Saturday, June 1, 2024

Edgar Lungu is confused, has no vision says UPND Vice-President Richard Kapita


UPND vice president-political  Richard Kapita addressing Mandevu residents during the party's public rally
UPND vice president-political Richard Kapita addressing Mandevu residents during the party’s public rally

When Edgar Lungu launched his presidential campaign he claimed to the Zambian people that he was planning to follow in the footsteps of the late Michael Sata and would continue on the path he laid out. But yet, only one week later, Mr Lungu seems to have changed his mind as he has since announced two election pledges that would see a reversal of President Sata’s position and are contrary to the late President’s wishes.

In enacting the retirement age increase Acting President Guy Scott was simply delivering on late President Sata’s intentions. Secretary to Cabinet Rowland Msiska has strongly defended the decision of the PF cabinet decision to increase the retirement age and Lungu supported that decision process. If he is so opposed to it how come he did not take a stand on the issue as a member of the Cabinet? Why is he only doing so now at campaign rallies?

The second reversal is with regards to the PF Government position on the recognition of Henry Kanyanta Sosala as the Chitimukulu. Mr Lungu has now announced that if elected he will give the Paramount Chief the recognition that President Sata for so long withheld. This may come as a shock to some of his biggest supporters in the PF ranks, such as Nkandu Luo who has more than once warned that Sosala could face arrest for posing as Chitimukulu.

Perhaps having watched the positive reception UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has received across the country, as he has reiterated time and time again his commitment to reversing the retirement age increase and recognising Henry Kanyanta Sosala, Mr Lungu is getting desperate and saying anything because he knows he is rapidly losing support.

I was among those who criticised Mr. Lungu last week for his failure to set out a clear agenda for office on the basis that a President needs to be a leader with real vision, commitment and energy if we are to fulfil the potential our country has. I now add to this my concern that Mr Lungu appears to be already diverting from that plan only one week later. He seems lost and confused and doesn’t know what he believes in.

Zambia needs a leader who knows what he or she believes in and has the courage and conviction to stick to their policies.

Richard Kapita
UPND Vice-President


  1. Whats the definition of “vision” in zambian politics,woud you call hh’s unrealistic promises a vision mr Kapita? Just because Lungu is not lying to the people like your pay master,you claim tht he has no vision.Well, some “visions” will be buried this coming month,this time for good.

    • Edgar is emulating the person whose vision he said he would keep alive. Recall how the author of that vision changed position on the public order act, the constitution and many other promises. Edgar is indeed well schooled and understood the politics of his teacher and mentor perfectly. He fits in his shoes every inch and so far has lived up to his expectations.

    • And what kind of politics is this? Instead of being busy selling yourself to the electorate you’re busy condemning your fellow contenders. Just work at selling yourself and leave the judgement of who has and who doesn’t have to the electorate on the polling day. They will be ones to decide not you telling them. What if they see your leader visionless too? Just like you have opinions regarding EL others too have their own opinions regarding you and HH. Therefore, leave that to the people to decide. Thanks

    • Confused is an understatement. We could add dazed and in fact, I ‘d not be surprised that he EL smokes weed too! He is a drunk, gambler and thief. He was debarred by LAZ

    • Mr Kapita you are right. Lungu is back peddling and I think he has been advised to do so. He has probably realized that treading on Sata’s vision was not doing him any favours.
      The majority of the masses are not interested in the retirement age because they do not work, no jobs.
      His back peddling about Henry Sosala re installment, an important issue admittedly, does not concern the whole country apart from us Bembas.
      Lungu does not deal with national matters per se. Job creation, poverty, lack of clean water. These issues affect the masses.

    • People like Mr. Kapita would make you brain storm & scratch your head before making the next Speech. Great Politicking indeed (This helps purify other political contenders)

      Enjoy wisely.

    • If you support Vodgar just know that you’ve a pea sized brain. I’m from Northern province and for the first time my family and i will vote HH.

    • Is their anything that came from the mouth of sata that was true? Remember these are the same thugs who would say one thing in the morning another says something else. Don’t worry God is by our side these thugs are on a self destruction mission. Nobody knows how many or who voted for EL.

    • My question to all you HH supporters is WHY ARE yOU SO SCARED OF LUNGU.? Be hinest for once. I dont EL talking about HH like UPND talks about EL.

    • @OldRugsOut, your geezer! you’ve lost me a bit on your recent stance. I know you a chip off the old block as you have been blogging here for yonks. I followed your input from a few years back and I seemed to know where your stand point was then and if I had to retrieve old postings I would attest to that. You seemed to have mainly dedicated your pseudonym to driving out Sata and RB. If my recollection are to go by, you are MMD and want young people at the helm – right ? but you got RB in MMD instead, PF has EL but I think you prefer M who is younger. UPND has a young and vibrant leader in HH and then you start being tribal…what the heck do you want then?

    • This is the same nonse I don’t appreciate from UPND. Please tell us the voters what you will do different so that we can make up our mind rather than attacking EL. Three questions:


    • Ba Richard Kapita, what do you know about vision? You have long been trying to make it in Zambian politics but failed lamentably. This time Zambians have totally forgotten about you, you are a none entity iwe washibukafye na manon’go mukanwa watampa nokusabaila. What makes you and other failures to think that EL has no vision? Which measuring stick are you using?

    • Kapita lives in a fOOls paradise ruled by a small nyau dancer.

      Is finishing Robert Makasa university sata’s vision which your nyau dancer says he will complete.

    • @wanzili well let us with pea sized brains who happen to be the majority vote for Lungu…you guys with big brains vote for your HH. Finish and EL

    • Kapita is just ranting who doesn’t even what to say. UPND will never win elections in Zambia I can bet you Kapita. Why are you and your HH always talking about the issue of the Chitimukulu which you don’t even understand? Foolish!! Go EL teach these thugs a lesson on 20th January 2015 that they will never forget. Your HH is busy promising mountains to Zambians, things that he won’t even manage. PF has done a lot of good things for the country within 3 years.

    • HH, “the man with a vision”, claims when he comes into power he will be adding value to Zambia’s raw materials. Yet the same HH has been selling his beef to Zambeef. Is it not surprising to all and sundry that HH has failed to come up with a meat processing plant? Is this HH’s success as a business man that his supporters talk about? The guy is probably just looking for money in government to do things he has failed to do as a business man the same way he made money underpricing Zambian companies and buying them off at knockdown prices from which he earned money to buy cattle ranches whose meat he even fails to add value to but instead sells to Zambeef.

  2. Edgar Lungu is bringing to the table politics of reality, not lying to people. All lying in their promises will not get by. The same tactic Sata used in 2011 which you condemned now it has suddenly become good, the you are hypocrites you must repent to Sata for having insulted him day in day out on his promises. Let people not lie to dupe the masses. Lungu is alright. Who can stop developmental works Sata started in this country. Personally I did not vote for Sata in 2011 but after seeing what he was doing in his state I had a change of mind . Let us support good road map not just talking sweet. Deception is sting of death.

    • Very correct – I think UPND chaps are the ones who are confused. You condemned Sata’s promises now you are using his methods and you think they will work.? Lungu is doing thing in reverse becoz he is smart, he knows people will not buy those lies but rather honesty is key.

  3. @Zamcab.
    Never my friend UPND is winning this ELECTION with a landslide victory.
    Ignore ths at your own peril.
    UPND is forming the NEXT JUBILEE GOVT.

    • Good question. What makes him think that people see him as one having vision? Kkkkkk. This is why they die of depression when they loose. Too sure of victory for nothing. Remember RB cried on camera.. Level up eh!!

    • Fear? Yes, a lot of people recognise the importance of choosing a competent leader and are scared that the people wil not choose wisely.

      Fear is a good thing at this time.

  4. Kapita says PF government vision is to increase retirement age but one of them says no I will reverse.
    PF government says Sosala is not Chitimukulu, one of them says he is.
    What is hard to understand here. Does cadre mentality really cause such deep myopism? It is shocking to say the least to see educated people refusing to reason. We are doomed with this kind of mentality.

    • Well spoken. You have ably simplified it for even primary school kids to pick up. But still, some cadres cannot get the points. Its a case of advanced mental disability.

  5. Kapita”s specialist in failure president frustrated him so much that in 2012 he resigned from upnd and retreated to the hills of north western province. He has just resurfaced albeit with white hair trying to give it a last lunge, prepare for your final retirement on January 20 Sir!

  6. It’s not what kapita will say we want EL. He is not tribal and he will continue from were ba Sata left most you are making noise because you have seen good foundation laid by PF. We will see on 20th.

  7. Mr Kapita Sir,

    Why don’t you analyse your own vision. You keep talking about Edgar on the other hand I have never heard Edgar mention your name, probably he doesn’t even know you.

    You are one of the many evil forces that have risen against Edgar because you know and I know that without Edgar there is no PF.

    I am only supporting my choice ,go and support your choice period.

    Long live Eddy!

    • Hahahaha nice one. UPND are so preoccupied with Lungu this Lungu that…they will realize when its too late by then EL will be in State House. EL doesn’t mention your names for a reason…

  8. Can Lungu let the nation know his position on Lombe Chibesakunda continuing to be chief justice. HH has commented on this before. We all know where LAZ stands on this issue. What does Lungu intend to do? Since he intends to continue Satas legacy will he also let us know if he will keep Libongani as IG? I will go off on a limb and say Musa Mwenye is probably out regardless of who wins. Will Lungu keep Chibesakunda and Libongani? Edgar Lungu CHECK!

  9. HH is the best: best businessman among all contenders; proven track record of fending off poverty at personal level; will be donating his monthly salary to community. BANDA-no vision, is in it to shake off the shame of losing to MCS; has short term objective-just talks of being president btwn now & 2016. How can we elect a person who only wants to be on probation! LUNGU-has no vision; is being pushed by powerful forces behind him; he is not sophisticated enough to lead 14m pipo. HH, let me report that our Act. President is doing commendable job. He has surprised many of us. No wonder Sata could not allow him to act. He is in his own class. If this is the man we had for these 3 yrs, Zambia wud have moved miles ahead. HH, this man Simuusa was on radio this morning. No vision also.

    • Illusions. Sure you dreamt Scott heading PF last 3yrs??
      You are blind to PF works with Sata at the helm ??? No wonder you can never win elections in Zambia, maybe amongst cows which don’t care as long as there is grass around

  10. The second wave of lies is being unleashed on Zambians yet again by the PF. It will be a total disaster if Zambians are f00led for the second time. In the past 3 years PF has shown lack of capacity to deliver, so what has changed?why ask for my vote when you have lamentably failed, just why?

  11. EL has no vision as per his statements and he stands just by that. This explains his changing of positions each morning. EL is typical of Dochi Kubeba style of politics where truth is never told.

  12. indeed mr edger kachasu lungu is confused or speaks to people whilest drunk as usual you talk of homosexual reversing retirement age but you forget the main issues the country faces your party pf is oweing farmers alot of money you supposed to tell the minister of agriculture that in your capacity as pf presidential candidate pay farmers recoginise chitimukulu bula bula bula instead of losing your already lost direction plse we really want to hear developmental new ideas from you . thank you for you visionless viva hh 2015 let them go go zwaaaa

  13. r kapita you ve made my day. Who is confused here, the one who took leave from his party’ affairs to concentrate on his busines cause his party was going nowhere or ist the one the who was entrusted with 4 high profiled portfolios. Kapita stop petty dreams, your hh poured insults on sata yet all he does is copy sata albeit in a dismal way.

  14. I cant help watching that drama in western province with people flashing UPND symbols and others dancing with mosi bottles as a mockery to to lungu.

  15. All what Lungu is saying in his rallies is imitating from UPND’ manifesto. He is really confused and dis-organised. Chakolwa. VIVA UPND and HH. Vote HH for real change.

  16. But surely some of u pipo are just dull. Is it wrong go on leave of absence? Mr Kapita did not resign or relinquish his position. He merely took leave to sort out some issues. Just defend yo clueless EL.

  17. Only Lungu’s die-hard cadres will vote for him. He is confused and vision less because he is always under the influence of booze. By his own admission he doesn’t have a vision. Just this one statement alone is enough to quickly dump and trash him in a rubbish bin. There are plenty of professionals who can manage Zambia’s small govt very easily. Why entrust a job like this to a confused, vision less alcoholic and embezzler? Are we mad people?

    • Tongas are more prone to excessive alcohol intake. Balanwa sana, PF is ruling and will rule and rule and rule and rule ——–

    • @Figo
      I hope you’re 12 years old. On the other hand, it would be sad that at 12 you have such a jaded view of the world.

      Stop talking about tribe.

      Show some maturity. It’s fine to support EL, but making eedyotic statements about any one tribe is stup!d, backward, desperate and not welcome.

      You appear to be in the USA. Watch TV. Learn how to evaluate your presidential hopefuls based on issues.


  18. Interviewer: How would you deal with our current financial realities?

    Campaign EC: I know the answer to this one.
    Campaign GM: Why are you silent again Elias?
    Campaign RB: My record speaks for itself.
    Campaign NM: Criminal record? I see you old man. You have plans.
    Campaign EN: I worked with national finances.
    Campaign HH: Pass. Until ED answers.
    Campaign MS: Ed needs spiritual help to answer but I was a banker once.
    A Phiri ana bwe: I’ve played monopoly.
    Interviewer: Is anyone prepared to give a fuller response?
    Campaign EC: I do know the answer to this one.
    Campaign RB: My record still speaks for itself.
    Campaign HH: Attend my rally. I prefer to speak to those who are impacted. Pass.
    Interviewer: ED we need an answer from you, sir. Please.
    Campaign ED: Whatever HH said.

  19. You seem not to even understand how cabinet works but again how would you? You and your president have never held those positions before. It does not mean that when cabinet makes a decision then all ministers agreed to that but you cant show that in public. The retirement age was not well received by Zambians no wonder Sata never signed it. Scott signed it because like you, he doesnt listen to people(being the reason Sata never left him to act) and on the Chitimukulu issue, consult Zambian watchdog and you will know the owners of that battle and its not Lungu.

  20. Where are the people that this kapita was addressing in Mandevu? He is just scared of the huge crowd that Lungu pulled in Mandevu on Sunday. We know where your votes come from and even this time they will only come from there. Edgar is winning whether you like him or not.

    • @Silencer

      Your time would be better served at a community college (it’s cheap) learning the basic constructs of the English language (assuming you’re in the US of A. If not, there’s night school).

      You write badly, and I’m saying this kindly. However your reference to tribe is abhorrent and shows that you have basic-level, backward thinking. Zambia is a very good-natured society, don’t sow seeds of hate.

      Stop talking about tribe. Immediately.

  21. Yo pres HH is the one confused because he z promising things he does nt belv in jus fo a vote. He condemnd sata over a lot of thgs he is supotg 2de lik recognisg street vending & buildg 2universties in chinsali. Sata didn’t sign SI & Edgar feels he’s honourg that by renegotiatg the change. Guy deliberately signed 2 put PF in som unnecessary controversy. Otherwise y rush & not wait fo substantive 2com & do it. He shd accept his preferred candidate lost.

  22. The fact that all those opposing Mr Kapita’s two points have failed to come up with a credible point-for-point argument says all that needs to be said.

    • Also accept that you guys will lose again..have you ever heard Eddy mentioning any opposition leader.? That should tell you everything.

      VIVA EL

  23. Honestly , Kapita is not a politician but may be just a professional in Agriculture. He is far from politics and reason when he speaks he always discusses persons not issues to be tackled by his party. Little does he know he is a danger to his party and better keep quiet and allow others to speak. Please, don’t force to be a politician or to try and impress. Be real.

  24. Just wondering, Kapita you say ECL has no vision and yet youR HH is saying he will continue with the projects of visionless people, he is asking for votes from relatives of the visionless. We are not f00ls. The problem with upnd think they have won the elections. Already in SP they are celebrating, in work places they are saying you will see when we win. I was once upnd during Mazoka’s time. In 2001 we did our campaigns with different tribes, but when time came for the results our tonga friends started shunning us because they thoughT we had won but we were dribbled by MMD. when they see the rallies which hh has held in northern province, they think its in the bag, mind you other parties have not yet gone there. Wait

    • don’t show your lack of reasoning in front of all these screens becaause people are watching you. The moneys which were spent on all these projects were not PF/ sata’s moneys but government money. so when HH becomes the 6th republican president of zambia, he will have to continue with all the projects left by PF you street child.

  25. You caanot become a Tonga by pretending to be one just because you want to continue your bemba tribalism where you think other tribes are less human than you.F00lishly only gullible people support PF liars and croocked gang of nonentities.Is it not shameful that PF are talking as if they are in opposition;
    – We shall reduce retirement age; Scott signed this document only a week ago;Cabinet approved and both Lungu and Chishimba Mbwili were part and parcel.

    – Sosala as Chitimukulu- They are pledgeing to recognise him if they are voted for but it was Lungu as minister of Home Affairs who sent paramilitary to bar Sosala from taking his rightful position.
    – Mealie meal prices/Fuel; We shall reduce the prices when you vote for us again;Only fools can believe this. RB left unga at 35 pin,in…

    • calling PF supporters foolish and yet you want our votes.? PF is not a bemba party so keep fighting the bembas and you will see how easy Lungu will carry the day…

  26. 3 yrs they have managed to more than double the price of mealie.Fuel is very expensive then they come to you and say we shall reduce.Why didnt they reduce?And some non thinking people say epulogilamu.The levels of illiteracy in Zambia are so high.Most People go kwalola umwela.No analytical thinking.If you ask why some want to vote for lungu,They say; Eo bashilile ba Sata.Low calibre thinking.You say Lungu is humble but he is leaving the country to meet Mugabe even without informing Scott.To some all this is okay.He now calls scott his vice yet the same lungu and his cronies are on record as saying scott was expelled.Cry my beloved country.Kambwili and others are just after keeping their jobs to loot more.RDA money being looted through contracts by Nsanda.And to some people its ok.What sham

  27. Lungu will not find it easy to win this election as long as he continues to insult and overlook Scott.His level of arrogance is frightening.Lungu will not win without the other factor.This I assure you.Watch the space!Winangu aza fenta.wait and see!

  28. GARYY NKOMBO is best man for UPND President. If HH fails to make it this time around , without ill feeling, he should step aside and try Garry, you will prove this in no time. Garry has national character but not knowing his financial muscle though his crowd would bank roll him . He is a gentleman and an outgoing man. Dismiss this thought at own peril.

  29. Cadre behavior by people who do not even have points to argue.PF is a government by liars,for liars and of liars.They have run out of ideas and are now talking like rabbid dogs about reversing things as if they are in the opposition!We shall.We shall.why didnt they reduce or why dont they do that now?Vonse nima boza and yet some hungry cadres here say lets vote for PF again. PF kuya bebele.Let HH rule.Tribalism out bamukukulu.mwanyanya.What value do people like Nsanda, Emmanuel Mwamba bring?Wolves.Corrupt elements.Mwamba Chilubas blood inakukola.With your fatherless shamless Bwalya.VOTE HH- ZAMBIA FORWARD!

    • then leave us alone…becoz as far as we know Zambia is a democratic nation and wait for it – the majority wins…us Team Lungu…suck it in badala… Remove hh maybe your party may win elections.

  30. What kind of analysis do you use when you judge popularity of a candidate by the number of people who attend their rallies?Do all people who attend rallies vote?The fact is out of the whole crowd, less than 15% are voters. People should stop thinking like babies. There is alot of unemployment in Zambia,most people go there to pass time so if you are going to use rally numbers to gauge popularity, you will be ashamed.Its the same people who attend all rallies;Some with curiosity to just see the candidate.Ati let me go and see Lungu who they say nichakolwa olwala.said one man.Others ati nikaone RB akaliko.Same with Kaunda in 1990 he thought he was popular by looking at numbers attending his rallies.That is foolerly.Easy.This time is for UPND

  31. In Response to Kapita: Little minds discuss people and big minds discuss ideas. Mr Kapita should explain why each election HH has to stand. HH is desperate now and trying to recruit as many people allover Zambia and he forgets that if he wins, the same people will fight him for positions. He has no structures in other provinces to support his governance. It would have been wise that he opens up and recruit people from all provinces to build the party like Sata did. What HH is doing is assembling comrades who have one aim , remove PF and what happens after comrade will rise aganist another comrade , hence the confusion. HH is also looking at if elected then involve everyone so that come 2016 he is re-elected and will still have another term to serve so that in the end, 12 yrs be in office,

  32. Zambia should know that EL is being sincere. He will continue where he boss left. That is truth…Did his boss do everything alright …no being human and limited by space and time. Are there good things he did which should be continued, yes and bad things removed period. African leader of the HH is condemn everything but promise to complete the universities and roads the late left in progress. If HH had not over rated himself when he and the late had an alliance, today HH would have been the acting President and it would have been easy for him. Lack of humility can cost you everything. HH thought he was a better candidate than Sata and campaigned aganist him. I am convinced he lost it out. Only God know who is next.

  33. Gold is never Gold until it is crushed, squeezed, beaten , paneled then come out top grade and shiny. So it is with PF Edgar Lungu being beaten and paneled from all angles.

  34. Don’t insult any one that seems to be the problem with upnd intimidation cannot cast a vote for you you are too big for nothing what have you done for zambia is it not just stealing from poor zambians when your boss undervalued the cost of zambian campanies , now he wants to come and sell what sata built

  35. Malawi’s leading Prophet Shepherd Bushiri on Sunday, December 7 gave took time to prophetically handled Zambia’s elections and urged his congregation to pray for the nation as he saw violence erupting in the country following election disagreements.
    Speaking to his congregation, Bushiri also said that he saw a man wearing a hat being sworn in as Zambia’s president.
    “Am seeing a man name L being sworn in as President. This man is so much loved by Zambians and he is destined to win. If he fails, he will fail because of himself. Things will go bad for him if he doesnt humble himself and work with the white person,” said Bushiri.
    Coincidentally, a likely candidate with ‘L’ in his name is Edgar Lungu of Patriotic Front. According to the prophecy, Bushiri explained that if Lungu fails to…

    • @Kenda

      You embarrass yourself sir, referencing some Malawian prophet we neither know nor care about.

      This ‘prophesy’ adds no value to his congregations spiritual well-being. These are pronouncements from an opportunist who takes advantage of the simple-minded. Even you could have prophesied this statement and skewed it to the candidate of your choice by ‘seeing’ the letter B for Banda.

  36. Which “vision” do people like u Kapita or Fred M’membe talk about?so you call lies which your HH is making vision?sorry my brother,us mass voters would rather vote for EL who is honest than your liar your panic about EL is making us voters to love him even more!recall u did the same to Sata but zambians still voted for the demon(Sata) to shame u!its viva PF viva Edgar Lungu!

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