Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Sata doesn’t have powers he claims to have over chiefs or traditional leaders- Miyanda


Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda
Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda


[By Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda – 1st December 2013]

It is alarming that reports continue to expose a serious stand-off between the Bemba Royal Establishment and the PF Government, more accurately President Sata, the Commander-in- Chief who waging an undeclared war.

The PF is a cantankerous regime, always creating and/or looking for fights where there are none!

In 2009 I wrote to the Law Association of Zambia and suggested some options for possible reforms in traditional affairs; the letter was never responded to. Now things are happening fast. It is NOT too late to do something about it.

We thus call on all citizens, and especially LAZ and other BREs to challenge the President, particularly the Ministry of Justice, to publicly state which laws give the President power to interfere in traditional affairs in the manner he has done with regard to former Senior Chief Mwamba and now Paramount Chief Chitimukulu.

We are convinced that there is no such law and repeat our declaration that the President does NOT have the powers he claims to have over chiefs or traditional leaders. This power is reposed, NOT in the President, but in the communities themselves through their systems of selection and succession.

The President has been ominously graduating from one degree to the next: threats against Members of Parliament, then ranting against some Church leaders to go to night school, and also Chiefs Nzamane, Madzimawe, Mwamba and Jumbe.

When the President issued threats in the House of Chiefs earlier this year we advised Zambians not to take that lightly.

We challenged all chiefs to speak out against this intimidation. No chief came out in defence and support of their colleagues under presidential siege.

We warned that this will become a practice and this is happening. It is not too late to stop the President in his tracks before he turns “Chiefs abuse” into a new pastime and culture in Zambia.

These threats will continue until all the chiefdoms have capitulated and have become the red carpet for the President to dance on at ill. This is the biblical Writing on the Wall that we previously wrote about.

In this regard the Ministry of Justice has become moribund because they are idly standing by, letting the President breach his serious oath of defending and protecting the Constitution.

Instead of advising him to respect the Rule of Law they are watching as he creates instability and precipitates a potentially dangerous security situation. The President must lead by example by displaying good discipline, decorum and etiquette.

There is no constitutional or legal ground justifying this act of besieging the Bemba chiefdom as though an enemy force has landed from Mars!

This behaviour of the PF regime is part of their selfish long range strategy to prepare for general elections. They do not care what happens to Zambia when they are no longer in office as long as they get votes at any cost.

We urge other Royal Establishments and all citizens to condemn the PF regime’s act and to speak with one voice against this Gun Boat diplomacy by the Commander-In-Chief.

The nation must nip in the bud this style of leadership and governance that is based on intimidation and despising the Rule of Law, taking advantage of citizens’ ignorance.

Last but not least we applaud Bashi Lubemba for NOT capitulating or being cowed by intimidation from a mere subject who is now President. By becoming president he has become, NOT God, but Chief Servant.

A servant serves and does not bully his employer. They must stand firm because they stand on firm royal ground.

It is courageous for them to stand up to their intransigent employee and we urge them to remain steadfast, for surrendering will be a betrayal and disloyal act not only to Bemba-speaking people, but to all citizens and other Royal Establishments in Zambia. UMUNWE UMO TAUSALANDA!



  1. This is good Gen Miyanda! Yes lets stand up and stop watching this irresponsibility from the highest office of the land.Viva chiefs!

    • In want way you can be. No one will take away what the principles the Gen has. He may have his weakness, but he does not deserve insults.

      He far much trusted than the A Team currently.

    • Gen Miyanda you write sensibly but that is not enough to get you into govt. you must leave your desk, go round the country, meet the grassroots and explain yourself to the voters.

      How many people have access to he internet to read what you usually write?

      There are very few voters in the press or online

      Its time you mobilized your troops or if alone, go out on a one man commando mission to recruit your foot soldiers, otherwise you will remain forgotten and irrelevant to the political discourse

      Your choice!!

    • @Gen: I dont think General Miyanda is campaigning for votes in this article. I think he is simply voicing out a concern as a citizen. You may be right about what he should do to win votes, but that is a different topic altogether.

    • Ba General Miyanda you are not Bemba and I guess you only came in because you are a political leader.

      May be what you need to know is that unless GRZ steps or you step in when you become President. The issue of Bemba succession has not started during Sata rule and very soon it will explode. Ask kk

      Why is it that the last more than 10 successions to the Mwine Lubemba, there has not been any senior chief from Ichinga ilya chinga ulubemba ascending to the throne of Chiti Mukulu?

      Besides only two chiefs Chiti and Mwamba from Kasama are preserved for one year before burial at Shi Mwalule in Chinsali, but there are five Chiefs in Chinsali who are preserved for a year and are burried at Shi Mwalule

  2. Miyanda I now know that you are a mad person. Whatever Kaunda did to you has made you very mad. Who told you that you can set the Bembas against themselves? Did you not try to do that with the late Chitimukulu and you lamentably failed? You are the one who is lacking respect and courtesy by calling the President all sorts of names. Stop playing to the wind and find your foot in politics and stop this display of bitterness every time you speak. Sata did not do anything to you apart from defeating you in an election. Don’t talk about our traditional affairs. You go and talk about that elsewhere******

    • @shameless tribalist
      Your language shows that you are immature as you do not appreciate the reality of the general’s concerns. You are indeed a tribalist but unfortunaltely you use the initials “HH” in your pseudonym. People like you who never have respect for others, especially elders like General Miyanda never make it in life and are lost souls. You need to re-examine yourself thru some soul searching and come to terms with realities of life. RESPECT IS A VIRTUE!

    • You seem to be one of the very few people that do not realise the harm MCS is causing our country particularly the Chiefs. Anyway Prophet Chanda Chimba, III warned us about what to expect and we ignored his advice by calling him all sorts of names.

    • I’m very disappointed with this person identifying himself as HH the shameless tribalist, i cant understand why he cant see sense in what the Gen has said. Are you sure you read and understood what the Gen is talking about or do you just have hatred for him?

    • The General’s article is sober, and raises several pertinent questions that need serious reflective thinking. The PF is robbing us of our rights, minute by minute and if we continue in our historical slumber, we shall have nothing by the time they are through. This type of myopic, muzungu anizonde chola carrying support in exchange for crumbs falling from the high table where the high priest of PF misrule dines, will reverse the little progress we have made decades back. Someone said – do not open your mouth only to subtract from the sum total of human wisdom, We should learn to keep quiet to avoid exposing our ignorance,

    • Uuuuh! “HH the Tribalist” you are so bitter that you completely missed what the General has written. If you really read the article then you missed the point. Gen. is a Zambian free to express views, whether we agree with him or not is the point. If people like you became President I wonder how many people you would throw into jail or even kill just to prove that you are President. May God deliver you from bitterness.

  3. Your concerns, Big. Gen seem very valid but you have not offered a solution. TELL US WHAT WE SHOULD DO so that we arrest the vice. YOU definitely should have an idea how this can be tackled seeing as you were once a Republican Vice president. Please help the nation!

  4. Miyanda you are just but leader of a military Junta. You are so desperate for power and that is the reason why you engage in illegalities. Plotting coups against legitimate governments. you have no moral right to comment on these very important national issues because you are a criminal. Why do you think Zambians can not trust you with power?

    • Instead of insulting the General,just comment on the issue he has raised in his well thought piece of writing.Is it not Michael Sata who has deployed Soldiers or Police to surround Chitimukulu’s residence without invitation from the Royal family?Furthermore,why is Michael un necessarily poking his nose in matters that do not concern him.How many fights is Michael going to wage against their Royal Highness es.Remember that Michael told Chief Jumbe that he sees what the Chief does in his bedroom and therefore warned him to tread carefully.Michael is simply getting MAD.

    • Ba HH. Stop accusing people of things you have no facts or evidence about? Can you stand in court and point at the General plotting a coup! Imwe, mukalubula nefyo tamwishibe amante yaloma. The General has commented on real issues that needs pondering upon. However, the question I would like to ask the General is do we really need these chiefs in this era and age? I find chiefs to be an archaic, colonial mentality for easy divide and rule. they are an impediment to development. Most if not all a backward and don’t want to change with time. If you doubting what am saying go to Zambezi district and see the divisions between Lunda’s and Luvales.

    • You are the biggest tribalist in this land. Stop using the acronym HH to disguise your Bemba triablism. Miyanda is a statesman beyond some Bisa blood thirsty thugs.

    • You are a bitter fool who cant see wisdom in Generals Letter. It seems you are scared of losing your PF priviledges.

  5. You give Sata 1 yard and he’ll add himself another 20 meters.Well said Miyanda coz these dictator types surely can’t be trusted with power.

  6. We challenged all chiefs to speak out against this intimidation. No chief came out in defence and support of their colleagues under presidential siege.




    • Sometimes people realise things in retrospection. When a lion says, “watch out, the leopard will eat you”, of course even the lion can eat you, but that does not take away the truth from what it is saying about the leopard.

  8. St Jude Respect is not a one way thing. I know your Miyanda says things you want to here but rest assured i will not respect a coup suspect and please you have to define what you mean by not making it in life. Its people like you and your mentor Miyanda who can not make it in life because you are full of hatrade and bitterness. You go and hang yourself.

    • you are the worst PF supporter I have ever come across. Your reasoning is out of this world. You are definitely an alien from Pluto.

    • iwe nokoh imititi mu chinenahhh you are a very disillusioned guy,just like sata your iqs are hyper negative.thats why you can’t distinguish between here and hear not mentioning have got challenges when it comes to distinguish between a person full of substance and a hollow rubble rouser, in your own infinite thinking if today you took sata and miyanda not to unza but at mpelembe secondary school,who will the students or rather pupils give more credit as an able person worth to be a leader? yes the general popula hates and are bitter with sata today not because of malice but they can’t comprehend as to how they found themselves with that character as a president,so about HH lay your paws off because that is the president to be.

    • @HH the the *****
      I’ve seen your correction @12 and I’ve taken note. you are right that respect is a two way thing but one can only reciprocate when he is shown that respect. Gen. Miyanda, though a soldier, never uses foul language against anyone. Coup suspect? If you followed the the events of that story I’m sure you know that he was acquitted, but the rest were convicted and sentenced. As for me, I can assure you that I’m a very successful professional who does not need politics to survive. All I was trying to tell you is that it’s un-African for you to pour scorn on Gen. Miyanda in that manner. You may have difference of opinion but there is a civil way of putting that across. Be rest assured that the Gen DOESN’T KNOW ME AT ALL and is not my mentor. I know you can contribute…

  9. General you drive the point home very clearly. Ignore these hired bootlickers who are bent on defending the insanity going on under the PF misguided rule. Mr Sata must be stopped from this madness of interfering in traditional affairs. Those of us who know the newly installed Chitimukulu know that he is a very intelligent and candid person who cannot be bought or sold. This is what the cobra hates. he wants chiefs whom he can parade with the DCs at public gatherings. Henry Sosala is a man of principle and we urge the bashilubemba who have demonstrated real courage to stick to what is right. Let him rant until the Zambians or nature shows him the door. There is nothing permanent on earth not even the cobra and PF. We expect the genuine opposition leaders to offer solidarity to the BTC.

    • Am afraid the deliberately being ambiguous about his stated stand on the constitutionality and legality of Executive powers over chiefs affairs.
      Is he saying there are no constitutional/legal provisions empowering the presidency control over chiefs affairs generally,or is he arguing about the legality of the manner Sata has dealt with the particular case in Bembeland?
      What powers in Gen.Miyanda’s view, does the President claim to have?I will not accept such ambiguous terms as “Gun-boat diplomacy”,”Presidential Siege”or “Chiefs Abuse”.
      “Lastly but not least,we applaud Bashi Lubemba for NOT capitulating or being cowed by intimidation from a mere subject who is now President.By becoming President he has become NOT GOD,but chief servant”
      The President is a mere subject?

    • Sometimes a doctor can diagnose a problem/illness without knowing the cure. The fact that the General does not offer solutions does not mean that the problems he highlights should be ignored. As a fellow citizen yourself, I would suggest that you think of what the general has said, and if there is any merit to it, consider your own contribution instead of waiting to be spoonfed solutions. If someone tells me there is a snake on the path, I am happy to be warned. I wont ask this person why he has not killed it, and ignore the fact that he has at least made me safer by warning me.

  10. iwe nokoh imititi mu chinenahhh you are a very disillusioned guy,just like sata your iqs are hyper negative.thats why you can’t distinguish between here and hear not mentioning have got challenges when it comes to distinguish between a person full of substance and a hollow rubble rouser, in your own infinite thinking if today you took sata and miyanda not to unza but at mpelembe secondary school,who will the students or rather pupils give more credit as an able person worth to be a leader? yes the general populace hates and are bitter with sata today not because of malice but they can’t comprehend as to how they found themselves with that character as a president,so about HH lay your paws off because that is the president to be.

  11. Chloroquine i respect your mother if you have one because she is not involved in this issue but the author of the atical suspected coup plotter the General whom you should direct insults at and am not going to insult her. But the issue is your Miyanda has not raised any point worth pondering about. Its business as usual for him bitterness or ulupato, jealous and envy. You kill yourself bafikala. You lack analysis because you allergic to reasoning.

  12. Tekanyeni no need to insult ones mother. That is being emotionally immature. Its Miyanda at the centre of this controversial artical. I certainly don’t agree with everything he has said. On one hand he is championing respect for traditional leaders on the other he is insulting the Presido. Guys be level headed.

  13. I knew all along that His Excellency has no respect for established authority. I am not surprised he was a policeman in the colonial days, he got so used to being feared by his fellow africans. He was never a freedom fighter, he was a collaborator

  14. he is at it again, this general never ceases to amaze me. You gen. Miyanda, who gave u the powers to overthrow a legally sitting grz? Had it not been your usual failure to plan, a blood bath wud ve engulfed zambia in 1981 coz of yo evil schemes.

  15. Nimependa ukweli wa huyu Generali bwana Miyanda.Yeye sio mtu wa kulamba matako ya Sata kama wajinga wa PF na wakora kutoka Bembaland.

  16. President Sata has breached our Constitution for too long and the minister of justice is watching! Some appointments are even a disgrace to have a diplomat with duo citizenship serve the country and yet our statutes are against this. General Miyanda spot on, this is why we need a learned president to understand some of these things. The rule of law in Zambia is not there any more. Zambians are really braced for a very hard time under the PF. Nothing is working for the good of the country save for antagonism.

  17. General Miyanda’s observations are crystallised from his love for the peoples of Zambia and the Bembas in particular. Miyanda is correct for many reasons that the majority of Zambians will never ever appreciate.

    Sata’s disrespect for our Traditional Rulers stems from his divide and rule brand of politics. Many Zambians have not realised the folly of Sata’s creations of new districts. The upgrading of Mwansabombwe Village into a district has sown seeds of disunity between Mwata Kazembe and Chief Mukanta of Kawambwa.

    Since Mwata Kazembe is not as wise as the Bemba Chiefs, the Mwata is using the creation of the new District to look-down upon the other Chiefs in Kawambwa, Mwense, Nchelenge and Chiengi. This is a recipe for un-called for conflicts in Luapula. General Miyanda is…

  18. @2.3 child of the sky
    There is nothing sober about this bafoon’s rantings. He has insulted the president whom he’s suppose to respect coz this bafoon ll be president only if he stages another coup. His rantings ve not come as surprise to me coz this bafoon now thinks he is the fountain of wisdom when he is lucifer in depth.

    Am hapi zambia never went to war when this bafoon was general, the end, coz of his poor judgement, would ve been catastrophic.

    Is this way you can advise, no wonder this bafoon gets
    .0000002% votes.

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