MINISTER of Justice Wynter Kabimba says the people running the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) are a danger to democracy and has called for a new crop to run the institution charged with conducting elections in the country.
Mr Kabimba yesterday said the issue of candidates whose seats were nullified because of corruption should not have come this far had the ECZ done its duty.
The minister, who is also Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general, said: “I would like to agree with our chairperson for legal affairs Edgar Lungu that the ECZ is now a danger to democracy and is not taking the fight against corruption seriously.”
Mr Kabimba said it is now very clear that the ECZ is abusing its mandate to promote democracy.
“The ECZ is undermining democracy. This debate has been raging for the last two weeks and one expected that the institution charged with managing our elections should have shown leadership,” he said.
Mr Kabimba said the ECZ’s action to postpone the filing of nominations at the last minute showed gross irresponsibility and disregard for democracy.
He said political parties spent huge resources to go to nomination centres.
[pullquote]“The idea of having recycled people to manage our elections is not good at all. They are not liable to the Zambian people,” he said.[/pullquote]
Mr Kabimba said as Minister of Justice and PF chief executive officer, he sees need for a crop of new people at ECZ.
“The idea of having recycled people to manage our elections is not good at all. They are not liable to the Zambian people,” he said.
Mr Kabimba said Zambians deserve an ECZ which is responsible and has the interests of them at heart.
He said the PF stands on the principle of fighting corruption and Article 65 of the constitution as well as Section 22 and 104 of the Electoral Act are clear on corruption during elections.
“We expect the ECZ and other agencies to fight the culture of corrupt regimes but it is clear they don’t value the fight we have embarked on,” Mr Kabimba said.
Mr Kabimba said the fight against corruption has been left to the PF alone. He said there is a danger of corrupt elements re-grouping so that they run the country again. He said all the PF government wants is a competent and impartial ECZ.
[pullquote]“When we say there is need for a new crop of people at ECZ, we are not seeking their favour. We want them to act responsibly to the Zambian people,” he said.[/pullquote]
“We want ECZ to serve Zambians and not the PF. What we want are democratic elections which are not smeared with corruption,” he said. Mr Kabimba said the PF is not seeking any favour from ECZ just like it did not in 2011.
“When we say there is need for a new crop of people at ECZ, we are not seeking their favour. We want them to act responsibly to the Zambian people,” he said.
The Justice minister said if the PF regime did not want the people at ECZ, it would have removed them long ago.
“We found these people at ECZ. They were appointed and ratified by the MMD. If we didn’t want them, we would have removed them immediately we won,” Mr Kabimba said.
He said there was no need for the ECZ to have waited for the Judiciary on matters that are clear at law.
Look at the fool who is educating us on democracy and recycled people,look at the government official it full of recycled people.just a reminder you fool called chibesakunda madam acting CJ she is also recycled and need to be replaced ASAP .
Master sometimes i feel sorry for Kabimba.Ati ECZ is a danger to democracy.Does he understand the things he talks about?They are blocking pipo from holding rallies or even meeting chiefs then he accuses ECZ that they are a danger to deomcracy?the only thing i like about Kabimba’s situation is that he put himself on the stage and we can now judge his substance or more appropriately the lack of it.
Iwe bantu… were is Nostradamus on this blog kansi? zambians need help!!!! Nostradamus you promised, you were going to effect a citizen arrest on Kabimba!! please arrest him,,, he is holding zambia hostage
Am sure, you will agree with me, Miss justice Chibesakunda and Miss justice Mumba are very experienced lawyers. Therefore you can’t liken them to the gallery of political rogues, who despite their longevity, are still languishing in political wilderness.
“The idea of having recycled people is not good at all.” Really? Says the gov’t that cheerfully adopts the same old people it branded corrupt when it was in opposition. I’m amazed
@1.2 Ndobo, man I spent all Saturday looking for Kabimba, this morning I went to church to pray for my former friend Kabimba because napena. In afternoon, I be watching Zim vs Zambia at Rufaro the home ground of ZANU-PF. Thanks Kambwili for offering us 8 buses freeeeee, I hope its not campaign strategy.
Since I know Kabimba is with you guys, please detain him, I will be there with charges.
What’s Winter Kabimba talking about ,double standards as usual. A govt full of the likes of Daniel Munkombwe . Politics of the belly and LIES!!!!
Yes indeed, we need a new crop of leaders starting with a new Justice Minister who is a bigger danger to democracy than ECZ officials.
Sorry, I meant…” a new Justice Minister coz the current one is a bigger danger to democracy than the ECZ officials”
ECZ HAVE BACKFLIPPED BIG TIME!!!! If we had wanted gymnasts in ECZ, we might as well have hired the”Amayenge dance troupe!!!!!”
Kabimba’s uncle who happens to be president Sata is the most recycled politician in Zambia from colonial era todate as president of Zambia. This explains as the worst president ever unable to fit with modern democratic governance. Small wonder the only friend president of dictator Mugabe of Zimbabwe.
No more old rugs.
Summer himself should be ashamed to say that if he is a clever lawyer. He should just get his masebo and go back to the civic centre. What a waste of space in government ! Pure evil politician he is! Can’t wait for God to save this nation.
You and you tribal HH will contiune to wonder in political widerness. And what is the meaning of recycled politician when we have a lot of old people in UPND.
Pabwato for Good
No no no Kabimba is not even close to family of Sata, that’s one thing you should know.
Kabimba is not a recycled politician, and he has never been elected before, his village rejects him every-time. Mind you, his talkative father is MMD ward chairman.
The only thing Wynter successfully did was the job as a Lusaka town clerk, he even went himself to Soweto market with ka receipt book collecting taxes, even from blindwomen begging in streets.
Wynter is hard working, just as ka Hitler. Shouting at big people like hardworking GBM and Kambwili.
point of correction.. he used be a hardworking man then,,, that time in the past when you were good friends,, nomba apa alipena and he`s not hardworking
If the people running the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) are a danger to democracy then what about the people running government? Democracy murderers?
I like that “Domocracy Murderer”
There has never been “a past” like this in Zambia’s democratic history so don’t be shallow in your analysis. The failure by the High Court to furnish the ECZ with relevant reports was the issue and you can’t blame them for that unless of course you want them to act on the headlines in the “past newspaper” which we all know is good at “cut and paste” and vindictive journalism.
Is Sata, Munkombwe,Chikwanda etc not recycled? KW you can’t see? Leave ECZ do its work.
plus Namulambe, Masebo, Masumba and all those former MMD ministers/MPs
If feel like vomiting with just reading this hypocrisy ‘ s views. Just because they don’t dance to PF demands then we are told they are danger to democracy. Are we all this stupid ??? May be we ars anyway if we can let muppets like winter to ruin of future and that for our children for this long!
Wynter has Aids and can die anytime. Doesn’t care about our and our Childrens future.
This medicrity of calling on ECZ to step down should stop henceforth.
Just a reminder to Wynter, you should not think you will be in that position forever. leaders have come and gone. ECZ is not a danger but yourself you are a danger to society. What is happened to UNIP and MMD will also happen to you guys. I thought the time you were in opposition you leant something with your boss. Its just time unless you know for sure that you will be dead by 2016. Please HH, learn something from PF, we do not want you to cry foul the way Sata and Wynter are behaving. Zambians a good when you are good to them.
enjoy now we shall also enjoy mailo. Twaachula pafula.
Mr Kabimba, I am afraid to say you are wrong yet again. People running the ECZ are the only people so far to come out with crediblity so far under the PF political reign. The saga that has brought about the current spotlight on the ECZ is squarely the doing of the judiciary that you and Sata have moulded to dance to your calls. You cant point fingers at them because you are lying in the same bed and therefore the ECZ become the scapegoat. If you call the DPP, ACJ, ACC and the current police leadership “new crop” then therein lies our problems.
Whenever WK opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it!
Believe it or not, Yours has become a hard road to travel.
No sugar coating will help.
Make haste Now
Tomorrow may be too late
Steal and scamper to some safe destination before Summer!
LT- Do you not have any other sources of News. We tired of this DULL, AIDS Infested Fellow. Nothing sensible comes out of his Red Lips, or is it that his skint eyes do not see.
Let’s cut ARV supplies to this fellow for a Month please, that will shut him up for good. Never talk about ECZ again DULL Chap. You have never being Elected before in your Life.
Am sorry, I don’t follow- Aren’t these the same people who presided over your ascendance to office? Please PF, accept losses, this is becoming childish!
Let ECZ management and govrrnment recycled crop of leaders vacate so we have a younger fresh crop of leadership to steer this country.
Kabimba u are dull! ECZ today are not fighting corruption because they didn’t declare u winners in the by elections u terribly lost!
Kabimba ati if we loose , we change the rules. How is it, ECZ was okay when you were winning elections, lelo the young Ms Isaacs is recycled because you lost. wow
Who are you to say Sata is recycled when it is very clear he was voted to be where he is by people? some people need chainama though they claim to be in diaspora. who voted for ECZ management? is it zambian people or Sata or Rupiah Banda?
i would like to hear that madam Mambilima has resigned because she was forced to drop the nomination papers for Dora Siliya by Sata, the way she did when Rupiah Banda lost the elections.
ECZ were voted in by the people of Zambia through their elected officials President Mwanawasa who nominated them and they were ratified by the people’s elected officials in Parliament. I hope you have learnt something about how the ECZ officials are put in place.
@ – I doubt your level of education is any superior to Sata (Standard 2).
ECZ Management are proffesionals that get Jobs on merit and are expected to operate without fearing or favouring anyone including Sata. It’s Sata’s lies that caught up with them. The lesson is always be truthful in whatever you do as lying doesn’t last for long.
Zambian’s have refused to be taken for granted.
Everytime Kabimba opens his mouth, it stinks that everyone gets affected by his dying hard spirit for his party. i now see that his eyes are a problem, no wonder he cant see properly, why should you try to put the neighbours house in order while yours is on fire, how many things has the fg gvt done that have undermined democracy? look who is talking democracy>>>. and us as zambians are not complaining, we actually have appreciated the ECZ’s job that now it can even speak against you thugs. why do you want to intimidate other agencies? take them to court if you are aggrieved, you are a lawyer, who we dont expect to run your mouth in public like that, or maybe you scared you may lose this one too as your record stands? dont worry, we know what to do before its too late.
ba fi ka la ba pf ka bi mba chi ka la mu le tu tu ki sha ba fi ka la ama to le !!!
Democracy is at cross road. We need to call for early election so that PF is kicked out of power
tell me something different because Madam Mambilima was there at ECZ in 2001 during the battle between Mwanawasa and Mazoka. which ratification? in that case let Sata come up with his own list of names and present them to parliament
Bobby Bwalya was there in 2001, not Mambilima.
WK you are right all recycled politicians must step aside starting from State House.
This monkey is really an irritant together with ukwa,why cant death to its part do that we forget about these *****s.
Hypocrisy, dullness and directionless hysteria all wrapped together. The danger to democracy is no other than Summer himself – we need him completely out of government. His duties should end at the unchangeable, thoroughly blinded and irretrievably brain-dead party cadre he is. His every utterance merely subtracts from the dignity and reverence of the too-high office he has been so erroneously bequeathed.
Ba neni
Why are you insulting ECZ, Kabimba or the rest?
Please help.
There is one question that still begs for answers!
ECZ are NOT new in this job…
Tell us…before we can decide whether ECZ are partial or not…
How have they handled similar issues in the past?
A wrong does not compensate for a wrong.
If ECZ did it the wrong way, we do not expect them to do a similar thing again.
What they’ve done is the correct one and should have been done earlier. Thanks ECZ for showing Leadership.
Kabimba u r a mother #*#’
this chap is really de – campaigning PF. each time he opens his mouth creates good number of enemies. PF should tame this guy or else come 2016 kuya bebele. will follow UNIP and MMD.
“He said the PF stands on the principle of fighting corruption and Article 65 of the constitution as well as Section 22 and 104 of the Electoral Act are clear on corruption during elections”. Give us a break Mr Dull lawyer. On which principle is you and your party fighting corruption when the opposite is the reality? Masumba,Namulambe and others who were facing criminal cases you had to adopt them to stand on PF ticket and their cases have stopped moving in the courts.You yourself the Trafigura oil gate scandal what happened? Of the two women-Mambilima and Chibesakunda,the former has more integrity and is very much useful to our hard won democracy than the later who brought the judicially in total disrepute and useless in our country.
Chap is misplaced , dull , arrogant and stupid, he tinks he’s the sha sha now, wait a ltu u shall see….. #** hole
Some of u guys claim to be educated & acuse govt oficials less educatd.Wht qualifcations do u ve?Whts yr education which pipo dont realise geting u to state hse othr than continously insultng aftr insult.Go on while u re being ruled & u concetrate amasing qualification!U thnk qualifctions & age can get u to state hse wailasha.Politcal industry is somethng else.
PF are you on mission to destroy every institution of integrity which built over a long period of time. Mark my words, after your tenure in office don’t be surprised what will visit you. You have dismissed enough credible employees from Government and state parastatals with impunity. Now you have become rabid. Remember the Chinese saying, ” those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make m.a.d.” PF the writing is on the wall ……. PF , Please back off ECZ!
@Dada ,l agree with u. They’ll keeping on backing like this.lndeed age and qualification won’t do anything to them. Mambilima & her minions are a danger . Not only this time bus since 2001. Let them go by all means.Abash corrupt! Viva pf!
Panyo kumbuwa monga pa kapimbe
ALL OF YOU bloggers – please have respect for our leaders. Honourable Kabimba has made his point. It is either you agree with him or you don’t. But if you don’t agree with him, we expect you lay down a coherent, logical intellectually engaging argument – not insults. If you respond to Honourable Kabimba with insults, it just goes to show how right he is.
@Mulupa; firstly one can not lay out a proper argument within the 750 characters that this form provides. Suffice to say that the complaints stem from the way justice is dispensed. As a general observation, most of the institutions charged with law and order do not act independently until the powers that be prompt them to. The case at hand relates to the wishes by the PF to barn some candidates from filing their candidature in the by-elections because of the associated malpractice and corrupt activities in the previous elections (18 months ago). As argued by the ECZ, once a ruling was made by the High Court, the ECZ Act states that the High court is required to notify the ECZ. Was this done? No! Kabimba then ‘engaged’ the Supreme court for an interpretation. Why a speedy result?…
You are the only one who sees the honorable in him, all we see is a muppet dull man in charge of the affairs of our nation. Sorry your uncle is not fit for the job and we do not need to argue with him!
Stop hallucinating!Ecz didn’t do any favour to pf. lf any in 2011 dey wanted deir chief mambala sugar dad -Rb 2 win but pf was far ahead them in everything.Tuma website were hacked ¬hing dey could hide.They’ve openned old wounds. let dem go!
1. Was it because you are allied to MMD?
2. Was it because of ignorance of the provision(s) of the Act?
3. Was it because of incompetence?
4. Was it merely because you do not care about democratic practices?
Whatever the reason(s) you have let Zambia down!
Very pertinent questions. I think the problem goes further than just the ECZ. All institutions in Zambia are deficient. The judiciary is incapable of prosecuting corruption effectively and consistently. They are only capable of locking up poor people who insult the president.
The police, ACC, DEC, etc. only arrest people when instructed to do so by the government of the day. If you are a high profile PF cadre, you have to kill someone in public to be arrested by the police. Otherwise, they will wait for instruction from the president.
The ECZ is just the same. This would not have been an issue had PF continued on their winning streak. It only became an issue because PF lost two elections. In truly democratic countries Dora would have been prosecuted and disqualified automatically.
Although you are quite right, you are slightly unfair to the ECZ. They are the only institution to have stood firm in both LAW and due process. While with the rest of the institutions, including the Judiciary, it is very clear that they work on instructions from Sata, M’membe and Kabimba. My only criticism of the ECZ is the postponement of the nominations from the initial date to next tues. if they had no reports from the high court, they should have gone ahead and allow Dora and Maxwell to file their nominations. The LAW is clear and if the High Court are sat waiting for instructions to do the reports, we cannot blame the ECZ for any failures.
Mr Summer sir, no matter how many times you change the rules, your time of losing power is drawing very close – change the ECZ if you want, change the whole High court and supreme court benchies, but when Zambians decide its PF time to go, YOU wont b able to stop Zambians!!
Well said. This is the cardinal point. IT’S JUST TIME UP FOR PF, manipulations by the PF are all in vain. All the other arguments are a sheer waste of time and energy. Watch the space.
@Malupa,u are right but these are demons who know no respect for elderly pipo. As such l am urging pf to punish them so that Zambia remains with human beings & not demons.lt is 0 hate with dem becoz of tribalism,losing,inferiorite and dullness.
Did you spell 1diot wrong?
That is the question! At this rate I don’t see the PF govt conceding defeat. With the all their cronies in place, like the Acting Chief Justice and the compromised Supreme court, any appeal by PF to the supreme court will result in nullifying the results as precedence has already been set. What we see now is a rehearsal to 2016. In short it won’t be as easy as the way RB gave up the presidency of the country.
CHILUBA – PF will conceed when they loose in 2016. I had similar questions in 2011 on whether Rupiah will conceed and he did.
A single individual, regardless of whether they’re refered to for a moment as President, Minister etc is much smaller than this Country.
Have no fear…
Do you think there will be elections in 2016?
@ oldrugsout,
if you want insults go ahead am above that, equating my level of education to grade 2 is a very big insult. i leave it there because of your mother.
You know his mother?
Lusaka times be careful with people insulting on this online publication. we want respectful contribution not insults.
If KABIMBA OR E.C.Z are wrong lets condemn them with respect.
E.C.Z allowed Mtolo phiri to stand when they new that is not ELIGIBLE to stan d in an election coz of corruption when the judiciary nullified his results again you condemn PF and KABIMBA leaving out the culprits ECZ. lets learn to hit on nail, if we have to help our democracy to grow or ECZ to perform better.
Those who live in glass houses don’t throw stones on others.
At least they switch off lights when getting into bed with Michelles of this world.
Kabimba, need I say more?
Masebo, you are no more a factor in Kabimba’s life.
Its funny how we keep referring to this Wynter chap as a dull lawyer who has never won anything and yet he keeps delivering sucker punches to the opposition. Who would have known that RBs immunity would be removed on one Friday afternoon? Who would have known that Mutembo and Chibesakunda would still be in office? Who would have known that Dora and Maxwell would suddenly be barred from contesting? Etc etc etc. Given the above examples the current ECZ has no chance of survival. The opposition needs to change its tact and realise that PF is not a complete Chimbwi No Plan, when it comes to their survival and entrenching their political position PFs planning is meticulous
Ba fikala … Kabimba s mouth will get him into trouble , if anything he is a danger to pf, he should be watched carefully, I think he has ambitions and an agenda that will put this country at the mercy of corrupt. Individuals him inclusive
Am very upset, its very annoting what wud it take to remove this guy from government. To all well meaning zambians , please let’s unite to get this freak out
“Chivwunye ulilya muzindo”. This is a Tonga adage that explains the folly of a cricket that eats its own anus until it drops dead. What an ironical way of wanting to survive hunger, by committing suicide of eating oneself!
The PF wants to survive by killing itself. The Executive is dead, the Judiciary is dying, the Legislature is dead. Now you also want to kill an institution that has the respect of the people by claiming to be speaking on behalf of the very people.
Kabimba touch ECZ, PF is dead and buried! Are you really blind not see that?
I have read the article, and I still cannot make out who wants what, who are the good guys and the bad guys.
” the issue of candidates whose seats were nullified because of corruption should not have come this far ”
Come how far? What should the ECZ have done? Who are the people on the ECZ who are corrupt? What did or didn’t they do? What are they required to do according to their own statutes, or the law?
” He said political parties spent huge resources to go to nomination centres. ”
What are ‘huge resources’? Quantify, please.
We also challenge LAZ and the opposition to take these self confessed witnesses (Lubinda, Fred Mmembe and others) with evidence to court to prove their allegations or charged with either espionage, treason (subversion) or both if proved otherwise.
These witnesses are still around, we challenge the ECZ to declare SATA’S presidency was marred with lies, deception and corruption contrary to Section 22 and Section 104 subsection 7 and 8 of the Electoral Act 2006.
Equality before the law and consistence in the application of the law is a moral and honest higher calling, too expensive for cheap souls. Fred Mmembe and Winter Kabimba are hypocrites and proving a menace to our society, action is demanded.
Fred Mmembe in his “Post” article of 19 August 2011 stated, “Whatever people may think, we are a responsible organisation that weighs every word we use in our publication. If somebody calls Universal Print Group corrupt( UPG ),, we do not publish those words unless they are proven to us.
It has been proved to us that ( UPG ), has been engaged in proven acts of corruption, bribery and money laundering. We also know that this information has been given to Kayukwa.”
We demand and challenge the ECZ to nullify Sata’s presidency based on the grave facts on ( UPG ) as claimed by Fred Mmembe,PF is enjoying proceeds of crime contrary to Section 71 of proceeds of crime Act No. 19 of 2010 of the Laws of Zambia. . We also challenge LAZ and the opposition to take these self confessed witnesses.
We also challenge LAZ and the opposition to take these self confessed witnesses (Lubinda, Fred Mmembe and others) with evidence to court to prove their allegations or charged with either espionage, treason (subversion) or both if proved otherwise.
These witnesses are still around, we challenge the ECZ to declare SATA’S presidency was marred with lies, deception and corruption contrary to Section 22 and Section 104 subsection 7 and 8 of the Electoral Act 2006.
Equality before the law and consistence in the application of the law is a moral and honest higher calling, too expensive for cheap souls. Fred Mmembe and Winter Kabimba are hypocrites and proving a menace to our society, action is demanded.
Hon Kabimba you are exposing your dullness, all the past time you were not aware that people found corrupt would not re-contest and that it was the court to inform ECZ. How dull can hon Kabimba be blaming ECZ for a good work it has done. You are ungrateful minister. We did not vote for you for yapping any how. Have respect for ECZ. You are a bad example of ministers.
Kabimba and Mmembe are drunk with power. They are foolishly ignoring a simple detail in the life of any African country. Morons like these are always brought back to earth when the power they thought they will yield is taken away from them at the simple snap of a couple of fingers. We will see how ‘perpetual’ Kabimba and Mmembe’s power is! You will miss the same institutions you are gutting today. Can the copper thief at the Post remind us again as to which power hungry id.iots in Africa have ever ruled forever?
Why are you mourning? You asked for it. You pushed PF too much! Walkin out of parliament, insulting the president etc. Insult as much as you want! Its time for u to dance!!!
kabimba will need to be dealt with heavily when PF not in power so that will be a lesson to everybody to respect the rule of law. He is treating zambian people like his call boys.
What is this ROGUE called Kabimba publicly lamenting about? I hope the dark historical accounts relating to this phase (2011-2016) will be well documented in our archives.
Professional facts are clear for the whole world to note that Madam Justice Mambilima, who heads the Electoral Commission of Zambia, IS ONE OF THE MOST SENIOR LEGAL BRAINS IN THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF ZAMBIA.
For Kabimba to use his nominated position in PF and in Government to cast insults at the constitutional body (ECZ) and its leaders, will perplex legal institutions in Zambia, SADC region, Africa, Commonwealth, the UN and the rest of the World. Never in the history of this country has a Minister of Justice demonstrated the utterance of worst forms of barbaric official language. We look to God for the dawn of…
Our dear President, the time to dismiss Kabimba is long over due. How long do we have to wait?
kibimba for once just shut your dirty trap. ECZ is independent and you can’t do anything about it that is why you are ranting. if you had your way, you could have dissolved it like the your pf provincial committees. Go to shikatende your village for forgiveness, people hate you.
summer kibimba for once just shut your dirty trap. ECZ is independent and you can’t do anything about it that is why you are ranting. if you had your way, you could have dissolved it like the your pf provincial committees. Go to shikatende your fathers village for forgiveness, people hate you. the sooner you realize this the better for you. once you make peace there, you will have redeemed yourself.
stop posting my comments sir.
Who is the greatest danger to democracy here? No rallies for the opposition, no meetings for civil society organizations even in church, no visits to constituencies for opposition Mps, no visits to chiefs or markets by opposition leaders, arrest of journalists and human rights activists etc. Oh God! Oh Zambian people.
Who is the greatest danger to democracy here? No rallies for the opposition, no meetings for civil society organizations even in church, no visits to constituencies for opposition Mps, no visits to chiefs or markets by opposition leaders, arrest of journalists and human rights activists etc. Oh God! Oh Zambian people. Compromised ACC when some ministers were suspects pawapwapwa
@1.2 ndobo, my small little brat ndobo, NOSTRA-ANUS you are crying for cannot rescue you from your misguided warped thinking. Do that job yourself, after all nostra-anus is worse at been shallow minded. His brain is one sided.
Pf fire them especially that philipino director (priscila isaacs) at ecz and sylvia flat bokosi mangolwa.
Kabimba should just resign. He has no qualities of being a leader. What’s wrong with the brains of honourable Kabimba? Kabimba is just like William Banda or Alexander Kamalondo. Maybe that’s why his people rejected him for MP position. His true colours are coming out. Yapping any thing that comes from his head. The professionals at ECZ are more qualified and competent than Kabimba. Hon Kabimba could not divide the constitution until someone shed light on corrupt candidates. Better tame his tongue. Such people have let down PF and the nation.
@ OldRugsOUT is the most stupid fellow Tonga land has ever produced. Followed by HH!
If health Clinics are completed in good time then
PF will get
Luapula, Northern, Mchinga and CB with a minimum VOTE of 80%.
The Pastor/HH have never posed a serious challenge to PF in those areas.
Where will the Pastor and HH combined get the vote from?
If the Mongu stadium and all the Road works in WP are done in good time then
WP will go as well.
Dream on. Bintu bikingya!! It is finished for Pa Fyamba.
Winter Kabimba, you and your entire PF are a danger to democracy and not ECZ!!!!
If political parties spent huge resources only to go to nomination centres, how enomous are the resources the PF govnt is using to conduct bye-elections? It’s Nowonder we have a budget deficit.
Kabimbas ending will be very disastrous.
ECZ is the final front for the survival of our democracy…if we lose the credibility of ECZ; we might as well kiss goodbye to democracy. It is time we plant our feet into the ground as Zambians and say no more to assault on our hard earned democracy and freeedom.
nzelu zaupuba..atase..the idea of having recycled chief justice..old dinosaur..
Though sad I like the way PF is dancing ndendeule after realizing they are not popular after all and would be beaten ‘senseless’ in the three constituencies being contested. Wapya baisa!
But honourable minister of justice,Mr kabimba,do’nt you think your comments are tantamount to threats on ECZ?Are you representing the gorvernment position or are speaking from the party’s perspective?Its very difficult to tell which is the gorvernment position and which statement is from the party’s position.In my oppinion,relinguish one of your posts so that we are able to distinguish between the PF position and the gorvernment position on matters of governance.Logically speaking,any statement you can issue to attack the judiciary or constitution making committe from your position as secretary general/minister of justice is more like a threat from the minister of justice than political.Bisides,it makes you look petty.
Only a thug and unlearned ***** will agree or support such dull retarded statements from a guy with full blown aids syphillies
But Kabimba surprises me. The defectors into PF that have cases are allowed to contest and if its the opposition, It becomes bad. The implementation of the law is so one one-sided that one should not play ignorant of it. Can the Dancing Boy with forged academic credentials step – down with immediate effect.
It is madness to call a reputable institution like ECZ a danger to democracy.The man Kabimba is confused because its time for him and his dictator to go. You will go through the same way you are treating former corrupt leaders .MDD never looked at Kabimba to be qualified enough for any big position. Lusaka had the worst dull town clerk in its history.What did he do? Zambians should know that the man is a danger himself to both politics and democracy. Yes we know that you are now scared of leaving office you have never held in your life time. I know for a Fact that “Bakolwe basekana ne fipato”. They don’t realise their asses a are as bad as the rest of them