Wednesday, October 23, 2024

More testify against Tourism Minister Sylvia Masebo


Tourism and Arts Minister Sylvia Masebo (c), Sesheke Member of Parliament Sianga Siyauya (r) and Western Province Minister John Kufuna (l) during the tour of Sioma Ngwezi Falls.
Tourism and Arts Minister Sylvia Masebo (c), Sesheke Member of Parliament Sianga Siyauya (r) and Western Province Minister John Kufuna (l) during the tour of Sioma Ngwezi Falls.

A witness in the Tribunal investigating allegations of professional misconduct against Tourism Minister Sylvia Masebo has testified that the tendering process for the hunting concession cancelled by Ms Masebo was transparent and above board.

James Milanzi a former Chairman of the Evaluation Committee told the tribunal that officers from the office of the President and Anti Corruption Commission including members of the community resource boards were all present during the tendering Process.

Mr. Milanzi said that despite the Minister discrediting the tendering process for the hunting concession it was above board.

He also told the tribunal that he was shocked to learn that he was not fired considering that other senior Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) officers were dismissed by Ms Masebo over the hunting concession.

And another witness, former ZAWA Wildlife Research officer, Rose Chivumba told the Tribunal that Tourism Minister had a separate advisory committee on the tendering process, which is supposed to be the job of the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA).

Ms Chivumba testified that one of the members of the Committee advising Ms Masebo was a bidder for the hunting licenses.

She also told the tribunal that she learnt of her dismissal while mourning her husband.



    • Wapya munzi Hon Minister, She will be saved by the DPP and MCS as usual. We know the corruption taking place in the PF led government.

    • In the interest of herself, the government and country, she should step aside until these investigations are concluded.

      This is what happens in any prudent government. Otherwise pretty much the outcomes are predetermined and it a waste of time really.



    • Heeee? Firing your friend Ms Chivumba,when she at a funeral of her husband? Nichi imwe Kabimba is immortal. Ba Masebo, when firing, you need to have balls, sit with your employee, explain the situation. In that moment you will be able to see, if a person is ready to take message. Not a mourning person, who is not even able to work and influence anything in your company, wait until they are back, then FIRE!

    • @One Hit Wonder! She is trying to look and feel like a man and that she has the clout. Those are some of the challenges of being a woman in a man’s world.

    • @Nostradamus
      surely my brother with pure bemba genes ,,, how can Masebo have balls and still be in it with Mr wynther kabimba SC? just like how can Sata be Bemba (or expected to understand how a the chitimukulu takes up his throne) when he is pure mwachu…bisa

    • @Nostradamus
      by the way have you seen our baroste sand,,,, thats the land we back, under that sand there is everything from oil to diamonds,,,

    • “…she learnt about her dismissal while mourning her husband…” dismissals and irregular appointments are the only thing this adminstration is efficient at. Anything else – like adopting one of the best constitutions under the sun is placed last on the queue (if even placed at all)!!!

    • Check the dressing styles in the picture above- someone is wearing a suit in the bush and Masebo is in a schooner shoe in the bush and in a khaki uniform!

    • @ Fair Play; What has HH done which is I have not seen or written above? What are you talking about, we want to see It? Tell us more about it otherwise many pipo will think its you hating HH or Ilas?

    • @2.1 Lion Katemba Chupo here is your answer:

      On Saturday 22 February 2014, Hakainde urged the people of Katuba not to vote for PF candidate Moses Chilando because he comes from another region of our country. Hakainde told a campaign rally in Katuba: “Na muntu wafwa pamunshi, wa mukowa wafwa pamushi, mwamana kulila, mbutwakalila kuno kuli ba Chikusu, mulakala nobamukowa kubandika… simulyazhina saa… mulabika mutuba na mulabika wa mukowa? Mulabika wa mukowa (if a clansman dies, when you finish mourning just like we did for Chikusu, you sit as a clan to select one to take over the name. Are you going to give the name to a foreigner or your clansman) to which the crowd responded ‘mukowaaa’.”

    • HH doesn’t hate any Bembas, its the Pf who hates HH. Recently he was blocked from visiting his bemba friends including Sosala, in Kasama.So in simple reasoning who hates who?

  1. Leave her alone. ba PF time is running out very fast 2016 is coming. We are not going to renew your contract. Don’t forget we hire and fire.

  2. Everyday,everything, everywhere and everyone is suffering from the PF hiccup. PF denies any thing from the opponents. We shall not sleep on without checks and balances in PF cadres Panga family.
    PF is abomination of democracy as for Ms Masebo, when will she ever accept that she made a blunder? Everything its No No, it’s not me, unreasonable and in the end, Mr Sata verified his MPs cadres as most useless. If they can deny the 90 days syndrome on record, what about the misconduct of Masebo to fraudulently breach the code!

  3. But Zooona the PF govt is serious against Corruption ka! I have never seen a govt so proactive in eradicating corruption. Keep on keeping on…!

    • Yeah, right! It took a team of wild horses dragging the PF kicking and fighting to have this tribunal and you are lauding PF as an anti-corruption party. GBM was cleared of corruption while in govt. Immediately he resigned, all state agencies were swarming around to get GBM under investigation. All this money wastage on tribunals that wont yield a thing is nauseating.

  4. She did well to cancel the hunting concession, bamambala wanted to finish all the animals. All those who care about our national parks should support her. They were killing animals indiscriminately. This is the reason why they have gunned-up to discredit her name.

  5. Be assured nothing will happen to her. In exactly 90 days Zambians will forget anf have some other scandal to talk about.

    • That word is none existent in the PF family. Kabimba prevailed over his concubine not to step aside because he did it and nothing happened.

  6. UPND Leading so far in Katuba, followed bt MMD, NAREP THEN THE REST.
    Meawhile according to post Online, VP Scott has said, PF did not go into govt to play BUT to EAT- Scott

  7. i wonder what it takes for someone to step aside to allow the tribunal to do their work. as it is its only that the workers have just said whatever happens happens and we will tell the truth hence you hear sentiments like ‘i was even surprised that i wasnt fired’ this is coming from a person who has nothing to lose anymore because he/she knows that things are not right and the manner this was done to their colleagues was not good.

  8. If you know of a just cause why astute Honourable Minister of Tourism, Sylvia Masebo should not step down and face music at the hands of stern-looking Minister of Justice, Wynter Kabimba, please declare it now; or else hereafter forever hold your peace!

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