Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Nevers Mumba is the official MMD Presidential candidate-Supreme Court


Nevers Mumba
Nevers Mumba

The Supreme Court has ruled that the official candidate for the Movement for Multi Party Democracy to contest the forthcoming by election is Nevers Mumba.

The Supreme Court also affirmed that as a Supreme Court, it has powers to determine any matter.

At issue where the decision of a meeting by the National Executive Committee (NEC) held on 18th November 2014 which decided to suspend Nevers Mumba and adopted Rupiah Banda as the MMD Presidential Candidate and the court injunction issued by the High Court and obtained by Nevers Mumba.

The Judge below erred by failing to consider facts submitted by Nevers Mumba in his application for an interim court injunction and ignored those facts when discharging the injunction.

The court however accepted that the High Court Judge below did not evaluate the affidavits signed by Nevers Mumba.

The court ruled that the court injunction given to Nevers Mumba by the High Court was lawfully issued at exparte stage but was not properly discharged at the interparty hearing as facts submitted by Mumba were not properly considered.

The two hour Judgment was read on behalf of the full Supreme Court Bench by former Attorney General and new Supreme Court Justice Mumba Malila as Acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda was conducting presidential nominations.

The Supreme Court also dismissed two preliminary issues raised by Muhabi Lungu.

It also dismissed a cross appeal that was made by another individual.

The Supreme Court also stated that it is allowed to hear extra information that would help the course of Justice and was not confined to only facts but will not allow an appeal on matters that were not discussed.

The Supreme Court also accepted the certificate of urgency filed by Nevers Mumba as any delay would escape the benefits accruing to the Plaintiff. The Supreme Court dismissed Muhabi Lungu’s concern that there was no urgent matter.

Mumba also stated that he was the lawful candidate for the forthcoming Presidential by-elections.

This is the case in which Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Nevers Sekwila Mumba appealed a decision of the High Court that declared former President Rupiah Bwezani Banda as the Presidential Candidate.

Mumba was also challenging the decisions of a NEC Meeting that suspended him and picked Mr. Banda as the Presidential Candidate for the MMD.


    • Am glad Justice has prevailed for once in Zambian politics. Banda is out and indeed that is how it should be. He was wasting his time and money. However, nevers Mumba is not presidential material. Did he fail to run his church? How will he run a country? I rest my case?

    • I simply LOVE Zambia!!!
      Zambia Forward.
      Now Nevers Mumba lets go for after PF, you pull left- HH pull Right, and we tell Nawakwi to kick them in their already tangling balls!!

    • “The Supreme Court also affirmed that as a Supreme Court, it has powers to determine any matter…”

      My brain is probably skewed (as usual) but it sounds like they are pretty much saying they can pick which candidates will contest an election. Hmm. Thought provokingly open to ‘mischief’. Chuckle.

    • Hahahaha,

      Now this will be a walkover for HH!

      Score – PF candidate 0 – Vodka Lungu

      MMD candidate 0 – Never to be President

      UNPD candidate 1 – Go to the top of the class!

    • Good move PF, use the machine to Your advantage, RB was going to spoil the Eastern and Northern vote. Good move Chibesakunda

    • As constitutionalists we respect the verdict of the Supreme Court. However, truth is that under Nevers Mumba, MMD is going nowhere in the forthcoming bye-election. A significant opposition votes will move to HH but also to EL bumping up and consolidating the PF following. It brightens up the prospects of PF finishing up their 5 year ruling mandate.

      Expect more alignments and realignments in the run up to Decision 2015.

      Congratulation! Let a true nationalist reign.

    • @Nostra you really cracked me, our balls bululu are hanging freely and tell you what.? Lets talk on 21st Jan, how does that sound.?


    • Sad news for HH,he was hopping RB was going to spoil the Eastern vote for EL. We know HH and RB were in a pact and that’s why RB never cared about threats of taking away his benefits because he was promised that they were going to be restored if he helped UPND win by spoiling the Eastern province. How can one explain Mutati and Chituwo’s behaviour,they fought to remove Nevers but later on decided to endorse and campaign for HH.Viva Edgar Lungu.

    • The only way EL will be able to win this election will be by show of hands, period. He stands no chance if any other method is used.

    • This serves to inform all PF Members that as Katondo boys we have now resolved the following:

      1. We must all rally behind the candidate of the UPND leader HH

      2. Let us all stop sapoting Edgar Muhammed Lungu because the man is a pure Muslim with Jihardist traits.

      3. Edgar Muhammed Lungu is not a Zambian but a refugee from Malawi who ran away due to Kamuzu Banda’s brutarity in 1970s.

      4. As Katondo boys, we are saying that all True PF Members should NOT go to the Supreme Courts on Saturday as our Edgar Lungu will not stand as he is about to charged with treason following 17/12/14 attempted coup he instigated against Guy Scott.

      5. We urge all well peace loving Zambians to vote for HH as our Lungu is a man without any vision for this country.

      6. VOTE HH
      I Thank You…

    • HH effect is proving hard to resist. PF has now reinstated 570 nurses unconditionally all because of HH effect.

      Soon it will be Sosala crowned paramount chief, again HH effect dictating to PF.

      HH effect has really caught on. I got it a long time ago. If you havn’t got it then there is something wrong with you.

      Viva HH.

    • Absolutely right judgement.Heart-warming and fairest verdict.Good enough to restore shuttered confidence in our justice system no seen in a long time.Dr Mumba has reclaimed his mandate from vultures that have suffocated him from the word Go.

      He deserves full support to articulate his vision for the party with no more distractions. Quite frankly What he’sgone through in the last 3 years is capable of undoing the strongest of men.

      Now is the time to move quickly and decisively to clean up all hurdles in his way.first , he needs a new national secretary to work for, not against him. By-elections for all known rebels are unavoidable. Their dismissals for gross indiscipline must be delivered with urgency to get back some sanity.

    • Dear Dr. Mumba, we are so happy for you for many reasons, and among them are;
      1. RB has been taught a lesson that this country is far bigger than his team of schemers and himself
      2. You have shown great signs of capacity and capability to form alternative government to PF
      3. You have not personalized the fight by showing Muhabi true love
      4. RB has lost his benefits, as he did not deserve them in the first place.

      The list is endless. Happy for you indeed.

    • Justice has always prevailed its just that you didn’t want it to be justice when its in favour of Lungu…Guess xmas has come early for you Pro HH…humble pies are served…


  1. Dear Friends and Patriots.

    I take this opportunity to invite you all to the Nomination Ceremony of our party President, Honourable Edgar Chagwa Lungu at the Supreme Court in Lusaka, on Saturday the 20th December, 2014. Arrival is 08.00hrs.

    We need all of you with voters cards to carry them with your NRC as a requirement so that we can out-number the required 200 supporters. Come in thousands and let us send a clear message to Zambia and the World that we are THE PATRIOTIC FRONT, united more than ever.

    The next time we meet at the Supreme Court will be on 21st or 22nd January, 2015 for the swearing in ceremony of Hon. CHAGWA.

    I will be answering your comments on Facebook after attending Parliament, I just took few minutes to come and share this invitation with you all.


    • Neves Mumba and the rest of the mmd culprits are in for Januarys election people. donations to victory ministries was not enough for the man so lets now make him stinking rich by casting our votes for him. CHILUBA is back people : ) Hurrayyyy

      Evans Mfula at Evaduco reporting live from lusaka

    • This serves to inform all PF Members that as Katondo boys we have now resolved the following:

      1. We must all rally behind the candidate of the UPND leader HH

      2. Let us all stop sapoting Edgar Muhammed Lungu because the man is a pure Muslim with Jihardist traits.

      3. Edgar Muhammed Lungu is not a Zambian but a refugee from Malawi who ran away due to Kamuzu Banda’s brutarity in 1970s.

      4. As Katondo boys, we are saying that all True PF Members should NOT go to the Supreme Courts on Saturday as our Edgar Lungu will not stand as he is about to charged with treason following 17/12/14 attempted coup he instigated against Guy Scott.

      5. We urge all well peace loving Zambians to vote for HH as our Lungu is a man without any vision for this country.

      6. VOTE HH
      I Thank You…

  2. Good for nevers but don’t morgage your party to UPND because the same UPND was happy when you were going this nonsense.

  3. Totally agreed, this is an awesome decision and hopefully we have time to make up the lost ground and the beauty is that it has come from the Supreme court and this makes it really sweet and now stabilises MMD.

    THis is now the time to really cleanse the party at next year’s convention. Rule of law must be respected and we can’t allow the culture that killed UNIP to take root in MMD. RB was no doubt a great leader and shame to those that misled the old man. It is now time for him to play his rightful role in the party as he said when he handed over power.

    • This is called big boy Politics,,,,,,,,,,

      MMD Chief bootlicker……you the Man

      Now the stage is all set………..

      Its now PF vs MMD

      i know MMD will give PF a good game…….BAYERN vs BARCA

      2015 vote PF(Edgar)

      I thank you

    • @MMD Chief Bootlicker

      Will Muhabi Lungu have to go with RB?

      I don’t think it reasonable to force Dr Mumba to work with him. He was a faithless servant that tried to get rid of his master. Much as Dr Mumba is a Christian Pastor, can he be expected to tolerate a man who was openly disrespectful to him?

      Congratulations on your win!

    • Chief, I agree with you, but don’t you think this decision came a bit late for MMD? Hope resources are available to catch-up with others.
      Enjoy wisely.

  4. Its time now for Mr Bwezani Banda to go and be by his wife’s bedside. He must remember that when was jobless and almost depressed at his farm, Mrs Thandiwe put her teaching job on the line by going there to “entertain” him.

    The least he can do is to at least be by her bedside. Its just humane.

    • kekekekekeke

      you are a funny man.
      can you imagine she paid his electricity bill at the farm when he was in KOLOBOI ! And to think he has abandoned her now is appallingly shameful !!!!

  5. Campaign 04 gets a smacker of a shot in leaving Campaign 03 to ponder the bills… Chuckle.

    Certificate of urgency was missing in the other case it seems as it the others are left to thrash it out again on Monday. In the meantime Saturday looms and the kids are still fighting in the press.

  6. Justice has finally prevailed for Dr. NM.

    My vote is for EL…I will be there at supreme court with my NRC and my faithful voters card.


  7. Congratulations pastor.God is on your side.Banda’s come back was very unfair even fools were able to note that it was very unfair.Shame to mr Banda he didnt behave like a gentle man.That was a coup detat and didnt receive Gods blessings.Pls sort out the PF issue quickly too before nomination day.

  8. I am glad there is some sanity on this one. Good luck Nevers to deserve to be there given that you kept the party going when RB abandoned ship.

    Nonetheless, HH is Zambia’s next President of the Republic of Zambia.

    Zambia United! One Zed!

    • Northern, Muchinga and perhaps Luapula and Copperbelt will vote for their daughter Nawakwi. Go Go Go Namwanga-Tonga mpwizi.

  9. So what do you do with erring lawyers/judges, and more so at that level in the land oh my God save us.if doctors worked at the level of error am seeing with lawyers don’t know what would v happened to God’s people.anyway congrats to Mr mumba, may not win but you are by any standar of measure far much better than Bwezani.

  10. AS a staunch MMD follower from Petauke, Iam now endorsing HH for next year’s election. To vote for Mumba is to split the vote to the advantage of PF. NOW ITS THE NORTHERN PF VOTE WHICH IS DIVIDED

  11. Muhabi Lungu you are out of the job you turned on Nevers mumba who fought Dora and group to give you that job, I consider Muhabi to be an enemy of the youth for trying to bring back an old retired man at the expense of some one younger. You are a big fool Muhabi.

    • Bryson that is none of your business you foolish compound dweller.

      Now let me get my hands on that ***** Muhabi Lungu I will wring his neck with my fat old hands.

      Bryson just get lost before you lead mahtani on to me.

  12. Northen ni PF.whatever Sata built will stand.We’ll support EL period.Nevers can’t win in Luapula,northern and muchinga n CB.Efintu ni lungu

  13. If you hired an independent team to evaluate the performance of the Zambian judiciary, on a scale of A-E, with “A” being the highest rating, I`ve no doubt , the average performance would be “E”. The Zambia judiciary is just horrible!

  14. ,,,as far as I’m concerned, it is a good news not for Nevers but for RB….
    Its a victory for Nevers but not for MMD…….

  15. EL can almost put Eastern under his column, though at the price of Northern and Luapula votes which now have their own son.

    Net for HH is net positive, as he will still poll the majority having picked up RBs votes elsewhere.

    Biggest losers are those rebel MMD MPs that will now need to find shelter before 2016.

    Zambia United! One Zed!

    • @ 32 OneZed

      Eastern has been an MMD stronghold. PF have no base there. The party will now have to redefine itself in the province and count its blessings elsewhere. In the immediate, I see Eastern as a toss-up. PF and its drama will be a complete hard sell there even with the EL factor.

  16. Interviewer: What aspect of your job as president would make you uncomfortable?

    Campaign EN: Undeserved negative media attention.

    Campaign EC: I could do with any attention.

    Campaign RB: Thin brown envelopes. I prefer thick ones, right NM?

    Campaign NM: Releasing RB from prison would make me uncomfortable.

    Campaign ED: Giving orders.

    Campaign MS: To cadres, courts or bar tenders?

    Campaign GM: Do you people ever quit fighting?

    Campaign HH: Walking backwards.

    Campaig WK: Losing the next election, right MMD?

    NM shrugs, “I never plan to forgive, forget or quit thinking about you RB.”

    RB laughs, “You can have your silly party back I am done with it. I get to retire with benefits… you?”

    NM: I get to be President now get off the stage. You’ve been rebased.

  17. 2011 REMATCH…….



    2015 VOTE PF (EDGAR)



    • This serves to inform all PF Members that as Katondo boys we have now resolved the following:

      1. We must all rally behind the candidate of the UPND leader HH

      2. Let us all stop sapoting Edgar Muhammed Lungu because the man is a pure Muslim with Jihardist traits.

      3. Edgar Muhammed Lungu is not a Zambian but a refugee from Malawi who ran away due to Kamuzu Banda’s brutarity in 1970s.

      4. As Katondo boys, we are saying that all True PF Members should NOT go to the Supreme Courts on Saturday as our Edgar Lungu will not stand as he is about to charged with treason following 17/12/14 attempted coup he instigated against Guy Scott.

      5. We urge all well peace loving Zambians to vote for HH as our Lungu is a man without any vision for this country.

      6. VOTE HH
      I Thank You…

  18. Congrats Nevers!! Am surprised there nothing on this story on Zambia reports. What’s happening? This is your official candidate. Cover him. Mr Banda retired a long time ago. So think again.

  19. The fat man Bwezani will be crying when he gets wind of this. This chaos in both MMD and PF is an unexpected gift to that boy Hakainde. I still can’t figure why the fat man decided to jump into the fray in the first place.

  20. Nevers you have fought for this, now don’t go ahead to mortgage MMD to UPND. You wanted to be the official MMD candidate, you got it. Now go ahead and campaign but first heal your party. Selling MMD to UPND will not do. Sit with RB now to get his support and heal the damaged party. You will not win 2015 but look ahead to 2016. It is just 16-18 months away. You have a big job to heal that party. But pray for good people to join your party. Don’t go the Rainbow Party way of getting every Jim and Jack into your party, that’s anarchy. Good luck.

  21. wapya munzhi muhabi lungu couldnt hold ur breath.u wr eatn 2getha wth mumba en suddenly chngd ur mind fr bwezani wth a hope of gettn a big position if bwezani formd govmnt.politic z a dirty what next fr muhabi?da end

  22. Naysayers……If you think elections are won behind a keyboard then you are in for a big surprise….let’s me say this again. are in for a big big surprise.

    2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

    I thank you

    • This serves to inform all PF Members that as Katondo boys we have now resolved the following:

      1. We must all rally behind the candidate of the UPND leader HH

      2. Let us all stop sapoting Edgar Muhammed Lungu because the man is a pure Muslim with Jihardist traits.

      3. Edgar Muhammed Lungu is not a Zambian but a refugee from Malawi who ran away due to Kamuzu Banda’s brutarity in 1970s.

      4. As Katondo boys, we are saying that all True PF Members should NOT go to the Supreme Courts on Saturday as our Edgar Lungu will not stand as he is about to charged with treason following 17/12/14 attempted coup he instigated against Guy Scott.

      5. We urge all well peace loving Zambians to vote for HH as our Lungu is a man without any vision for this country.

      6. VOTE HH
      I Thank You…

  23. HH has Southern and no backing from his tribal cousins, western. Lungu has Eastern and a strong backing from Northern, Luapula, Muchinga and the CB. Lusaka, North western, Central and Western are “swing” provinces were spoils are not clearly defined.Clearly, Lungu is beating all! Viva El classic O!

  24. The judiciary I suspect is working with EL they know eastern was going to be split. But still more the battle is between HH and EL. I see NO endorsing HH

  25. RB was told many times to just relax at his farm and focus on entertaining his grand kids, he wouldn’t listen. Typical of all Ngoni people he made a stup!d decision that now might cost him his pension.

  26. Though I do not think that Nevers Mumba is Presidential material, congratulations all the same, and commiserations to RB, poor RB.

    On a sad note this seems to be very bad news for HH. The MMD votes will split in favour of PF. Remember that PF is an offshoot of MMD. Although PF took power to extremes, MMD and PF are basically one and the same people.

    With this turn of events, a likely permutation of results is as follows:

    Third position: MMD with 200,000 votes
    Second position: UPND with 600,000 votes
    First position and the winner: PF with 1,200,000 votes
    Spoilt votes: 10,000

    Now I expect to be insulted by cadres from the offended party.

  27. Just like that…HH is now lost in the woods…….MMD supporters that defected to HH are now making their way back to MMD….just received 3 calls… 3 votes lost for HH

    Ok bring it on MMD…..

    2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

    I thank you

    • @Katondo
      Somehow I don’t believe these claims of importance you make. Ati “I have just received 3 calls…”.

      We don’t care.

      We don’t care whether you received phone calls, whether it’s a message delivered to you by stool pigeon, or whether it’s smoke signals. You have an opinion …and you know what they say about those. (or do you? If not let me know and I’ll expand)

      Real Intelligence guys don’t shoot their mouths off everyday about how important they are, and the intelligence they have access to.


    • Jessie wa mu town

      I feel sorry for you if you are UPND supporter

      “We thank God for our resounding victory today in the Supreme Court. Many thanks to all of you who offered advice, prayer and other assistance. May the Lord’s will prevail”.Nevers Mumba

      2015 vote PF(Edgar)

      i thank you

    • @Katondo

      You are quite plainly demonstrating an inability to understand that I don’t care whom you support, and hopefully you don’t care which horse I’m backing. (Actually you don’t know but that’s too high a concept for you).

      Just try to engage with people, listen and express your opinion ONCE. You are using this site for that which it wasn’t intended – Campaigning.

      We like this site, we don’t come here to be harangued by anyone – particularly when they have bad breath.

    • @ Robin
      Shouldn’t it be Katondo leaving me alone?? He hijacks my computer screen by writing the same comments 743 888 356 times on every topic. It’s highly offensive and an assault on my senses, let alone the energy I have to use to scroll past his rantings!
      Be fair!

    • This serves to inform all PF Members that as Katondo boys we have now resolved the following:

      1. We must all rally behind the candidate of the UPND leader HH

      2. Let us all stop sapoting Edgar Muhammed Lungu because the man is a pure Muslim with Jihardist traits.

      3. Edgar Muhammed Lungu is not a Zambian but a refugee from Malawi who ran away due to Kamuzu Banda’s brutarity in 1970s.

      4. As Katondo boys, we are saying that all True PF Members should NOT go to the Supreme Courts on Saturday as our Edgar Lungu will not stand as he is about to charged with treason following 17/12/14 attempted coup he instigated against Guy Scott.

      5. We urge all well peace loving Zambians to vote for HH as our Lungu is a man without any vision for this country.

      6. VOTE HH
      I Thank You…

  28. Congratulations my cousin Nevers!

    The law has ruled justly.

    Shame on the old man RB. Let us see where next he will turn.

    If I were RB, I would retire from politics altogether.

    Kusoba nakolobela a Banda sure mwo?

  29. I love MMD supporters. ..very respectful and I always have a meaningful debate with them….this is what I was hoping for…..i know MMD will give us a good run for our money so we calling foreign based players to beef up the squad….Katondo boys now has a lot of work to do…
    Mwanawakwitu. .Monde. ..Robin…Eddy….where are you….i need your help guys..

    2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

    I thank you

    • You speak about yourself in the third person????

      Anyone that takes your rantings seriously (or looks forward to them) should contact me, I have the name of a good lobotomist.


    • Katondo Boys I felt a blast of goodness before I read the news. Then I realized after reading this that all was well in Zambia. Our courts are showing their muscle. Nevers Mumba and Edgar Lungu the two Christians shall have a nice bout for the presidency. RB gone, eastern is now Edgar Lungu. MMD is spoiling the UPND’s votes. This is all wonderful. Now I can breathe and


      All praise be to Jesus.

    • This serves to inform all PF Members that as Katondo boys we have now resolved the following:

      1. We must all rally behind the candidate of the UPND leader HH

      2. Let us all stop sapoting Edgar Muhammed Lungu because the man is a pure Muslim with Jihardist traits.

      3. Edgar Muhammed Lungu is not a Zambian but a refugee from Malawi who ran away due to Kamuzu Banda’s brutarity in 1970s.

      4. As Katondo boys, we are saying that all True PF Members should NOT go to the Supreme Courts on Saturday as our Edgar Lungu will not stand as he is about to charged with treason following 17/12/14 attempted coup he instigated against Guy Scott.

      5. We urge all well peace loving Zambians to vote for HH as our Lungu is a man without any vision for this country.

      6. VOTE HH
      I thank you…

    • @Katondo boys
      You must just admit that the game is now “catch up”.
      You boys never expected the wave of attach from HH. The guy is firing from all angles using even the guns that came from you dying PF.
      Get details from Luo and Jean Kapata who will tell you that due to the continuous wave of attacks, they have even started ‘raining’ in old age.
      HH is already in plot1 and it is high time you congratulated him instead of yapping like Iraq’s comic Ali.

  30. 2014 will go down in history as the year when the Judiciary demonstrated its independence and the decisions going against some very “big chaps”. PF and MMD have demonstrated their democratic ideals and it remains to be seen if other small parties will overcome their autocratic nature.

    • @Jay Jay

      Are they trying to give us crumbs to soften the blow before they deliver the big one?
      I don’t trust this, although I like it.

  31. Thank God Lombe was occupied elsewhere! Otherwise this fair judgement would not have come to pass!

    Roopy Poopy, I’m sure you don’t care about my opinion but I’ll give it to you anyway. You have lost the respect that was accorded to you by virtue of your age and statesmanship. You have, with one action made someone like me feel justified in calling you out as a greedy selfish, immoral and unkind bloated old fool.
    Your next steps?
    Be quiet. Nurse your wife. Thank your God you have free houses, free cars and free security staff. (actually it wouldn’t be a bad thing if do lose all the aforementioned free stuff and just stick to nursing your wife)

    • fair
      Hater, ma jealous uleke. RB is not the reason u re poor. Just concerntrate on finding the next meal n forget him. If u ve the “smarts” work hard n be the next president otherwise, keep quiet. Utisokosela!!!

  32. it seems R.B cant be retired by a court verdict..He will fight for his adoption and stand in 2016.He still hold the adoption certificate mind you.

  33. Here is how I honestly see it: Nevers will go for it and campaign for MMD. But will have no chance of winning. RB will be bitter. He will tell his followers to inflict harm on MMD first, and PF second (he has to disengage PF from power! They prosecuted him enough). His better devil is HH. In a nutshell, as things stand, whether RB or not; whether Nevers or not, the nation has already decided for HH. Its a given. If anyone is failing to assess the mood, then you have chosen not to. A pity PF are now using mathemetics (Eastern, Northern) to assess their chances. It never works that way guys; even in league football, you have to rely on your own game plan to win and not if Malawi fails to score, then Zambia has a chance….

  34. You dont win elections by over blogging and comforting yourself. You win elections by voting.In a democracy numbers count and not the noise you make or how many radio stations you call.

    Here is Zambia’s population distribution as per last census report.

    Central 1,267,803
    Copperbelt 1,958,623
    Eastern 1,707,731
    Luapula 958,976
    Lusaka 2,198,996
    Northern 1,759,600
    North-western 706,462
    Southern 1,606,793
    Western 881,524

    TOTALS 13,046,508

    Zambians voting patten is inclined towards tribe grouping and traditional cousinship. This patten will continue. That is the reason why we should encourage inter marriages – to break this cycle.

  35. Once beaten, twice shy! What a disgraceful scenario, you should have listened to your son, Andrew. Anything Muhabi touches turns to charcoal, you see!

    • Muhabi needs some charcoal in his buttocks when I catch up with him , ….. if indeed mahthani does not catch me first.

  36. Dr. Mumba,
    Your fight is a spiritual one. Be strong and very courageous to lead. Is there not a cause? David vs. Goliath!

    For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.

    10:4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

    10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

    10:6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

    10:7 You are looking only on the surface of things. If anyone is confident that he belongs to Christ, he should consider again that we belong to Christ just as much as he. AMEN!

  37. This is indeed good news for Zambian politics.
    I am not an MMD supporter because their vision is in the past, i.e. ushering in multi-party in Zambia.
    But it is good news because RB thought he was above the law. The respect RB acquired was ONLY due to the graceful manner he stepped down after losing to Sata. Now he has blown it big time, and the damage is irreversible.
    No Country in the region will invite him to go and speak to them as they did because he has lost that unique attribute. Should have listened to his son.

  38. Rupiah has been taught a lesson, he had it coming because he is a shameless old man. This is very, very good news for the Zambian Judicial system which has slowly been losing its credibility. That said, its flight HH 2015 all the way!

  39. Rupiah Banda son Andrew was right for not supporting his father. I guess he that laughs last laughs loudest, said late Chiluba during a press conference. What happens now to those who were supporting Rupiah Banda like Michael Kaingu. They are now finished too. They were cheating the old man. What an embarrassment for Rupiah Banda. He is now finished.

  40. This whole thing has the makings of big league soccer. RB has been dribbled, just like he was dribbled in 2011. There’s so much fear of an RB return in the country. This is the only time when the cartel and the Sata team had the same objective to achieve, to stop RB at all costs. Immediately this case went to the Supreme Court, it was a foregone conclusion that RB was going to lose. The bench is made of Sata appointees with Acting CJ being numero uno. These guys fear an RB return so much that they had to use Nevers to stop RB. Did Nevers think he had a case? C’mon, Nevers cannot win this election let alone the 2016 one. He was just a pawn to use. I feel sorry for RB who has been dribbled yet again. Will January 20th bring hope for Zambia? I am praying so.

    • Oh poor reasoning – the ruling is about who is the true representative of the party. It is not about who will win on behalf of MMD. If your RB is as great as you put it. Why did he abandon MMD after losing. He cried and left without proper handing over. Now you want to make him a saint. I would not trust an old man who does not respect his own party constitution to rule the country. Fine Mumba will lose but will that make Zambia a better place? Also your so called big man should have read the situation – how could he listen to Muhabi. This boy is always a loser besides his good oratory gift.
      RB please go home and write your memoires – this is the time. The young generation would like to read about your achievements in life. In this way, you will inspire lots of Zambians. Hamba Kahle Baba

  41. In all sincerity, was RB acting or was I dreaming? I could not believe that such a man of ‘high integrity and magnanimity’ could ever have done such an embarrassing thing! Sad indeed!

    • RB loves Zed sincerely so. He was the only hope the constitution had of fair delivery, now we r in trouble. Thats why the PF and UPND who think they stand a chance were very threatened by his return. If he was harmless they would met him at the election so that they could laugh at him better after he lost. You think we dont know that the courts are compromised?

  42. This decision is good for Lungu. Mumba will spoil HH votes in Northen province. While Eastern province is now PF and Lungu happy hunting ground. The last time i checked luapula is EL.

    • Count all three – Eastern, Luapula and Northern as splits – a huge advantage to HH and a serious blow to EL. Mumba will be the spoiler in a hugely PF stronghold.

  43. This is all I wanted to hear!!No one in the Zambian politics has such
    eloquence and can make a perfect global image like Nevers Mumba.I love Zambia,I’m truly Zambian.Bring it on NB and deliver!!!!

  44. Never Mumba gets to share the spoils with EL on the Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula and Northern provinces. This give HH an edge. It is a serious blow to EL. Mumba will be the spoiler in largely PF strongholds. Too bad EL does not know how to pray.

  45. ” for those of you who have once played ‘ ICHIDUNU’ you probably know what will happen on January 21″

    Ichidunu chilalisha abaiche tababako. ….

    PF (Edgar ) vs MMD (Mumba)

    Big L…we need more boostele
    Robin….puteni ichimwela
    Mwanawakwitu. ..yes yes
    Eddy. ..keep pushing
    Monde….are you readyyy!!!!!!

    2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

    I thank you

    • @Katondo

      No. We don’t know ‘Ichidunu’.

      It sounds very unpalatable. where did you learn this ‘Ichidunu’? And were your parents home at the time?

    • Jessie wa mu town

      i live Kwa George Compound in Matero and my Parents live in Kanyama township.

      I grew up in Lilanda not far from Masiye Motels on the Chunga Chingwere road.

      2015 vote PF (Edgar)

      I thank you

  46. Justice justice justice has prevailed! RB can go to hell 4 all we care with Muhabi Lungu and Kaingu. Nevers must now deal with the indisplined bunch, RB, Kaingu, Simbao, Chituwo, Faustina Sinyangwe and the rest of the rot. These grossly indisciplined thugs must be expelled from the MMD before he files his nomination if he intends to stand. Better to have by-elections in the constituencies of these useless traitors than to extend an olive branch. Infact he should not only expel them but should even ensure that should those thugs recontest on any ticket that he should back another party with a strong candidate to make sure that we never see the likes of Kaingu, Chituwo, Simbao in parliament ever! I stated in my previous post that RB is cursed until he goes to Nevers for forgiveness.

    • Nevers is the one doomed because he has done what is called “Tukafilila mu nsenga” meaning if he, Nevers can’t be president in MMD, nobody will. He is vindictive. Nevers has no love for MMD whatsoever because if he did, he would have rather seen MMD rise to presidency via RB than have MMD not rule at all. Nevers knows he does not stand a chance in 2015. I am reminded of the story in the bible about the story of Solomon as judge over the two women who were fighting over a baby. When Solomon suggested that he divides the baby in half (which meant the baby would die), the real mother of the baby cried that the baby be given to the other woman than see him die. So where’s christianity in what Nevers has done and where’s love for MMD?

  47. This is good for the evangelist and MMD.
    2015 Election Results:
    PF – 36.8%
    UPND – 33.4%
    MMD – 18.8%
    FDD – 5.2%
    NAREP – 1.8%
    The rest will share 4%
    By the way none partisan and this will be the reality on 23rd January, 2015.

  48. Congratulations Nevers. Shame upon you Muhabi Lungu. What a waste of brains. You have made MMD lose worse than it would have done if you did not bring in your old man. Young man you should have self confidence. Believe in what the young can do. The old people will not leave forever. Nevers now you need to start off in gear four because time is gone. This will be a test drive for you. The real fight is 2016, if your party will adopt you. I am at least happy that the repeat of UNIP was prevented by the supreme court.

  49. What a shame for ‘Justice’! Mumba Malila who wrote this ‘judgment’ was just settling personal scores with RB. Malila hated RB when he refused to renew his contract as Attorney-General apparently on the advice of then Vice President late George Kunda who viewed Malila as PF, something that turned out to be correct. When the contract was not renewed, Malila asked RB to appoint him High Court Judge which RB again on Kunda’s advice turned down and instead offered him High Commissionership to India. Malila turned this down and remained effectively unemployed until PF won. Read carefully this judgment. It is all about revenge. Don’t wee have a precedent from the the Supreme Court holding that political parties are ‘clubs’ entitled to determine their rules and practices? Wake up…

    • I thought Supreme Court Judgment is done by a FULL BENCH not one judge. MM was reading the judgement on behalf of other judges. My thoughts.

    • @The Kimbanguist, forget the likes of @Kamwale. These are characters who will interpret verses in 200 different ways from English forgetting that they needed to learn the Hebrew or Greek first in order to fathom the single interpretation therein. Thus translated to this judgement they see conspiracy where there is none, and animosity where only their observation could decipher…

  50. Nice for Mumba. This is really Justice for Zambia. RB should not be given his benefits soon.

    Nevertheless my Vote is for Lungu…Lungu is winning come 20/01/2015.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • What an ease victory for HH now. God is truly in control of these affairs in Zambia. So many people are disillusioned by the PF lies and worse off poor farming policy will cost them votes in all rural areas of Zambia.Watch the space. When RB came on the scene, it was becoming trick but now victory is in HH’s bag.

  51. Is it not strange that the Supreme court recently has been rubbishing judgements by the high court regarding these political cases. A big corrupt ‘mbeba’ smelling in the high court chambers.

  52. No weapon of evil manipulation by RB can prevail against Nevers . Leaders are appointed by God not men. Zambia shall be saved at last.
    Zambia need a God fearing man as President , Vote for Nevers Mumba, this is the hour.

  53. I am congratulating the Bench of the Supreme Court for doing the Nation proud. It came so suddenly the return of BB from his political limbo. When you respect the Rule of Law, you ought to know that Justice protects the best in society. It does not matter whether you are influential or not. hat really matters are fundamental principles of Natural Justice.

  54. Mumba wins. Oh lord thank you for hearing our prayers. Even though it is a fore gone conclusion that this time the best candidate HH will win integrity of our political process is very important. What Mumba needs to do now is realize the inescapable position that MMD is in. They don’t have the resources and time to create the necessary machine and ground game to be a big factor if they run a full campaign. However MMD has enough following to swing the election.At the very least enough MPs to be very important in shaping policy in the next government. Mumba work with your MPs and leverage MMD has an essential partner. Hey you won now be wise.

  55. Case: SAMPA vs. LUNGU

    Guy Scott must beware of BUSH LAWYERS.
    Obviously they are better than the town mouse.
    Guy Scott wanted legal process to be followed, here it is.
    He must be very happy now that SAMPA must answer Contempt (criminal) charges first before pursuing Consent Judgment (civil) case.
    This has made Guy Scott very proud, as he will have the law take its course.
    At the same time LUNGU is happy with the turn of events, as he is now going to file his nomination.
    Conclusion: Both Guy Scott and LUNGU are extremely happy as both their objectives have been met.

  56. EL is clearly emerging as the dark horse of the forthcoming elections. HH will be able to garner a sizable chunk of the votes in Luapula, Northern, Eastern and on the Copperbelt, enough to make him smile. He is the better candidate and has the appropriate message for the electorate. Even if one considers ethnically biased voting, both Eastern and Northern provinces are, demographically speaking, not EL strongholds per se.

  57. HH will wonder what has befallen him.
    Those crowds are just there to check if this time around he can manage to smile, as he normally doesn’t smile.

  58. This serves to inform all PF Members that as Katondo boys we have now resolved the following:

    1. We must all rally behind the candidate of the UPND leader HH

    2. Let us all stop sapoting Edgar Muhammed Lungu because the man is a pure Muslim with Jihardist traits.

    3. Edgar Muhammed Lungu is not a Zambian but a refugee from Malawi who ran away due to Kamuzu Banda’s brutarity in 1970s.

    4. As Katondo boys, we are saying that all True PF Members should NOT go to the Supreme Courts on Saturday as our Edgar Lungu will not stand as he is about to charged with treason following 17/12/14 attempted coup he instigated against Guy Scott.

    5. We urge all well peace loving Zambians to vote for HH as our Lungu is a man without any vision for this country.

    6. VOTE HH
    I Thank You…

    • Dont even bother yourself…you didn’t make it to the finals…

      The game is now PF(Edgar) vs MMD (Mumba)

      But you can still fight for third and fourth position with Nawakwi

      2015 vote PF (Edgar)

      I thank you

    • You are busy putting Katondo boys on the spotlight whilst your preferred candidate HH is fading….characteristics of a loser…if you have nothing else to do just come to CBI building in Matero and we will give you a job on Saturday coz we looking for extra crowd control staff for Saturday’s Nomination. We don’t want a stampede. your services will be greatly appreciated.

      It’s on PF (Edgar) vs MMD ( Mumba )

      2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

      I thank you

  59. I didn’t know that Edgar Lungu was also know as Edgar Muhammed Lungu.
    I just thought it was Hakainde Hichilema who was known as Hakainde Free Manson Hichilema.

    • @ imwe naine
      Youngman just sleep if u dont have anything to do. I know u by name and where u stay. So i will just imbaras you.
      Stop going out with that half sister bof yours that is incest and u can even be arrested if i report u to police.

      Vote HH
      Katondo boys

      i thank you

  60. In whichever way you look at this this is another victory and joyous day for pf. The’ve got the tribal vote wholly.

    • @ 85 Mabvuto D Ngoma

      Don’t be over-optimistic. In three attempts, Sata could not ride the tribal vote to State House. There is no tribal vote in Zambia that is a silver bullet.

  61. As the topography of Zambia’s political landscape gets clearer, the forebodings for EL’s political prospects are turning nastier and uglier. For very good reasons, the wise Easterners are likely to tell their beloved son to take this thing (PF) back to where he found it. Here is why: PF is staunchly Bemba. It even stinks Bemba. Rebranding PF may not be a bad idea. However, that could both take time and fatal at the same time!

    EL’s third option would be for him to seek adoption by the Northerners. But that, for one who has just been mercilessly scratching one of their own to the extend it is now an ICU case, could turn out to be not so welcome an idea. Beyond this, I can only wish both EL and PF a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous happy New Year!

  62. The heading of this article is not correct. The Supreme court has ruled that Nevers Mumba is MMD President. The issue of who stands as MMD president cannot be decided by the courts, it is a party affair. The party in this case chose RB. If Nevers disputes this, he has to call for the NEC meeting so that they can endorse him. Thats where the problem is. He needs some days to make this possible, meanwhile the nominations are this saturday. So what gives? This is the time Nevers needs to use his pastoral clothes to bring this case to a conclusion. Otherwise come Saturday MMD may not have a candidate. Thats how serious it is. So bene Nevers should not celebrate yet and neither should the RB team think they have lost. This is the time MMD should have cool heads. The courts should not mess MMD.

  63. Our judicial system is being tried and tested. One matter is determined by supreme court yet another matter is referred back to high court for determination. The judge erred in both cases when making earlier ruling. Can somebody help understand the difference in nature of the two cases?

  64. Lungu must just as well stop drinking kachasu and start thinking hard right now. Otherwise PF is headed for the dustbin. If anything, Nevers Mumba has just proved that he is a seriously-minded political contender. But for him, Mumba, to be able to salvage his political career, he must make MMD reassert its position in Luapula, Northern and Muchinga Provinces, besides Copperbelt. However, to do that, it must have to up-root PF from its current base.

    This court judgment seems to suggests that, MMD is a dying horse in Eastern Province and a sick man of Zambian politics elsewhere in the country. Hence the reason the party needs a new base. However, for a party, already limping, this will not come easy. Slaying and displacing PF, though a hard fact, is the quick way out.

  65. Kanitundila must be having a headache at this news, Muhabi and comany did not play their cards well and now are a laughing stock. So what next for them and is the pastor willing to work with the mischievious chaps?

  66. @ 87 Tekanyani, it’s not only the heading, the story says so too, and even ZNBC radio and TV have reported the same. Are you saying that the reporting is erroneous and RB is still the MMD Candidate? I must say that I was surprised by the reported decision of the Supreme Court because my understanding was that Nevers wanted his position as me pResident of MMD restored. For some reason I did not read that Nevers was challenging Rupiah for the candidacy, which I found odd and strange. too much misunderstanding of issues by our press sometimes. Can someone tell us the correct position please?

  67. Even voters will be foolish to vote for a president where even party members dont know who their rightful candidate is. there is no big difference between PF and MMd except PF issues are worse and more childish if not senseless. Wonder what type of voters they will have. Even Chipimo is more mature than these headless thugs

  68. Hon Gary Nkombo used the word “chikala” in Parliament this week; I wonder what the Speaker will do about it or is it a case of supporting a tribesman. This is what UPND is about – tribalism

  69. Hon Gary Nkombo used the word “” in Parliament this week; I wonder whether the Speaker will do anything about it or is it case of supporting a tribesman? This is what UPND is about – tribalism

  70. If i were a dog i would wag my tail in celebrating justice done to Nevers Mumba and democracy in Zambia.Muhabi and RB belong to yester-century politics and should be thrown far away from Zambian politics.I dont think Nevers can win next month but it is his right to stand and not Banda.Frankly,i think HH is taking this one.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.


  72. Zambian high courts are full corrupt and incompetent judges. A least someone has the sense stop RB wamuyaya! crap like in the UNIP days.

  73. Thnak you Jesus!! At least now I have a candidate to vote for. Edgar is a drunkard surrounded by thieves while HH is a masonist. Thank you Jesus because Nevers is God fearing and he is the only president who can steer this Christian nation forward. To God be all the glory. Amen!!

  74. I think the most important part of the case is justice. Regardless of the outcome of the presidential by elections, we can have faith in our judiciary system. This goes to the pending cases in PF and other parties. We are not calling for anointed ones or relatives in the adoption but people must respect the law and the process.

    Zambians, please do not be emotional but think and vote wisely. If some people can push themselves for power how are we to trust them with the nation that is vulnerable both economically and politically. Please let us scritunize some of these candidates…… May the Lord bless Zambia.

  75. I agree with you Elijah. I have a relief too. I was confused as to who I should vote for, becoz I rely wanted a man of God this time to rule. Go Nevers, go

  76. Political parties are entitled to decide who contests elections, not judges. Judges cannot also be members or officials of political parties. This is a political judgment. The judge who penned the judgment has an axe to grind. Let judges stay free of politics as has always been the case.

  77. Following this ruling I am certainly not voting MMD now, I cannot waste my vote on Nevers Mumba for sure, so it has to go somewhere because I must exercise my right to vote. But then not so sure about UPND either.
    I have always considered PF rather obnoxious, perhaps because of one person, Michael Sata and his behaviour. Now it looks more likely that I will put my vote on EL, he is certainly a better devil than Mmembe’s Michael. And I particularly like the way he is standing up to that Guy.

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