Saturday, June 1, 2024

Sata, Kabimba and myself form the A team in PF, we can’t be hounded out-Guy Scott


 Dr. Scott (left) is in Mansa to drum up support for Dr. Chilufya (right)
Dr. Scott (left) is in Mansa to drum
up support for Dr. Chilufya (right)

Vice President Guy Scott says President Michael Sata, Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba and himself are the A team and cannot be hounded out of the Patriotic Front (PF) party.

Dr. Scott said the PF won the 2011 general elections because of the efforts put in by President Sata, Mr Kabimba and himself, stressing that they are not going anywhere.

He said this when he addressed rallies in Mansa Central Constituency to drum up support for the PF candidate in the November 22 by elections Chitalu Chilufya.

Dr. Scott said he and Mr Kabimba have worked together with President Sata for 23 years and that they understand each other better than anyone else.

And the Vice president said the wrangles that have rocked the PF in the recent past are over.

He said attempts by some people with money within the ruling party to change the balance of power have failed.

He disclosed that former PF Lusaka District Chairperson Robert Chikwelete has since written to him and Mr. Kabimba to apologise.

Dr. Scott said the situation in PF is normal and that the dust has settled.

He stressed the need for members of the party to unite in order to move the party forward.

Meanwhile, Dr. Scott has urged the electorate in Mansa Central Constituency to vote for Dr. Chilufya saying he is the best candidate among the candidate that are standing.

He said President Sata wants a person he can work with in order to continue developing the area.

And PF Member of the Central Committee and who is also Chipili area MP Davies Mwila urged the ruling party’s candidate to be a humble MP once he is elected into office.

He advised Dr. Chilufya to be in constant contact with his constituency in order to find out the challenges the people are facing.
And Copperbelt Minister Benson Kapaya called on PF members in Mansa Central to ensure that they conduct peaceful campaigns and avoid responding to attacks by the opposition.

Mr. Kapaya said the Mansa Central Constituency campaigns should be the cleanest campaigns that have never been conducted in the history of country.



    • ati “Mr. Kapaya said the Mansa Central Constituency campaigns should be the cleanest campaigns that have never been conducted in the history of country.”

      Awe kanshi you lent a lesson from the 4 bye-elections you lost! Mwalakula ba Pf, welcome to Zambia.

    • I have always told you that PF did not loose it is MMD who lost. The 4 seats belonged to MMD. UPND took 2 out of those, PF took 1 and MMD took 1… some of you have a wishful thinking. Ba wiso baleiba impiya mu MMD, it will not happen agian so if you did not go to school mu katukana mukanake we still want to Vote for PF

  1. Guy Scott must know that this is his LAST reign as Lusaka Central MP. He just as well must start planning his Parley after-life. He is a disgrace! He’s failed to literally do anything in Lusaka. Look at the garbage in town on Lumumba road, Longacres market, Northmead market, Intercity & the Pabwato makeshift market….

    • Zambia Under Seige, shouldnt you be putting the blame on the Mayor for garbage collection? an MP is just a counsellor who sits int he council. The cleaning up job is for the Mayor ant Town Clerk

      Just a thought

    • Hon Scot, Kindly include those poor roads in Nyumba Yanga. This is a township whose roads were named after the players who perished in the Gabon disaster….Godfrey Chitalu Road, Aex Chola, Timothy Mwitwa, Moses Masuwa, Robert Watyakeni Road, etc. Hon come and see for yourself.. The roads do not deserve those Hon names. It is your constituency without fear or favour and it MUST be easy for you because you belong to MCS’s winning team

  2. God forbid BUT if Sata goes first, Scott will find it impossible to live in Zambia! Those Africans will never forget or forgive him! He is after all the one confusing Sata!

    • GBM spent his money buying coffins without the dead inside….Now who was behind these coffins…….. Miles was right……isukulu…isukulu…is it school?It is very important to invest in education. Where is Chikwelete now?

  3. Imwe a Zambia Under Seige or is it Zambia Understand your Lucifer Bandit oooh sorry I mean Rupiah Banda left that garbage and you never said anything and today because you cant believe that your MMD is out of power you are saying ngwingwingwi

    • Good observation he is really rubbing it in,if they insult back he says they luck personal to holder party here even you like Kabwamba can be expelled if you continue with your efforts of dividing the party…Sata is just watching..

  4. This is not healthy. As a leader, you do not publicaly pronounce names of people in your camp. What happens to those names are not mentioned like maseo, GBM Mps etc.

    • Do you think WE can Vote for H.H.. if you can have that arrogance then him it is worse. that is why he does not smile he is a bitter man. hakaivotela heka

  5. My president can you advise your VIP to zip his mouth on that issue,it’s not fair to beat your friend who’s hands are tied.As a leader he should avoid divisions in the party by being selective in speech…

  6. Chipili area MP Davies Mwila urged the ruling party’s candidate to be a humble MP once he is elected into office….

    And if he is not elected… what happens?

    • Its the white powder which the women normaly sprinkle on someone as a blessing. Iam surprised u canrt tell or u r just being malicious. I am sure u will be the first one to run for some help once he is elected and appointed as minister. “Twalishibe mudala, twalebaba ati Doc ni makali one, congrats mudala….ba Honourable shani ka…”

  7. Now you know who is really running this country and the PF party. Scott is a danger to our young democracy. This man rules through Sata and Kabimba. He is the sole architect of confusion in the country. We seem to have very short memories. Remember what happened to Zambia when this man was minister of agriculture under the MMD? He seems to have studied the Zambian people for his doctorate and worked out our weaknesses on tribal lines. He boasts about silent campaigning but the truth is , he knows how docile the the Zambian people are and works in the background to capitalise on this. What he is really saying here is that PF’s all about the 3 musketeers. He’s never cared about Zambia or it’s people. He’s only interest is to enrich himself and his so called friends.

  8. Sad news. Its better to keep quit or start preparing your campaign speechz to avoid ‘such embarassments’. Its rily wrong to mention names. I undrstand PF won out of colectiv eforts. Nomba uyoo mumbwe apontafye coz we al contributd evn at my household level. Cawama twaishiba who to touch and not. Am ashamed, i wil hound u out by my rightful power in 2016, kabamitumpike abenu mu pf bt not Zambians. Ataaaseeee, Muzungu belelaa!!!!

  9. So this Dr Chilufya fellow beaten once sees his personal fortunes changing through joining PF most likely to be awarded a compensatory minister appointment for Luapula should he win election. I wish the Mansa people who had faith in him can see through this as his only motivation for dumping MMD.

    The opposition parties must also get their act together and find a way of combating the perpetual PF instillation of fear into the electorate that government would not deliver development to the area should they choose not vote for the ruling party’s candidate. The people should be made to understand that delivering development to every part of the country is mandatory for government irrespective of the ruling party.

  10. That is what they said about the Titanic… They said it was Unsinkable! They even went further by saying not even God could sink the Titanic!

    • Ba kapiteni ba pa Titanic in shock at the prosppect of sinking and refusing to eat his own words just resigned to locking himself mu cabin and embraced death disgracefully na chikonko pa mutima. Uyu riff raff scott a ziba ati kuno sanga kwanise life ya ma crooney bena cammeron na osborne no wonder he is hanging on in zed with his dead beat statements

  11. . The 4 horsemen of the apocalypse would be a better description. I take comfort in the fact that the A-team once was, but is no more…..

  12. Guy looks like he just discharged himself from a hospital bed before the nurse on morning duty formally prepped him to leave. Hence the straggly hair and hospital gown…

  13. Even Dumb Dumber are the A-Team. So is Fat Albert and the Cosby kids. The South Park are also the A-Team. Muzungu Opusa

  14. Continue working hard the ‘A’ team. You are a real force to reckon with. Zambia is taking a botter shape… We know how people panic when they see change…kulasabailafye.. Close ur ears to the panicking opposition…

  15. I think scott is stupid muzungu if u guyz are three what about the rest if the all mps from Luapula, CB, LSK,and. Part northen today say they reigning can u three manager one day ba scott, Sata, winter and mmembe soon you will be shocked you think you won its game on

  16. LT , the caption on the picture of the Vice president and the PF candidate is funny. The right and left thing. As if one can mistake Dr scott for Dr. Chilufya

  17. The mistake we made really was severe. Ba pungwa ngabasenda power balasamwa! Nshakabwekeshepo nakabili uku votela ba pungwa, Last! Umusungu uyu asamwaa zoona, atase!

  18. Good morning

    The point is: the strength of any formation lies in it’s core. A political party pre-requires the unity of it’s founders. That is what determines it’s strength.

    Moral: The A-Team was strong, but not immortal.

    • Please read nine chales point again. I doubt you have understood what he has said

      “The point is: the strength of any formation lies in it’s core. A political party pre-requires the unity of it’s founders. That is what determines it’s strength.

      Moral: The A-Team was strong, but not immortal.”

      Nine chale is talking about unity of its founders and The A team is not immortal.

  19. The worst PhD holder ,this M.O.P i wonder who awarded you that useless paper only worth to thrown in the pit latrine !You add no value to the political landscape of Zambia apart from enriching yourself and your wife through corrupt means.Hope you live beyond 2016 ,Chimbokaila will be your mansion.

  20. If Guy Scott has been correctly quoted for stating that: “President Michael Sata, Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba and himself are the A team and cannot be hounded out of the Patriotic Front (PF) party”, then this confirms that Scott has committed a very serious blunder and demonstrated his worthlessness in an African political environment.

    Guy Scott is revealing to the nation – and the opposition parties – that the existence of a MAJOR SPLIT at senior level in the PF structure is REAL Therefore, Sata, Guy Scott & Kabimba make up the “A-TEAM” whilst GBM, Chikwanda, Kambwili, Nsanda make up the “B-TEAM”.

    Hence the strong hold for the A-Team is Lusaka; whereas the stronghold for the B-Team is in Northern & Luapula provinces. This is the End of PF – and only time will tell.

  21. Stop deceiving yourselves u demons. Come 2016 u and yo hh will cry even the more. lt is all written on de walls. Yo lies,slandar,hypocricy,cowardice,insults on de net ll never make yo under 5 win 2016 elections.It hurts u 2 c pf come 2gather again.

  22. The statement by the VP is a confirmation of the deep divisions and disunity in the hierarchy of the PF. Nothing new here.

  23. Demons are destructive.See how they have done to bloggers like Ndobo,Nostradum to mention but two.Has Hh employed them just to blog day in day out.Do dey have other things they do? Besides most of their comments re childish nd demonic.God help dem.

  24. So many of you are day dreaming. Come 2016 we shall still Vote for SATA and Not H.H. he has taught you insults and hatered. all the things you have written are rubbish.. showing your luck of wisdom. Come 2016 SATA in State House na futi.

  25. Sata = Murdock
    Scott =Smith
    Kabimba=George Papered
    Mmemba= BA 64 or Mr T….ambanazo.

    HH= MacGyver.
    GBM= Idi Amin Dada.

  26. The A team 10 GBM 0
    This shows how rotten the PF is; what a turn round by Chikwelete!
    ROBERT Chikwelete has apologised to PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba for his offending conduct towards him.

    According to a letter of apology dated October 31, 2013, Chikwelete further apologised to Vice-President Dr Guy Scott for denouncing, insulting and humiliating the duo.

    “Re: Apology for offending the party. I refer to the above matter and would like to apologise to you sir, as secretary general of our party, Patriotic Front, for the offending conduct towards the senior leaders of our party especially yourself as the secretary general and the Vice-President of our party Dr Guy Scott and other genuine members of the party who were offended by my conduct, I ask for forgiveness,” read…

    • I wonder how his supporters and sponsors are feeling when they read that he was using them to fight his own battles.

  27. Most of the People who Vote are in rural Areas. Where SATA has made roads and Districts. just think of what goes with a District. In some Provinces people were walking in the bush, now they are walking on Tar roads. Mr. SATA we are seeing the progress…. wish you were President of Zambia from the time you formed PF

  28. It is only in Africa and Zambia in particular where spent white men can be regarded as anything useful. But also the kind of a leader we have in the name of SATA all these happen, and it is a shame on us as a nation. When are we going to have a leader not an angel of course, but the mess we have now is our own making.

    • Can you imagine Nigerians letting this guy speak and act this way in their country? In the first place he wouldn’t be VP.

  29. @”chambishi ” is a very useful tool for a reptile classified as a member of the Squsmatan which Kabimba and Mmembe have genetically engineered to transform it into a docile EARTHWORM (=MUNYOLOLO). He must stop insulting the people of Zambia.

    The tarred roads @chambishi is lamenting on were developed by the Late Mwanawasa and RB – not by his idol Ba Sata. The peoples of Mufumbwe, Kabompo, Zambezi and Chavuma are alive to the development-orientated MMD regime.

    In Eastern Province we are still praying for the reconstruction of the Great East Rd from Luangwa Bridge to Chipata and the operation of the Nachala-Mchinji-Chipata railway project.

    We know that PF ha compiled a LIES database to talk about roads at byelections in Petauke, Vubwi, and Malambo constituencies.

  30. Country men, I thank Scott, Mmembe and Kabimba for saving Zambia from total oblivion. Mwamba, Kambwili , Chikwelete, Nsanda were up to no good. Putting all those cadres on the street was going to destroy the country. I thank the cartel as they are called for holding the country together. Sata and his henchmen were out to destroy it. And for what? The war was done in the background and these three worked very hard to stop the Sata tornado from taking root. Can you imagine what could have happened had the scheme by Kambwili and Mwamba been allowed to win? Zambia would have become ungovernable. This is the problem of putting a grade seven to rule. Don’t believe this Sata 2016 story! The Zambian people will not allow it. The cartel has partners in the Zambian people. No Sata after 2016. Who…

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