Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sort out the fuel mess in Luapula Province-Nevers Mumba


Motorists queuing for fuel in Luapula Province
Nevers mumba with Motorists queuing for fuel in Luapula Province

Movement for Multiparty Democracy President Nevers Mumba has challenged the ruling Patriotic Front to immediately sort out the perpetual fuel shortages in Luapula Province.

Dr. Mumba who spent close to an hour waiting in queue at Amico filling Station, the only filling station with the commodity in Mansa said the PF Government should sort out the fuel crisis that has hit the province since 2012.

Dr Mumba said people are spending more time waiting in queue trying to fill up their cars instead of being productive.

He noted that it was hypocritical of the PF Government officials to continue subjecting people to long queues in search of fuel when they were the first people to line up with containers at filling stations whenever they was a shortage of the commodity when they were in opposition.

The MMD leader who freely mingled with other motorists as his entourage waited for their turn at the filling station said it was unacceptable for people to be spending hours at filling stations as if they do not have other things to do.

“If if you spend so much time wait in a line what time are you going to look for money if you are a taxi driver? Dr Mumba asked.

He noted that the crisis had gone on long enough hence government should come in and find a lasting solution to the perpetual fuel crisis not only in Mansa but other towns in Luapula province.

Dr. Mumba who is accompanied by party treasurer Mwansa Mbulakulima, Dr. Peter Machungwa, Luapula Province Provincial Chairlady Sophie Mwansa and her counterpart Malama Kapoloyo is en-route to Kawambwa to celebrate the Umutomboko traditional ceremony of the Lunda people.

Meanwhile, motorists in Mansa have complained that government has neglected them as the fuel crisis has been going on for too long while government has chosen to ignore their cries.

Taxi drivers who are the most affected and were seen mobbing the fuel attendant with containers said they are being forced to lineup with containers because it is quicker to be serviced.

They told the opposition leader to take the message to Lusaka and tell the President Michael Sata that they voted for change to make things better not to worsen things.

Nevers Mumba
Motorist at a petrol station buy petrol in containers
Motorists queuing for fuel in Luapula Province
Motorists queuing for fuel in Luapula Province



    • Please stop decampaining Dr Mumba. Dr Mumba promised politics of morals, he wouldn’t practice politics of name calling.

    • @’zambia shall be saved’-decampaigning only takes place in demonic world.It’s only the pipo in darkness who may not like the light.People of the light know very well the risk of voting for the members of the secret society Freemasons.

    • @Nostradamus
      whats happening to your people in liverpool luapula??,,,,,,, since ba Sekani died,,, liverpool luapula has been orphaned,,,,, alll those people who were talking good at funeral dont want anything to do with luapula,,, sad ,, really sad!!!,,,,, now your people in liverpool luapula want independence from PF,,, like my people in the Royal kingdom of baroste,,,, maybe luapula should joined tongaland south

    • Not sure about the Freemasonry, whether it is true or not, however sin is sin. The same fear caused a few people not to vote for Mazoka who lost by 33,000 with a breakdown of Lusaka 1st, Central 1st, North western 1st, Western 1st,Southern 1st,Copperbelt 3rd , Luapula 5th, Eastern 5th, Northern 7th. Only God knows whether he won or not, whether the results were manipulated or not since we do not have proper systems in place to detect elections malpractices.Corruption and theft of public resources has led to a lot of deaths of innocent citizens due to lack of Health facilities which is equally evil.

    • He could have developed Zambia and utilized the great resources that Zambia has. Christians could have prayed for his salvation, the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective. The argument that Luapula and Northern did not vote for him are misplaced he came out number 5 in Luapula out of 11 candidates same as Eastern and number 7 out of 11 candidates in Northern. Southern Province equally voted for other candidates from other provices. The arguments that the Northern Provinces and Southern provinces are tribal are a creation by people who want to see Zambia divided.

    • Coming back to HH, whether the allegations are true or not christians are commanded to pray for their leaders so that the countries may enjoy peace and so that souls come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. If a country is having problems the blame lies on Christians. What is important is praying the will of God for the Zambian elections and not judging by outward appearances. HH or Dr Mumba can make good presidents , the most important thing is to pray for the will of God, maybe God can save him during his term of office , as long as he has a heart to serve , God can use anyone.

    • God’s ways are above our ways and God’s thoughts are above our thoughts. Let us pray for the will of God to prevail in 2016. Jesus has disarmed all principalities and powers and the blood of Jesus can save any the of sinner. Zambia needs a strong UPND and MMD, politics of name calling will not be our portion. We should practice issue based politics.

  1. It’s not only in Luapula where there is fuel problem.Mr Mumba why talking for Luapula residents only instead of talking in behalf of all regions of Zambia?And you are calling your self opposition MMD president? that’s regionalism & Tribalism.

    • You id10t he was talking about was he was experiencing first hand. why are you so shallow minded. Do you want him to talk about Choma where he has no data as to what the fuel situation is dull chap you are

    • as an opposition Leader,he is supposed to offer the solution to the crises,He should not play the blame game,during MMD time we experienced the fuel crises.What is his alternative to end this?

  2. When Chanda Chimba The 111 was telling you you could not listen coz you were taken with more money in your pockets no jobs then dont kubeba,Know you say fwe C,B people next time the trede of saying fwebena cb you think u re the most inteligenty zambians enjoy it so that you can lean to choose leaders,the same man who demolished houses in kanyama when he was just a minister todays leter he cames and say dont kubeba already forgoten about those kanyama poeple,Its not just fuel a lots of things its all daily needs foods soups its evrything involved.Dont Kubeba @work

  3. Show a little more, show a little less, add a little smoke, welcome to burlesque. everything you dream of, I have already plundered. Everyone is donating and put your money in my pants. I am not guilty of hammering money during my term as high-comm issioner but I am ready to confess it felt soo good stealing the money. my Dominican lady assistant can always give you a great personal service. Free ladies for everyone when I am president.

    • @Fake’ nevers mumba-‘Why are you heaping hot coal on your head,your sewer mouth will kill you,be careful what you say about the man of God.God always defends His Own.Touch Not my annointed-says the Lord.

    • @Bo Sipopa- it is because of dumb *****s like you mmd has been laundering resources in front of your eyes and you still dont notice it

    • @Nancy-It’s this sewer mouth language that scares the would-be UPND Supporters.Your language is so evil and demonic that it shows what really will happen if by a miracle the UPND state House mirage came to be a reality.Zambia will be engulfed with this evil language-You’ve to be Born Again-or else you perish.

  4. Bushe kanshi ba Nevers mwilile ifingi ku Luapula? Bushe teku Mutomboko mwimine? Ala kumpaukeni mwalasanga icila capwa. Mwata nga atoloka ninshi icila baisala.Labeniko ifyo ifya mafuta. Motoka isheni apopene pa Mansa.

  5. Nevers this is your province. The Mwata knew when he opposed PF to stay MMD. He has been vindicated. The late Chitimukulu also opposed PF and supported MMD. These are the two provinces wher PF knew they needed the rigging by the Kenyan corrupt. This where massive rigging took place in 2011.

    The PF made these provinces for MMD election monitors and intimidated most of them such that most of the poling stations were unmanned by MMD agents.

    Ubufi bulabwela. Ichamunda yanama chilalala, lelo ichamunda yamuntu tachilala. Mr. Kabimba has already started exposing himself that he illgally smuggled in the Kenyans. What is ECZ doing?

  6. I am read to sponsor a debate between Dr Nevers Mumba and HH.
    so we can judge who is under five and politic imature

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