Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fatal accident along the Kitwe-Chingola road


Three people died on the spot while four others were critically injured in a road traffic accident involving eight vehicles along the Kitwe-Chingola Road late Thursday afternoon.

The accident was caused by the driver of a Freight Liner Truck registration number 2580,who failed to break and rammed into several other vehicles that were in front before hitting into the back of a Hino Ranger, laden with several workers causing it to collide with a light truck.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner Mary Tembo yesterday confirmed the accident and named the three deceased as John Masan, 24, Charles Besa and the third only identified as Misengo who all sustained fatal injuries.

The driver of the Freight Liner Fabian Siame and his Hino Ranger counterpart both ran away after the accident.

Kitwe District Commissioner Elias Kamanga who rushed Kitwe Central Hospital regretted the accident and the loss of lives, which he said could have been
avoided had it not been the reckless driving of the truck drivers.

“It is a pity that we have lost lives because of the over-speeding of the driver and what is of more concern to us as Government is that most of the accidents we are recording involve either truck or bus drivers,” he said.

Mr Kamanga called on the Road Safety Agency to do everything possible to ensure that truck and bus drivers comply with traffic regulations to avoid unnecessary loss of lives.

He also cited the need for quick upgrading of Kitwe-Chingola Road into a dual carriageway.


  1. Am very saddened by this avoidable accident which has claimedthree lives and leaving others in critical condition. For the departed may their sauls rest in internal peace, for those in hospital I wish them quick recovery.

  2. Kamanga tell your government to start working on this road now, we are fed up of the feasibility study story. May the souls of the departed RIP and quick recovery to those in hospital.

  3. the president has failed,he promised to start construction of the dual carriage in 90days but upto this time nothing is happening people are just dying.

  4. Sorry for the lives already lost. Dual carriage way part of the answer should be implemented right away. How many lives are we going to lose before parliament allocates money for dual carriage way from copperbelt to Lusaka at least.

    • The money is already allocated except to find a genuine contract who was not part of the MMD gabbage of shody jobs through corruption. The people that did the Kapiri Serenje jobs should be considered.

  5. It’s indeed very sad to be replacing causes of death in our country with road disasters instead of natural illnesses. These are avoidable occurrences ! Very shameful the driver had to run away, well could be due to confusion, but people should be responsible for their actions. Truck drivers behave so badly on these roads most of the time. Maybe they were carrying contraband as usual in our country. Rest in peace my friends, and quick recovery to those in hospital.

  6. I was on this road on Saturday & I was in a big shock at the amount of bullet speed motorist drive their cars. Sooo scaly and unbelievable to hv sin how cars fly on that road.
    With that kind of driving we yet to see more of such accidents if not worse.

    I wonder where motorists on this road rush too….

    • That’s why we need highway patrols even if it bites us in the arm. There’s no way innocent lives should lost like this. We want roads and when we get them, maniacs in unqualified driver take advantage. This has got to stop because probably with very stiff penalties in prison time for the culprits because a dual carriage way will even make it worse.

  7. My heart felt condolences to the dearly departed. It is an accident that should have never happened and I only hope our lord has set aside a plate for them in Paradise. MYSRIP.
    Nuff said, that is the worst road in this country and it has nothing to do with the actual road but with the over zealous Kopala swaggers. They always seem to be rushing somewhere, overtaking on curves, overtaking faster and heavier cars. There are three simple rules to overtaking, learn them well;
    Never overtake if you cannot see the road
    Never try to overtake a faster car than yours (Altezza Monkeys – yes, an Altezza is just a glorified Corolla, stay out my lane..)
    And when you overtake, make sure it is under five seconds. No point trying to overtake for five minutes, curves come from nowhere.

    Kuleni ba…

  8. A part from mending potholes and so on we need to consinder broadening our roads in Zambia. we also must not over look the fact that the influx of traffic has doubled, if not trippled and we still using roads that were constructed by the federal govt during the colonial era. shame!

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