Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF to firmly deal with traitors within the party to guarantee its survival-Kabimba


PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba
PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba

PATRIOTIC FRONT (PF) Secretary General Wynter Kabimba has warned that the ruling party will firmly deal with traitors in the ruling party.

Mr Kabimba said following PF’s loss in three recent by-elections in Kafulafuta as well as Solwezi East and Chipata Central constituencies, the ruling party had learnt lessons from the by-elections and that it would hit back at traitors and those who were acting in a treacherous manners.

He noted that some people who were not adopted in the in the by-elections did not support those who were adopted and hence the party lost the by-elections.

Mr Kabimba, who is also Justice Minister, was speaking in Livingstone on Thursday afternoon when he met PF supporters who turned up to welcome him at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport.

He said PF would be the one fighting back as a body because it was clear that the ruling party was being invaded by enemies and other people who did not mean well.

“In the next few days, we will make major decisions as a party to guarantee our survival. We want our members to be loyal to the party and not to individuals because there is currently a tendency to mix these things.”

“There is a tendency growing in the party of divisiveness and leaders coming round dividing the party and cultivating rumours and spreading falsehoods,” he said.

Mr Kabimba said PF was very clear in that everything that represented the decisions of the party would be done through writing and not verbally.

“If you are drunk with beer which someone bought you, it is better you leave quietly. Go and sleep before you say wrong things. “PF is a big organisation and it has eyes and ears everywhere. You can be talking anything and you don’t know whom you are talking to,” he said.

Mr Kabimba urged PF members to have discipline, loyalty to the party, respect to one another and respect to party leaders.

“People said PF lost in Chipata Central and they didn’t say Lameck Mangani lost. This tells you the party is above an individual candidate we put. Don’t work against the candidate because you will be an enemy of the party,” Mr Kabimba said.

PF chairperson for elections Sylvia Masebo said ruling party members had been instrumental in landscaping and cleaning Livingstone in readiness for the 20th session of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) General Assembly.

Meanwhile, PF deputy Secretary General Bridget Antanga has also warned its party members to desist from taking advantage of being close to President Michael Sata and abuse his name by soliciting monies dubiously for their personal gains.

She said it was a criminal offence for some party members to embark on soliciting monies and other materials purporting that they were sent by Mr Sata or the party.

“This is a very serious offence which is infact is a criminal one. It’s very sad some people can go to an extent of using either President Sata or that of the party to solicit for monies for their personal gains,” Ms Atanga said.

Ms Antanga said no party official had been authorized to collect any resources or materials on behalf of the Head of State or the party at large and that those who doing so were wrong.

She said the alleged behaviour by former Southern Province PF political secretary Brain Hapunda to allegedly solicit for money using Mr Sata and PF Secretary General’s names was wrong.


    • Kabimba has GBM in mind, GBM will not put up with this circus any longer. Kabimba balekuponona, enough is enough!!

  1. Kabimba – Sometime’s it’s always better to keep quite when one has nothing sensible to talk about.

    You leave your sick wife in Lusaka only to go and meet with Masebo in Livingstone. Feel sorry for you.

    PF will continue loosing between now and 2016, and bet you will remain with less than 20 Members in Parliament. Mark my words

  2. Hon. Kabimba, you are wrong.
    PF lost last three by-elections for one simple reason. It has failed MISERABLY to follow-up on its waste promises which did result in wining general election. As the old say go: “You can fool some people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.

  3. Hon. Kabimba,
    can you please clarify extract from your statement:
    “…PF is a big organisation and it has eyes and ears everywhere. You can be talking anything and you don’t know whom you are talking to,..”

    Are you by any chance trying to intimidate or you are implying that “spaying” on the Citizens of Zambia by PF has been legalized or that PF Government is using State security authorities (which are paid by the tax-payers) for party purposes?
    Your learned clarifications on the above shall be highly appreciated.
    Thank You

  4. Why should Kabimba loolk for traitors,whe he himself is the CHIEF Traitor of the PamaFi(PF).He sholud deal with himself first.The Bible talks of removing a log from your own eyes before you can remove a speck(smaller log) from your brother’s eyes.Then go and deal with Mumembe.Metembo Nchito and Lombe Chbesakunda.These are the characters who’re making you unpopular.including your own UKWA-CNP.

  5. Those who suspect their friends as traitors and treacherous are themselves big traitors. They preach unity in public but doing the opposite behind closed doors and in the night and thy are in the forefront of dividing the Party. The Party is failing bcoz pipo like the SG are not doing their job and the President is doing everything. Please don’t shift the blame when you are responsible for the problems in the Party.

  6. kabimba is the worst traitor himself and he will fora long time still be bitter over the humiliating by elections loss.

  7. Prepare for the Axe to fall on someone like Lubinda. He must have discovered more threats to him.

  8. Really? Internal disunity is all this “listening government” heard Zambia say during the recent by-elections? Keep it up Mr. Kabimba and you and PF will surely be out the door before you even know what happened.

  9. Best strategies include winning hearts and minds of voters. Meaningful development, respect gor all including opposition views, no need to hit opposition badly by words or acts. Just concentrate on making right developments. Everyone will see sense and move with PF. You can do it. Pride wont help. just commitment to good developmental work, even taking on board opposing views. Thats the right way. WIN HEARTS AND MINDS OF ALL ZAMBIANS and you keep winning elections.

  10. This man Kabimba is Destroying P.F, & he will drag a lot of innocent good Politicians down with him.


    • hehehehe lol I thought the same, so they know they are in a survival stage now!

      It’s survival indeed but alas, HH/UPND is coming badly!

      Huwafwa Haleisa HH 2016!!! Viva Copala Swag ni HH 2016!!!

  12. Ndepapafye.
    Chief traitor its you Kabimba and Meembe ,Masebo
    3.Masumba and Taima ,Chinghimbu
    4.Simuusa for UPND

  13. Kabimba is indeed a strange species in the PF structure. He sounds to be at it again, trying to label his perceived political competitors as traitors within the PF structure. His main fear is based on his unknown fate if Sata were to retire from politics. Kabimba is just paving a battle field for the “Bemba-Lunda (of Luapula)” dynasty vs the “Lenje-Sala-Soli” dynasty.

  14. Tinker is a traitor himself and CNP. You just need to go to the Agricultural & Commercial show and see the shum that is there. These crooks have no legitimacy any more, there is no active participation by citizens no wonder there a threats by Tinker to deal with un visible “traitors” . Kabimba learn to modesty. Sorry for you because the coming elections will increase your hallucinations about “traitors” when you will terribly lose. Again sorry for your arrogant mouth.

  15. Aleisa aleisa HH wafwa napanga boyi HH beleleko abanobe boyi aleisa aleisa pyepye wanjikata wapya pyepye..

  16. Appologies for going off topic,but the nonsense i found in zambia is really disturbing.A conman by the name of Mubita C Nawa has terrorised Zambia as a motivational speaker and a lot more money-seeking titles.I live in Arkansas where this guy lived untill he was banished from his church for inapropriate behavior.He claims to be a proffesional customer care specialist with a bachelors degree,where and when did he get his degree?Mubita worked as a cashier at walmart in Lowell AR making about $9 an hour,sometimes he would work at the customer service desk.Some of his victimes include Nathan Nyerenda and his own wife Nsama whose life he has ruined.He further claims to be successful and that he owns schools,yet,he has been writing his former church saying his kids are starving.more to come…..

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