Saturday, September 21, 2024

Final Results: PF emerges as the Biggest Winner as MMD continues to bleed


Campaign Manager and Lusaka Province Minister Philip Kosamu introduces Davis Chisopa to the crowd after he emerged victorious in the just ended Mkushi South Bye Election.
Campaign Manager and Lusaka Province Minister Philip Kosamu introduces Davis Chisopa to the crowd after he emerged victorious in the just ended Mkushi South Bye Election.

Patriotic Front (PF) candidate Christabel Ngimbu has scooped the Zambezi West by-election with a total of 3,423 votes.

Ms Ngimbu was declared winner around 11:30hrs today by the Zambezi West Returning Officer, Returning Officer Trifornia Tembo.

Her closest contender Charles Kakoma of the UPND polled a total of 1,173 votes.

Others that were contesting the seat are MMD’s Chris Kucheka who got 83 votes and FDD’ Mark Kachongo who got 83 votes.

Green Party’s Kayombo Chilila got 22 votes while NAREP’s Hastings Kanguya got 08 votes.

The total number of registered voters in Zambezi West is 10,206.

A total number of votes casted were 4,924 while rejected ballot papers amounted to 55.

The Zambezi West parliamentary seat fell vacant after Supreme Court nullified the elections of UPND’s Charles Kakoma due to electoral malpractices.

And in Mkushi, The Patriotic Front (PF) has scooped has scoped the Mkushi South Parliamentary seat.

Davies Chisopa of the PF polled 1,458 votes against his closest rival Sydney Chisanga of Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) who got 1,258.

Agness Mambwe of the United Party for National Development managed 1,012 votes in the elections which saw 58 rejected votes.

A total of 4,796 votes were cast.

Mukushi South constituency which is located in Luano district has a total number of 12,793 registered voters and 23 polling stations.

Retaining Officer Kelly Mwebe announced the results at 10:00hours this morning.

The Mukushi South by-elections were necessitated by the nullification of Sydney Chisanga’s 2011 elections by the courts of law following a successful petition by Davies Chisopa on allegations of electoral malpractices by Mr Chisanga.

Speaking after being declared winner Mr Chisopa dedicated his victory to President Michael Sata.

Mr Chisopa also attributed his victory to having disseminated the right message during the campaigns.

He prioritized to improve the water sector in his constituency.

He assured the electorate that the PF believes in the decentralization policy were people should have power to rule themselves.

And PF campaign manager Philip Cosamu who is also Serenje Member of Parliament advised the newly elected MP to work diligently for the people and the government.

Mr Cosamu thanked the opposition political parties for conducting peaceful campaigns.

In Solwezi, the opposition UPND has scooped the Solwezi Central Parliamentary by-election.

Announcing the election results this morning at about 03:00 hours at the civic centre, Returning Officer Sara Lunda declared Dawson Kafwaya as duly elected Member of Parliament after polling 4, 577 votes against his closest rival the PF candidate Newton Malwa who polled 3,105 votes.

The MMD candidate Lucky Mulusa who was re-contesting the seat was in the third position with 1, 897 votes, FDD candidate Nathan Mulonga got 304 votes while UNIP candidate Mary Katiki only managed to get 158 votes.

The by-election which was characterized by voter apathyas 10, 242 out of 52, 900 voters registered voters participated in the elections.

210 ballot papers were rejected as invalid votes

And Mr Kafwaya said his victory has vindicated him against what he termed as insults during the campaigns by Mr Mulusa.

He said he was humbled to be elected as Member of Parliament at the age of 30, and pledged to work with the people to development Solwezi.

UPND vice president Ben Kapita said he was happy that the campaigns in Solwezi were peaceful.


    • Major Kachingwe & Ms Namugala were right after all………Pastor Mumba will take us nowhere. The earlier he leaves for pastoral work the better. He is more useful at Victory ministries than at the hem of MMD.

    • There is no need for Congratulations, this is what was expcted

      It was as easy as stealing sweets from a child.

      Leave the congratulatory messages for 2016, we dont need plastic fans
      who are PF but MMD inside.

      We are all seeing through you.

      You have been warned.


    • Pye Pye pyeeeeeeeeee Finally the referee blows the final whistle as the game ends in favour the visitors. Its MMD/UPND 2 – 4 PF. The PF has qualified to the 2016 finals while MMD and UPND are out. We now await the game between NAREP, ABZ, HP, GP and FDD, the winner will face THE PF in the September 2016 finals to be held country wide. Thank you.

    • HH adopted a BABY in Zambezi west, and didn’t focus on Kakoma, that how good a man is.
      Sata was busy adopting GBM & Lubinda in Solwezi, and what happened= PF lost there.

    • PF is not popular, where they won, they won with very small margins, where they lost they lost with huge margins,,,, overall combined results, alots of people didnot vote for PF,,,,,

    • @Mushota
      I feel you on that, these chaps should save their congratulatory messages for 2016. They thought everyone in Zambezi,Vubwi and Mkushi reads their crap on Zambian watchdog and facebook.

    • Please ba Pastor Mumba we beg in the might name of Jesus Christ to leave our party. You have done more harm than good since you took over. Holy ghost! Fire!!! Holy Ghost Fire!!!

    • Our party is getting popular everyday. I thank the people of these areas for giving their special votes to PF candidates. Now Mr Kasaka aka HH is quiet, we’ve taught him a lesson. I can’t see his cadres shout ‘aleisa aleisa’ they are all quiet. Elo twatampa bane, muchili muledabwa. Na 2016 bane ni Pabwatooooooo!!! Remember Mangango twaligeta nayena…lol

    • Even DORA SILIYA said it. MMD is under failed leadership. Lungu and Mumba cannot run this party. They have been losing seat after seat. The win in Kasenengwa is just because our eastern friends always reliase late to change. They are like bokosi which is behind. Congratulations to VUBWI . They have finally realised that they need to be in front and part of the development agenda.

    • Well congratulation PF for wining 3 out of 5 by elections. However it was achieved at a huge cost to the government coffers. We shall see if government workers will get their salaries on time next month.

      Now that PF has won, farmers should forget about getting paid in time for their produce.

      This victory has just given PF a green light to continue looting to levels unseen before.

      PF has won hugely, but f00lish Zambians sold their votes for a penny. By the end of next month even tuma bribes some ECZ idoits got to rig the elections will be gone. We shall see how you will manage to make ends meet because you will no longer be a priority any more.

      More looting, corruption, police brutality, constitution breaches, on the way now that PF has won. Zambians forget the constitution…

    • Kekeke kikiki… Saulosi ala mune you will cause HH to commit suicide, now He is pissing in his pants. His LT supporters are also pissing in their pants . The UPND does not know what has hit them. But any way they will win the next elections as they say….people who just make noise and yet have nothing on the ground.

      Ours is to sing, Long live PF, long live King Sata , Long live King cobra. Hehe UPND has fallen, the insipid UPND is conquered, the noise UPND alwala shiki polomya guys, O who will give UPND the toilet paper to clean its mess….people of Zambia, come to the help of UPND…..UPND alala, alala.

    • When one says the majority of Zambians are docile and gullible, the docile and gullible are quick to throw tantrums of all manner. Now how can a corrupt and blatantly deceitful party like the PF win an election? This is beyond my comprehension….

    • What is going on? I don’t get it. People are saying the PF is the worst party ever, but it keeps winning elections. Are they bribing to win elections or it just that people are seeing development in the country? Please help me understand this.

    • Mushota, you are right for once. Mr Bean posted a Christmas card to himself and started celebrating upon receiving it! We all know what went into these bye-elections.

  1. PF rules the game. UPND`s hopes of winning died with the Sata rumours. That was their only hope, no wonder they mainly concentrated on talking about his sickness and death as opposed to selling their party vision. What a party of jokers !!

    • Saulosi, people are tired of by-elections caused by your former CEO of party, Kabimba. Don’t take it to UPND, celebrate on Kabimba’s departure.
      You see, no violence this time, and you used to attack UPND for nothing, leave them alone.
      And you know am not UPND.

    • @Nostradamus
      Stop comforting yourselves ba UPND. Your party can`t even win in Eastern Province in a village where your vice president Canisius Banda comes from. This is very worrying and am sure Sunny Chitombwa (HH) is very upset.
      Zambia has 10 provinces for your own information and you cant win presidential elections from just 1 or 2 provinces. 2016 isn’t very far and so far your chances looks very slim. Us in PF we have started penetrating Eastern & central and north-western provinces.Time you stopped your facebook campaigns and go and campaign on the ground in villages.

    • Have you also noticed HH has gone in hiding S?

      A defiant leader should be at the fore front now,to rally their troops, even part time cadres like Wanzelu are confused are demoralised and lost.

      Without a sat nav how do you drive confidently in a foreign country?

      Well they say time is a great healer. but I am sick and tired of counting…


    • @Mushota
      I`m told that HH was seen senselessly drunk somewhere in Monze. He is a man who doesn’t drink, but today’s results were too much for him so he asked his special advisor Willian Tekere Banda to take him for some shots of vodka. Time is indeed a healer, they are now cowing down in shame with their tails between the legs.

    • @Mushota
      HH and his minions are to ashamed to be seen in public. My reliable sources tells me that HH was seen drunk with his special advisor William Banda somewhere in Monze. HH is one man who has never touched alcohol in his life but today was too much for him so he had to ask William to accompany him to the nearest bar.

  2. Its not sad its ok .The real deal was solwezi these other bush costituances do not realy matter the truth will be seen in 2016.The villagers will mhas been suppressed by rigging machine which out openly dishing out cellphones and cash to poor pipo in the rural areas .No need for PF to feel proud.Cheating brings not no honour even in sports if you win through doping you can not be very proud .

  3. Awe kwena ba PF muli fikali, always adding numbers to the so many MP’s already in PF. some are saying we shall see in 2016, PF will go, how, which formula are you going to apply which you are not using now, keep on dreaming, it’s very difficulty to kick out Government in power. a lot will kill themselves in 2016, anyway muleikoseleshako.

  4. The most impressive thing about the people’s party PF is that, at each election held since 2001, they make headways! The most annoying thing about the NGO upnd is that at each election held since 2001, it is nose diving! Alas, the few disgrutled internet supporters continue shouting aleisa, aleisa! Kwisaa? Nani? How? When?
    Sorry bane if you are used to loosing, ifwe we are used to winning! Pabwatooooooo!

  5. The elections are over and as a supporter of the MMD i congratulate the winners but analysing the results in all the constituents looking at all the votes cast MMD has collected more votes than PF and UPND we may be down but not out do the mathematics and see if it was presidential add the totals .

  6. @ Sido Mark, who told you that Solwezi is a town? it’s also a bush just like Vubwi or Zambezi, that’s why PF wants to turn it into a town by linking it to Zambia, they are going to put up new roads and some colleges. PF will also re-design Solwezi to that of a world class and people of Solwezi are going to appreciate hence voting PF in 2016.

  7. I told these social media politicians,as pf we re the ground busy working whilst they claim popularity.2016 you wil be wired pants down,mark my words.

  8. PF has not won, but has simply bulldozed its way through defenceless villagers, Period!

    Abuse of public reources by whichever party that is power must be condemned by all peace-loving Zambians who want democracy to come to fruition in this Country.

    The opposition must Sue. They must seek judicial review!

    It is a fraud! Theft: ki masholi ba!

  9. MMD awe mwee!! Mwati pali uko tuleya na ba Mumba wesu. Heavenly father redeem us from this failed leadership. Holy Ghost!! Fire!!

  10. This is very dangerous to our democracy.
    The legislature is meant to provide checks and balances to the executive besides it’s orthodoxical role of enacting laws.
    When the majority in parliament are members of the executive, the insititution lacks the efficacy and democracy is compromised. All ‘selfish laws’ and ‘tyranical actions and decisions’ by the executive will be ratified because of their dominance in parliament. That is what is currently obtaining in our Zambian National assembly.
    Much as we celebrate this PF victory, let’s reflect on this objectively fellow Zambians.

  11. MMD should not grieve that much about losing seats to the ruling party. That is a given for bye-elections held outside general elections where voters seeks to tap into government resources. The real concern, and an indicator of declining fortunes, is loss of a seat to another opposition. This is an insult.

    • Did you also notice that UPND the most popular online party came third in Mkushi, Kasenengwa, and Vumbi? MMD was third in Zambezi and Solwezi. Do we still argue that UPND is popular and only MMD is dead?

  12. Kekeke kikiki… Saulosi ala mune you will cause HH to commit suicide, now He is pissing in his pants. His LT supporters are also pissing in their pants . The UPND does not know what has hit them. But any way they will win the next elections as they say….people who just make noise and yet have nothing on the ground.

    Ours is to sing, Long live PF, long live King Sata , Long live King cobra. Hehe UPND has fallen, the insipid UPND is conquered, the noise UPND alwala shiki polomya guys, O who will give UPND the toilet paper to clean its mess….people of Zambia, come to the help of UPND…..UPND alala, alala.

  13. Wanzelu, your hallucinations and paranoia are the essence of your disease. You call Zambians as ‘fools’ generally speaking you are the fool beyond doubt people do not believe in your hate that is deep rooted in your upbringing / genetic composition. HH maybe is a nice guy but people like you and others paint a very destructive and disturbing picture about him. HH is seen as not a man who can work with others only people that hails from where he comes from. Your contributions are so deadly to HH’s image and his prospects of landing at plot one. Torn down and contribute as a team that is inclusive and willing to work with others. Hate does not help. Chibamba kanyama once said ‘Ntongas needs to reach out and work with others even when they do not like them to achieve their goals.’

  14. MMD are not good listeners. The outcry against Nevers Mumba has all but fallen on deaf ears. UPND are poor strategists. They are yet to find a formula of how to win against an incumbent. Among other factors, they spread their resources too thinly this time around. They still lack the notorious knock-out punch, a way to ensure victory against a reigning champion. Both HH and Nevers Mumba should retire from politics right away. Otherwise, they are just wasting other people’s time, and theirs of course.

    • @wawa: You may have a point. PF may not be a write-off after all! Anyhow, the taste of the pudding is in the eating. If PF are worthy their salt, then they do deserve a second term, come 2016.

  15. I’m a development specialist @ a political economist.Winter was 100 per cent correct when he argued PF as been voted by irriterate pipo as being witnessed by the recent polls @ comments from dreamers like mushota @ her cronies of looters.However,opposition parties have really to sensitise irriterate electrorates in rural areas on issues of what the government must do without having by-elections.Irriterate levels in zambian rural areas are so disturbing as pipo are made so despondent @ unable to make sound decisions of their own!Come 2016 PF will be in a coma as we are seen civil servants camping now openly in rural areas for a real economic revolution;this is vividly happening in these areas as just was the case in 1991 @ zambia risks having a life president should it vote for a…

  16. MMD will not bounce back as long as Mumba is the party president. Even those who are royal to MMD will defect to other parties, wake up MMD. You will die a natural death. Solwezi seat could have been retained, but people were looking at the party leadership not on candidates as per say.

  17. The MM-nDi panty is old now. I think that members musti find new panties and get into those! It will be worse if Mumba doesn’t get out of the panty now! Dora was very right! Even panties like UNPND, FnDi-nDi and UNIPI are also old!! The best panty now is PF! Oh! It is partey? I thought that is only for cakes?? Panty is clothing? Let me post then we can discuss the difference…

  18. MMD shall fall just like the way all crooks get caught eventually and die out of the history books. Ba Nevers Mumba your team is set to die; that also includes the colored prostitute u had working for you in the mission in canada

  19. MMD shall fall just like the way all crooks get caught eventually and die out of the history books. Ba Nevers Mumba your team is set to die; that also includes the colored prostitute’ u had working for you in Canada

  20. MMD shall fall just like the way all crooks get caught eventually and die out of the history books; that also includes the colo-red prostit-ute u had working for you in the mis-sion in can-ada

  21. The problem with upnd believe what the read on the online as gospel truth go out to grass roots. Stop day dreaming. Rural areas dont have internet. Some people are busy attacting the post but it is busy taking there paper to rural areas. Someone should pump sense into HH not to concentrate what ZWD is saying.

  22. UPND is mourning it’s loss of the Zambezi – West seat. It makes sense to mourn because it knows very well that it will not win it back in 2016. UPND former MP for Zambezi – West Charles Kakoma was not just defeated but his defeat was humiliating . In 2011 Kakoma amassed about 2,600 out of 4,700 votes cast . In yesterday’s bye election total votes cast was about 4,500 almost the 2011 voter turn out level. An analysis of the results show that about 1,600 voters who voted in favour of Kakoma in 2011 switched their preference for the PF candidate .Kakoma was given 13 years to bring development to Zambezi – West but he did nothing tangible here the protest vote. People want development and if they are denied they are capable of retaliating through a humiliating protest vote worse than…

  23. @Wanzelu

    Its 4 out of 6 not 3 out of 5.

    Solwezi Central UPNappiesParty 48%
    Zambezi West PF workers party 73%
    Mkushi South PF workers party 39%
    Vubwi PF workers party 67%
    Kasenengwa MMD’s hour has gone 74%
    Mkushi South PF workers party 46%

    HH is busy adopting babies with nappies at the expense of maturity. 4 out of 6 is 67% with 67% of the roads and other infrastructure completed, 2 years before 2016.

  24. congratulations to the ruling party,as usual ndobo and crew came up with their excuses,sorry the results stand…we thank the opposition for the continued and mature criticisim its welcome for progress.

  25. UPND stands no chance to win a national election. If the best UPND can manage with a lot of both financial and human resources concentrated on a small area is 2% in Kasenengwa and 14% in Vubwi how is it going to perform in a national election when these resources are spread around the country ? 2016 will be a no contest election just like the one MMD enjoyed in 1996.

  26. Saulosi,

    Take it from me. Canisius Banda may not have a village in Kasenengwa or Vubwi – hence his lack of influence in the East. Although Canisius is Zambian by birth, his father is from Malawi. It is his mother who is Zambian. I got this revelation from his younger brother long before Canisius got entangled in politics.

  27. UPND have been tought a lesson ,i hope they are seeing that zambian are seeing,Now watch out,Chadiza we have the city to grab from alan mbewe also.PF we are busy working when Hh and his team are insulting
    Viviviviviv vvavaavavavavavavavav PFfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

  28. “If you don’t know where you’re going,every rd will get you nowhere”

    Yes,the PF are winning bcoz politics is all they know,but when its economics,good governance and visionary leadership the PF road leads us nowhere.And the pathetic results on these issues show.

    • “..Yes,the PF are winning bcoz politics is all they know..” Unfortunately, politics is the game each politician is supposed to know. You may be the best economist the world has ever known. What matter in politics is not your economics qualification, but your political acumen instead.

    • Ati “what matters is not economics but political acumen” ..So you’d rather vote bad managers and clueless sweet talkin foolz and live in poverty,be jobless,live in debt and die of hunger?

      Please separate your emotions from ya neccesities.Zambia is doomed with foolz like you.

    • @Enka: You are missing the point. Politics is the gateway for getting into power in government. You can have a PhD from Harvard, people are still not going to vote you into power just because of your impressive education and or CV.

      If you are a good manager with an impressive resume or CV but are a poor politician, the best you can do is apply for a job using your resume/CV. In politics you apply for a job by playing the game of politics. It doesn’t necessarily require you sending in your resume or CV.

      The yard stick politics uses is different. It’s the ballot box. The people with the power to decide whether or not to give you a political position are the electorate, many of whom may not even be educated. Political acumen involves building rapport with such.

  29. So far, no Opposition Party seems poised to do the impossible come 2016. To dislodge a ruling party from office, after only a single term in office, is like moving a mountain. An opposition party capable of such a feat should have been seen gaining the momentum during these last six by-elections.

  30. Nothing to get excited about. I would advise PF not to get their knickers and pants in a celebratory twist yet. Firstly only less than half of the registered voters actually voted. Secondly, false promises to do this and that only during this time of elections, do bamboozle people who are ordinarily not meaningfully involved in decision making at other times. Thirdly, the poor fiscal policies of the PF will catch up with them soon – before 2016. The spending is haphazard, collection of revenue is dwindling, corruption is at its peak and government bankruptcy is around the corner. Trust me, by 2016 most people will be awoken from their political docility to the realities of a country on the brink of economic doomsday

  31. There is nothing really to celebrate about because:
    1. These elections were unnecessary.
    2. A lot of public funds were abused – wrong priority.
    3. PF has sled our country back into debt, I cant see why they should be supported. Its like someone wins a jack pot and buys things from that money and even borrows more, then people praise him that he is wise- he did work for that money!
    4. Building roads is a basic idea moreover MMD was doing it and even better. We need leaders who can really address Zambia’s problems intelligently and wisely; the high levels of unemployment, ignorance, corruption and poverty.

  32. I wonder when that recluse and failed Zambian ever so permanently a student,etc, in the USA, Field Ruwe, going to offer his tripe of analysis over the resounding PF victories?

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