Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Michael Sata campaigns Solwezi ( Story with latest Pictures)


President Sata Spaking to Given Lubinda on arrival in Solwezi
President Sata Spaking to Given Lubinda on arrival in Solwezi

President Michel Sata has told the PF candidate in the Solwezi central parliamentary by-election Newton Malwa to closely work with the people once elected MP in order to facilitate development in the area.

President Sata said this today in Solwezi during a campaign rally held at Solwezi show grounds to drum up support for the PF candidate. Mr Sata, who arrived at Solwezi Airport in the morning to a thunderous welcome, said he was ready to address the challenges faced by the people in the area and directed Mr Malwa to report all the problems to him once elected in tomorrow’s by-election.

Mr Sata invited the children who were present to sit next to him on the podium emphasized that the future of children depended on what plans Mr Malwa had as aspiring Member of Parliament.

“Have you seen all of these children here? Some of these children have been expelled from schools because their parents cannot afford to pay their fees,” said Mr Sata as he pointed at scores of children he had asked to come closer to him.

President Sata said the future of Zambia rested in the hands of the children, hence the need to ensure that they attained better education that would help them take the mantle of leadership.

The President said many children in Zambia were currently facing difficulties to attain education because their parents could not afford to pay their school fees.

“The future of this country depends on these children and you must go out and find ways in which these children are able to attain education.”

The President, who was accompanied by Kasama Central MP Geoffrey Mwamba and his counterpart for Kabwata Given Lubinda, urged the people in Solwezi to vote for Mr Malwa.

[pullquote]“Let me assure you your excellence that the party is now stronger and that the doors of PF are still open,” Mr Lungu said. “That is why you have seen Zayelo (Given Lubinda) and GBM here. There are no factions and we are all under you.”[/pullquote]

Earlier, PF secretary general Edgar Lungu said the party was stronger and assured that there were no more factions in the ruling party.

“Let me assure you your excellence that the party is now stronger and that the doors of PF are still open,” Mr Lungu said. “That is why you have seen Zayelo (Given Lubinda) and GBM here. There are no factions and we are all under you.”

Mr Lungu reiterated that as chief executive of the party, he would crash anyone who would want to bring confusion because every member wanted the Head of State to enjoy his presidency.

Earlier, Mr Mwamba said the decision by President Sata to sack Mr Kabimba had united the party not only in Northern Province, but also across the country.

The parliamentarian said he could not form a political party or join the opposition after resigning as minister of Defence early this year because President Sata was his mentor.

Roan MP Chishimba Kambwili, who is also PF national youth chairperson, said the Government had demonstrated its preparedness to develop North-Western Province through the provision of road networks.

Mr Kambwili said 20 kilometres of township roads would be tarred in Solwezi Central under the Pave Zambia 2000 while an additional 60.6 kilometres would be upgraded under the Link Zambia 8000 project.


President Sata receives flowers on arrival in Solwezi to drum up support for PF candidate Malwa
President Sata receives flowers on arrival in Solwezi to drum up support for PF candidate Malwa


President Sata on arrival in Solwezi


President Sata flash the Patriotic Front party symbol on arrival in Solwezi to drum up support for Solwezi PF Parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa  on September 10,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Sata flash the Patriotic Front party symbol on arrival in Solwezi to drum up support for Solwezi PF Parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa on September 10,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


PF Parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa
PF Parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa


PF supporters during a rally to drum up support for  Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa on September 10,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
PF supporters during a rally to drum up support for Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa on September 10,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


PF Supporters during a rally in Solwezi to drum up support for PF parliamentary candidate  Newton Malwa on September 10,2013 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
PF Supporters during a rally in Solwezi to drum up support for PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa on September 10,2013 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


 Kasama central member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda and Sports minister Chishimba Kambwili dancing during a rally to drum up support for  Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa  on September 10 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Kasama central member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda and Sports minister Chishimba Kambwili dancing during a rally to drum up support for Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa on September 10 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


GBM flashing the PF symbol on arrival in Solwezi to drum up support for PF Parliamentary candite Newton Malwa on September 10,2014 -Picture by THOMNAS NSAMA
GBM flashing the PF symbol on arrival in Solwezi to drum up support for PF Parliamentary candite Newton Malwa on September 10,2014 -Picture by THOMNAS NSAMA


Police officers  escorts President Sata's motorcade during a rally to drum up support for PF parliamentary Candidate Newton Malwa on September 10,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Police officers escorts President Sata’s motorcade during a rally to drum up support for PF parliamentary Candidate Newton Malwa on September 10,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


PF Secretary General Edgar Lungu with Kasama central member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda during a rally to drum up support for  Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa  on September 10 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
PF Secretary General Edgar Lungu with Kasama central member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda during a rally to drum up support for Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa on September 10 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


 Kasama central member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda and Sports minister Chishimba Kambwili dancing during a rally to drum up support for  Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa  on September 10 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Kasama central member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda and Sports minister Chishimba Kambwili dancing during a rally to drum up support for Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa on September 10 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


PF Secretary General Edgar Lungu with Kasama central member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda during a rally to drum up support for  Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa  on September 10 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
PF Secretary General Edgar Lungu with Kasama central member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda during a rally to drum up support for Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa on September 10 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


 Kasama central member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda and Sports minister Chishimba Kambwili dancing during a rally to drum up support for  Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa  on September 10 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Kasama central member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda and Sports minister Chishimba Kambwili dancing during a rally to drum up support for Solwezi PF parliamentary candidate Newton Malwa on September 10 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


    • The elections in Solwezi will be rigged. There is no way PF can bring the president to Solwezi and allow him to go through a humiliating defeat. Mulusa will lose his seat to Mwala.

    • Where is WANZELU these are latest pictures ,they have not been doctored or photo shopped ,these are instagram photos.Viva be Sata

    • Mwamoneni bafikalaa i was telling you ati Sata akabwela mwaletalika nomba mwamona ? Ka ndobo,wanzelu,jay jay,Nostradamus and Mfumu mwamona nomba bafikaala imwe? Mulekwatako inseni imwe ba pushii.

    • After allowing Mmembe to evade tax, high cost of living since 2011, rampant corruption in his Gov, he still has the guts to sympathise with the suffering children. His Gov has made people poorer and his minions richer and arrogant.

    • How come the president is allowed to campaign after ECZ closes the campaigns on the 9/09/14.

      PF needs a big revolution to be removed and restore sanity to Zambia.

    • @Nostradamus
      bola! Zambia down to 2-1,,, I have just been talking to lawyer Kabimba on the phone from his farm,,, he blames kambwili,,,,he is even considering suing him with immediate effect for the loss of chipolopolo

    • @Mushota; yes that’s exactly what a sick man looks like! I really feel sorry for Sata. The man looks gaunt and devoid of energy. I would like to see how the commenters stating Sata looks healthy look like themselves! Because if that’s how a healthy person looks, one with money, power, good food and health care, then I would rather remain poor.

      Sata is still supposed to be on bed rest. But Mmembe’s saber rattling cut it short. Poor old man!

    • Recovery has really gone well. Only a naive Walter Mitty would surely believe that the president has been fine all these past months and not going under any medical treatment. At least give us the due respect as citizens of this country and not insult our intelligence by continuing to claim he has been fine all the while.
      However, it is good to see you Mr.President – now start answering questions about illunda chalo and the trafigura deals you did with Kabimba.

    • Folks

      Something is amiss here. I know the talkative Sata, who talks a lot not this rubber mask wearing thug masquerading as Sata who has only managed to give 5 minutes speeches at every event he has appeared. Could it be that this thug has not rehearsed enough of how Sata speaks thats why he only talks for a few minutes?

      I don’t want to believe the real Sata is back. The only way to verify is to carry out a DNA test.

      What PF are parading is a rubber mask wearing thug being trained to speak and walk like Sata.

      Zambians please wake up. I warned you earlier on, about what the desperate PF minions are capable of in the event that Sata does not wake up from a comma in Israel.

      The real Sata is still away.

    • It’s a choice to either see the reality or just what you want to see. The president was on the death bed and couldn’t even speak, my foot! What kind of intelligence the opposition have to be embarraced like this all the time after they have peddled so many lies?

    • @Ndobo, sorry my friend, I was on phone with Kalu & Miles Sampa, over the disaster in Cabo Verde (pardon my Hispaniola influence…. CABO not CAPE)
      They all blaming Kambwili.
      That plan which ferried heavy GMB and light-weight Sata would have been in Cape Verde with Chipoloplolo, but they decide to go dancing in Solwezi, but Chishimba na chibuku yakwe…

    • All they can do is dancing amidst the high level of poverty. Thanks to them having feed their bellies. Pf you really are not pro-poor party.

    • Mushota, did King Cobra and GBM come from the same plane? I know GBM is big but the difference between pic 2 and 8 is just too much.

    • If anybody deserves kudos its ZWD. About a month ago, the reported that Satan is on a heightened regimen and might come back like a cyborg. These are the pics you seeing here. The question is at what cost and for how long can the already bankrupt country sustain this? By cost I mean not just in terms of the resources (docs and drugs) being spent but also the time Sata has spent and will continue to spend away from his job. Like i have said before, the pf govt is a kantemba, so Satan effectively writes his own pay cheque. There is no opposition nor adequate corporate governance structures in Zambia to provide checks and balances to pf govt. Therefore the goons do as they pliz. Satan now has a chance (while the regimen is working) to leave the office honourably and in one piece.

    • @Dontcare, Me too I feel so depressed that Sata (especially) is so much better than last month. I am also so disappointed that those Kambwili, GBM and Lubinda can’t loose an election.
      The opposition we are so in trouble, we be losing like Chipolopolo, even at “home” in Mangango we got beaten by PF. Now its away election in Solwezi, with those PF MPs dancing (no guns), it will be 2-1 loss.

  1. Zambia will never be civilized. The report says “the president must be allowed to ENJOY his presidency.” That speaks volumes for me. When referring to governance many Zambians usually refer to the president as a “ruler.” That also speaks volumes. Zambians need to understand that leaders are there to serve the people and not the other way round. Nubian princ… who is a relative of Sata cannot understand what I am saying because even though she lives in America her mind is still uncivilized.

    • Well spoken. She one day supported homosexuality. Then I knew she is not a Nubian princess. For Nubian princessess of old supported population growth and mental freedom. Not genocide.

  2. So the A ,of the cartels has lost the power,it looks like the B team did little media publicity,but were working president you have the solution to those children ‘s problems,reduce the price of essential commodities.

    • There are no haters but people who are also thinking they can provide better than the current leadership, hence known as politics. We could do well with less negative language seemingly destructive.

    • Ba Fi-color we lost to Cape Verde because of your Sata.
      Atleast he now has a better team which never use guns, i.e GBM, Lubinda, Kambwili no guns.
      I didn’t seeKabimba, Mwaliteta, Atanga, Judge Ngoma with guns.

    • It’s so sad when zambians are trying to come together, you still try to find something negative. Funga kinwa if you have nothing constructive to say.

    • Pompwe – Since when have Given Lubinda (Lozi), GBM (Bemba), Edgar (Chewa) and HEMCS (Bisa), become tribesmen.

      Please – keep your iliteracy to your self.

  3. Nostradamus, Ndobo, Wanzelu and all…… Miracles can happen after all. His Excellency the President seems to be getting fitter by the day. Whatever medicine or doctors they are using better make them available at UTH and other hospitals. It seems to be really working especially that most of us did write off his recovery. It is good to see the man coming back and happy fir his family.

    Now let the man sort out the succession issue and new constitution. UPND will now have to work even harder at the campaigns if they are to win anything. Anyway we will see how they fair in the 5 by-elections being contested.

    • iwe na iwe, force feeding of nyama soya, soya porriage,,, and alittle bit of mazi amoyo,,, thats what you are seeing,,,i know he still needs alot more rest, ,,,

      and its not human power, its God`s grace, dont get too excited,,,rather pray for him

    • @Ndobo… Hahahaha ati nyama soya. And yes it’s God’s grace. But all in all we seeing a better looking presido than the pictures we saw from May 25th and all the way to mid august. My point is that for all the care that he has been made to go through, the same measures must be granted to patients in hospitals that have similar health issues. We can only thank God and continue to pray for the man’s full recovery. He surely has to live long to see another government formed. I honestly still don’t see he will run for 2016 as it may be to stressful for him. The major test will be the almost 3 hours of parliament opening should he grace that occasion with his presence. It’s good to see man get to full recovery and that there be no more speculating again.

    • ndobo na wanzelu tapali ifyo mulelanda musula wenu bakwindi imwe,
      mwenama i ibishi, mwenda namufyonona bakapoli iwe kwati you are

    • No kakonkote, let not easily change the subject and bone of contetion here, guys like you and many others in the first place claim that the president was never sick, so which miracle are you alluding to, unless you mean to tell me that him walking is a miracle which then fails to suit in that category considering that the 90% of the world population can walk. So first, before you attack abena ndobo,nostradamus, jay jay, agree first that: Yes, the president was sick and so the reason he was not seen or very active was because he was recovering or on medication. Just agree to that first, but knowing you and your lot, you will divert to another topic.
      whats so hard about admitting that the man was sick, the pictures themselves show you that he is still recovering. but you wont admit!!!!

    • zagaze I have always stated and commented that something was wrong with the president be it sickness or whatever made him stay indoors at Nkwazi. I am not one like mushota or saulos that were saying all was well with him as clearly no president would go hibernating for the period we did not see him without anything being wrong. So not sure we’re your comment is coming from. All am stating here is that he has made a recovery in the midst of most of us who thought he was not going to come back. And hence my saying a miracle as happened. And as can be seen, the pictures of him are showing a man that has improved. At least we can now even hear him speak.

    • @Kakonkote… kikikiki at miracle. I just listening to audio bible it was about the guy just told commanded “… stand up and walk!! take your ka mat”. Same with Sata, we kept telling him to stop being shy… and like what
      @Ndobo said FORCE feeding on Nyama Soya, awe sure Muka Yama Kaseba is the hero!!

  4. That’s one strong son of a gun! Keep going at it Your Excellency! The man of action is tougher than steel and despite the evil, hatred and witchcraft from UPND, he’s blessing the nation with development. 2016 victory is automatic. Kudos! Your Highness, our Supreme Majesty Mr. Sata, we bow before your throne and sing Psalms of praise.

  5. We continue to pray fo our man of action, may the Almighty God grant him long life to help our country shake itself out of 20 years of underdevelopment. Long live Mr Development! long live PF!

  6. Picture 2 is so powerful it will make Nevers and (HH) sh8t their pants for 7 days straight. Look at the might in that man’s fist! Go Sata, but (HH) diarrhea unto you Musankwa, wajata ngombe iwe, Don’t go around spreading Bovine Immuno-deficiency Virus (BIV) in this campaign, like you did last time in Mangango. Keep your small pen in your own pocket

    • Zambians are not fools that they can not see how selfish and greedy your Sata and your PF are. You Bembas from DRC and Tanzania have destroyed our country. Go back to your countries of origin!

  7. Just campaigning for PF candidates and swearing in will not build Zambia.Sata remains lost in terms of effective policies,monetary prudence,revolutionary agriculture,sustainable sanitational change and optimal logistics for growth

  8. As a matter of facts, Summer Kamimba was living with a. Nglanga from Nega Nega farms at his house he actually hired mukulowa HEMCS. The. Recent past visiting Nigeria Prophet also mentioned this but he prayed for the president those who wanted to kill would not succeed for the Most High God was with him to ensure that he accomplish that Himself, the Almighty God wanted Sata to accomplish. Ala, bwafya muno caalo, mwe babiile besu! Someone was very determined to kill his long time mentor.


  10. Things are not adding up here, Kabimba has gone quiet and yet he knows Sata’s dirty linen and he is not saying anything. Sata and Kabimba they are joined up like battocks, is this a set up?

  11. Cadres are easily duped and live in perpetual denial. Sata is better off retired and resting at a hospice. The man in the photos is very sick and and sustained only by a cocktail of deadly chemicals to keep him alive. It would be an act of love to persuade him to quit active politics.

  12. ndobo na wanzelu tapali ifyo mulelanda musula wenu bakwindi imwe, mwenama i ibishi, mwenda namufyonona bakapoli iwe kwati you are circumcised.

  13. Is it only me or is there something wrong with the photographs? How come there are no pictures of the audience at this rally but only Sata and his entourage? I hope the citizens of this country will see through this gimmick and vote wisely. Also, I remember GBM saying he resigned from his post because of Chitimukulu and not because of Kabimba. What has changed now? Has Sata recognized Chitimukulu or has GBM realised where his bread is buttered? What a bunch of hypocrites this country has as politicians? Zambians need to raise their standards and select people of integrity who keep their word.

  14. PF ni chama ya wazee,matumbo kubwa,wajinga bila elimu ,ma riffraffs wachafu wa kuuza barabarani,wafisadi na dikteta bila elimu.Hopeless party of losers.

  15. two classic goals by cape verde. Truly those guys are good didn’t watch them before. Its game on with one point. Our coach seemed lost for tactics and looked as though he dearly needed a sip of maheu in chocolate flavour

  16. When God says YES,no man can say NO!Sata’s presidency came from God!just recall how zambians celebrated his victory in 2011,it was amazing!that’s a sign of being loved by the majority!now with the many developmental projects PF is fulfiling,this party is even stronger than before!believe me,HH(upnd) or Nevers Mumba (mmd) has a mountain to climb in 2016 or even 2021!I really don’t see them defeating the mighty PF anytime soon!

  17. Fi PF m****** mwe, you use all the money in Solwezi and forgot about the Chipolopolo team to Cape Verde, look now they leave you in debts of K4billion.
    You did same when Mozambique was in country, you went to fornicate in Luano of Mkushi.

  18. Solwezi go go go UPND…dont be fooled you Kaondes see the road is very bad because Pave company is Mulenga Sata and his thieving friends. Go to muchinga and do shoddy works…stupid

  19. Why are these people of North-Western Province not capable of developing themselves: do they need Northerners to develop them and their territory, really?

    Shamefull! They are even addressed in Bemba at political rallies! Where is their Kaonde, Lunda, Luvale?

  20. The whole country needs northerners to develop it really. Everyone must feel luck to have northerners who should be compared to when a when man came to Zambia. Hierarchy order: 1) a White Man 2) The Northerners 3) the rest of the Zambians.
    Talking about a Sick Man, i.e. MUSHOTA’s question. Answer: A sick man can look anything these days, the can even look like Lubinda, in the picture with a tummy or pot-belly. Am off.

    • Your head is sick. Do you think Zambia is stupid to continue being ruled by the Bemba crooks? You Bembas are extremely poor managers. Zambia is wallowing in abject poverty in spite of its immense resources, just because of the Bembas whom we have been allowing to manage our country over the decades. Now is time to hand over power to someone else from another tribe. Northerners are crooks and thieving monkeys.

  21. Winter is trully a real Tonga Bull. He had single handedly silenced all these chaps. They are now out of their holes and are partying!!!!

    • WK, a real tonga bull?? naa.. boet, not even if he was the last man alive. However, it is apparent that he surely did manage to silence these buffoons despite his dimunitive figure. It is disheartening to see these pieces of human excreta celebrate as the take the hopes of many a zambian for granted. The souls of our forefathers are turning in their graves as we witness unimaginable levels of impropriety and utter disregard of the law of the land. Lord we call upon your name!

  22. Where is ba watchdog and HH who wished death on the President and continue referring him as sick Sata. Shame on you all death wishers, Jesus Christ the giver of life will sustain the president and keep him strong,

    • You Pastor of Doom … no one wished your president dead, people were only complaining because of the way the issue of his absence was being handled. Lies in the morning .. lies in the afternoon and lies at night. But all the same, even a blind person can hear from the voice that all is not well. The man is sick.

    • @Pastor of doom
      Nigger please, neither ZWD nor HH wished yo Satan dead. They are not as heartless as him. Explain to us how a prez can disappear for three months without any satisfactory explanation from himself or his handlers? The next time you see him, he goes “…nachisa mumbone, ndelola…” Nigger where u been? The country didn’t need Satan in the three months he was away. I’m sure as hell we don’t need him now. How does a prez hold people to ransom like that?
      I feel sorry for the flock you minister to pastor of doom..They must be as docile as zombies as Jay Jay would call them.

  23. This Man Sata is really old and sick, unfit to remain a sitting president of our Zambia. Doesn’t Zambia have young and vibrant leaders to rule our country. Why should we stick on this obsolete Sata? Sata is finished, and his minions are just keeping him for their own selfish gains. Sata should go! Solwezi don’t vote for crooks. PF is a bunch of crooks and thieves.

  24. What do you expect from such a people, they are dancing now because its now easier for them to line their pockets and get Tenders. We will see for how long you will dance.

  25. The PF cadres’ excitement on the appearance of their master Sata from his 90-day ”working holiday” in Israel or was it ‘ from an Israeli intensive care unit.
    The following are some of the expressions used by the some cadres in welcoming their man, ‘Sata ichaume pabaume’. ‘Sata nimshombi bakamba’ and ‘bowing down before Sata’s throne’. I believe these apply well in Muchinga villages when referred to a feared bully villager terrorising fellow villagers. You do not describe a true national president in a democracy with such words. It is also wrong to talk of ‘Sata’s throne’, Zambia is neither a monarchy nor a kingdom.

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