Saturday, July 27, 2024

July Inflation for Zambia stays at 7.3 %


ZAMBIA’S inflation rate for July has been maintained at 7.3 percent due to changes over time in the general level of prices of goods and services at household level, Central Statistical Office (CSO) has said.

CSO director John Kalumbi said of the total 7.3 percent annual inflation rate recorded, food and non-alcoholic beverage products accounted for 3.8 percentage points while non-food products accounted for a total of 3.5 percentage points.

“The annual rate of inflation as measured by the all items Consumer Price Index (CPI) for July, 2013 remained the same as that recorded in June, 2013 at 7.3 percent.

This means that on average , prices increased by 7.3 percent between July, 2012 and July, 2013,” he said.
Mr Kalumbi was speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka yesterday.

He said a comparison of retail prices between June and July , 2013 shows that the national average price of 25 kilogramme bag of breakfast mealie meal increased by 1.5 percent to K60.31 from K59.41 while a 25 kilogramme bag of roller mealie meal also increased by two percent to K45.86 from K44.97.

He, however, said the annual non-food inflation rate decreased by 0.2 percentage points to 7.4 percent in July, 2013 from 7.6 percent in June, 2013.

Mr Kalumbi also said the annual inflation rate for clothing and footwear, housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, furnishings and household equipment, among others, decreased.

Meanwhile, the country has recorded a trade surplus valued at K706 million in the second quarter of 2013.


  1. in europe when the say they inflation has maintain or prositively improved, people feel and see the effects on the ground. But in zambia wheather inflation has inflation improved or not ,,poverty does not seem to go away!!… kaya this mathematics of poverty, mwe

    • I am not sure you know what you are talking about ndobo, alternatively you might want to read a lot more about inflation and deflation

      Inflation improve?

      You have let yourself down, if you have nothing to say, please just…..


    • HeHehe! Ba shikulu ba ndobo basapwa kuli Mushota of all people. However she is right. Inflation never improves poor people’s status. Ndobo stick to painting not economics

  2. So this means PF has done nothing to cut down inflation rate and by
    God’s grace the rate remained the same but the ball is in the hands of
    Millers like GBM should they decide to increase there goes inflation
    Then govt will be ordering to reduce by then it’s too late

  3. i don’t know the meaning of voting for Sata. none of his chacha policy seem to be working, everything was left by MMD don’t ague ask Chikwanda

  4. Whose figures are these? Kwacha is stable,inflation is low,mealie meal prices are stable… bla,bla, bla, bla ,bla……. these pronouncemebts don’t put meat and polony on the zed,breakfast in most homes ni porridge,ema by elections nomba mulemona,kutina insala

  5. 7.3 is too high. We should now be talking about an inflation rate of about 2 to 3 for a healthy economy. What’s the current liquidity ratio mwe bekala mu Zed?

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