Saturday, June 1, 2024

New Zambia Railways board constituted


Transport,Works,Supply and Communication Minister Christopher Yaluma has disclosed that a new Zambia Railways Limited board has been constituted and submitted to Cabinet for approval.

Mr. Yaluma who could not disclose the composition of the new board says the names of the new ZRL board members have not been disclosed to the public because their selection to be part of the board does not guarantee their approval by Cabinet.

Mr. Yaluma notes that selected members of the new ZRL are subject to scrutiny before they could be endorsed by cabinet and thereafter announced to the nation.

Mr. Yaluma has also dismissed assertions suggesting that the delay to announce the new ZRL board is partly related to the ongoing investigations of the earlier dissolved board.

Mr. Yaluma was speaking to Qfm in an interview.


  1. I wonder just which relatives have now been appointed, i wont be surprised if i just find names from one region on this list……….

    • They tried a board with little North influence. Prof this, prof that, Look how they failed lamentably. My point is thinking with tribe wont take you anywhere bro, get a life.

    • Imwe ba Rebased opinion mulibapuba. Let’s look at the dissolved board. Mr. Mark Chona, Prof oliver Saasa and Chairman and deputy respectively. Did this mean anything to you?

  2. I hope the new board will get to work soon.There is no way a company that big can be operating without a board.

  3. Ba Lusaka Times. I don’t think this is news. why didn’t you talk to inside people so that you give us the names of people on the board; that could have been interesting.

  4. We are loking forward to another TRIBAL Board composed of CNPs. Pray hard for them not to loot the little resources remaining at ZRL

  5. Consititute a commission of enquiry and probe KCM before it is too late.
    I hope the new board for ZRL will do a good job.

  6. Clive should be the chair……and Saasa and Chona shouldnt be part of this new board as they are destructive.

  7. What is Christopher Yaluma still doing at transport I thought he was moved to Energy, if only a Parliamentary select transport committee approved and vetted these boards. There is no way cabinet can scrutinise them as they are the selfsame officials who put them there.

    • The best placed institution to vet this Board isn’t Cabinet but a Parliamentary select committee. Its this same committee ZR board and management should account their actions to, not Cabinet. But then this is Zambia. Isn’t RDA at plot one? Can’t they answer to Parliament? A whooping NO!

    • I also don’t understand why they can’t make the names public until the proposed members have been vetted.

      ZRL is a public entity! Why do business in secret?

  8. We do not need board members who are paper tigers and time wasters – meeting after meeting, non productive meetings. The working style and culture of most board members and workers are very bad, no wonder ZR has not made progress up to now. Recruit other Zambians in diaspora at both board members, management and first line supervisors and will do a good if paid well. The result will be that workers attitude will change and board members will know how to contain prof. Chirwa & no money is going to be wasted. Former CEOs of ZR did a bad job that’s explains why ZR is in bad shape. For eg. Am not a manager, my annual pay is over $200,000 & you expect Chirwa to be paid less than $700,000. The $700,000 you will pay him will bring more money in ZR pocket. Employing from diaspora is way to go .

    • ba bwalya,trying hard to lobby for yourself so that you can get a job te? lol,just continue there in canada and get your pay of 200 pin per year. ngachinshi mulefwaya ku zambia? unless bufi muleteubepa apa ati mufola 200 pin per year. ba diaspora,yakunyokolani diaspora ka? kuti muleke,you thought ndimwe bo chenjela ati baliya kubulaya lol.

  9. Pretentious Yaluma. Rushing to install a board at ZR when he has failed to install a board at RTSA all this long. Was he trying to protect his relative Soko? I hope hard working Mukanga will normalise this.

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