Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bemba Royal Establishment maintains that Henry Sosala Kanyanta is Senior Chief Mwamba


 Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba being welcomed by Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Nkandu Luo on arrival at Kasama Airport enroute to Mungwi district for a meeting with the Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE)
Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba being welcomed by Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Nkandu Luo on arrival at Kasama Airport enroute to Mungwi district for a meeting with the Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE)

Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE) has maintained that Henry Sosala Kanyanta is Senior Chief Mwamba.

Speaking after meeting with President Michael Sata appointed emissary Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba in Mungwi District yesterday, Chairperson of the traditional councillors Chief Chimba said that though the establishment stood by its earlier recommendations, it was willing to meet the President after he was debriefed by his emissary

And speaking to journalists after the meeting , Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba refused to say what resolutions were made with the bashi Lubemba (traditional councillors).

“All I can say is that the meeting went well. We charted the way forward and talked about many issues including the chieftainship of senior Chief Mwamba which will be resolved by the Head of State at an appropriate time,” he said.

Earlier, President Michael Sata assigned two (2) Cabinet Ministers to engage the Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE ) in dialogue on issues of chieftainship and other traditional matters in Bemba-land.

Those assigned are Defence Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and his counterpart at Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Professor Nkandu Luo.

And Mr. Mwamba, also known as GBM, arrived in Kasama yesterday morning aboard a ZAF plane and was met on arrival by Professor Luo and other government officials at Kasama Airport.

The duo , who are members of the royal family, later proceeded to Mungwi District where they met the Bemba Traditional Council known as the Bashilubemba at Paramount Chief Chitmukulu’s palace in Malole.

The consultative meeting was to focus mainly on Government’s recent decision to revoke the recognition of Henry Sosala as Senior Chief Mwamba of the Bemba speaking of Kasama.

Northern Province Minister Obius Chisala and other government officials also attended the consultative meeting between Government and the Bemba Royal Establishment.

Last week, President Sata revoked the recognition of Henry Kanyanta Sosala as Senior Chief Mwamba of the Bemba speaking people of Kasama.

Mr. Sosala has since accepted Government’s decision to de-gazette him and has offered a public apology to President Sata and the people of Zambia over his utterances.

 Bemba Royal Establishment (ERB) chief Chimba (walking stick) with “bashilubemba” before the meeting with Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba in Mungwi District today
Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE) chief Chimba (with walking stick) with “bashilubemba” before the meeting with Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba in Mungwi District
 Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba being sharing a light moment with the Bemba Royal Establishment (ERB) “bashilubemba” in Mungwi District before a meeting with the traditional counselors
Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba being sharing a light moment with the Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE) “Bashilubemba” in Mungwi District before a meeting with the traditional counselors
. Bemba Royal Establishment (ERB) chief Chimba (walking stick) with “bashilubemba” after the meeting with Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba in Mungwi District today
. Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE) chief Chimba (walking stick) with “Bashilubemba” after the meeting with Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba in Mungwi District


    • Ask your Sata when he will stop his drama. King Cobra made mistake by spitting at an innocent wise man Mr. Sosala. In-fact he should have send GBM and Panji Kaunda earlier before he asked his puppy George Chellah to send a dismissal letter to Chief Mwamba.
      I miss Chiluba mwee

  1. Good. Don’t let this Dictator interfere in your traditional affairs. Only you can chose your Chiefs. You’ve always done this even when there was neither a colonial or a Zambian Government. Continue with your traditions!

  2. Hunger/poverty on the chiefs faces is visible even to a blind man.Pity.

    And blind followers are busy supporting policies that are likely to worsen poverty situation in the country!Cry the beloved country.

  3. Zambians have to see from where we are coming from to where we are going!

    Surely Sata will be shot and hanged on display in front of Statehouse! If people are doubting look at the greatness of the current anger towards Sata & his PF corrupt leaders

    NO MATTER WHAT PF Moron Chimpanzee WRITE HERE NOR THEIR PROPAGANDA, Sata wont be saved! Sata is already gone!

    Zambia is not Barotseland where Sata ordered soldiers to go & shoot people! Zambia is a land where evil UNIP Dictator Kaunda was overthrown despite him using soldiers who turned against him & almost killed him in Ndola in 1990

    If Sata had a high IQ & had intelligent advisers, he could have read mood of Zambians & what removed Kaunda!

    Sata & PF are goners! He is dead! He just cannot survive not this year!

    • Please Police and psychiatrists get this looney and have him treated. Just reading these mad ravings on his blog you can see someone at the end of his tether

    • Why not insult in your Ng’ombe language?? You aren’ t proud of being a Ng’ombestan, hey? Primitive as5 holes!!!

    • And change your name. You chose a Bemba username when you are not one of us.

      Do you have an identity crisis?

  4. Be it BRE-Bemba, BRE-Lozi, or all the paramouncies and chieftainesses, Zambia should get rid of this rubbish and become a true republic. The same culture they seek to represent is what is dividing Zambia now, and then, of course, they are parasites who should have no place in modern Zambia

  5. Yes Sata is Gone this year. Either his Urine bag will poison him or we the Zambians that do not want him and his corrupt leadership will get rid of him.

  6. Form what I know about dictators, their will has to prevail. So that Mwamba chap is toast until Ukwa leave the presidency.

    • From what i know now, is that Dictators like Sata die a sudden excruciating painful Death! Look at Kadhaffi, Sani Abacha e.t.c,

      Sata wont survive this time!

      Knowing Sata, the next move is predictably, he will make a mistake of showing force & in the end once one Zambian is killed like it happened in Tunisia, then Zambia will be on fire & then he will be Lynched, Hanged & shot by Hungry Angry Zambians against his evil govt!

  7. Imwe mwema Stereotyping reporters Stop inventing ridiculous nomenclatures: there is no bemba Royal establishment.

    • It started with the Barotse so they know think everyone has a Royal Establishment. I am quite sure that The Barotse and Bemba Traditional structures are not similar. There has also been the indiscriminate use of the term Induna by Journalists whenever some traditional authority speaks from whatever corner of Zambia. I think someone should ask them as to what they mean by the term Induna.


  9. When i become President of Zambia, I will remove all chiefs like my friend Museveni did in Uganda. They just cause problems.

    • Imwe naimwe, the Kabaka still sits on the throne of Buganda.. that is the ancient structure of Buganda. The Bemba establishment, Lamba, Lozi, Ngoni, Nkoya, and all other establishments are the firm ground or basis of our so called nation ‘ZAMBIA’. All of us need to shed away our Eurocentric worldview, and go back to our culture- UBUNTU- when analysing these important matters. Bambi baka milisha na maafi nga tamuchengele.

  10. What is in the green bag in front of Chief Chimba? Could it be GBM handout of cash to soften the Bashilubemba? I admire the Chiefs stance to maintain that Sosala Kanyanta is still the Senior Chief Mwamba inspite of the Presidential decree. Remember, if you accept it without valid reason then next time it will be you – as in the next Chief to be removed

  11. Starting with President Sata and the general public, we need to show respect for our traditional leaders. The president should to be allowed to ‘rule over’ any traditional authority’ not even Hon Nkandu Luo. President Sata, though head of state is a subject of his own Chief. This kind of ‘implicit’ sense of inferiority complex is the very reason our traditional leaders are called chiefs instead of Kings and Queens. Onsazisula!

    Please mind what you write about our culture values, even though you are ‘under cover’. No royalty is superior to another. The BRE has issues of tribal subjugation even though it’s well organised. Does it make it superior, no!

    We ought to be ashamed as a Zambians when we have traditional leaders looking ‘poorly fed’. We ought to empower and elevate…

  12. Maybe the president hate Sosala. However I wish to advice the president that the best way to resolve such matters is to let the subjects decide who should be their chief. Imposed chiefs won’t have good respect from his/her subjects.

  13. These chiefs look too hungry to say no to Sata. I wouldn’t surprised to hear they have appointed Sata as their Chitimukulu.

  14. Mybe we put a wrong guy in state house, this will be shown to him in 2016 . Don’t play with zambians old man.

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