Sunday, February 16, 2025

George Mpombo apologises for temporally abandoning his theft by public servant and forgery case.


 George Mpombo
George Mpombo

FORMER Zambian High Commissioner to Nigeria George Mpombo apologised to Chief resident Magistrate Joshua Banda for temporally abandoning his theft by public servant and forgery case.

When he appeared after the police executed a bench warrant issued against him Mpombo yesterday said like any other person he was not above the Law and that the mix up and the subsequent issuing of the bench warrant against him was due to miscommunication.

In this case, Mpombo, who is former defence minister is charged with theft by public servant, forgery and uttering a false document involving K18 million (KR 18,000).

The court in its ruling placed Mpombo on his defence but could not proceed claiming that he had relied on his lawyer Abraham Mwansa as well as his sureties on any updates concerning his case.

Mpombo said he flew into the country on two occasions but that he had mixed up dates for the trial.

“ I want to state that no man is above the Law in this country if people are going to willfully disregard the court then it will lead to jungle existence, there was a total mix up of dates, I did not stay away willfully, Iam a Law abiding citizen and I tender my apologies to the court,” he said.

Mpombo said the other reason why he could not respond to the bench warrant on time was because he was recalled recently but could not return on time as he was still waiting for transport arrangements to come back from Nigeria.

“My sudden recall which created brouhaha in the minds of the people meaning I was in a state of confusion on my part which I needed to settle before coming since I had already received a letter from ministry of foreign affairs requesting me to come back,” he said.

And Magistrate Banda accepted his apologise and sympathized with him over the miscommunication with his lawyer and sureties.

“I have heard your explanation and the predicament you have found yourself into, this is a serious miscommunication issue but ensure that next time such does not occur because the case has delayed,” he said.

The matter has been adjourned to May 31, 2013 this year for opening of defence.


  1. Time to face the music (or to use your words, Mpombo, chronologically adjust your countenance to the symphonic moment!). I wonder why it is that a cashless, poor man in typical African countries is judged more harshly than a favored man. I doubt very much that a resourceless man’s apology would be taken that kindly…

  2. “My sudden recall which created brouhaha in the minds of the people” Welcome back to the stage George,The comedy series had not spices in it,only Cosmo Mumba & Sunday Chanda were left to entertain us!

  3. For a second i thought he was doing the father Bwalya apology to the Zambian people for abandoning them by taking a government position.

    • I want to believe mr mbompo!!!!, i hope this not a case of sour mangoes, i want to believe has come to his good senses, now he knows whats right and good for zambia

  4. Ba Mpombo, using bombast does not mean having a good knowledge of the English Language. Communication should be simple and understandable

  5. That’s fack. This man new what was going on and ready to teastify against RB. it was RB and Suprme Judges against the state. Neil Muti, Musonda, Profs..etc all now will be fighting the state on constitutional matters. We wait and see. Someone will have immunity strip while in office to appear againts courts

  6. (Mpombo)The man who has read the dictionary from caba to caba.Simple English will do for now,big words will put us at a distance.

  7. pukuteni ama dictionary bane…Mpombo is back. I like the man because I learn a new word each time he speaks.

  8. Falacies, documentaries of delusions of graduer. People vs George mpombo. The Judge was amazed by the dispersement of words that he laughed to a linient judgement. Put on him a judgement of community service of one year to teach literature an English at Munali, Kamwala and Roma girls.

  9. ‘ I was in a state of confusion ‘. Wonder if he was in a state of confusion when spending his ill gotten gains!!

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