Sunday, June 2, 2024

We are not bogus firm, we suspended work beause of delayed payments-Ng’andu Consulting


Part of the remaining infrastructure at Kasaba bay along the shows of Lake Tanganyika in Nsama district of Northern Province yesterday. The place is famous for the beautiful attractions the area is endowed with
Part of the remaining infrastructure at Kasaba bay along the shows of Lake Tanganyika

Ng’andu Consulting Limited, the company engaged to work on the Ndola-Kitwe dual carriageway and Kasaba Bay projects have dismissed allegations by parliamentary Committee on Communications, Transport, Works and Supply chairperson Kapembwa Simbao that they are a bogus contractor.

In a statement, Ng’andu Consultants Managing Director Able Ng’andu said his firm is reputable and has successfully supervised a number of major projects in and around Zambia.

With regards to the Kasaba Bay project, Mr. Ng’andu explained that the works executed at Kasaba Bay are not shoddy works as alleged by Mr. Simbao, saying the executed works are in accordance with the standard specification meeting the requirement of International Civil Aviation Organization.

Mr. Ngandu disclosed that overall, 70% of the works have been completed so far.

He clarified that the said works were suspended due to delayed payments and that the outstanding payment is accruing interest of not less than K200, 000.00 per month.

Mr. Ng’andu however said that his firm has engaged Government to find the way forward as they are ready to go back to site and complete the works as soon as they are paid.

Once completed, the airport will facilitate easy movement of international and local tourists to and from Nsumbu National Park and surrounding areas of Lake Tanganyika.

It will also enhance tourism within and around the Northern Tourism Circuit.


  1. This project was started by the MMD Government which Hon. Simbao was a part of. Would it be correct to say that the MMD engaged a bogus contractor to work on the Kasaba Bay Airport?

    • Even if it was started by MMD if the work was shoddy as alleged, the current govt has a responsibility to correct that…. just like they did with ZR and ZAMTEL

    • “With regards to the Kasaba Bay project, Mr. Ng’andu explained that the works executed at Kasaba Bay are not shoddy works as alleged by Mr. Simbao,…”


  2. SIMBAO knows the truth, this ka briefcase Consulting firm at COLUSIEM BUILDING IS a Bogus firm , with no experienced technical staff, they always hire experts once they have a Job, in short they are like agents of engineering consultancy and construction projects, as long as they do the Job WELL Govt has no quarrel with them , but abandoning the project in KASABA bay was wrong, delayed payments??? Why not follow contract proceddures, did the client suspend the works???

    • @Anyoko – that is precisely how a consultant would work in Zambia. If you are short of expertise in some areas, you have to hire them form somewhere else as long as your less experinced employees learn from that.

  3. @ANYOKO..I Think you have no ideas about this firm. The company has done alot of Jobs in zambia and ranks among first 4 best consultants in the NATION and a major player in infrastructure development. They have won many AWARDS/MEDALS of excellennt engineering pieces, what is in those tuma houses and ka aerodrome that NG’ANDU can fail?

    • List down or mention the major projects that you had done kaili.You as engineering consulting firm you are supposed to be a go in between the owner (Govt) and the contractor.You as a principal engineering contractor your job is to ensure that works in a quality,safe and expeditiously manner.You was your sub/contractor was doing those works? Did you advise the Owner of the risks involved in payment delays and subsequent abandoning of the works.
      To the Govt the earlier you engage this engineering consulting firm the better.Was this project insured before it started or it was just one of those political hullabaloos to woo votes. Somewhere in April 2012 I traveled to Ndole bay and it took us 9 solid hours to drive from Kasama via Mporokoso to Ndole bay.Much has to be done on these roads.

  4. Ministers should first engage the accused contractor to avoid such contradictions,another PS was misled into thinking he can cancel a finished contract while the province had alot other unfinished projects,consult you ministers to avoid appearing you have intrest or are incompetent.empower local contractors help when you notice short comings not trying to grab a finished project and giving it to foreigners for financial gains like in southern province,my president will sort you out soon,put on your seatbelts greedy defector…

    • Ubifi, when did Simbao become minister and for which ministry?

      Kapembwa Simbao is MMD Member of Parliament for Senga Hill constituency. He only chairs the Parliamentary Committee on Communications, Transport, Works and Supply in parliament. Maybe you are confusing PF Govt for MMD, where Simbao was once a minister!

  5. My fear always is how politics in Zed tries to champion their own mistakes. I suppose this speaks to the recycling of leadership. A case in point is the shock being expressed by the present leaders about some liquidated companies when they, themselves, were privy to the liquidation of almost all of them! Cheap politics in this era of enlightenment will not cut it – it has actually revealed the circus that we have been for DECADES. I know Able is (like his name), an able, capable professional whose integrity I cannot even begin to doubt for a minute.

  6. The best that needs top happen is to engage other stake holders in construction industry to go and do an audit of the works that are in contention. By this l am suggesting that we need an independent report from a team that will comprise the following :
    civil Egineer;Architect and quantity surveyor.

  7. How does one declare unfinished works as shoddy? Rules are Rules, If you promised to pay me before I finish my work, I will do the work once you do just that. And that has to be respected. With all due respect, its stupid to accuse Ng’andu of being bogus on grounds that they contract experts one they have a job? Surely, that shows that you have personal issues with the firm.
    Does the ministry of Works construct roads? or does the ministry of Information broadcast? No! those are institutions responsible for specific operation of government. Its called Ng’andu consultants. They are engineers with the right to subcontract other experts so long the job is done to your specifications what’s your problem? LOSER!

  8. Instead of seating their a being an arm chair critic, why don’t you point out any single finished shoddy job that Ng’andu has done. Condemn with facts don’t just dream and yap what you don’t understand ba ANYOKO, or get some wisdom from ANALYST.

  9. He is a middle man.and talks to much without much brains. he was one of the conteibutors of PF. now he is regreting as RB and LPM used to pay him.on time.and made his cuts. foolish man..fyoola.

  10. THESE SO CALLED PARLIAMENT COMMITTEES ARE JUST REPEATING WHAT was discussed long time ago with the SAME alleged CONTRACTOR. Government Erred in Giving this Constultant an EPC contract, he was a contractor and consultant at the SAME TIME, I THINK VONCENT MWALE CHAIRED THIS MATTER BEFORE, However if he was not paid he has thre RIGHT TO STOP WORK, AS HE HAS TO PAY FOR HIS LABOUR, IS THIS A COMPANY FOR MAGANDE?? Since the Job was awareded in MMD him magande Knows how he gave his TONGA MAN

  11. The works at Kasaba Bay Airport have nothing to do with the picture shown here. That is Kasaba Bay Lodge of which no investor is interested in until the airport is finished. While arguments over the payments have been going on for 3 years the Northern Circuit and all tourism in Nsumbu is dying. GRZ should allow to Ngandu to complete the project and PAY FOR IT or find someone else. it is the citizens of Nsumbu that are suffering from lack of employment in the mean time and for every year lost it will take three to recover. GRZ should not even mention tourism and the Northern Circuit until they commit to finishing Kasaba Bay airport. Without this airport there is no tourism in the north, consider before the works began there was a very useable airstrip, now NOTHING!

  12. Kapembwa Simbao, being an engineer yourself, you should know that if a consulting company registered to practice in Zambia, performs a shoddy job, they should be reported and answerable to the EIZ. You have the mandate to stop payments and parade them before the EIZ, with your FACTS. Do not do things just for political mileage, remember YOU are an Engineer first, then a politician, unless you have forfeited your degree.

    LT, please spare us the embarassment, surely how can you say ‘along the shows of Lake Tanganyika’. It is ‘shores’ not ‘shows’, what schools did you attend?

  13. There was a heavy downpour yesterday in Lusaka.This morning l observed that sibweni road tarmac near rhodespark school has broken into pieces showing signs of serious failure .This road was done barely a year ago.This is manifestation of shoddy works.Can the consultant invoved on this project take responsibility .Is it true that it was Ngandu consulting?

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