Thursday, February 13, 2025

UPND supports calls for coalition


Lunte Memberof Parliament Felix Mutati
Lunte Memberof Parliament Felix Mutati

The Untied Party for National Development (UPND) says it supports the advice of Lunte Member of Parliament (MP), Felix Mutati, that opposition political parties should form a coalition ahead of the presidential by-election.

Party Secretary General, Winston Chibwe, said the call by Mr Mutati is welcome although some political parties have their own agenda on how to approach the forth-coming Presidential by-election.

Mr Chibwe said he supports the move which he said would avoid fragmenting the opposition during elections.He was speaking to the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in a telephone interview in Lusaka.

And Mr Chibwe has disclosed that the UPND is 100 per cent ready to contest the forth-coming Presidential by election.He said his party has done everything possible to ensure that it scoops the Presidential seat which has been eluding the party for some time now.

Meanwhile Zambia for Empowerment and Development president, Fredrick Mtesa, said the call by the former Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister, Felix Mutati, for opposition political parties to form a coalition ahead of the presidential by election is long overdue.Dr Mtesa said forming a formidable opposition will no doubt humiliate the Patriotic Front (PF) government.

He said it is paramount that the opposition consider the call seriously in oder for them to win the Presidential by-election slated for early next 2015.

Former Alliance for Development and Democracy (ADD) Secretary General, Stanford Lizu, said the opposition should not hesitate to come together for the sake of forming a strong opposition.

Mr Lizu said some of the opposition political parties do not even have structures at grass root level, making them irrelevant to participate in any election.

Mr Lizu, who is also a political activist, said major political parties such as the Movement for Multiparty Democracy, United Party for National Development, Alliance for Development and Democracy should come together for the purpose of consolidation Zambia’s young democracy.

Over the weekend former Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister, Felix Mutati, advised opposition political parties to form a coalition ahead of the Presidential by-election.

Mr Mutati said in a statement released on Saturday that the most ideal way of moving forward under the current circumstances is for the opposition to form a coalition as a pragmatic and realistic way for contesting the Presidential by-election.

He said the main mandate for the coalition would be to ensure that all the weaknesses identified in the governance of the country are addressed and ensure smooth 2016 general elections.

Mr Mutati said the main mandate for the coalition would be to ensure that all the weakness identified in the governance of the country are addressed and ensure a smooth 2016 general elections.

“It is important in this regard to uphold the principle that national interest overrides any personal ambition and that the scramble for positions in leadership should not be the objective or motivation for serving in the coalition,” Mr Mutati said.

He added, “The priority agenda for the transition period between the forthcoming by-election and the substantive 2016 general elections must address, among others, the passing of the constitution, the Public Order Act, qualifications of the Vice President to be aligned to those of the President, succession and transitional procedures and arrangements, the burden of by-elections and addressing the size of Cabinet and Deputy Ministers and rationalizing the structures and mandates of Cabinet Ministers.”

He said any government elected during the by-election is expected to continue implementing the developmental agenda for the country to the best of its ability while exercising prudent use and management of public resources.

“It is important to remember that, whatever government does must be done in the interest of, and the benefit of the public and not at their expense.”

Mr Mutati said he is a loyal member of the MMD and respects the party’s constitution which prescribes the procedures and principles upon which leaders are elected including those that will be the torch-bearers in the forthcoming by-election

He also commended Zambians for the dignity they have accorded to late President Michael Sata in the manner of their mourning and the peace they have upheld during the trying moment.




    • coalition YES, not a donchi kubeba coalition!,,,, by the way where is Soulosi?,,, has anyone seen Soulosi?,,am organising donations for those been recalled

    • In all honesty, HH has earned his place as the leader of the opposition in Zambia. It will be good if all progressive forces from MMD and other opposition parties coalesce around HH

    • I strongly doubt this statement. It might have been released by a disgruntled PF member who wants to disorganise UPND and MMD for they seem to be the strongest and fairly organised parties to win the election.

      LT is a 1000% a PF platform. Now it wants to drag UPND in this leadership struggle.

      It would be utter stupidity for UPND to to form a coalition at the eleventh hour because that will only cause confusion.

      Now is the time for HH and UPND go to out and convince the people with tangible evidence that PF is a disorganised party bent on causing more confusion in the country.

      Now is not the time to start forming stupid pacts, but the time for UPND to sharpen their tools and skills and send pioneers out there to canvass for votes.

      This pact madness is what caused UPND to…

    • That’s the problem per zed,the people ‘s mentality @1,mentioned hh only but mmd has said they will field nevers mumba,fdd said coalition don’t work,meaning madam Nawakwi will participate.currently the mmd and upnd can field a neutral person.

    • If this stupid story was true, ZWD would have been the first one to break the story.

      The story is too important for ZWD to miss.

      There is absolutely no truth in this. UPND is not involved.

      What is true as reported by Zambia reports is that Mutati is suggested the idea. But UPND rejected these things long time ago.

    • Yes to coalition.

      President – Nevers Mumba
      Vice – HH
      Minister positions:
      Edith Nawakwi,
      Frank Bwalya

    • To the best of my knowledge there exists already a coalition of MMD and other smaller parties. The only party not involved is UPND.
      It seems only when UPND joins thats when it will become a coalition, why?

      We in UPND are not desperate for power to start joining coalitions formed on the hoff.

      Who ever takes over now, will face a strong challenge to re-organise the government if he is not as principled like HH who can not be bribed.

      The government is broke, so it will need to borrow money to run certain critical departments. HH can raise collateral to guarantee government borrowing owing to his business and economics acumen.All the debts that Zambia has at the moment can be renegotiated for by an astute man like HH because he gas a credible plan to win investors and lenders…

    • @Ndobo, please stop confusing the opposition. We don’t want a situation like the PF, who behave like headless chickens.

    • The game is getting interesting PF will need to field a very good candidate. Deffinetly not GBM who is only popular in Kasama or Kambwili who is famous on the Copperbelt or Miles in Matero. You will need either Edgar or Mulenga Sata. EL be cause people are already in love with him and was the only MP entrusted with sensitive ministries, acted as President and is Secretary General. This says much about the man.He has the ability to split Eastern province votes. Mulenga Sata because the legacy of his late father speaks volumes for him and the party and people could also give him a sympathy vote. He is educated and smart in thinking, the positions he holds speak volumes for him. Any mistake will see the PF MPs out of jobs in the next two months. PF be strategic.

    • It’s time to fire this Whiston Chiwe bemba guy and HH should act now before this man confuses our party…..Abashi Bembas as this time we shall win the win them.


    • Yes UPND deserves to lead the coalition,Why
      1.Stable Party
      2.United Party
      3.Vibrant,Young and Sober President
      4.Educated MPs
      5.Progressive and non oppressive Party manifesto

      Do you expect Fr.Bwalya ,Chipimo or the loner Gen Miyanda to lead or even the fossil RB?

    • what as hh done to deserve the right to be a leader of the opposition in Zambia. Mazoka left more mps, under hh the number as reduced. Zambian be serious for once. the chap is so so Raw material for the highest office in the land.

  2. Nevers Mumba does not agree with this suggestion because he believes he will win this by election. He needs to be humbled before he agrees to other people’s ideas after all he has never contested in any election involving the entire nation. Individuals who have served in governments through favors, cronyism, tribalism and wako N’ wako as is the case with Miles Sampa, Nevers Mumba to rise up and claim for plot one (with dismal track record of political prodigy) is sheer arrogance and belittling Zambians.

    • Nevers is a selfish spoiler that will cause confusion and let Pf win if he is allowed. He is also running for himself, not the people of Zambia.

      MMD should adopt RB, and agree to make HH VP. Then we can have a man of experience in charge, with a chance for HH to have some experience in Government and win in 2016.

      This is not the time for “learning on the job”. Sata and his PF have left Zambia in a serious mess, with hyenas only interested in themselves in Government. THEY MUST GO….. WITHOUT FAIL!

      And RB and HH partnership will do it!

    • UPND Is the only party which is stable, people should not worst there time talking about MMD & PF, in PF no one suits to a repablican presedent, is it Mile Sampa? Is it Erdgar Lungu?, GBM? Given Lubinda? Not even one. I am done with PF. MMD is it Ruphiur Banda? Or Nevas Mumba? Not even one, But only UPND (Hakainde Hichilema) go HH go we are bihand you my brother

  3. The colition idea is Good,but UPND should learn a leason what happened in 2016,when UPND,FDD and UNIP formed UDA and Nawakwi and telyenji went in hibernation .They gave weak Candidates to contest as MPs and UPND which had strong candidates in Lusaka lost out.The question is why is Mutati interested in this colition if its for him to head the colition then the call is not welcome.UPND should not entangle its self in an necessary leadership struggles with people without parties but with a big ego to be president.As its HH chabe .flight 2015HH is in top gear.Those who want to work with UPND are welcome .

    • @Sido Mark

      You and me know that this stupid statement is a fabrication of the LT a PF platform just like the other statement released suggesting that us in UK endorse confused Kambwili to take over PF presidency.

      LT has gone mad with their editorial just like Post News paper. LT and Mmembe ‘s past paper are very worried that people might vote UPND and make HH president.

      Mmembe knows that HH will tolerate stupidity around government revenue by letting Mmembe get away with not paying tax. They know HH is no push over, and can not be bribed because he is self financing his campaigns.

      UPND and HH are the only hope and help Zambia needs right now.

      I urge all people to vote UPND for sanity and certainty to return to Zambia.

      UPND should use certainty as its central message.

    • @ Skid marks, lol, you my friend are gifted in so much as seeing in the future all the way as far as 2016. Bravo! Tell us more.

    • @?Sido Mark

      The play field had never been more level for UPND. The countdown is probably now about 70 days and UPND’s opponents still have their legs and hands tied. None of them is campaigning. And the clock is ticking. What excuse has HH not to score a landslide victory?

      He just only happens to be a bull without horns, unfortunately. He lacks the capacity to inflict damage on his opponents. He is as harmless as a dove and yet not as wise as a King Cobra!


  4. The major political party should deal with realities,mmd ,heritage party,fdd,frank bwalya parties can’t win this presidential by election,so let them all support hh and nevers for vice to fulfill what Felix mutati ‘s suggestions.let all Zambians put our country first.

    • But countrymen, you know the elections will be in rain season and it’s folly to ever dream and think that HH or any opposition can remove PF from power now or even 2016.

      Are you serious with yourselves? PF is a household name and am very positive Mr. Edgar Lungu will emerge a winner both in the Party and at National level regardless of the mode of adoption.
      The late President entrusted power in this man several times and surely despite his weakness, which we all have, will sail through without difficulty.
      96% of his colleagues want him so is the grass root, you mean you cant see that everything is tilted to Edgar Lungu? Let other PF members try their luck in 2016, but am sure the man will perform to the liking of Zambians… Viva Edgar Lungu Pa bwatooo..

  5. “In other words, we are ready to unite with other parties as long as they accept that ours’ will be the presidential candidate.”

  6. I strongly doubt this statement. It might have been released by a disgruntled PF member who wants to disorganise UPND and MMD for they seem to be the strongest and fairly organised parties to win the election.

    LT is a 1000% a PF platform. Now it wants to drag UPND in this leadership struggle.

    It would be utter stupidity for UPND to to form a coalition at the eleventh hour because that will only cause confusion.

    Now is the time for HH and UPND go to out and convince the people with tangible evidence that PF is a disorganised party bent on causing more confusion in the country.

    Now is not the time to start forming stupid pacts, but the time for UPND to sharpen their tools and skills and send pioneers out there to canvass for votes.

    This pact madness is what caused UPND to…

    • @?wanzelu

      I have been under the impression that you are political strategist. Apparently, you are not. UPND has an image problem the party has failed to cure now for nearly a decade. Much as one would wish that HH could win out-rightly, that idea now appear far-fetched. A union of the opposition parties, even at this eleventh hour, has the potential to create an opposition party, strong enough to square-off against PF evenly. If it ends-up being an over-kill, then let it be. After all, PF do deserve a real thrashing. Meanwhile, for UPND, that would cure their image problem once and for all.

    • @Mei Matungu

      That image perception problem is just in your head my bro. Zambians are not f00ls. They will surprise you when they decide to vote HH in and boot PF out.

      UNIP had it all going, with a lot of resources to throw around but it lost to MMD dismally because people said enough with UNIP . MMD had their chance, which they blew up big time, though things were not as bad as they are under PF .

      Under PF there is a lot on UNCERTAINTY. Farmers not paid, Students not paid, men and women in uniform still owed allowances, contractors still owed millions, workers not sure when they will get their correct salaries next.

      Given this level of uncertainty under PF, only those who benefited from PF and Sata will vote PF. The big question is how many are they across Zambia?

      Viva HH.

    • @?wanzelu

      That is exactly the surprise I am looking forward to in just about two months time. I will be the happiest if HH wins. Nice to learn you are that confident.

  7. Yes!
    Let all the opposition parties come together and with Madam Beatrice and the Grand Coalition on the Constitution on their side so that PF crashes them once and for all.
    I think I am becoming tired of hearing this and speculations.
    Let this be settled once and for all

  8. The best HH can do is not to participate in the by election. lungu will carry a day with not less than 70% that will mark the end of HH. let them just say they are mourning. Zambians will respect HH and vote for him in 216.

    • lair @ hangala .your Lungu who fears to go for PF convetion can bit HH ,God forbid.HH will win this time.Membe should not bring his tactics to UPND we are peacefull as a party.

  9. pact with upnd in it???????? joke of the day. hh thinks he is the best of all ,so it cant work. beside what is the objective of the pact???? you oppositon leaders,the problem u hv is you just to see pf out,what want to do for zambia???!

  10. UPND go your own way.Mutati has been paid to bring confusion. So far we know M’embe is looking for something he can use to de campagin UPND.This is one of his startegies, so watch out be careful. Ni HH cabe in 2016.whether PF has muscles this time around kuya bebele.

  11. No please, NO, No, No.
    Our memories are still fresh about the failed coalition between UPND and PF. Forget about the whole thing.

  12. Planzi you are right but these Guys will not accept reality. HH in 2006 he scored 197,000 votes will the winner Mwanawasa got over 500,000 votes,followed by sata wit over400,000.In 2008 HH polled 287,000 votes the winner got over 600,000 votes. you can see that increase. In 2011 HH got 568,000 votes half of what sata got to win. HH is by no means an underdog in the 2015 election. since sata is gone who next has the highest chance to than HH. Some one will rise to try and fight HH is better candidate my foot ,do you think in Zambia currently one can just woke up and say he/she will win withought structures?Mr chibwe be careful with some of the statements you are making we don’t want confusions in UPND like in PF or MMD.

    • you right with your submisions.we know someone just around northmead area is busy visiting the toilet every after 5 minutes because he doesnt know where to touch next. HH is a man who will bring sanity to this country which has worsened in terms of corruption under the leadership of sata. HH 2015, finnish.

    • @?Sido Mark

      In retrospect, I note with disgust that you are celebrating a 50% score for 2011. That is a straight “F” by international standards. Further, have you taken into account that, in that year, there was a huge fall-out from MMD countrywide? Both PF and UPND became beneficiaries of that fall-out. Therefore, the numerical increase you have shown for 2011, could be inconsequential.

    • Iwe were did u get those figure’s lie,if the number of the MP’s are decreasing then even at presidential level most be a worrying situation because structures of any party vying to be the party in government must as well do a good job at grassroots level such as councillor & MPs but its not the case with your UPND.

  13. There is NO coalition that will work. Edith Nawakwi was right 100%. How can the coalition work when Elias Chipimo and Nevers Mumba have apparently already started campaigning for a PF presidential candidate in case that person wins the PF presidential competition! Zambian democracy is a joke. HH must be very careful not to fall for these schemes. We know that there is already a block-vote campaign secretly going on, and if HH joins the coalition they want to use the coalition structure to secretly de-campaign him so that PF wins. They want to also make things difficult for the coalition to continue just within weeks of the elections so that HH won’t have time to re-organise. If you form a political party you fight elections on your own. Where were they all this time??? HH careful !!

    • Eddy this story its not true.its a fabrication.A Membe cartel strategy,however bachepa sana dad.HH alibila , tewa kwangalilako.

  14. UPND suporters move out of HH box go to provinces like CB,LP,NP,MP,EP, CP,LSKP and hear what voters are saying about lungu. Lungu is our next president. He has acted as president while HH has never worked in govt.

    • Kayula when did you go to all those provinces.Which Lungu the one who is fearing to go for a simple convention.If he is popular let him face his people from all provinces we see if he can win.Thats a good litimus paper.HH is already known by over 500,000 votes who voted for him 2011 and this year all the youths who were promised jobs but no jobs by Sata are saying its HH chabe.

  15. ..its now time to bring Chipimo’s earlier idea to the table and brain storm..just for some one to lead us up to 2016 with the main agenda of enacting the new constitution….for me its not a good idea for the obvious candidates….the HH, Nevers, the Nawakwis, Chipimo etc to contest this bye-elections..mind you its only a year plus before 2016 general election which gives a very little time to correct and reverse whatever damage PF may have done…so the 2016 will be based on what the ‘new’ head will have done in such a short period…beside, it will mean ruling for a maximum of 6yrs plus(2015 to 2021) instead of possible ten years..(2016 to 2026)…that’s where people like RB would have played that role…or better choose some-one not affiliated to any party…

    • …besides , it will be very disastrous for any one of these ‘big’ guys lose this election…which is very possible…
      …the other negative is that between now and 2016…if the opposition won this bye-election, PF MPs will frustrate every move the ‘new’ government may wish to implement by shooting down every proposed legislature as they are in the majority in parliament….the general public may perceive such as failure on the part of the ‘new’ government and take into consideration as a factor in the 2016 general elections…..
      …its a complex puzzle…

  16. This statement from the UPND is evidently an admission that they see no chance of winning the elections on their own. But the question is are they prepared to play second fiddle to other parties and allow a candidate other than HH to be fielded as the coalition’s joint presidential candidate. If not,then what they are asking for is not a coalition but mere support from other parties and this will never work.I write as someone who is actually convinced that HH is the best option Zambia presently has in order to go forward.But, I am afraid, he will have to go it alone because marriages of convenience never work.My prediction is Zambians will reject HH for the likes of Lungu but that really is their loss. The majority are not always right and get the leadership they deserve.

  17. Humiliation is unacceptable. Period. Would you settle for humiliation? Let us focus on the issues. The PF is winning by default because the PF mandate is still valid. Cosnidering that the economy is still betrathing and growing leaps and bounds, the PF is heading for resounding victory.The opposition would do better to win a majority in the council and parliamentary by elections first. Old political formations tend to claim a moral right to exercise power and that is wrong.

  18. Why are Zambians so blind on national issues? We seem to be so embroiled in fighting each other that we forget what government is for. This transition period happened for a reason. We all know how rubbish our constituition is. Why can’t these chaps come together and put their differences aside to create a level playing field for 2016 elections?This will not only benefit the country but the same leaders who have been maginalised for so long? Team up and fix the broken laws and then compete as your respective parties at the next general election. At least with a grand coalition government, the use of government resources could be banned to make it a level playing field for all. Unless they are all thirsty for the so called absolute power our useless constitution gives them.

  19. Do a simple statistical analysis. From the 21 comments posted above which Parties and Candidates feature most frequently (both positively or negatively)?. Tells you something about the best bet for the opposition in this situation of limited campaign time.

  20. coalition with less than 70 days can not work. there is no time to start negotiating agreements at the expense of campaigning for the presidency.



  22. The opposition in Zambia is in disarray. They don’t know which way to go. They are jittery and confused. Needless to say while they wished Sata dead while he was alive, they feel utterly ill prepared and fearful to occupy his seat after his death. You people in the opposition, you know very well that you have already lost, why don’t you just endorse whoever PF is to adopt? UPND under HH has always been a coward. Going into a big election to them is like being pushed into a bottomless pit. They always want to sit on someone’s shoulders for support. PF went alone and won. Do the same if you have dare. You claim on Zambian, Watchdog your constituency base that you are popular, test the deep waters, go go go. If you drown, it will just be fulfilling the saying ‘umwaice ekalisha ilyo…

  23. There is no presidential by-election. It is presidential election. The difference is that a by-election is when a constituency has lost an mp or when there is a vacancy in the National Assembly. It does not say when there is a vacancy in government by the loss of a president; No. Search properly. Dull journalist and politicians.

    • @muchinga….

      ….ba Muchinga please display your ignorance somewhere else… means to fill any political office which has become vacant between the usual general elections…it may be that of a councillor, MP or the president….are you from Mars…??

  24. Concerted efforts must be exerted to eject the evil PF from power. The nation can’t afford to have such an uncouth and savage party running our affairs.

    • Countrymen and women, lets not waste you time here. No opposition party can dislodge PF from power whether they like it or not. PF is a party that has brought so much hope to many Zambians in two years and you think Zambians a re fools, NO!

      Development is on people’s door steps and to think of removing action oriented party from power is a joke on the continent. Whilst you are talking, development is taking place by PF, so please be real imwe ba opposition twapapata.

      The recent Jubilee celebrations must be an indicator that people are happy with development by PF, they have never seen this before in their lives but its happening, promises fulfilled. Ni pa bwato until 2017….

  25. This is the first selfless thing HH has done, congratulations. It’s a step in the right direction. I urge all opposition groups to merge into a coherent group with one aim; to bring back respect for the peoples democratic rights, to uphold our constitution, to remove Neo-colonialists capitalists that would plunder our wealth with the help of unscrupulous foreign ‘investors.’ To stop Land issue abuse by these same investors. To chase after our Revenue from the mines and uphold taxes imposed on mines. To work deciduously to promote the interests of the Poor. To bring electric lights and basics to the Poor.

    To uphold all of President Sata’s good developmental programmes in infrastructure and Education. Oooooh I could go on forever with my wish lists! I wish them well.

    • As for PF, WAKE UP! Sort yourselves out!

      Your support base are shopping around for a more cohesive party that will uphold our constitution.

      Edgar Lungu remains my chosen and anointed one. Anointed by Jesus Christ, Lord of all, not by me!

      He bears the blessings.

      GBM is too obese, it is possible he will not be fit enough. He beats his staff so watch out PF members! We need someone extraordinary like Lungu.

  26. The truth of the matter is no one opposition party can win these elections. fact no 2. PF will not win these elections too. so MMD since has grassroot members who agree with UPND, should support UPND and win these elections after that they can both benefit. fact is HH can do a good job to bring back economic activities back on track. As a business man i can boldly tell you that under PF money has not been easy to find to do business. i dont know about others. but truth is the cost of doing business is currently high.

  27. An opposition party is good for nothing if it cannot win an election. Currently, Zambia has too many good-for-nothing opposition parties. What the country needs is only a single opposition party – not three or four. Currently, there may be as many as ten to twelve tuntemba parties, all of them masquerading as opposition parties. They are all good-for-nothing.

    The country and its democracy will be better served if these so called opposition parties can unite and form one giant opposition party that is capable of taking on an incumbent and get the hell out of PF. These PF gangsters must go at all costs.

  28. If this coalition is accepted, who becomes the leader, you Mutati? Thats the problem, people like Mutati only think of themselves. He thinks he is the best think that ever happened to man. HH is anaza! He cannot accept anyone being president over him. He has tried 3 times, and every time he has lost. When will he ever learn. Nevers tried it under reform party and he failed miserably. This coalition issue is a good suggestion but only if people like Mutati, Nevers, HH, Chipimo can swallow their pride. For me most of these guys should be thinking of 2016 and not 2015. A combined opposition front is the way to go. But who should lead them? They should choose one who is already known to the electorate. One who would be easy to sell. Yes a President for All Zambians!

  29. @Hangala

  30. @ Wanzelu,
    One thing I admire about your thoughts is that you have been consistent in your political analysis. I said it before and I will say it again. Most bloggers are swayed by the wind as a result fail to think logically. Its too late to call for coalition because most of the parties are already fighting. Let me be specific, MMD, there is a fight between RB and Nevers Mumba, PF all two parties have ruled before, Zambians are not naive to recyle them back. UPND is the only only party with clean politicians. Talk of the Jack Mwiimbu, Garry Nkombo, Vitalis Mooya etc, most of which are graduates. The team is well vested and just Gvernement in waiting. There is NO need to go to coalition with political demagogues..
    Why would they dine with devils? VIVA HH, You have our 6 votes…

  31. The confusion we are seeing in PF and MMD is unprecedented. It is unlikely, it will vanish abruptly. UPND can capitalize on it and run away with the victory.

  32. @WANZELU: well come back bro. you have been in hiding since 28 October 2014. what was happening? and where is MUSHOTA? God will give us a good leader but definitely not a drunkered. if i had a way, i would have loved HH to take over. He is sober minded and knows where to take this country. HH and GBM have one thing in common—business minded people. Only drawback for GBM is Education and WIFE battering but can make a good leader.

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