSTICE Acting Chief Justice Lome Chibesakunda.

    Sata has a low IQ to the point he cannot read the mood in Zambia! Zambians are

    • Kabimba, you need to find this Shaka. This kind of mentality should be tolerated, he should be reported to Interpol.

  7. Ba Sata nomba you have grown big headed, please stop mistreating the Chiefs because soon or later you will need them like you did in 2011.
    And you health is not at its best, therefore, try to make more friends than enemies so that ………………………………
    The so called Investors in Mining of copper have started mistreating our local suppliers right in front of your Ministers and are doing nothing about it because they are too comfortable now to be part of us. Remember, days are numbered and RB was smarter than you when it came to organizing resources for campaign but only made a mistake in giving the resources to greedy people who cheated him that he was popular, same is happening to MCS.

  8. Sata the new king of the Bembas halelluya! Unfortunately you now know that he is a dictator but alas you can’t voice out for fear of being laughed at. We told you this man is a dictator you said no. now live with it.


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