Saturday, July 27, 2024

Twenty three year-old woman allegedly commits suicide by throwing herself into the mighty Victoria Falls.


Victoria Falls from the Zambian side( Sent by G.Soko)
Victoria Falls from the Zambian side( Sent by G.Soko)

A TWENTY three year-old woman of Livingstone in Southern Province has allegedly committed suicide by throwing herself into the mighty Victoria Falls.

Carol Kanyembo of 172 Dambwa North Extension allegedly committed suicide on Friday evening on grounds that she was a disappointment to her parents over her school progresses.

A few days before Ms Kanyembo took her life, she sent text messages to her close friends which read that she would “Take my life” on grounds that she was a disappointment to her parents.

Southern Province deputy police chief Milner Muyambango, who confirmed the incidence in an interview yesterday, said the deceased was last seen at Victoria Falls premises on Friday around 18:00 hours.

“She was last seen on April 25, this year, at the Victoria Falls at around 18:00hours and it is believed that she threw herself into the Victoria Falls,” Mr Muyambango said.

He said the suicide suspicion arose from the fact that she earlier wrote some short message services (SMS) to her friends indicating that she would take her life because she felt being a disappointment to the efforts by her parents who tried their best to ensure she progresses in school.

Mr Muyambango said the deceased’s parents were believed to have been paying for their daughter’s school tuition fees at a tertiary institution in Botswana but she dropped out.

He said that Ms Kanyembo was also sent to another learning institution in the neighbouring Namibia where was reported to have dropped out again.

“According to her friends, this situation mentally tortured her and she could have decided to take her own life,” Mr Muyambango said.

He said police in Livingstone were making efforts to search for the body of the girl.
Mr Muyambango, however, appealed to members of the public to alert police on possible whereabouts of the deceased.


  1. It makes a sad reading indeed. We as parents do not take pleasure in the death of young ones. Many other doors could have unfolded for her.

  2. Sad sometimes our children dont appreciate our efforts to make their own future bright. They engage themselves so much in cyber space activities. Too bad Carlo you shud have spoke to your mother or an aunt about yo short coming. A life lost is sad news to the family and the nation as a whole.

  3. “appealed to members of the public to alert police on possible whereabouts of the deceased.

    LOL — Classic!!!

  4. There was warning lights before she committed suicide. Why didn’t the friends report to the parents, police or social welfare dept. this is negligence on the part of friends. I can sue the friends who received the texts. This is tantamount to concealing crime

  5. The fact is that we(young ones) should appreciates the little effort our parents put to us in order to embrace lift their wishes to come true. No one(parents)would want to see their children suffer but its up to us to choose which way to go. Thank you parents for that effort you did to her though. My condolence. RIP sis.

  6. Im glad the comments here are generally sympathetic to the deceased, not like some time back when the dead would get insulted and called all sorts of names like cowards, selfish etc. It seems zambians are slowly maturing. There is nothing funny about it, any person can find themselves in tremendously stressfull circumstances that you just wont solve alone, so take care of each other out there. RIP .

  7. ””’she was seen around the falls….’….its believed she threw herself’……
    …..since no one saw her throw her self into the falls, this may either be as suspected suicide or homicide or runaway or even eloping….anyone could have used her fon to send texts in case of homicide….
    she has just disappeared in unexplained circumstances… police rule out foul play but possibility is there….fire brigade to move in…

  8. This is sad again. How could she take her own life over a very simple problem? Failing must not result in such sad actions. Its normal to fail. Failing is just a symptom that shows that one is not understanding something, or one is doing something wrong. Parents should emphasis love to their children, even when they fail a 100 times. Its endless love, a continuous commitment. Parents must allow the children to start a career that they love. Not to impose a course simply because its high paying. Sorry to the parents who tried to educate their child out of love.

  9. i need some answers… does that mean vic falls is not secured? if so, did any guard see unaccompanied at 18 hrs near their facilities? sounds guess work by the authorities!

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