Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Zambia Daily Mail Board terminates the contract of Anthony Mukwita with immediate effect


Zambia Daily Mail Managing Director and Editor Anthony Mukwita
Zambia Daily Mail Managing Director and Editor Anthony Mukwita

Zambia Daily Mail Managing Director and Editor Anthony Mukwita has been dismissed by the board. According to the statement released to the media, Mr Mukwita’s contract of Employment has been terminated with immediate effect as part of the re-organization of the management team of the Zambia Daily Mail Board has embarked on.

In the interim, the Board has appointed the current Director of Finance, Mr. Bryson Mumba to act as Managing Director until the substantive holder of the position is identified by the Board.

Below is the full statement


The Zambia Daily Mail Board of Directors has with immediate effect terminated the Contract of Employment for the Managing Director, Mr. Anthony Mukwita as part of the re-organization of the management team of the company the Board has embarked on.

It has become clear to the Board that the Company needs a new direction and that the current situation at the Zambia Daily Mail is no longer conducive for the advancement of the objectives of the Company.

The Board has had to make this decision to serve the best interests of Zambia
Daily Mail limited.

Other measures to be instituted as part of the reorganization will include the immediate addressing of operational weakness pointed out by our external auditors at the close of last year.

The Board is determined to ensure that the financial status of the company is strengthened while improving news gathering and coverage in an ethical and professional manner.

As we move forward with the re-organization of the management of Zambia Daily Mail, I wish on behalf of the board and my own behalf to thank the Managing Director for his contribution to the values and objectives of the Zambia Daily Mail Limited during the time that he served the Company and wish him the best in his future engagements.

In the interim, the Board has appointed the current Director of Finance, Mr. Bryson Mumba to act as Managing Director until the substantive holder of the position is identified by the Board.

By Order of the Board

22nd February 2014.


    • I suspect he is either stolen, as is common in Zambian men’s DNA who are on top or he has stepped on someone’m toes he should have had.

      Now pardon my ignorance here but why is the termination of an employee of a Zambian owned newspaper getting streamlined as main headline news?

      I know little about him but if they are not prepared to tell us why, they should not have embarrassed the man by terminating his contract and rushing to the media
      However you look at it, this is amateurish by the Daily mail, for a man presumably that has served their company

      Weird news


    • wabona nako ye mukwita my nephew mwana wa bo kezeli , you have been used in a battle which is not ours,,, that was a bemba battle , you should stayed away, you thought speaking bemba makes you bemba,,, now bembas are laughing at you saying `washala muli mwamoneni`,, and during your time at daily mail you insulted at your own lozis. mukwita mwana wa bo kezeli i thought you learnt one or two things from bo ma wina.. now you are going to suffer,, lucky you have me, iwill can keep you on the poverty live one dollar, prepare to down grade from whisky to chibuku, because by the time GBM is finished with you,, it wont be things

    • Only last week I meantioned Mukwita will at this pace be Jobless soon. Works well for him.

      We simply do not accept mediocrity

    • @Nostradamus
      Nostra… boi please my friends, talk your ngoshe uncle,, my nephew is tears, he wants his job back, am trying to watch Arsenal winnig for a change,, he is paging me already he hasnt got airtime after being fired…
      Please if you can also ask ba GBM to forgive him,, his young and naive,, please Nostradamus, you and me come a long way

    • @Nostradamus..
      yaba! i cant even watch footbal nicely,, boi Nostra,, my nephew says its wynter kabimba who you told him to write what he wrote, so its not his fault… please my friend ask ba GBM to forgive my nephew

    • @soulosi
      please! i now dont even know which soulosi is which.. me am lozi, who can speak speak lozi, kaonde,tonga, street nyanja, afrikaans, svenska, setswana och(and) xhosa..AM NOT BEMBA and PF or IMPERSONATOR. among you many soulosi(s) please sort out your identities,,, am not part of your confusion please,,, i have alot to deal with my nephew has just been fired,, i need to budget for him on the famous poverty line one dollar per day

    • Mwikita is victim of the war between GBM and the PF. They used him to report negative things about GBM and now that it has back fired, he has been sacrificed. When the allegation made by GBM against the daily mail go to court the daily mail will say Mwikita issued those statements in a personal capacity not as part of the daily mail because they had already fired him.

    • @wanzelu
      my nephew Mukwita is victim of his own greedy,,, before this, he(mukwita) was in GBM camp together with the `late` Emma Mwamba against Wynter Kabimba camp,. I dont know what got into him,,, wanting to eat with both hands,, he moved to kabimba camp… so all this explosion is in my hands… i need to strike a deal with my good bemba friend Nostradamus quickily

    • Nevermind all the b0llocks check out a youtube video. Search for Zambian girls posted in the last week or so. Pu it this way it will get you hot under the collar if you a red blooded male! Le5bians can also have a feast.

    • Congratulations to the people of UKRAINE for removing a dictator from power. Next it is Venezuela’s Madulo, and maybe Sata in 2015.

      That is what people power is all about. No police no army fire can suppress it. The regime instructed the snipers to kill over 90 people but the people have managed to
      defeat the regime.

      Right now the UKRAINIAN president has escaped to a town near Russia.

    • @Ndobo, sorry my friend, I am busy pushing Sata to remove ka Chellar as well. This way of using Zambian Newspapers like Facebook is not for us. I am sorry your nephew Mukwita has to turn into a destitute at that age… Fisanga abaume, anyway he will not have an erection in next 2 weeks, depression.

    • Used like a tissue in winter!
      I feel sorry for your family though, maybe just apologise to GMB for your family’s sake, I know behind that great big man, GBM will forgive you especially that he knows how if feels to be F$$$$$$$d by PF and Ba Sata!

    • Ukuchengela chimo nokutumpa wamona nomba!,no body will be with you in defending yourself from GBM..,too bad for you my bro join us we job less youths,just buy a taxi ukese pa rank.

    • “The Watchdog understands that Mukwita is also implicated in some financial scandals. He has bought a luxurious vehicle using company money beyond his entitlements. He has also constructed a house in Roma area worthy billions of kwacha and not commensurate with his pay” quotation from the Watchdog. HOW MANY PUBLIC SERVANTS HAVE ACQUIRED WEALTH MANY TIMES THEIR SALARIES IN THIS COUNTRY AND ARE NOT ONLY FREE BUT ARE COMMENDED FOR INITIATIVE AND “HARD WORK”??? What a heap of hypocrisy!!! And why even issue a press statement?? He has just stepped on the toes of some people. What a people we have become???

  1. Useless board. If you had listened to people’s advice and seriously looked at his previous works, you would’t have employed him in the first place. This guy from day one wanted to turn Zambia Daily Mail into a James Hadley Chase novel, very disgusting!!

    Next up is the other small brainiac kid call George Chellah at State House. These two have been an embarrassment to journalism and public communication. Our country deserves better than this.

    • I am not a journalist nor have I had the good fortune to be spin doctor in my life. I have to agree that Chellah makes a joke of this very difficult trade. I am trying to figure out how he has lasted so long. Please help me.

    • Cha Cha Cha @ 3.2, I am a journalist and have had the good fortune to be a spin doctor, and yet, even I cannot figure out how George Chellah has lasted so long!! He has single-handedly done more to expose both State House and the office of the Presidency to scorne and ridicule almost unprecedented in African, if not world politics ever save for a few despotic regimes. It seems Mr Sata’s regime through attack dogs like Chellah, Mukwita, Meembe, Kambwili, Nsanda, Scott, Kabwamba, yes, Kabwamba, and the like are determined to out do those despots and leap-frog themselves into the record books in that area.

  2. So he has to meet all legal costs on his own in the GBM case!! Am sure he should be now regretting publishing that editorial.

  3. Ba mukwita now you are alone on your own, we will wait and see if Chunbu will come to your Aid in court as will be facing GBM. there is an english proverb that says ” He who laughs last laughs the loudest” the same thing will happen to Chellar at State House were he talks without thinking of the repacations.
    Sorry since now you now add a number to the unemployed on Zambia labour marcket.

  4. Wow! So we still have objective people in these BOMA boards? Thats commendable really and the guy deserved what he got. ZADAMA had gone to the dogs

  5. The Board of the Daily Mail has taken a tactical move to avoid being soiled by Mukwita’s personal legal battles with GBM. The Court proceedings will throw some light asto who really instigated Mukwita to utter irresponsible statements against an innocent Family.

    The lessons to the rest of hyenas is that they will be used to fight other peoples battles, but will later be damped into refuse garbage as spent material.

  6. Good for bo mukwita go and shine at muvi tv during bous. Break fast show. Now you are like u used condom to bad bo. Mukwita

    • Skeleton and Ndobo give each other cell numbers if you just want to communicate to yourselves, not only lozis are following,NDobo your earlier comments should be discouraged they promote tribalism, your contributions are slowly moving away from objectivity & purpose.please adjust.

    • I am seeing some comments in Bemba and Nyanja and non has complained. Just because the learned Ndobo and Skeleton are using Lozi then it all goes to tribalisim? get a life and get real for once. Some tribes think they are special and rule this land. sorry. not this time.
      Ku bo Ndobo ni bo Skeleton, muekezi shangwe. Li nja ze hakizakuiseza muhupulo. bi nyuku nyuku bye! asha, ki bumai kono lwa busa shangwe.
      bi siyalezi ni litoho inge mi finyani kekekekekekekeke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kauke.

  7. Is this not one of the newspapers I remember Guy Scott telling parliament will be PRIVATISED just after the 2011 election?

    Ahhh, another PF BUFI!

  8. Don’t feel sorry for him as much I don’t for George Cheela. I simply do not accept mediocrity especially from fellow young folks.

    We need to show these Old Rugs how to run this Institutions and systems profesionally.

  9. Just one law suit from GBM rocks the entire mouth piece of PF government. Next is to sue ZNBC or Sata’s face for lies to the nation.

    • In his zeal the bunkuum not only put his foot in his mouth but suspect the whole leg up to the hip.

      He was a show off, denegrated women, messed with politics and a man from the Chairpersons home area.

      Oooooh dude you’re ssooooooo fireed!!!!

    • So true, Ozzy. They were so used to slandering and libeling ignorant and impoverished Zambian politicians and getting away with it until GBM came on the scene and took them on – The Post, the Party and Its Government (PIG) and all their paid mouthpieces. Suddenly they are running scared! Now, if only HH can also grow a pair and take a leaf from the GBM play book, may be the Sata regime’s exit could come into sight sooner. Just thinking.

  10. Zambia Daily Mail ‘play boy’ managing director Anthony Mukwita is
    next on the dismissal line as he is scheduled to be booted out from
    the government owned newspaper company after his anomalous
    appointment by the fired former information PS Emmanuel Mwamba.
    A ZIN investigation has revealed that following the mess that
    Mwamba created during his stint at the ministry of information,
    government is determined to cleanse the system so that sanity
    returns to the ministry. Mukwita has been identified as one of the
    dosages of anarchy that Mwamba left at the ministry and is planned
    for dismissal so that professional operations are allowed to flow at
    the ministry. Anthony Mukwita is one of the beneficiaries of
    Emmanuel Mwamba’s confusion and illegality. Mukwita who is largely

  11. AM sad indeed lets not take pleasure when bad things happen to others,if you are evil within your self the evil will definitely devour you too one day .

  12. The court case will proceed. GBM sued ZDM & Anthony, these 2 still exist unless GBM decide to call it off. But legal fees GBM will not pay ZDM must pay

  13. If he really wanted to last in Sata’s govt how can he naively choose to be that bald? Seriouslytthough this has Mmembe and Chela written all over it. He probably offended them or something.
    Bythe way what’s up with all the stripped suits in Zambia? They look ugly.

  14. …he had it coming…it was just matter of time. The last nail on the coffin was when he attempted for an outside of court settlement…. with GBM

    Sorry mate…..

  15. IffccxLesson learnt to you all people pleasers. You cant do your job well whiel kissing other peoples asses . See what it cost him. And GBM is now all smiles. Maybe Mukwita should seek employments at one of GBM’s companys. Sure bitter pill to mina@

  16. Serves this chap just fine. It is important for professionals to remain as such at all times. This chap was becoming big headed. Some Permanent Secretaries should also learn from this.

  17. Where does Mukwita hail from? What a question, someone may ask? Well, because I just want to know. Which ethnicity is he?

    • @ Chinyama, U have issues in your closet. go sort them out and leave our learnt Lozi’s alone.
      @Ndobo ni And You, Chinyama umwa ma swabi amatuna. ki puho ya luna mi haluna ku zwafa kuin’ola. Nitabella ahulu litaba ze n’oliwa ki mambumbwe a liyambai, bana ba mbunga shangwe.

  18. Cha Cha Cha @ 3.2, I am a journalist and have had the good fortune to be a spin doctor, and yet, even I cannot figure out how George Chellah has lasted so long!! He has single-handedly done more to expose both State House and the office of the Presidency to scorne and ridicule almost unprecedented in African, if not world politics ever save for a few despotic regimes. It seems Mr Sata’s regime through attack d.ogs like Chellah, Mukwita, Meembe, Kambwili, Nsanda, Scott, Ka.bw.am.ba, yes, Ka.bw.amba, and the like are determined to out do those despots and leap-frog themselves into the record books in that area.

    • @Law101 I would want to agree with you but Richard Sakala, Dickson Jere used to be equally disgustingly loathesome. You may not remember them but I do because I was in Zed when they spilled their grime

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