Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government to meet Transport Operators over possibility of reducing Bus Fares



Government will soon engage public transport operators to discuss the possibility of reducing bus fares following the reduction in fuel prices in the country.

Director of Transport in the Ministry of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication Nelson Nyangu said public transport operators should pass on the benefits accrued from reduced fuel prices to the commuters.

Mr. Nyangu told the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Lusaka yesterday that the meeting will be held soon among all stakeholders.

He said the ministry does not dictate bus fares but will instead engage the Zambia Bus and Taxes Workers Union, (ZABUTWU), Public Private Drivers Association of Zambia and the other concerned bodies to come up with agreed fares.

He noted that it was vital that the benefit of fuel reduction trickles down to the ordinary people who use public transport.

A bout a fortnight ago, the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) reduced fuel pump prices by K0.25 for petrol, K0.28 for diesel and 0.27 for kerosene with effect from Monday midnight.

This reduced the price of fuel and a litre of petrol was then costing K10.38 while a litre of diesel was costing K9.73 and the same quantity of fuel was K7.21 respectively.

On Sunday this week, the ERB again reduced fuel prices to K9.89 per litre of petrol from K10.38, registering a reduction of K0.49.

One litre of diesel is now K9.19 from K9.73 representing a reduction of K0.54, while the price of a litre of Kerosene has been reduced from K7.22 to K6.77 posting a reduction of K0.44.

The ERB attributed the reduction in fuel prices to the general fall in international crude oil prices in recent months.


  1. You are joking,right?At international level there was a 30% reduction and locally you made those shenanigan reduction of between 6% to 8% and want us to reduce bus fares.Hello?As a matter of fact there are also those local taxes you increased for us taxi drivers,for example the one we pay as PSV drivers.Wanting us to reduce the fares is like trying to squeze blood from a stone,silly cows!

    • PF is lying! When elections are the horizon, the Donchi Kubeba sickness is echoed more than ever before.
      Never trust PF again, they brought the country down and destroyed it beyond pathetic.
      38 days left until PF the clueless but violent party will be democratically kicked off power.
      The Skeleton Key.

    • Ok HH is making these guys have sleepless nights. Evidence has been given to PF thru Scot from OP that PF are losing these elections and need to step up the game. we have planned a roadside show tommorow. All UPND SUPPORTERS dress in your LIGALIA come to makeni Mall we will drive in a convoy from makeni to archades. This is A PEACEFUL NO VIOLENCE ROADSIDE SHOW. We will end at archades for refreshments. Bring your cars and we will do a TEMPORARY paint IN UPND COLOURS. VIVA HH2015.

  2. The reduction is a campaign measure. Once voted back they will hike the price of fuel again. These shameless monkeys and mbebas think they can dribble us.

  3. We now meet over ‘possibilities’… sounds like time best invested in meeting to change the REALITY of the HONEST REDUCTION which should be passed on to the market…not so?

  4. Public transporters are thieves. When fuel is increased by say 50 ngwee, you are very quick to increase bus fares by k50 or even more…! Whatever the reduction% in fuel prices, YOU SHOULD REDUCE YOUR FARES. Your fares are just too much….! Lets not be selfish…!

  5. These people are stubborn,checK them who do not want to adjust down the fares,most of them know that its not right but they are rather hardening their hearts for political mileage.Zambians never learn to stand for what is right.we compromise even when the call of nature comes.

    • You can not see that this is mere policking…have you ever run a business before? The fuel reduction are daylight robbery. ..they have not reduced it accordingly as reflected on the world market…simply check the price of crude on Google and you will see that it’s the govt robbing you.
      wake up!!

  6. Only gullible f##ls will believe this rubbish …..the fuel has been reduced by a very small percentage that cannot even trickle down. ..crude has reduced drastically within the last months but because of the greed of the elite nothing has happened. ..we need a new government to come an streamline the procurement and distribution of fuel for the benefit of the tax payer and not the ruling elite who are involved in procurement and haulage of fuel.

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