Saturday, June 1, 2024

Bring Back The Subsidies To Mitigate Escalating Fuel Prices- FDD


A fuel tanker on its way to Malawi to deliver the commodity that was donated to that country by President Sata
A fuel tanker on its way to Malawi to deliver the commodity that was donated to that country by President Sata

The Forum for Democracy and Development FDD has called on government to consider reinstating subsidies on fuel and farming inputs which were removed last year as there removal has not benefited the public.

Speaking in an interview FDD spokesperson Antonio Mwanza said government has no choice but to reinstate the subsidies on fuel and farming inputs as their removal has done nothing but add to the high of living the country is experiencing.

Mr Mwanza observes that the agriculture sector is in a mess and that the country’s food security is threatened because small scale farmers can no longer manage to buy fertilizer due to the removal of subsidies from farming inputs.

He explained that the removal of fuel subsidies has added to the high cost of living obtaining in the country hence the need for the government to reinstate them as mitigating measure to the high fuel costs.

“The government has no choice but to bring back subsidies on production. It has to bring back subsidies on fertilizer, subsidies on fuel. Look at the agriculture sector, it is in a mess because most of our peasant farmers can not afford fertilizer which simply means that we have no food security in the country,” Mr Mwanza said.

He further said, ” And if you look at fuel, at the rate we are going with this PF government and its lack of fiscal policy pump price of fuel is likely to go beyond K12.00 per litter in the next 6months and that will even become more costly for businesses which will lead to job cuts or closure of some businesses due to high cost of production.”

He said with high cost of living which has continued to escalate government should reinstate subsidies without any delay and help reduce the cost of living so that citizens can afford to live a decent life.

And Citizens Empowerment Forum Executive Director Edger Siyakachoma said in view of the escalating fuel prices government should reinstate the subsidies so as to help maintain the prices of goods and services.

Mr Siyakachoma said fuel drives the country’s economy hence high fuel costs hurts the country’s economy.

He added that citizens are not benefiting from the removal of subsidies as the cost of goods and services continue to go up despite citizen being promised that the removal of subsidies was in their best interest.


  1. FDD?!? Is this Edith Nawakwi’s band wagon?

    Is this the best suggestion they can come up with!! LOL !!

    Seriously people, what have you been smoking?

    • @ Mulenga and Jelita if you cant see sense in what the FDD is advising your failed paty then we doubt your sanity. After all this pf govt is full of policy reversals and so reintroducing subsidies will atleast give them a face. This is the only way the poor Zambian is going to benefit from the US$1 billion which we do not know its use at the moment other than that it is a future burden for our country

  2. Subsidising consumption is not a solution. Zambians have to come out of dependency syndrome. Solution lies in Politicians with integrity in driving seat. No salaries, no benefits, no nothing for politicians. Their only benefit is Sense of Contribution and living in society respected and liked as elderly citizens. Amount saved from such and honest politicians commitment will be used for productive jobs creation. Once people have jobs they can afford to plan and pay for market driven prices of goods and services.
    Solution lies in development, job creation and integrity in public, private and corporate life.

    • @Sandy Creations, except for no salary for politicians occupying positions in legislative assembly and other position, your argument is good. How I wish our politicians had integrity and work ethics of western world.

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