Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nkana set for Nchanga showdown


FAZ Super Division leaders Nkana coach Masautso Mwale says Saturday’s Week Nine match against Nchanga Rangers in Chingola will be exciting.

Mwale said Nkana have to prepare well for Rangers and predicted a tough game at Nchanga Stadium.

“It will be a tough game. Nchanga Rangers is a good side so it will be exciting,” he said.

Mwale added that Nkana have to build on from last weekend’s 2-1 win over league defending champions Zanaco.

“It’s important to be consistent in whatever you are doing,” he stated.

Third placed Rangers have 14 points five behind Nkana.

And Mwale says he has nothing to prove as he faces his former boss Fighton Simukonda who is incharge of Rangers.

Mwale was Simukonda’s assistant at Zesco United between 2009 and 2011.

“No no nothing like that, he (Simukonda) is a good coach and we will enjoy our game even as we compare notes,” he stated, with a smile.


  1. Come on Kalampa let’s accumulates more points even at Nchanga and claim our 12th league title. Rangers wapya aba Red baisa. We are coming in numbers. Wapya baisa aba bola.

  2. @shimpundu u shud understand futball, this time is for BRAVE ur time is long gone. u r warming that seat for us

  3. Please i warned you even at the begining of the season that Nkana is preparing for the continental cup next year [2014], but upto now you are still trying to comfort youselves by claiming that Nkana is just warming the sit for others. Who do you think you are to stop us [ Nkana ] from claiming our own 12 th league title? Its too late my friends, Nkana is already there. Mwaasanga bateya.

  4. Nkana are playing some good futbo and have set the pace so well, but that’s onli az far az they can go. Talking about the 12th title iz wishful thinking and a very big pipe-dream. The timez Nkana won the league any Wusakile teenager would know the line-up of seazoned playerz including thoze on the bench and the rezervz (often refered to az “ba first”, or iz it the other way round)

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