Wednesday, September 11, 2024

PF should be blamed for Presidential by-election


ELECTORAL Commission of Zambia (ECZ) official Mukiti Lukonga (standing) checking voting proceedings at St Clement’s Polling station during the Mansa Central by-election
ELECTORAL Commission of Zambia (ECZ) official Mukiti Lukonga
(standing) checking voting proceedings at St Clement’s Polling station
during the Mansa Central by-election

The Patriotic Front should not pretend that they are not behind the creation of the costly presidential election. The problem with this Government is that they think that they have monopoly of intelligence. When people provide divergent views to the running of the Government, they are always labeled as enemies.

Zambians are threatened with arrest when they provide constructive criticism for national development. Many Zambians wonder if leadership that has been portrayed in PF Government means well for the entire nation of Zambia and it’s citizens.

PF should take the blame of the costly presidential election pending. The reason is, they denied the Zambian people a credible constitution which would have resolved the current crisis. The draft constitution contains extremely good articles such as presidential running mate and vice automatically becoming president in event of death and so on. Therefore if they had enacted the draft constitution in 90 days as they promised Zambians people, then the nation would have avoided a costly election.

When civil society and other well meaning Zambians were pushing for a new constitution, they were called all sorts of names. I remember one senior PF person said we have a valid constitution and accused civil society of pushing an animal driving constitution.

All senior PF members including some briefcase civil society said it is not a priority and it is costly to enact a new constitution. Now which one is costly to have a presidential elections or enacting a constitution?

The caliber of the current leaders leaves much to be desired. It is evident that they are now regreting not having enacted a new constitution and no wonder they were called useless ministers.
The funds for costly elections are easily sourced and one wonders why it is difficulty to fund the public universities and new a constitution.
It is very clear that the current government has failed Zambians and they do not deserve to continue running the country.

By Limata in Chingola


  1. Hahaha Limata in Chingola…and then WHHAAATTT.? Its done lets move on and elect a new leader – my suggestion for you is Lungu

    • MMD and PF are equally to blame for the failed constitution making process . lets try something NEW, you can’t do same things over again and expect different results. Edgar was debared by LAZ, fired from all previous employment and is drunk, and you want to make him president!

    • @Obatala… So you have never errored in your entire lifetime.? Let him who has not sinned cast the stone…and you my friend you are quick to judge…so would you rather have GBM then.?

    • @BIG L mulachiko reason.why Lungu another sick chap maladjusted with beer surviving on one kidney.You think diabetis is simple disease. Iwe efwe twakana LUngu twapapata.Lungu azakafela ku Bantu.We only want an Economic manager HH chabe.

    • Big L,

      You vote for your Lungu no one is stopping you from his alcoholic leadership. You’re free.
      Whilst on the other neck of the hoods, PF is to be dethroned democratically out because the article has stupendously stipulated facet of PF lies.
      Time for real change is here, 65 days and counting down.

      As for Lusaka Times, can’t see the “standing” Lukonga but erect would have been appropriate for it.
      Anyways, just enjoying the drumming up as PF cadres will be democratically kicked off and sent into oblivion.
      Happy as the Skeleton can be because yes and true, PF has continuously caused all the confusion going on currently in the country.
      Vote wisely and for real change people, not repeating the PF trial & error violent pathetic party.

    • Go to Chawama and see how Lungu drinks beer then come and speak another word. You don’t have mercy
      for your country.

  2. Indeed, PF government has become the most expensive government to run the nation and function. Without mentioning a top blotted govt with more ministers than any other govt, deputies and 3-4 pem secs and DCs littered all over with diplomatic jobs appointments but never left the country. Added to this, medical expenses of late Sata and his children and finally dying with all his children bookrd in London hotels. Apart from numerous parliamentary by elections induced by Sata cost the nation huge financial resources at the expense of national development (opportunity cost? unknown by PF).
    Sata probably knew that at some stage a presidential by election would be held. He should have either passed new constitution or state clearly that Guy Scott to act till 2016 to serve costs to the nation.

    • How exactly do you imagine that Sata could have “decided” that Guy Scott (or anyone for that matter!) should act in his capacity all the way until 2016? What you are calling for is a non-elected head of state!

      Btw – enjoying democracy and independence are you?

  3. The upnd should start defining pf presidential aspirants as failures who mislead the public on constitution,rise in essential commodities,late payment to farmers,huge debt,fired nurses,blotted cabinet,interferences in traditional affairs and huge imports as being bad for the country.portray them as the bad guys ,pf will concentrate on defending themselves than talking about the roads projects .

  4. zambia as poor as it is we still continue to spend unnecesary form the way we manage affairs,look how is expensive sata s has costed,it could have been avoided expenditure,saints like mandela from a well to do countries with resources buried him in normal grave that doesnt cost alot,why dont you save for the future honestly and learn.

  5. why PF has if it is the first Govt? opposition should also be blamed becoz they can let PF to go unchallenged and that can avoid by election

  6. Iam one of the people who warned people against voting for Sata in 2011 on the basis the he sata was sick.People in the Bus almost droped off in middle of the journey.The bus driver called me when sata died to tell me that Nkashi mwalanda bya chishinka bamudala.Even now iam warning Zambians sini ba zonda ba lungu the truth Ba lungu ba lwele.Bwadala ba lungu.Zambians we cause this on our own.Zambia will remain cursed when you can see the leader God has chosen imwe mwakana ati awe uyu Mu Tonga.Did he chose to be born Tonga.HH is a human being first then ILA next.HH is not even Tonga.


  7. A new constitution would not have worked in this situation, since the current vice president was not a running-mate. |the issue of the vice president taking over for the rest of the terms is only valid if that vice president was a running-mate which means he must have been voted at the general election. Go read the draft constitution properly and come back and correct your miss-information. So PF is not to blame here, maybe MMD is….

    • James banda I wish I was Tonga I would be very proud.Iam not Tonga at all.But I want people like you who not mixed blood as iam to realize that tribalism is not a good thing to practice.You were asying HH will die early than sata I said un less in an accident or asssnation.When it is obvious that some one is sick that’s why we don’t have postmoterm in hospital because its clear some is dying.LUngu is sick period why should you wish that are health to die early,you witch.Lets learn to face facts and chose people because they qualify not tribe even God can not support the idea that there is a ruling class others are chibombe bombe.By the way iam mambwe/ngoni.

    • @fact man go and take a walk maybe you will see sense in what I am saying. Insulting is a sign of weakness be level headed.Be a man.How wish you had my number call me after election I simply answer I told HH is winning .

  8. iwe ka sido mark,listern its not not only the sick who dies. even the very fit person you think can die. fools like you dont understand life. so who did you warn iwe ka mbwenge ?? your under five will never be president of this country. your hh has never saved in goverment before so you think zambians can intrust the country to a learner like him??? never!!!!! tell him to start from ward chairman.

    • @Fact man iam ka sido because iam huge iam chi sido.Iam a person who reasons and iam not intimidated by small boys like you.Lets debate and no insults.Face the facts an Economic a manger, with a good track record of being a good business man ,with high class MBA is better than a drunker lawyer ,with a record of theft and diabetis.

  9. One thing people must learn is the power of the media, as long as UPND thinks they can ignore the print media, never and never….and whoever will have the media on their side will carry the day…. Unfortunately the UPND’s Daily nation only exists in Lusaka and recently PF elements are making more headlines there than the owners UPND… UPND need to learn how to create headlines. The Masses just read the headline lies on the front page and expand on the story mwamene waivelela and it spreads just like that…. Now ba daily nation have not learned how to trick the system thats were the post make a difference for whoever it supports…. these online insults and opinions never reach the actual voters, only people with computors and internets have access them and they rarely vote….

    • Malandisa that’s good advice we shall improve in all form of media will be there.But don’t underrate this media as well.Thats the one that made sata win even when ZNBC and chanda chimba was busy insulting Sata.

  10. @Limata of Chingola,Aren’t you missing something here? When a new constitution is put in place its terms only become applicable for elections held after its enactment. So even PF had put in place a new constitution after 90 days of being in power,its dictates would have only applied after the 2016 General and Presidential elections. So the current scenario would still have played out after the death of Ba Sata. Could be one the reasons PF delayed a new constitution to avoid the pressure of being asked for new elections under the new law when they would have been in power barely a few months. What we need to do is to move on and hear new ways to make our governance better.

  11. This has NGO written all over it. We don’t want NGOs de campaigning our gov’ts.

    It is true though that PF are the bad boys of ALL previous gov’ts. They really are in the last chance saloon and the Sherrif is at the door.

    As for the character assignation attempts these are poor and ridiculous. George Bush ‘apparently’ drunk some, but did a good job nonetheless! Most politicians drink. It’s all that Duty Free black/red label Johnny ScotchWhiskey or whatever it’s called!

    Edgar is well enough for two years. He is not drunk during office hours and the presidents office is not in Chawama compound. He is now facing his demons as they are in the way of his ambition.

    When a man looks down a precipice and sees only darkness, what he does next proves his character. He will…

    • He will stop his dangerous drinking habit I am sure as the people he wants to serve will it.

      I personally do not condemn him as growing up in political diplomatic circles know for a fact that peer pressure is part of the problem.

      My dad came home at least twice each month ‘nine sheets to the wind.’ My mum would lock him out, but I would sneak him in through the kitchen. My favourite childhood memories of him when drunk; is of him trying to put Nshima in his mouth and missing! Then putting his Hand made highly polished shoes into the hand water bowl beside him on the floor!

      My mother screaming at him like an fiery Italian wife throwing things at him and him blabbing, ” I had to work late, cabinet meeting!”

      They all drink, even in UK some MPs recently had a drunken…

  12. Comrades!!!!zambia has overwhelmingly endorsed EDGAR, without edgar i doubt whether PF will be in government in two months time, which will be a breath of fresh air for many zambians i have interacted with.

    Monkey tricks are a waste of time & will not work this time around.

  13. Edgar or not, what matters is who manages to spread their propaganda and unfortunately, in Zambia as at this stage, the post generally spreads the propaganda for whomever they chose and thats holds the sway. forget about those that have access to these online opinions, the masses including my people in the village only hear the few lines that are in the front page of the post and expand on that and everyone the whole village will know that just that small distortions…

    • @Malandisa I have seen your agenda its console yourself and condem as.The truth is time as come it has come this its for HH.In rural areas it will be door to door throught Zambia.

  14. Mr. Limata, blame all current and former MPs regardless of political affiliate. If MPs loved the Nation long time ago the constitution would have been in place, but all are selfish. I have never seen before a minister resign or MPs protest because of not in acting the new constitution. The only time I would give credit to MPs is when they opposed the late president Chiluba to take a third term.


  16. I believe that even if the constitution was enacted before Sata’s death, Dr. Scot would not have succeded Sata, since he was not elected as a runningmate to Sata in the 2011 elections. The one who wrote the article had it all wrong in his argument. A waste of time, or he simply couldn’t put two and two together to get a four.

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