Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Why Guy Scott is legally qualified to Act as President


Dr Guy Scottat State house after a Special Cabinet Meeting he is Now acting President of Zambia and former Acting President Edgar Lungu has gracefully handed over the instruments of power to Vice President Dr. Guy Scott pursuant to the provisions of the Zambian constitution- Picture  By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse 29th October 2014.
Dr Guy Scottat State house after a Special Cabinet Meeting he is Now acting President of Zambia and former Acting President Edgar Lungu has gracefully handed over the instruments of power to Vice President Dr. Guy Scott pursuant to the provisions of the Zambian constitution- Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse 29th October 2014.

By Chanda Chisala

Article 38 (2) of the Constitution of Zambia says:

“Whenever the office of the President becomes vacant, the Vice-President or, in the absence of the Vice-President or if the Vice President is unable, by reason of physical or mental infirmity, to discharge the functions of his office, a member of the Cabinet elected by the Cabinet shall perform the functions of the office of the President until a person elected as President in accordance with Article 34 assumes office.”

The debates about Guy Scott’s eligibility to act as president have haunted Africa’s only Caucasian vice-president from the time he was appointed as the late Mr. Michael Sata’s (MHSRIP) number two. The president himself was apparently unsure about the qualification of Scott as an acting president and he opted to always choose someone else to act in his stead whenever he was away from the country. Some citizens believed that a person should only act as president if he is qualified to stand as a presidential candidate, with the presidential qualifications given in Article 34. The Constitution does not say any such thing anywhere, of course, but those who promote this view claim that it is what makes logical sense. They ignore the fact that the whole point of a Constitution or indeed any law is to state things explicitly in case of different views, and if Article 34 was necessary in Article 38 above, it would have easily stated so.

That debate was forcefully resurrected on blogs and social media after the unfortunate death of the president of Zambia on October 28th.

But the Constitution is not only extremely clear on this issue, it is also very logical.

Scott is qualified to act as president simply because he is qualified to be a Vice President. Acting as president is not the same as standing for elections to the office of the president. The fact that it is temporary is what makes it a lighter affair.

The Constitution says the Vice-President should not act only if he is unable “by reason of physical or mental infirmity.” It mentions no other reason for which the Vice President would be “unable” to act.

If, as General Miyanda and others have constantly argued, a Vice President should have Zambian-born parents like a presidential candidate, then he should also have all the other qualifications of a presidential candidate. But the president is not required to choose a vice-president only from those who have attained the age of 35, for example. The Constitution allows him to pick anyone from the National Assembly, and qualification to the National Assembly does not require that one should be at least 35.

We can easily see why this makes sense if we imagined a situation where a Youth Party won all the parliamentary seats in an election while being led by an older man who is over the age of 35. By the reasoning of General Miyanda, such a president would not be permitted to choose anyone from the National Assembly as his Vice President because they would all be under the age of 35.

How do we know that Edgar Lungu, for example, was fully qualified to be a presidential candidate since he was acting president when the president left the country? Has he sworn an affidavit to say that his parents are Zambian-born? Has he sworn that he has been “domiciled in Zambia for the last twenty years”? It’s obviously ridiculous to expect that every time a president is leaving the country, he should first make sure that the person he chooses to remain acting for him has been domiciled in Zambia for twenty years, etc etc etc, which would only undermine the purpose of such an efficient executive tool.

If we accept that no such requirements are necessary for one to act as president when the president is out of the country, it is easy to see why the Constitution also wisely omitted any such stringent qualifications from a person who is to temporarily act as president in the case of a president’s death. After all, he is not really even acting as president since the Constitution does not permit him to do some things that a real president is empowered to do, like dissolving National Assembly or firing presidential appointees, etc. It is merely a holding position that should be held only for a short time and as such it would be illogical to put too many qualifications on it.




    • Spot on, Chanda … more so that the draft constitution was unveiled, you will now see a consented effort to hold the new presidential by-elections based on the same old constitution by the same group of individuals that have been crying for a new constitution for the last three years.

      Yes, Guy Scott qualifies to as Acting President but does not qualify to run for president unless the draft constitution is ratified by parliament in the next 90 days which I don’t see happening. In fact, no road map is required to change the constitution either only ratification by parliament.

      Now, Chanda … when are you running for President? We need an Ivy League fresh face running the business of the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise, I miss our old days. You are the best!

    • The reasoning in this article doesn’t make sense to me.Firstly the constitution itself is faulty and ambiguous.The authors clearly did not think through it enough.
      Secondly Guy Scott did not qualify to be vice president.Sata (MHSRIP) never followed Zambian laws and this was one example where he didn’t. Guy Scotts parents were not Zambian and this disqualifies Guy Scott.Its a silly law but it is what it is.Chanda’s examples of the age of 35 being a prerequisite for appointment to vice presidency holds no water.I’ll explain.Say for example a grade 12 pupil had a div 1 in Maths,2 in Physics and 4 in Biology and say requirements for UNZA Natural Science are a div 1 in Maths a 2 in physics and a 2 in Biology.Just because the pupil met 2 out 3 of the criteria doesn’t make him qualify for…

    • President Scott, first white African President since apartheid. Let him stand for president, the man is as Zambian as the rest of you loafers!


    • May your soul rest in peace Baba Wathu HE President MC Sata!!! Man of Action!

      Zambians, lets make history by voting in HE President Guy Scott! This will put us on the map and hence good for our own economy! This will be the greatest gift we can give to our dear departed Great Leader!

      Welcome on board Baba Wathu HE President Guy Scott!

      You are as Zambian as everyone of us! That’s why our dear departed Great Leader loved you so, and maintained you as his and our Vice President!

      Think about this, before you respond negatively!

    • Chanda Chisala is misapplying the Constitution here. In Law you have to look at the prevailing circumstances and apply the appropriate laws. He MAY be right when we take the literal meaning of Article 38 that he has cited above. But the article above is not addressing our current situation where we already have an Acting President duly appointed by the substantive President before going out of the country on MEDICAL grounds. Article 39 of the same constitution addresses this point and ONLY allows the appointed Acting President (Edgar Lungu in this case) to hand over power to the substantive President when advised to do so by the speaker, or to the next duly Elected President. It does not say that such a person (Edgar Lungu) can hand over power to the substantive vice president. Check it

    • Guy Scott is old lets have young and humble leaders. Sadly we just have young leaders. Scott has been part of the rot and lies, don’t understand why now people think he should elected as president. And on the article it clearly states who can act as president as that is the current vice president. Please remember the parentage clause was added to bar kk from standing as president. Seems because of that they didn’t think of this eventuality.

    • @B R Mumba, Sr and Peter, the new constitution cannot be ratified by parliament. It can only be passed via a referendum because of the changes to the Bill of Rights.
      It will not be possible to hold a referendum before the Presidential bye-election.

    • I need some clarifications. “Domiciled in Zambia for twenty Years” what does that clause mean and WHY?? What about Zambians in Diaspora / Ambassadors?? Who are not Domicile (resident in Zambia)? Is it a misuse of a word or has different notation? We need it removed because, All Zambians in and outside Zambia, should also be considered for Presidency. At the rate we are going, my next residency might be Plot 1???

      Legal Experts please help me understand this.

    • Have Chanda Chisala (author of this article) and Musa Mwenye only become wiser with Sata’s death? Where were they for the last 3 years that Sata “overlooked” Scott whenever an acting opportunity arose? Do these fellows think that acting in a position that an incumbent has temporarily left is the same as ACTING IN A PERMANENTLY VACANT POSITION?

  1. Two things come to my mind: 1) FTJ changes the Constitution so that KK does not stand as Republican President in 1996. 2) MMD UPND NGOs & PF rebels all gang up at the so called Constitution Assembly(5years) to find ways to bar MCS and also refuse to adopt the clause of Vice President as a running mate.

  2. is easy to see why the Constitution also wisely omitted any such stringent qualifications from a person who is to temporarily act as president in the case of a president’s death. After all, he is not really even acting as president since the Constitution does not permit him to do some things that a real president is empowered to do, like dissolving National Assembly or firing presidential appointees, etc. It is merely a holding position that should be held only for a short time and as such it would be illogical to put too many qualifications on it. AND WE FAIL TO UNDERSTAND THIS

  3. Spot on, Chanda … more so that the draft constitution was unveiled, you will now see a consented effort to hold the new presidential by-elections based on the same old constitution by the same group of individuals that have been crying for a new constitution for the last three years.

    Yes, Guy Scott qualifies to as Acting President but does not qualify to run for president unless the draft constitution is ratified by parliament in the next 90 days which I don’t see happening. In fact, no road map is required to change the constitution either only ratification by parliament.

    Now, Chanda … when are you running for President? We need an Ivy League fresh face running the business of the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise, I miss our old days. You are the best!

    • Sad but funny the way you have put it. We were in hurry this document then we apply brakes to stop it. Funny are we as a nation.

    • @B R Mumba, Sr, Guy Scott is qualified to become president, going by the Chiluba v. The People Supreme Court judgment. The lacuna created by the parentage clause had effectively been closed by the said judgment. “There was no Zambia prior to October 24, 1964, and everyone present in Northern Rhodesia at independence became a Zambian”, the Honorable Court held in part.

      Can they vote for him? Absolutely. He was once MP from Northern Province and is currently MP from Lusaka.

    • Ba Mayo Mpapa:

      Yes, the Supreme Court ruling in Chiluba Vs. The People the learned judges concluded that there was no Zambia prior to October 24, 1964, and everyone present in Northern Rhodesia at independence became a Zambian but that is what you need when and if you went to Court to challenge one’s eligibility.

      However, what you need to file your papers for nomination for the Office of President still has to be based on Article 34 of the Republican Constitution. That’s what make this whole thing a circus confirming that the Law is a funny animal to deal with.

      To eliminate all that, an amendment to that clause is required and even more so a new constitution ratified by parliament … life is a serious enterprise and the constitution can be a double-edged sword!!

    • @B R Mumba, Sr……

      Guy Scott’s tenure has a three months expiry date; 89 days more to go. So no one will put his eggs in dotty’s basket.

      The defence, parastatal, ministry heads are now shaking in their shoes looking for refuge as the axe is looming… ki ki. There will be changes at least by February 2015. So it is tricky for them and even the Ministers. They wont support any changes to allow dotty to stand.

      The Zambian political machine is now in 6 wheel drive; alliances are being made and broken. The prize: State House. For the one who is there will give jobs, contracts, diplomatic posting, nthepe etc. I will sit back and enjoy the drama!!!! I dont need no ones job!!

    • @B R Mumba, Sr. Sir, whereas the judgment of the Supreme Court ruling in Chiluba Vs. The People is clear that Scott qualifies to be President of Zambia, there was an omission in that judgment.
      It should have gone further to refer the law back to parliament for amendment in order to align with the judgment. That was never done.
      Normally in other countries, a constitutional court would refer the law back to parliament to amend the law to remove the legal conflict.
      In this case, there is no time for parliament to amend this particular law for the benefit of Scott and I’m afraid we’re stuck with it for this presidential bye-election.

    • @ mayo mpapa,@ B R Mumba..The Constitution of Zambia is the Supreme Law of our land. Since when did a court judgement have the power to overrule an express provision of the Constitution? Do not mislead people.

  4. Well said , article clear man. Bo Miyanda is just a failed politician. He is good at criticizing but cant pool voters to himself. Eyo ba pwa ba Miyanda. I really feel for him (Miyanda).

    We waite for the 90 days to beat HH clearly in the by-election.

    Peace and Prosperity to mother Zambia.

    • Ba B R Mumba, Sr. wesu,

      Then all we need at this juncture is just to operationalize the Supreme Court case law by an act of parliament. Kwasila!!

    • Ba Mayo Mpapa:

      You got that right … that is the only thing needed at the moment for Guy Scott to stand for the next presidential by-election. The argument would be simple to make, using the Chiluba Vs. The People ruling which itself is protected by stare decisis judicial precedent, an amendment to ratify Article 34 as is could pass two-third majority.

      In fact, another argument could be made that, it is either the above motioned be adopted or use modus ponens (“the way that affirms by affirming”) and/or modus tollens (“the way that denies by denying”) so a speedy enactment of draft constitution as debated, reviewed and supported by those submissions be pushed for ratification.

      Either way the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise will make history again in 90 days whatever…

    • No man.. HH that’s he wanted so he ascends to the presidency. Let him win the By-election. We wait for HH to become the president as you UPND guys say. You think we have forgotten how inhumane HH and UPND have been towards the illness of Sata? You will never erase this fact from Zambians. We wait for HH to be president.

      Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • That is the problem with the headless of cadres, government had the responsibity to inform the nation of the true state of the president’s health. But has usual lies have caught up with pf then you put the blame HH. That is Stup101ty.

  5. Every time people try to screw with the constitution in order to advance their own personal agenda there is confusion and chaos.

  6. Typical of Zambians.We only cry foul when we are faced with realities.Where we you all of you when guy Scott was shunned to act as the President when Sata was out of the country.Is not the same Scott PF carders wanted to step down?
    Lungu where is your authority now of punishing those who belong to Winter Kabimba.
    I am waiting to see more confusion in PF.

  7. It would be interesting to see the reaction of the ‘new constitution’ proponents if we organized a referendum in the next 30 days to enact it and use it at the end of the 90 days for elections… hehehe… I can see some loud mouths suddenly shutting up and shifting uneasily in their seats. Be careful what you wish for, I always say.

  8. Rupiah Banda was born born in Zimbabwe. FACT! Where his parents were born, God knows. They could have been born in Zimbabwe and RB was president, no questions asked. Guy Scott, every street vendor has become a lawyer, just because he has a different skin tone. Calm down, very soon you will be seeing mixed race toddlers running around in Buckingham palace., ready to line up for the throne….

  9. The above article illustrates the difficulty of identifying people according to race. Anthropologists are agreed at present that race is an illusion and they have stopped using it as reference.
    The article identifies Scott as Africa’s only Caucasian vice-president. FALSE. If we have to use the now discarded definition of Caucasian, Africa has Caucasian Vice Presidents in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia even dysfunctional Libya. Arabs were identified as Caucasoids-when it was trendy to identify races.
    This tells you we are just people, human beings, homo sapiens, NOT negros, blacks, Caucasians whites, Mongoloids and any such undefinable nomenclatures. Zambia’s acting President could probably be better defined as a man whose ancestors were native to Europe.

    • I really like your argument. Guy Scott is definitely recognised as Zambian by many Zambian people. He can possibly win an election based on that fact. The problem is that time does not move quickly in politics. You can possibly be a citizen of so many countries since 300 years ago possibly when, Guys ancestors left Africa for the North to possibly be Celts and other genetic groups in the north.
      That time is too long in politics, while in Science million of years ago compare favourably well as revolutionary time in which organisms have evolved and up to us. I would go by the fact that, the Scott’s are well committed to think we are human beings. Guy is a Scott. I have been to Glasgow and feels very warm as compared to Germany. On those grounds without a constitution Guy …I can trust.

    • Very true. Can anyone tell me anything that defines a black man or a negro that all other “races” don’t have? Or dimilarly so called whites? You won’t find it because we all have one origin. If we could only see ourselves as one! We however prefer to perpetuate illusions. These illusions are mere comfort zones

    • Msana, I kinda liked the dude’s argument. He lost us all in his circular logic about Caucasian this and that. In this sticky subject of race if you can get confused and get lost in the semantics maybe you can stop looking at other people in terms of skin color. You see what I’m saying?

    • Msana wanzili what do they mean? I don’t know myself. And the school going Zambian guy is trying to educate all on the meaning. Chioneka it includes people of Europe middle east etc and the author doesn’t know. He is just correcting the writer unlike you who just wants to be a PhD

  10. He is Zambian, let him led the nation. If he can prove to be a good leader we will bring him as President not acting. Brave Dr Scott

  11. Guy Scott qualifies not only to act but also be president of zambia because we’ve a precedence that was set between the people vs chiluba where it was ruled that although chiluba parents came from Congo he was eligible to run for presidency because there was no zambia before 1964

  12. All the constitution this that and the other being said about Guy is pure smoke-screen. The color of his skin is what’s making these people jumpy. As pointed out by the esteemed Kimbangu, Bwezani was not even born in Zambia but he was acting president and later elected president, until the PF kaponya rolled into town and catapulted Bwezani back to the farmlands. So yeah Guy is very qualified to be president unless you can’t see past his skin color.

  13. If General Miyanda is not happy with cabinet decision to make Dr Guy Scott act as president let him go to court and challenge cabinet. General Miyanda is a good definition of a Confusionist. The timing of such a debate is also very wrong. The General has outlived his usefulness.

    • Rev. Monk, if it’s not too much trouble, can you please tell me what a ‘Confusionist’ is exactly? I have no idea what it means but would like to be able to use that word next time I’m drinking at the tavern. Thanks much.

  14. To all my Zambian family at large I wish to encourage each one of us to remain calm, resolute and accomodating in these difficult times. I’m of the view that we need each other more than ever as a nation, whilst we consult the heavens for more wisdom and strength to deal with this misfortune. On the issue of Mr. G. Scot taking over, I wish to reiterate that he is more Zambia than most of us blogging here and I see nothing wrong in him continuing with the P.F. led government’s good policies as mandated by the us the Zambian citizens at large. I thus wish to differ with the disgrantled few. Zambians let us allow the old man to lead us in peace to ensure continuity. Our late president saw no colour when he appointed him to be his second thus let us emulate him. (M.H.S.R.I.P.)

  15. Guy Scott,the first Scottish leader of an independent nation since the signing of Great Britain’s Acts of Union in 1707.

  16. Let the mzungu ran for office since Zambia as a nation did not exist before this constitution came into force.If anyone has to have Zambian parentage to qualify as president then ALL the previous holders were technically BARRED from office.

  17. You are here: Home / 2012 / January / 14 / Guy Scott qualifies to act as President of Zambia-LAZ
    Guy Scott qualifies to act as President of Zambia-LAZ
    Time Posted: January 14, 2012 7:43 am
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    THE Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) has said Dr Guy Scott does not only qualify to be Vice-President but in fact qualifies to act as President of Zambia in the absence of Mr Sata.
    This has been disclosed by LAZ honorary secretary Paulman Chungu in a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday.
    “Our position is that Dr Guy Scott is perfectly qualified to be Vice-President and in the absence of the President, for whatever…

  18. Nubian Princess up there, you say Scott is as Zambian as the rest of us loafers. You made my day! Calling me a loafer almost sends me on a mental vacation because it makes me think I don’t have to work. Sometimes when you are on the grind little mental breaks like that help a lot. Same thing as gazing at a picture of a sunny beach for a couple of minutes. It’s a stress reliever. So again Nubian Princess, THANK YOU!

  19. Mark my words, Guy Scott will break some hearts in the West. Some Westerners have to psyche themselves when they are about to meet an African. If they think they are about to meet an African president they will have all the right cliches to tell the visiting African president and then here walks in Guy. They will be heart broken. I’m just saying 🙂

  20. Here is a very serious challenge to my Zambian country men and women and all those that are genuinely friends of Zambia and those that Claim to be, our dead President was no angel and did step on many toes and might not have fulfilled your expectations, from today you have up 90 days to make a lasting difference which you will be more contented with. I challenge you to engage to the best of your abilities in the process of electing our next President, debate passionately and constructively with sober minds, rally behind a candidate of your choice or go become candidates yourselves. When the elections are over accept the result or we will accept the results and we will wish you all the best in leading us into the future. If you or a candidate of your choice loses I would like to see more ma

  21. If we Africans truly care fro the wellbeing of our nations, we should put less emphasis on race and focus more on what is good for us. All those race-mongers out there trying to fool us into denying this guy from holding office are doing so for their own narrow interest and not for the larger welfare of the people.

    I for one is so sick and tired of our black leaders who use their political positions today to torture, maim, kill and bilk our impoverished nations of their limited wealth. No wonder why many parts of our continent are immersed into abject social and economic strife.

    As long as we keep focusing on race, tribe, ethnicity and so on, we Africans shall never experience any meaningful development.

  22. @15 monk, i cant agree with you, general miyanda lacks basic wisdom. If miyanda is as wise as he thinks why did he attempt to carry out an illegal coup yet claims to know law. Miyanda has done himself a huge disfavour by diarrhoeaing his mouth unnecessaryly when he is supposed to keep quiet. There is wisdom in keeping quiet. Not chi miyanda.

  23. The fate that has fallen the jungle of kwaNabwalya is calamitous! All those stuffed in our embassies where the franca lingua has since turned to Lingala from English had better start packing to return back to Ituri! God has indeed answered our prayers by summoning that vile and most satanic lunatic back to “base”. I hope the likes of Mushota can now learn that blind tribal bigotry is dangerous. All right sighted people could see Sata was dying but only the most gullible failed to see Ukwa was marked for death. You now moan, alone. And good his vile spirit is in London, sweeping stations.

    • Tommy boy, I think we should not lose sight of one detail here. Think what you may about Sata. I have my own opinions about the man and they are too bad I suppose. Every time I have tried to post them here my comments have been obliterated on arrival. Anyway, that’s not my point right now. Sata lived to be 77. The life expectancy in Zambia today is some ridiculous age like 37 or there abouts. So as far as life goes here in Zambia Sata was a big success. Many of us younger lads will be lucky to reach 70. Sata is gone and let’s try to move forward. If we can. We’ve practically stood still for 50yrs.

  24. Chanda Chisala, don’t introduce partisan politics in a purely constitutional matter. Your personal preferences are very welcome but this is a constitutional matter, not a PF or personal matter.

    When the Supreme Court renders a pronouncement, it does not automatically become law. Government through the Minister of Justice or other relevant minister should take the pronouncement to Parliament in form of a bill and get it enacted into law through relevant amendment or enactment into act of Parliament. The Supreme Court judgment you cite to my knowledge was never taken to parliament. Instead of emotionally bringing your ignorance to pubic domain, you need to take it to court for authoritative interpretation. Avoid political party partisanship.

    • Kamwale my dear, leave your emotions out of this. This is strictly the business of the people of the Republic of Zambia. It’s nothing personal, so please leave your personal hang-ups elsewhere. If this was purely a constitutional matter, Guy would never have served as Vice president for even a single day. The whole point of a veep is “just in case” the veep steps in. That’s exactly what has happened here. If you had beef, you had since sep-2011 to present your beef and try to get Guy sacked. Not now, my dear. You are being too emotional about this when it’s already too late.

  25. Ba Mayo Mpapa and Ba B R Mumba, Sr. Thanks for sharing your wise conversation, I really learnt a lot from you two. It’s a blessing Zambia has exceptional brains like you people. One Zambia, One Nation!

  26. The Happenings in the PF govt have exposed alot of lacunas in the Zambian constitution.
    Yes according to the current constitution, there is no provision that expressly precludes the acting of Guy Scott as president.
    However, this is just a Casus Omissus in Law and was not intended to be so by the legislators. Indeed there is no logic in allowing a person who doesn’t qualify for election to any position to act in that position.
    May this be serious considered and expressely clarified to the satsfaction of the nation in the new consitution under revision.

  27. The question is why was the late President not allowing the chap to act as President. This is the simple question which should be answered.

    • The answer to your question could only be given by Mr M. C Sata. I do not believe it had anything to do with a constitutional clause. Mr Sata just used his prerogatives to appoint whomever he wished and in this case Dr. Scott was not such a one. His time is now and he is perfectly qualified to stand for president.
      It is not only disingenuous but also plain stupidity to believe that one can “act” as president yet can NOT be president. Whether in his acting capacity or not he would still be doing the same job, implying that he qualifies! I am glad I am not a lowyer, sorry lawyer

  28. Excellent clarification, where is all this fuss about Dr Guy coming from.Is it because some of these ‘legal experts’ actually have never been admitted to the bar?

  29. Kaunda,s parents was born in Malawi,RB banda was born Zimbabwe,both this people became presidents of Zambia ,no one asks why they become what will stop Guy Scot to become a president,give him a chance,as long as he was born in Zambia is a vote is on Guy Scot.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  30. If you cant articulate issues properly bo Miyanda just shut-up. What has Miyanda done for Zambia that he can be remembered for? Nothing.

  31. How many people have their parents born in Zambia and qualify to run for Presidency? To be honest they are very very few! What do I mean by this? There was now Zambia before 1964 and the current Zambian boarders were not even clarified! So this is just another academic exercise, that has two equal faces. Therefore, Guy Scott can stand as President of he so wishes and can successfully defend his eligibility if some sections of the new Zambia decide to object to this!

  32. In fact before Dr Scot was appointed we were discussing with my friends that he is the right candidate to act and even stand for presidence.We even discussed that he was a threat to Kabimbe or is Kawimbe thats why he was seating on the new constitution.Congratulation our hard working Dr Scot.

  33. and you thought ruling a country is easy you have failed to understand the clearest of things. there is a diffrence between Dearth (vacancy) and being sick (Absenteesm). the reason i like this site is because I get to be reminded how smart i am by reading one of the most dull comments by dull people. keep it tight

  34. Guy scott has all the rights lawfully to act as president but the issue is it is going to be sad of him to impose himself as the presidential candidate, ishi then he wants to go earlier than he came. the most disappointing thing is the change from Lungu to scott after the oldman death. guys tell us was Lungu acting illegally or what happened. anyway we wait and see.

  35. Zambia was born in 1964 prior to this there was no Zambia . anyone whose parents were born before 1964 were not born in Zambia . If scott parents were there in 1964 when we got independence then then there is no difference bn the parents mentioned earlier. in this era of the global village we don’t need this mind set.

  36. I do not have a problem with Dr. Guy Scott being President for the next 90 days. I have a problem with the way the decision was made, it was casually made with no regard to the collective integrity of the legal process. The dominant paradigm in Zambia today is using emotions to embrace the decision with a chorus of welcome. If we do not ponder and think, we are going to be a laughing stalk on the international arena…May I suggest that the matter be reverted to the professional legal nuances of Zambia and if Dr. Scott takes the day, then be it. We have had enough foreigners rule us (except Mwanawasa) why not?

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