Monday, June 17, 2024

I’m still in the race-Chipimo


Elias Chipimo speaking at the press briefing at the NAREP Secretariat
Elias Chipimo speaking at the press briefing at the NAREP Secretariat

NAREP President Elias Chipimo Jr has rubbished rumours that he has withdraw from the January 20 presidential election.

Mr. Chipimo said such rumours are baseless and should not be entertained.
He has since cautioned some members of NAREP from selling their souls for small pieces of silver.

Mr. Chipimo said it is obvious that out of the 15 parties taking part in the election, a few would drop off before nomination date but emphasized that it will not be NAREP.

‘Elias Chipimo and NAREP are not for sale and we are not quitters. We have no intentions of dropping off from the race,’ he said.

He was speaking at the NAREP Secretariat when he addressed a news conference.
Below is the full statement read out by Mr. Chipimo.

Money, Crowds and Politics

Ladies and gentlemen, we have 36 days to go until the presidential by-election. Following the nomination briefing for presidential candidates held by the Electoral Commission of Zambia last Wednesday, it appears for the time being, that over 17 contestants will take part in the forthcoming election. No doubt many of the current presidential aspirants will drop out of the race. I want to assure you that NAREP will be among those that will remain firmly in the race. We are not quitters, nor are we doubters of God’s word and His faithfulness.

One false rumour after another is being spread about us by those who fear our candidacy. They say we have pulled out of the race when nothing could be further from the truth. Let me make it very clear to everyone including those of our members that are being used for a few pieces of silver to sell their birthright that Elias Chipimo is not for sale to the highest bidder.

I can assure you that under NAREP Zambia will not be a tool for the private business interests of foreign backers. We shall protect the interests of every Zambian and grant them the economic freedom to make choices that are in the best long-term interests of themselves and their families.

We are a Party that was founded on principles. We have a message of economic freedom for every Zambian. We stand on the values laid out in God’s word. We believe in fighting for the poorest of the poor: the rural farmer, the widows, the street-children, the street vendors and marketeers, the labourers earning K15 per day, the call boys and bus drivers, truck drivers and taxi drivers. We also believe in fighting for a better Zambia for the doctors, nurses, factory workers, private sector employees, civil servants and our military and service personnel.

We believe in our women and our youth and we will address the unemployment crisis by making all of the vulnerable groups contractual suppliers to government in a revised public procurement programme that will lift the masses out of poverty. NAREP is the only Party that has a clear plan to empower Zambians from the remotest rural location to the to the most successful local enterprise. While others simply make promises, we are the Party that can explain how we will fulfil them.

Do not let money determine your choices this election. Do not let false promises decide who you will choose as your next president. Instead, ask yourselves about the character of the leader you want for your country and make the choice that you will vote with a clear conscience on 20 January next year. Let us not vote for someone just because they have the money to put up billboards. Let us vote for someone who can unite the country and bring about the development that can benefit all.

The Bible says: you will know them by their fruit. Power will not make anyone a better person, it will simply expose their full character. Let us therefore look carefully at the character of every presidential aspirant and ask ourselves whether they have a vision; whether they promote peace; whether they have demonstrated a commitment to unity and whether they fear God.

I am calling upon the Church and all the Church leaders in our land to stand as an example of faith in God’s word and pray that our nation will vote for a leader that fears Him. A leader whose heart is firmly fixed on lifting our nation and our people out of poverty. Remember that the battle is not with the crowds or the dubious money. The battle will be in your knees and in hour hearts.

I thank you and may God’s grace be with you all.

Elias C. Chipimo, Jr
National Restoration Party
Monday 17 December 2014


    • It remains to be seen if he’s taken note of all his missed opportunities. A reasonable assumption for you to make considering how he’s (not) doing at the moment…

      Perhaps you should offer your services BB2014. He could do with both sides of you. Chuckle.

    • Chipimo does not even know what the date is today. Its is Monday 15th of December not 17th of December. He is out of his mind.

  1. Race to where?You don’t even have a council seat ?The best to do was for you to endorse HH and campaign for him.You are wasting your resources.Hope your wife is aware of it.

    • People; Where is Saulosi or is it soul-less? That staunch PF supporter who used to deny that Late MCS was sick with Mushota. I can see Mushota though with a changed mind or take.
      Saulosi used to say a lot of goodies about the PF, I don’t mean bad here its everyone’s democratic right to take sides in a democracy, but am only looking for him as I have missed his comment and analysis o f Zambian politics and more so that his friend Wynter has formed a Party (Rainball party)

  2. Thanks for reminding us Mr. Chipimo that you are still in the race.

    But let me also remind you. Being in a race does not count for much if you are too slow. Do not be comfortable coming last all the time, while broadcasting that you participated.

    You need to take advantage of social media and advertise yourself. Before Sata died, you were very vocal, but lately, I am not hearing much from you. Anyway, good luck young man.

  3. Elias used to take pot shots of Sata while he was still alive, but the old dictator barely felt it. More like trying to bring an elephant down using catapults! Now that he is no more, Elias finds himself at sea, while others like HH have found it even easier to campaign and are not running out of issues. One can clearly see that the men have now extricated themselves from the boys.

  4. Elias Chipimo has endorsed RB already. we dont like politicians who u-turn like Mike Mulongoti. Zero Vote for Chipimo. Viva HH!

    • @Kay – lol….. sounds like you are enjoying the drama. Can you imagine how these guys are giving each other sleepless nites.

  5. Actually, the drama is so nice that some companies like Multichoice have lost business. Watching movies is now less appealing as opposed to following this PF/MMD drama. It is said that these are no longer political parties but drama clubs. Now NAREP has joined, oh lala -very orgasmic.

    • @ The bricklayer, you guys have killed me with laughter, indeed the man doesn’t even know which date it is…it looks like he has been day dreaming..this is a shame….

  6. The election race in Zambia will be among these three parties and these are PF, UPND and MMD. Politicians who are realistic have already endorsed the three Parties. Nawakwi, Miyanda, Sondashi, Chipimo are time wasting. Mulongoti, Bwalya, Msoni, Milupi know what makes sense and have already gone ahead to endorse parties of the moment. Surely for 2015, Milupi, Msoni, Bwalya and Mulongoti knew they would not win. Kabimba tomorrow will be making a statement to support HH or RB. He obviously cannot support Edgar for obvious reasons. If he forms a party he would be joining the likes of Miyanda, Chipimo, Nawakwi and Sondashi, the group of dreamers. Numero uno dreamers par excellence are Nevers Mumba and Miles Sampa. No person can be this F.o.o.lish like this two.

  7. The most overwhelming thing to say about Chipimo is that he comes across a nice person!

    As a presidential hopeful, he is a Lame Duck. Either he needs to grow his party, media presence and get an approved financial backer NOT foreign obviously.

    I am suspicious on his Mines stand though. He lost me when he did not back ZRA collecting taxes from Mines by hook or crook. I like an outright Patriot who’d not veer in protecting the interests of Zambian citizens.

  8. chipimo…. what do you measure?…. a defective chipimo… am dissapointed….. all zambians know that you are PF…. why.. you have lost direction. you have destroyed your political carrier… we had hope in you that one day you will be a force … now from the look of things you too childish….

  9. and after the elections, he will come out of hibernation to condemn the newly elected president, bla bla bla…you sir have become a bore,,

  10. Which race chipimo?in Tonga chipimo is “under five”remove those to ma grases it seems you are not seeing things the way how is your farmily which is not even going to vote for HH.

  11. The next MONDAY 17th December is 2018. May be, or just may be Elias Chipimo jr is a few years a head of all of us in Zambia. Thumbs up to you mate!

  12. Chipimo you have never been “in” the race and it’s very unlikely that it will happen unless you get real and swallow your pride

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