Sunday, June 2, 2024

Government allocates K63m for North Western Province


Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda with Muchinga Permanent Secretary Charles Sipanje touring newly opened Zambia National Commercial Bank Branch in Nakonde
Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda with Muchinga Permanent Secretary Charles Sipanje touring newly opened Zambia National Commercial Bank Branch in Nakonde

Government has allocated over 63 million kwacha to undertake various developmental projects in North Western province.

Acting President Alexander Chikwanda says the projects will be financed the 2014 budgetary allocation to the province.

Mr. Chikwanda says the amount, 18.8 million kwacha will used for rural roads, 6.7 million kwacha for buying equipment for road projects.

He says among the roads to be worked on include Chikongwelo-Kayombo road, Zambezi – Katuto road, and Manyinga-Chitebe roads among others.

Mr Chikwanda says other projects to be undertaken include construction of office blocks in Chavuma and rehabilitation and construction of health centres.

Mr Chikwanda was speaking in Lumwana during the opening of 33rd National Savings and Credit Bank.

He has called on Zambians to take charge of the country’s destiny by pushing the frontiers of development to highest levels.

At the same function bank of Zambia governor Dr. Michael Gondwe the Central Bank will continue assisting government to promote financial institutions to capture the unbanked places especially in rural areas.

Dr. Gondwe says the Central Bank is aware that 63-percent of rural population remains unbanked.

And NATSAVE Managing director Cephas Chabu says 74-percent of adult population in Lumwana does not maintain bank accounts despite the area having over 35 thousand active farmers.

And speaking on behalf of other traditional leaders Chief MUMENA of the Kaonde people Called on government to electrify Lumwana and other areas.

Chief MUMENA said the area must be connected to national grid to steer development in the province.

And north western province minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu has commended Government for rolling out banking services in rural areas.


  1. As a Chartered Accountant , 63 million at today’s currency rate K8,200
    This is £7,682, which is not even my monthly salary

    What is going on people?


    • That is why Sata came to your London, it accommodates people like you Mushota & Clive Chirwa who can’t calculate, except dreaming of Utopia.

    • Ba Mushota K63million is K63million even at todays money, about GBP 6.9million. You are embarassing us as accountants

    • Campaigning hey!

      My message to the people of north western and other areas about to hold by election, is DON’T VOTE PF because If you do PF will forget about you and take development else where where they want to win elections.

      So for you to continue receiving a lot of attention from the PF teach them a lesson by voting opposition parties so that they can again nullify the seats and bring more development to bribe you.

      This message is for all people in areas where PF has little support and there are pending by election.


      Ignore my advice at your peril!

    • @Ndobo, don’t get excited, money is for NORTH-western povince, the Kalubale relatives of Masumba, not your Lozi’s flood plains.
      Yes its bribery for the Zambezi mining in their national park, ba Kachokwe are so sleepy mwee.

    • £1 = K9.04
      You are using the old ZMK exchange rate, it’s now ZMW!!!!
      As you scroll down the you will see two Zambian currencies ZMK* and ZMW
      ZMK is no longer being updated on those online currency converter websites!!

    • Mushota may have miscalculated but the point remains, £7,682,926.83 for the province is far too little.
      How much has been allocated to Muchinga province by the way?

    • @1.7 Nostradamus must be high either from the effects of eating infecyed monkey meat or from the smell of smegma since he is a cilima. Your dislike of Lozis, Luvales and Chokwes will not take you anywhere.

  2. We are always confusing maintenance work with development. Half of what is spent on in that country amounts to rectifying dilapidated infrastructure. It is a mess to imagine that resurfacing of roads is referred to as DEVELOPMENT!

  3. Very cheap propaganda. What is K63m after all? And why single out North Western Province? Is it not to try to create an impression that the PF government does indeed care for North Western Province and use that as a campaign strategy to win votes from the area in the next elections?

    But how much is North Western Province represented in your PF government? Shouldn’t this be an issue of concern for the people from that part of the country? Just stop tribal politics.

    £1 = K9.04
    You are using the old ZMK exchange rate, it’s now ZMW!!!!
    As you scroll down the you will see two Zambian currencies ZMK* and ZMW
    ZMK is no longer being updated on those online currency converter websites!!

    • That it really matter to call yourself
      – Anyoko or Nyoko
      -Sata or Satan
      – Nostradamus or Nostra
      – Ndobo or Dobo
      – ZMK or ZMW

    • @Anyoko
      ZMW comes from the second letter in kWacha.
      If we decide to rebase again in future, will have to get the third letter in kwAcha in this case it will be ZMA

  5. Learn to appreciate *****s.can that amount less sams 1 salary in zambia?antase imipoto walifilwa nokukulila ba noko nangu ni ganda ya fyani.go 2 hell mambala.

  6. NWP does not need PF. They can keep there k63million if they want. I.d.iots, the province will rise above all soon.
    Bembas are the dulliest people i have come across even in diaspora. Chikwanda is one such.

  7. @9, you right bembas talk loud but really dull. Most educated Zambians are not bembas and i have no apology for that. Time for teeth grinding is coming soon. PF is a curse and its collapsing. No one tribe or person is above Zambia.

    • @9&10 I was going to insult you but i realized that i would be just lowering myself to your level. This article has nothing to do with Bembas WTF who is the dumb one here?? You say such nonsense and you think you are intelligent i hope one you two win the Darwin Award

    • @Pa Zed, you must be one of the very few civilised Bembas who do not wallow in vulgarity. Unlike the likes of the smelly unpolished skunk called zemuntu @9.1.

  8. Nostradamus Why it is called ZMW I understand is that according to regulations, when you change or rebase the currency, even the symbol should change. The old or un rebased currency symbol was ZMK, so the rebased could not be ZMK, they had to adopt the next letter after K (kwacha), which is W making it ZMW

  9. K63m for NWP, seriously? Its always Muchinga this, Muchinga that! WHY?
    I now miss Teta (MSRP)- he kept advocating for proper development with a bias for NWP because the bulk of ZMW comes from that area.
    If the ‘One Zambia One Nation’ slogan still holds any water, let NWP get an equal and fair share of the national cake, NOT PEANUTS.
    Why should Northen Zambia get a lions share of the national resources? What’s so special about Muchinga & NP anyway?
    This is moral rot

    • the time they talk about North western you start complaining about the amount. Things you dont even understand.. You cant even quantify how much has been spent on each province yet you complain aimlessly..

  10. Why now, all to do with campaigning strategy. The message is all written on the wall, this targeting at some by-election coming forth.

  11. People are so jealous that PF is developing the country, there’s more to come. Fortunate enough for PF the people seeing the development are serious voters not bloggers. Go PF, touch every part of the country before the next elections, you can use that as the basis of the fact that you will bring even more development if voted back into power.

  12. Monkey hand-outs. What morality has this tribal hegemony got by distributing such ‘peanuts’ as developmental funds to a development-starved region such as North Western Province?

  13. @ John, Universities in Muchinga are not for Bembas only but for all Zambians just like UNZA is in not for Soli people, just like CBU is in Lamba land but it is for all Zambians. @ Chavuma born, Bembas are not dull but are friendly people who can mingle easily with other tribes. Stop propagating tribalism. Infact where you come from is where there are dull people. I have been to Mwinilunga and other towns and I know what I am talking about..I never knew tribalism as a bemba guy until when I went to UNZA. Just look at the lamba or Lenje people on the Cbelt. When the Mines were being developed, the Lambas never insisted that only lambas should get jobs on mines. But look at what is happening on the new mines in NW, headmen and chiefs have databases that only tribes from NW can get jobs.

    • @Silkworm good question. I was not taught tribalism at UNZA. What i meant was that i came to know that people attach so much tribe when studying at UNZA because they used to be in majority. Certain tribes never and still don’t want to mingle with other tribes. They think they know it all and they think other tribes are cursed. That is when i came to know that people can think in terms of tribe. When i was growing up on the Cbelt, every tribe was my friend. It never even clicked in my mind that there are tribes until when i passed to go to UNZA. Once these same tribes become managers, just know that it will be there relatives who will be there. Infact certain tribes never knew tribalism until when they saw what happens at institutions such as UNZA or CBU.

  14. The subject of allocation of resources is incomplete if one does not give details of the tax collections from that particular source. If north western province contributes so much tax, it might be prudent to acknowledge that government is paying back what has been collected from that province.

    • @ba bukwe this is utter rubbish and primitive thinking.and you boast of being abroad wen you cannot even cast an iota of humaniscence! a more civil question to ask yourself is why despite all the copper and rich mineral resources on CB we still remain underdeveloped as a country.For all i know the likes of you and @ mei matungu(downhill tribal rots) can have all the resources around them and yet remain poor.our biggest problem can only be the poverty such as is in your head my friends.the humble people of muchinga are struglimg and trying to make ends meet just like many other zambians and, leave them alone!

  15. @1.7 Nostradamus, You stinking tribalist. Your hatred for Lozis, Luvales and Chokwes will not take you anywhere. You bloody smelly cilima.

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