Saturday, June 8, 2024

Forest raise white flag in survival battle


Struggling FAZ Super Division side Forest Rangers have given up their battle for survival in the league.

Club vice-chairman Richard Kalasa said the bottom placed side will not survive demotion after last weekends 2-2 draw at Red Arrows in Lusaka.

The Dola Hill outfit allowed Arrows to come from behind twice to force a draw at Nkoloma Stadium.

Forest are bottom of the 16-team Super Division table with 17 points from 25 matches.

“The way things are going we are just going to Division One, from the look of things the players have lost hope,” Kalasa said.

“We are remaining with five games and if we win all of them we can only get 15 points so we cannot qualify to remain in the Super League,” he said.

Kalasa adds:”We are just hoping to reorganize ourselves in Division One next season.”

So far in the campaign the Hector Chilombo coached team have recorded more draws than wins.


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