Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lessons from Nelson Mandela



As we mourn the death and celebrate the legacy of Nelson Madiba Rolihlahla Mandela we should all take a pause and deeply reflect on what made this tall Thembu Son the greatest icon of the liberation struggle, justice, peace, freedom and reconciliation.

In his unwavering commitment to end apartheid and all manner of oppression and segregation, Mandela sacrificed his own freedom for the freedom of others. He showed us that the greatness of a man is not necessarily measured by what he achieves for himself but by what he does for others.

His deep rooted patriotism for his country gave him the courage to face his jailor eye to eye and say to him, “During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons will live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to see realized. But, my lord, if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die”

Even after his name was immortalised on the face of the earth, Mandela’s humility and compassion made him leave the pomp and splendor of Presidency and stardom and live a simple life dedicated to tendering humankind and fighting social ills such as hunger, poverty and disease.
Mandela’s love and courage to forgive and reconcile with his tormentors and oppressors reminds us that we should all leave vengeance to the Lord. It reminds us that regardless of how bitter we might get with each other, we can and should summon the natural good in us to look beyond what divides us and instead focus on what unites us as a people.

His journey from prisoner to president reminds us that with resilience and perseverance, good always triumphs over evil, no matter how long or how dark the road might be.

As we mourn this great son of the soil, let us all summon that little Mandela in us to reconcile ourselves with each other, stand for what is right and to contribute our financial, intellectual, physical and spiritual strength to make Zambia and indeed Africa a haven of love, peace, justice and human advancement.

The one question we all have to ask ourselves is what shall we do to build a more equal, non-tribal and non-sexist society where every child, every youth, every man and every woman has an opportunity to be what they want to be.

Prepared and issued by:
Edith Z. Nawakwi

President- FDD


  1. Oh dear another article , not worthy of being printed

    I want to pay last respect in a humble house here in scotland without reading nonsensical articles

    RIP sir


    • andela and
      his ANC inherited the strongest economy in Africa, indeed, despite economic
      sanctions, South Africa was still one of the richest nations in the world,
      and indeed initially there was a brief post Apartheid boom, resulting from
      the lifting of sanctions and due to

      the fact that until
      affirmative action forced most of the whites out of their jobs to be
      replaced by under qualified blacks, those who had built South Africa were
      still in place. However, any optimism was to be short lived. Now, after just 14 years of rule by Mandela and his
      grim successor Mbeki, corruption is rife, the country is beset with power
      cuts and the infrastructure is crumbling.



    • @mushota
      you are very dull… there white stole from blacks in south africa for 300 plus years.. they enriched themselves at the expense of blacks,,, is that not a form of corruptions??-
      and how do you expect ills of 300 plus years to be corrected in 14years??..
      and why do even use an african name if you think whites are better than blacks!!

    • Ndobo, dull and me do not belong in the same sentence, bless you double and triple exclamation marks

      Economically and their GDP SOuth Africa is worse than it was pre Mandela

      Post Mandela it is disaster you could argue this was partly because of empowerment of black people by the Mandela regime,
      Catastrophic if you ask

      As a human being he is arguably the best inspirational human being there is ever been, I salute him for what he went though and his legacy in thousand of years is unquestionable.

      That shouldn’t take away the fact that South Africa is worse off now than before him.
      I am referring to a country not the man, who legacy is irrefutable.


    • @mushota
      if you have all those `huge` education… you will understand and know that apartheid was designed and created to last beyond white rule… zuma himself is product of bantu education,, thats partily why he is a mess…

    • I have been a silent reader of LT but today I have to state this Mushota is horse manure (literally & figuratively) . Mushota, is a female woof woof (bow wow) of note, I am beggining to wonder if this female woof woof (bow wow) isnt sponsored by the devil himself just to wind up peoples emotitions/reactions for milage. How else can a such an air head continue featuring blatant offensive/crude/crass remarks. Freedom of expression aside. Can someone PLEASE assist this female woof woof (bow wow) with some flea treatment. All those disputing weather this mongrel isnt an airhead read every blog/comment made by it in the last few years. I heard a couple of cities in Z were putting down unlicensed mongrels, where are the Vets/Cops??? If not putting it down at least treat it 4 its fleas & rabbies

  2. I am not sure Sata will learn something from Mandela, however Sata learn something from De Clerk by pardoning Sinyinda, at least temporarily.
    If only, and if only Sata can leave RB alone?

    • Mandela is not as holly angelic as is being adverstised,,, mandela was a ladies man, womanise if you wish,… and how can he marry his mulamu sure??… Samora was one of mandela`s good friend…lucky KK didnot die early otherwise Mandela may have married Mama Betty…
      if only you knew other things Mandela did…NOT taking away his good deeds,, the man went alone to some of the critical meetings with boers without Walter SIsulu, Oliver Tambo and Mbeki!!.. to some extent Mandela sold out his own black people,,
      Its time Julius Malema took over!!!

    • PF Plunder the ecomomy because Reconciliation will come is the message i get from you.RB made a mistake by intrusting his children to plunder the resources.

    • @Ndobo, Mandela was a human being and by nature human beings err…to err is human, to forgive, divine. He had his weakenesses but we are looking at the greater good. The Glorious Band sang in one of their songs ( I think it was insambo yafwa…or something); the lady lost her husband and wanted to remarry and she said about the late husband he is gone and never coming back. So what if he wanted companionship. It is his lovelife and matters of the heart are very difficult to comprehend as they are not cast in stone.
      As for him meeting the Boers on his own; I doubt that I was listening to one of the negotiators in fact the white man who started it all. He said, this morning, on Channel 4 news, that Mandela was in prison and Oliver Tambo and the rest were negotiating and only getting…

    • instructions from Mandela through a lawyer. Now how does he meet behind their backs? Anyways, maybe you were in one of the teams, I am open to your view.
      He was never an angel and I mourn him because I met him and loved him to bits. As someone said he is one politicain that I have mourned and I have met many. We can learn a lot from his life.

    • @Cindy…Quite moving.I have read it ,but i think everyone has an opinion on everything depending on the individual persons stand point,environment and background.Even the American`s who killed Saddam and Bin Laden were labeled as terrorists. Remember how some people celebrated Margaret Thatchers death with some calling her an oppressor.I`m not surprised by the outbursts from this guy.

    • @ Ndobo,
      I know! I couldnt believe it when I saw the headline, I know they have refered to him as a terrorist like forever but couldnt they pick a better date? Another independent ” celebrity” dude this time in Holland just deleted his Tweeter account for saying “Hoofd Pete is dood” meaning “Black peter is dead”, I cant go into details about it cos it’s another ongoing long story. Anyways we are yet to see more of such absurd comments.

    • @ Ndobo,
      Thats an extreem white group who has seen it fit to call the late Mandela a Terrorist even at this hour. They have further gone on to explain why, I cant outline much for it’s actually too much, but they say he is responsible for many deaths and as a founder of Ulkhonto wesizwe thus, such a reaction.

    • @Cindy i agree with you.Their timing is wrong no doubt.The story makes sad reading.Can`t wait to hear more as the whole story unfolds.

    • @cindy
      I know these extreme right wing groups,,,, it brings alots of racial hate and anger to my innoccent heart, sad to my mixed race kids,,in 2010 on new year`s day i was in cape agulhus in south with some white family ands friend,,, these pigs (right wing must have been AWB) came to us and tried to stop me and other blacks swimming in the ocean… imagine!!! some tuma whites trying to stop us africans stop us from being on an african beach because we were black…
      I cant wait for Malema to president of South africa and feed this chaps to white sharks

  3. The catch is in the last sentence,which is a question. According to Steve Biko, it is the labeling of people into categories, e.g minorities, women, blacks…etc which creates the divisions in the first place. In the South Africa that Biko saw, there were no minorities, but just human beings, where everyone has human rights. We are all, after all, humans, and we should work towards human rights, and under the umbrella of human rights, no one will be exempted.

  4. It is really sad to lose a honourable state man like Nelson Mandela. He will be greatly missed by all world over. I feel very few African presidents can be as selfless as Nelson was. Africa today is still poor due to selfishness of its leaders. MHSRIP. May God the almighty prevail over RSA during this grieving period, AMEN.

    • We compare Mandela to the Joseph in the Bible, selfless and persevering but still loving and forgiving. We see him as the Joseph of today.

  5. As for us Tata Mandela we can only you have run the race, you have kept the faith and now there is waiting for you the victory price of put right with God. Rest in eternal peace Tata Madiba, we shall always remember you.

    • As for us Tata Mandela we can only say “You have run the race, you have kept the faith and now there is waiting for you the victory price for you being put put right with God. Rest in eternal peace Tata Madiba, we shall always remember you as you cross to the other side.

  6. Your kind only appears once in a million years … Madiba, your life was nothing inspirational, an exceptional individual you were. You understood fully well who was in your corner and who wasn’t.

    You knew fully well that the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise had always been in your corner, and so the very first international trip you ever made after being released from prison was to Zambia to convey your gratitude for standing with you while in your struggles.

    Gratitude confirms relationship!! As for those who were not in your corner, you knew exactly who they were but still welcomed them with open arms … you once said and I quote “I am not a saint unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps trying”, end of quote.

    What a legacy … rest in peace great son of…

  7. Worth more than a god.

    I knew not the Biblical Moses,Abraham,Isaac and/or Jacob.Nelson Mandela was once of those of the old.If being worshipped wasn’t counted as being sinful,he would have been kept alive to be adored.human names aren’t too enough to depict the true picture of an icon who made himself as a sacrifice for the liberty of the oppressed(the poor).

  8. Many words have and will be said in days to come. None will fully encompass the effect of this man. Greatest respect to the others who came before, walked alongside or who come after. RIP. Some people are blessed to accomplish greatness and inspire others in their lifetime. May we all strive to do the best we can within our own lives.

  9. I have been a silent reader of LT but today I have to state this Mushota is horse manure (literally & figuratively) . Mushota, is a female woof woof (bow wow) of note, I am beggining to wonder if this female woof woof (bow wow) isnt sponsored by the devil himself just to wind up peoples emotitions/reactions for milage. How else can a such an air head continue featuring blatant offensive/crude/crass remarks. Freedom of expression aside. Can someone PLEASE assist this female woof woof (bow wow) with some flea treatment. All those disputing weather this mongrel isnt an airhead read every blog/comment made by it in the last few years. I heard a couple of cities in Z were putting down unlicensed mongrels, where are the Vets/Cops??? If not putting it down at least treat 4 its fleas & rabbies

  10. Any man who spends 27 years in prison for doing the right thing will earn the heart of Jesus. Listen to Tiger Woods about Madiba- “The moment I looked at the wall with my dad, I asked if he felt a strange electrifying aura, he said do you feel it too? And we turned around and saw Nelson Mandela!”

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