Wednesday, October 23, 2024

GBM endorses HH


GBM addressing his supporters
GBM addressing his supporters

Patriotic Front Kasama Central MP, Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, has endorsed the candidature of UPND president, Hakainde Hichilema, for the January 20, presidential election.

Mr Mwamba says he has decided to support Mr Hichilema because of alleged disunity in the ruling party.

He complained that he and other leaders in the party have been side-lined from campaigning for PF president, Edgar Lungu, despite volunteering to do so.

The Kasama Central MP, however, maintained that he will not resign from PF but remain a member of the party.

He advised Zambians to consider voting for Mr Hichilema because he has a heart to lead the nation diligently.

Mr Mwamba has since pledged to go flat out and campaign for Mr Hichilema ahead of the presidential election set for next month.

He was speaking at a media briefing held at his residence in Kasama today.

Meanwhile, some PF officials at district and provincial levels have also resolved to support the opposition UPND in the January 20 presidential election.

The officials, led Kasama Central Constituency chairman, Fidelis Chishoma, have accused the party’s top leadership of side-lining them from campaigning for party president, Edgar Lungu.

Zambia goes to polls on January 20, next year, to elect a new Republican President after the demise of President Michael Sata in October, this year.

Nine presidential candidates have successfully filed-in their nominations ahead of the presidential election.

Below is GBM’s full statement

Press statement by Hon.Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba.MP.

Country Men and Women,

On 23rd December 2013, I resigned on principle from my cabinet portfolio as Minister of Defense because the Patriotic Front Government was about to install a known chief as Paramount Chief Chiti Mukulu who was not in the traditional lineage of ascending to the throne.

Up to now the PF Government has recognized the rightful heir the throne Henry Kanyanta Sosala, though there have been promises by the PF president Hon Edgar Lungu that he will be recognized. This was only after UPND President Hakainde Hichilema made an earlier pronouncement during one of his rallies in Lusaka.
We the people of Northern Province have doubts wheter the PF Government will surely fulfil its promise of installing Henry Kanyanta soasal as paramount Chief Chiti Mukulu.
The recent happenings in the Patriotic Front party are unfortunate and make sad reading.

These have come soon after the death of our founding father, Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata MHSRIP.They have uprooted all the gains the party has made in the last three years it has been in Government.
The situation has been so sad that it has torn the very fabric of party unity. This was evident at our recently held general conference in Kabwe which was marred with intimidation and violence mainly from those who were supporting Hon. EDGAR LUNGU’S candidature. The situation made it impossible for other candidates to freely participate in the elections.

Despite the conference being characterised with illiegalities, we went ahead and took part in reconciliation to save the party from total destruction.

It was my belief that the reconciliation was genuine and done in good faith and in the interest of the party. This has turned out to be a sham as it has not been allowed to permeate to the grassroot.Instead it was scheme to benefit a few people that have surrounded Hon. Edgar Lungu.

Country men and women, recently I publicly declared my support for the candidature of Hon. Edgar Lungu. This was real. However, my efforts have been ignored or simply been disregarded.

To date, all those in the party structures at all levels who supported any other candidate other than HON. Edgar Lungu, including I as area Member of Parliament for Kasama Central, have been sidelined and relegated to the terraces. This is more so in the current presidential by election campaign activities. Yet these are the structures which won the party the 2011 elections and have continued to be the main stay of PF.This trend has not only been confined to the Northern Province but throughout the country.

There has also been disregard for the Republican constitution and the rule of law by Hon. Lungu and his colleagues to an extent of disregarding and using derogatory remarks against the Acting President Dr. Guy Scott. This is unacceptable!

The levels of insolence that have been exhibited by political lightweights toward Dr. guy Scott have been appalling .Dr Guy Scott’s contribution to the party is undeniable exemplary and none of them can remove the special relationship that he enjoyed with the late president

The boat has cracked and is sinking. Efforts to salvage it are not yielding any tangible results. Further the principles on which the party was founded have been abandoned. What we have seen, in the recent past, is illegality after illegality. The process of succession used by these people was not democratic but to merely satisfy a few selfish members of our Party.

I have always supported the Patriotic front morally, physically or otherwise. My contribution to the well being of PF to come into power is visible for every genuine PF member to see.

Therefore, expecting to be involved in party activities is not a matter of choice but recognition of my contribution.

Incidentally those that our late President parted company with, are the ones that have put barriers around the candidate, who, unfortunately has also embraced them. This also includes those who antagonized the Bemba Royal Establishment. These elements have made it difficult for genuine members to offer sound advice and much needed support to the Party because of their ulterior motives and selfish interests.

Country men and women, after wide consultations countrywide, it is with a heavy heart and regret that I am unable to endorse the candidate of the Patriotic Front for the forthcoming Presidential by election, but I shall remain a committed member of the Patriotic Front and shall abide with the ideals and aspirations of the Patriotic Front.

In view of the above, I Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, wish to inform the nation today that I have decided to endorse the candidature of Hakainde Hichilema as Presidential Candidate for the January 2015 election. I believe he will do the correct things for the nation and is a pragmatic, focused and determined leader who can take this country to greater heights and in line with the aspirations of the Zambian people.

I am sure all well meaning Zambians will agree with me on that score and let us all support him.

I urge all Zambians to rally behind Hakainde Hichilema.
God bless Zambia.



GBM addressing his supporters
GBM addressing his supporters
GBM Supporters
GBM Supporters


    • The time is up for the sick Edgar Lungu.

      HH i have now believed what others are saying that you are the next president.

      Please take care of Edgar lungu and pay for his all medical charges.

      thanks Zambians for welcoming HH.

      Edgar is finished.

    • When Daniel Munkombwe coined ‘politics of benefits’ people criticized him. Reading through thte statement by GBM you fail to understand were he stands. He is contradicting himself whilest agreeing with himself at the same time

    • GBM, you are the man. I pity the disorganization in Edgar Lungu’s camp. Edgar and his team can not rule Zambia. They have no vision

    • It was just a matter of time! GBM is not a loser and will one day rule Zambia as he has now joined the winning team of financial heavy weights not paupers and scroungers who want to enrich themselves at the expense of the citizens. Way to go GBM. The deal is now done! HH for presidency. We are gonna change the face of Zambia for better for ever!

    • GBM you are one of the true leaders of this land. Yes this country needs a leader with appropriate skills to take this nation to another level of development, which will be inclusive from Bashilubemba to King Litunga. This way our children will inherent a better Zambia. Viva HH, Viva UPND, Viva One Zambia – One Nation. The country we all love and share irrespective of tribe, race or colour.

    • We said the so called “PF Reconciliation” was fake and we were called names. Wait and see how many big defections & endorsements will follow GBM for HH as we near the “finals”. PF is finished the founder members have jumped ship.
      Viva UPND and HH2015

    • can the real KATONDO BOYs aka EMMANUEL MWAMBA say something. to HELL with TRIBALISM. this is ZAMBIA we are too united to split this nation and run into bantustans. KAUNDA and simon and harry did not give zambia to chiefs but formed their own goverment.

    • It is really shameful of Zambians to tolerate such trivial nonsense. What is all this about endorsements?
      It sounds as if this is the “new word” to somewhat glorify political prostitution?
      Why anyone should celebrate this is beyond me. GBM will rally behind anyone with the slighest chance of winning the elections.
      If I was HH I would distance the Party from anyone who has “endorsed” the party ONLY after Sata’s death. be it MMD or PF. These endorsements come at a price and they will be the same people to move camp once the “plot fails” to materialise.

    • As expected the only way is HH nomba. He has a lot more momentum than Lungu at the moment. I guess the hour has arrived for PF to be kicked out and the sooner that happens the better for all Zambians. Lungu is not ready to be president. His like a manchurian candidate who has been imposed on Zambians by powerful PF crooks because of their greed and selfishness. Time for change is now.

    • The hour has come for Edgar C Lungu to become the 6th President of Zambia.

      GBM is not a factor…it’s good that he is not part of campaign team…..

      Even Sata knew that GBM is just a business man and not a Politician.

      2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

      I thank you

    • Next it will be Guy Scott to hammer the last nail in the coffin for PF to be buried.

      Flight HH is now embarking on phase two of the campaign by taking the message of Hope and Help to the big village towns in each province. Just finished Eastern and now going to in North Western, Western, Southern.

      Phase three the final stage, will see HH go to PF stronghold again. Kasama, Mansa, Chinsali, Nakonde, then Kitwe Ndola, Kabwe and finally Lusaka with two or three major rallies.

      Vote HH for real change.

    • Voting for PF and Edgar Lungu is committing suicide!
      Its almost over for Lungu and his cadres.
      21 days left until PF (Proven Failures) are democratically elected out.
      Katondo boys viz Emmanuel Mwamba is choking on his own bitterness of PF.

    • the new KATONDO BOYS has just won the KATOND BOYS presidency by raising of hands and has been declared winner of the KATONDO BOYS conference here at Lusaka Times and Emmanuel MWAMBA has been served with an injuction not to go on with using this name. ha ha ha lol. in your face EMMANUEL MWAMBA. ha ha hah ah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    • I shall echo my infamous claim that “Majority of Zambians are dull and gullible”.
      How does anyone glorify anything that GBM does? It can only be a dull and gullible individual.
      Anyone with an ounce of mental capacity to digest anything beyond their nose would be saddened at the political prostitution on the Zambian scene and moreso the desperation by GBM to be near the corridors of power (I assume so he can safeguard his business interests).
      The worst political moves I’ve ever seen have been in the last month and GBM as been the front runner at it. he backed Scott so he can have a chance at the PF Presidency, Backed Sampa so he can have a top job, then drifted to Lungu hoping to be recognised but since HH is flying, GBM decides to jump the boat and how people celebrate that is…

    • can the UPND, tell the nation the where about of nsanda willie. just like willie willie he can be silly and piss on the voters’ card. can the UPND find out if he is truly in the hospital or clinic and he is not moving out and can you check if RDA is not bankrupt.


      this is a REAL worry.

    • Obviously this is good news for HH. I however wish to remind everyone that it is, and has always been ‘one man one vote’. The reasons given by GBM do not seem genuine; you do not wait for someone to ask you for support, you support people out of conviction. Having said that, ask anyone in Kasama what investment GBM has made in his hometown – zilch. Not even a self built house! He is a larger than life charecter though; one day when he was bored in Kasama, he mused with his henchmen how he had not seen ‘abantu baleiponona’ for a long time, so he threw a K50 on the ground near the bus stop and stopped to watch as all hell broke loose! UPND and HH, watch out, he might ponona you too!

    • INTERVIEWER: What are your key points GBM?

      GBM: Let me list them for you.

      1. The Chief issue and copy cat recognition
      2. The sham marriage and indiscipline
      3. The illegal and violent election in Kabwe
      4. Side lining of my voluntary offer of support
      5. Unacceptable derogatory remarks and insolence towards G Scott
      6. Illegality after illegality in practice and lack of cohesion
      7. Endorsement of HH

      INTERVIEWER: Which sound bite do you feel will carry your message?

      GBM: The boat has cracked and is sinking.

      INTERVIEWER: So how much exactly did you invest in PF?

      GBM: Not as much as I am about to invest in kicking them out the door

      INTERVIEWER: Jumping on a band wagon just in case?

      GBM: Yes I will sink the boat by jumping up and down on their collective heads…

      Self Help has denied allegations from the Patriotic Front in Northern Province that it was abusing the seed distribution program to benefit.
      Self Help also defended it’s employee, Solwezi UPND losing candidate in the 2011 Elections, Elvis Chifwafwa insisting he now abides by the strict institutional non-partisan guidelines.

      2015 vote PF(Edgar)

      I thank you

    • KATONDO BOI, where is EDGAR? is he campaigning? ati shani ka picture?

      you have now sent willie NSANDA to south afrcia in the pretense of been SICK so he can PRINT FAKE BALLOT PAPERS.

      HEY UPND can check that KAPONYA and make sure he is messing WITH the ballot papers PRINTING.

    • Kekekeke!

      Katondo Boys is still choking and having sleepless nights because of GBM endorsement for HH.
      Enjoy your 20 days left of online blogging using PF corrupt monies, after that Emmanuelle shall be broke for life.
      Katondo boy Emmanuelle, yazanda nkani, yalula lula iwe bootlegging cadre of a visionless drunkard.
      20 days left and counting down when your captain who is always drunk and visionless, sinks the PF kayak!
      Soon Katondo the boy, you will learn from oblivion what true democracy and rule of law is all about.
      Watch this space, you have ears but deaf, eyes yet blind. But in 20 days PF will be blown off for eternity.
      Remain in your dwellings of denial!
      The Skeleton Key

    • GBM needs to go back to school, he lost the elections at the conversion,
      he supported Miles sample, he was seen with MMD, he goes for HH, really,
      money without wisdom is like a curse,,, he has no happiness in his heart all because he cant use his heard.
      he brought people with his trucs to the conversion yet voted against him, Miles sample got almost 1000 without helping anyone with trucks , Shame!!!!


      2015 vote PF(Edgar)

      I thank you

    • Ala Lungu will cry like a kapoli if he loses these elections because that would pretty much be it for him, he doesn’t have either the financial muscle nor political stamina to launch another attempt in 2016. Most of the vultures congregating around him i suppose don’t even know why they are even supporting him as he’s done fcukall all his adult life to warrant all this hysteria about this chakolwa. Flight HH2015 epelafye.

    • Even more determined to have the blockbuster Movie THE ENDORSERS at the cinema near you in 90 days after the presidential bye-elections. Before this much anticipated blockbuster movie is out THE ENDORSERS 2 should be expected in 2016. This is a long term project. Am glad we can have GBM as the financier and will also be appearing with Mpombo (who is just in time to read through the script and polish up the grammar and add spicy vocabulary to it. Not leaving out the ever so cherished Mangani. We are still trying to trace Mulongoti for a part in the Movie, without who this very ambitious venture will collapse. PLEASE HELP TO LOCATED HIM. LET MUSHOTA, THE LT BB2014, KNOW WHEN COMRADE MULONGOTI IS FOUND. He has not filed in his nomination and has not endorsed any one, we are concerned.

    • GBM, you are late, no position for you in my party.

      We regret to inform you that all ministerial positions in my party are fully occupied.

      No obesity in my party.

      Thank you for supporting the winning team at last hour.

      Yours Faithfully,


  1. PF Secretary General claims GBM was suspended in March, a suspension which has yet been lifted. It means the PF constitution is a flawed one and shows how disorganised the party is. I don’t see how an organised party can go ahead and accept a suspended member to vie for presidency.

  2. Bring on Northern Province, the remaining piece of the puzzle. Is this tribalism?Get on board Flight HH2015 is closing soon. Finish! HH will be the 6th President of Zambia.

    • @bana banfumu; – How long and how far ‘ve you traveled this trick journey of Zambian politics? The same way Eastern or Southern Provinces’ Electoral results can’t be altered by a mere endorsement of any local notable figure; so is Nothern Province. Northern Voters are as politically intelligent as you claim to be; and those who are in this Province also know what they want.

  3. Surely with this endorsement from GMB, the EL flight has crashed. Where are the PF dreamers???????? Things are not okay on board this flight. Where is fake Charles Nyirenda? I am sure they are too shocked to learn of this development.
    The wind of change is unstoppable. PF, kuya bebele!!! A half term party!!!!!

    • PF is biting its own bullet it short.I feel pit for LUNGU ,who is being forced by Pf thugs against his health to become president of PF.I told you Zambians that Northern province is not happy with the treatment of Chitimukulu.The fight for chitimukulu is the epicenter of PF’s problems.
      1.It is the cause of Sata’s death.
      2.Nkandu luo is causer of all these problem because he wants to install his Bisa Ancle.
      3.Nkandu luo has protected Lungu get favor from Lombe Chibesa Kunda to rule in his favor,hence holding Lungu to her ramsom.
      4.Lungu will never recognize Henry kanyanta Sosala as Long as Nkandu luo is there.
      5.Northern has been left behind from development compared to muchinga.
      In conclusion PF will loose these elections because of the above.

  4. Edgar Petient Lungu can do well to quit politics,

    The heat is too much for him,

    As Katondo boys, we are now behind HH

    2015 Vote HH (UPND)

    I thank you.

  5. There comes trouble HH! You’re safer welcoming President Muliokela. That bag of millie meal means no good, he only managed 195 delegates at their convetion. Worse still,he used his defence portfolio to award himself supply contracts – records are there. Just trash him, his 195 delegates have no voter’s cards after all. HH, your image is worth the world.

    • No my friend read the post on GBM interview he felt infuriated when Chitimukulu had a private meeting with Eddy without informing him.

      He was pissed he did not know what they discussed , hence saying PF has sidelined him.

      When reading an article read between the lines .

  6. Greetings Zambian People, Greetings Kasama Bretherens,

    GBM your biological son has now resorved to support HH,

    the winning train of progress and peace

    Join him brothers and sisters,

    2015 Vote HH (UPND)

    I thank you.


    Katondo boys wishes to announce that they have now quited PF

    and are now 100% behind HH the team supported by GBM,

    Take Edgar Lungu to intesive care, the man has collapsed.

    HH is winning the elections,

    2015 Vote HH (UPND)

    I thank you.

    • The PF miscalculated , they should have opted to go with guy as president for 2015 using the Chiluba case and then adopted someone else for 2016 but because everyone wanted to be president, it’s more likely that they will loose and that will be the end of pf.
      It is sad did not play this one well if we had gone with Scott it would be a different story.
      I like the way HH is campaigning though and may the best team win.

  8. Well done Hon. GBM for putting the interests of all Zambians above political affiliation and greed. The country needs people like you who should stand for the right thing. God bless you!!! Viva GBM !!!!!.

    • GBM is not a factor in PF,for starters he is a suspended member of the party and this is why he ran to the court so that he cannot be expelled. If GBM thinks he is a heavy weight in PF let him withdraw the case at the court or better still resign then he will see that even the Kasama central sit he has will be history. This guy thought he could be PF president which we all know. He has forgotten so quickly how the PF shamed him in Kabwata when he was beaten badly by Lubinda after spending over 3 billion to buy voters. Just go back to intercity and run your buses…. Ifintu ni Lungu

  9. HH welcome to State House your Excellence,

    Never in the history have you recived such 75% from Zambians,

    I thank God for this wonderful decision by GBM

    Zambians dont waste your votes on moving caskets

    2015 Vote HH (UPND)

    I thank you.

    • Oh so the election has been held? Didn’t an opinion poll state that Banda would win in 2011? Zambians are not competent to carry out an opinion poll. Lungu will win the election. For an MP, the crowd GBM has is really small- Hired Support!

  10. Look GBM, Edgar Lungu is not embracing you because you were rejected by President Sata. Edgar Lungu is still likely to win the election, Northern Province is not yours. You have sealed your fate as a former MP!

  11. Honestly speaking PF is better without GBM.I come from Kasama GBM is so self centered and greed.He won elections in Kasama bcoz of PF.Mark my words PF will win the elections in Kasama with or without him

  12. GBM is not a genuine character, cause he is very unstable!!! if I was HH I would refuse such endorsement cause it wont bring any value. the guy even says he is doing it because he has been sidelined which means he is doing it “muchifukushi” which is very childish to say the least!!!!!

  13. The die is cast. There can be no turning back, the Inaugraution of Hakainde Moses Hichilema on January 21st as sixth POZ will just be a formality. He is the Defacto President elect. As painful as it might sound to the outgoing PF government and your supporters, it’s gameover. Thanks PF for the circus you have accorded the Zambian people in the past few months we shall never forget you.

    • He is Sonny Chintombwa , when his father was jailed he changed his name to HH , he has never been Moses. It is a christian name !

  14. Was wondering why it took him to so long to disappear from PF…i wish Sata was still alive…..remember what Sata told him when he resigned from his ministerial post?



    2015 VOTE PF ( EDGAR )


  15. Thanks alot Zambians for supporting HH

    Please let us convert the support we for HH to votes

    HH is our next president

    2015 Vote HH (UPND)

    I thank you.

  16. Well Done Ba Mwamba. We are slowly establishing your roots in UPND. Mwilaba ifyomwakonka uko mwaya tata. Ukupoka inchinsenda kunkoko kunakilila.. Work well with Mutati and Katele. Kulalya no kuputilila. Kaunda did it, Chiluba did it as well. Its not UPND that needs the North but the north that is slowly conquering the South…. Go well

  17. This is how it should be: supporting candiadtes meritoriously for the love of mother Zambia. It is pointless to keep on supporting a candidate whom you know has no vision. Let’s be as objective as HH. Viva GBM and all fellow Northerners.

  18. Laughing incontrollably at Emanuel Mwamba (yes, I’ll from now address you by your real name) , as he desperately repeats the same old tired mantra.

    You are allowed to say other things, you know.

  19. can the UPND, tell the nation the where about of nsanda willie. just like willie willie he can be silly and piss on the voters’ card. can the UPND find out if he is truly in the hospital or clinic and he is not moving out and can you check if RDA is not bankrupt.


    this is a REAL worry.

  20. Edgar Lungu is now paniking

    He has now directed Nkandu Luo to quickly recognise Henry Kanyant

    Sosala what a mood of paniking which has gripped the Lungu camp,

    Northern Province, show everyone that you hate tribalism

    by voting for your son HH

    2015 Vote HH (UPND)

    I thank you.


    1. The boat has cracked and is sinking. Efforts to salvage it are not yielding any tangible results. Further the principles on which the party was founded have been abandoned. What we have seen, in the recent past, is illegality after illegality.

    2. Country men and women, after wide consultations countrywide, it is with a heavy heart and regret that I am unable to endorse the candidate of the Patriotic Front for the forthcoming Presidential by election, but I shall remain a committed member of the Patriotic Front and shall abide with the ideals and aspirations of the Patriotic Front.

  22. This Guy has done a grave mistake, How do u support a looser. Honestly speaking politics aside GBM is not a political heavy weight. how many votes did he garnered at the last convention? He lost to Lubinda as an MP and because of PF he made it in Kasama. he has no influence at all in Kasama, Mark my words, this will not affect Lungu in anyway and once Bakateka Ba lungu wins, this guy will be no more. he failed to make a mark in MMD. and he is contradicting himself big time, who does he think is going to embrace him in PF with his two legs on different symbols.

  23. Another bitter man endorsing blindly. It is a pity that we have all those bunch of fat pricks around masquerading as political leaders when they are simply there to fend for them fat bellies. GBM is a very unprincipled man who deceives himself because of the money he has made. PF has moved on and they are rallying behind EL and because GBM is not part of the campaign team, he feels left out with no position in govt if EL ascends to power, so kufilila munsenga as usual! What is PF waiting for fire and expel him from the party for gross indiscipline period!

  24. upnd, not long ago gbm declared total surport for edga, today its hh, i wonder who it will be tommorow??? gbm is using his emotions to endose hh, honestly just because he cant be campainy manager then edga is wrong person???????? ba gbm you are to emotional. you will cry with hh. go lungu!!!!!!! vote edga!!!!!

  25. The late Micheal SATA said that let Winter and GBM sought each other the Zambian people shall judge them and a true leader will rise and take mantle of PF.In this case the true Leader is Edgar Lungu. When I remember the big man these words always come into my mind.MHSRIP.

  26. This is all simple to explain in the end; self interest! There are some people in PF who think that they stand a better chance of taking over PF and being presidential candidates in the 2016 elections if EL loses the 2015 elections. They are doing all they can to sabotage EL’s election campaign from within – in the knowledge that if EL loses this time, he will have no desire or finances to run in 2016. Their scheme has just started to unfold.

  27. Well done GBM for putting Zambia’s interest above political and tribal chauvinism.

    This is a time when forward thinking Zambians should remember that safety of the Zambian people is the first law and therefore change of leadership in 2015 is needed taking into consideration that the whole country is in jeopardy under the PF’s kleptocratic and visionless leadership, the greater evil ever in our political landscape.

    In the name of the Zambian people’s safety, our country must be prepared to sacrifice all other comforts of tribe to get rid of PF. For what tribal comfort would survive if Zambia itself perished because of PF’s anarchic and visionless leadership?

    The collapse of the economy, suspension of civil liberties, the detention of opposition leaders like Mumba, HH and…

    • brutalising of dissenting voices cannot be allowed to continue because these are sure signs that our country is in danger under PF leadership.

      Therefore, I salute GBM for looking at the bigger picture. The existence of our republic under the PF regime is threatened.

      GBM may have his flaws but on this one again like the time he resigned from government due the mistreatment of Sosala has demonstrated his ability to obtain sharp perceptions or to judge well on what is good for mother Zambia.

      GBM’s move is not only a form of discernment that is moral but also patriotic in nature.

      There is something bigger than GBM or his tribe here, and GBM knows so.

      In other words, GBM per sei is not endorsing HH for personal relevance neither to benefit HH/UPND nor to punish PF but as a…

    • patriotic gesture to get rid of the PF barbarians massing at the gates of State House with impunity.

      Simply put, it is for the greater and common good that GBM has endorsed HH. It is not an anathema to political moral principle to transcend your political affiliation or tribe in serving the greater good.

      What a noble action exercised by GBM by choosing an alternative course of political action which promises the greater proportion of good over evil.

      For GBM to make such a principled move, his sensible concern for the common good required him to assess all the good and evil involved in alternative possibilities for action.

      The reason he did this was to assess prior to choice, which leader between HH and Lungu promises the greater good or evil and morally endorsed HH. Well…

    • I am with you Sara on this one as well as all your other commentaries.

      But please could you kindly stop writing in bold font. It really hurts my eyes.

  28. Edgar Lungu will before 10th Januaryn declare that he has recognised

    Henry Kanyanta Sosala as Paramount Chief

    The sick man is paniking

    HH has apllied alot of force.

    Edgar is under oxgen breathing

    2015 Vote HH (UPND)

    I thank you.

  29. Dear bloggers, please is there anyone with information on whether the much announced rallies for PF scheduled for today in Northern Province are underway? I am completely blank and there was no report on 13hrs or 1315hrs news. Any update please?

    • @ Brickforce wire

      My brother we are not very sure with the whereabouts of our

      Presidential candidate Edgar Lungu.

      But some PF members were wispering that he was at home being

      attended by private doctors.

      The information about the healthy of our president is highly classfied.

      But however efforts are made to get him campaign so as to assure

      supporters that he is very okey.

      In short, Edgar Lungu is very sick my brother.

      But we love him, the only problem is that Zambian People seem to

      be tired of National Mourning.

  30. Good move GBM, u have done well to open way for Zambia united. We need each other and only Zambia should be our concern at heart. We need to better life for our children and their children. Zambians think of nothing but unit.

  31. All of you that are saying sosala was not recognized by MCS,ask yourselves how he got into the palace first then you can yap all you want. I have been privileged to move to most parts of this country and at one point went to the grass thatched hut chitimukulu was staying since the palace was heavily guarded. But since his reconciliation with MCS he moved to the palace and police were withdrawn. Sosala himself has confirmed that he had reconciled with the late president and is enjoying a warm relationship with the PF government. So whichever way you look at it anyone that comes into power will have to recognize him as chitimukulu because he is in the palace and went through all the initiation procedures. Ishi namyeba ni Ntambi not politics….. Viva EL

  32. congratulations Ba GBM for leaving the PF in peace . Mark my word sir, with or without you the Boat will still cross over come january next year. after all the party has been surviving without you. Good luck!!!!

  33. GBM is very dull!this man is not fit to be even a councillor!wait for results from kasama central on 22/01/2015.we’ll see if HH with the support of GBM will beat Edgar Lungu(PF)! this marks the end of GBM as MP for Kasama because voters there cant vote for him on UPND ticket!he will lose like he lost in kabwata!believe me,this man may have money but he has got no brains!once HH loses,he will return to PF,but please PF leaders reject this traitor!AM IN KASAMA AND FOR US ITS PF FOR LIFE!SO GMB CAN GO TO HELL WITH THOSE TONGAS!GO PF GO!viva EL for rejecting his dirty money.he almost insulted Sata bcoz of the little ngwees GBM gave PF in 2011.

  34. THE POST
    According to a medical report, signed by a Dr Gupta, Lungu, folio number 176/9/103-56 was diagnosed with renal disease as patient number 103-56 at a named private hospital in Lusaka.

    “Following your recent visit to our medical centre, we would like to guide you that our medical opinion has been substantiated by our specialist urological consultants and it has been established [that] you will need to undergo the 1st phase of kidney transplant at a medical institution to be advised by our messers in India for specialist treatment,” read the circulating medical report in part.

    “However, it should be noted that our medical team has considered all possible options and we have concluded beyond reasonable medical consultation that you commence Peritoneal Dialysis in…

    • in order to stabilise the diagnosed with the End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) (which is when the kidneys stop working well enough for you to live without dialysis or a transplant. This kind of kidney failure is permanent. It cannot be fixed. Most cases of ESRD are caused by diabetes or high blood pressure. If you have ESRD, you will need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).
      “Medical sources said Lungu was not keen to commit to the dialysis programme because he did not have enough time before the January 20, 2015 presidential election.

  35. Very immature thinking. you want to be hero worshipped as if own the world. i pray that edgar wins and all the cowards will be put to shame. kwena kusebana uku. what a desperation exhibited. mwende bwino. u cant b pf and up n down. choose

  36. Because he is not made campaign manager,he decides to go for HH,there is no solid ground on which to convice even his genuine supporters eccept those that want to feed out of his pocket.Many rich do not adhere to advise specifically Hn GBM.EL is a President in waiting read between the lines.GBM is lost and he wants his followers to get lost as well.
    I personally believe EL is the pipos choice and no amount of propaganda will change it.

  37. Katondo boys, I am honored to welcome you to the wining team, May God richly bless you. We may have had differences in the past but you know, it is politics, I am bemba and I deeply know that PF has not performed to peoples’s expectation, Wynter was the right candidate for PF but the greedy Chikwanda messed up, he will see power slip from the boat. Actually Rainbow party is more stronger than PF. Let us all call our relatives, please do not just blog campaign, my 31 relatives are behind HH, who about you? Again I say welcome Katondo boys.

    • Chikenda

      ” A Lion does not lose sleep over the opinion of sheep”



      2015 VOTE PF(EDGAR)


  38. I guess MMD is enjoying what is happening to PF after all we saw such in 2011. If GBM can come to UPND with 500 new voters we are happy and he is welcome, politics is a game of numbers and HH our President has learnt that. We are expecting more big wigs by New Years eve to defect and carry all their voters to Flight HH 2015.

    22 January will be one of my happiest days in the history of Zambian politics when we go back to one Zambia one Nation with HH as our President.


    The PF camp is CONFUSED I think God designed it tht way “ma problems nikuchinjana mwebanthu.”Let HH also rule.

    God is WISER THAN all of us and He has already chosen a Leader for us. I just hope Lungu wont collapse during CAMPAIGNS due to disappointment.

    EL is POMPOUS yet he has BRAIN DAMAGE DUE to kachasu drinking & CANT REASON PROPERLY & is DOCILE a person.


    WELCOME HOME GBM. God Loves Zambia !!

  40. Where are the campaign pictures of Mr. Lungu in northern province ba LT?

    We were told that after speaking to investors over the weekend or planes and helicopters having been prepared (choose which one of these to believe), he would be gracing Ulubemba today.

    I expect he’ll back for the Live debate tomorrow?

  41. But your leader Sata criticized HH, Look GBM, stand by your principles if you have any. As for the endorsement, I think it is out of anger. Be guaranteed, even a vigorous campaigner like Mazoka failed to win Northern Province. HH will not win Northern Province.

  42. Politics is interesting in Zambia now. What is coming out now is not being partisan but looking at the potential in a particular candidate. I was of the idea that PF finishes it’s term but people never listened to Guy Scott and called him names. PF has three main challenges
    1. Lack coordination
    2. Rainbow Party is taken away a good membership.
    3. Unit of MMD and UPND mps.

  43. Good move, great decision and timely Bwana GBM welcome on board Flight HH2015 you are assured a pleasant Flight!

    We know your journey with Flight PF was turbulent.

  44. We wish to state the following:
    1. Mr. Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba remains a suspended official since March 2014.
    2. After the party suspended him, he sought sanctuary in the court,
    3. If he was popular official as he claims, he would not have hidden in the protection of the court.
    4. When he stood as a Member of Parliament in Kabwata, we beat him thoroughly. He only obtained his current seat in Kasama when President Michael Sata gave him an opportunity to stand on a popular party –the PF.
    5. If Mr. Mwamba claims he is popular, he should withdraw the court case in court so that the PF can wallop him and his new found party.
    6. Recently, at the second party General Conference, Mr. Mwamba was walloped by a new Member of Parliament and young leader, Hon. Miles Sampa by a very wide margin

  45. Secretary to the Cabinet has released the following program for Inauguration of His Excellency President HH on 24.01.15 10.00

    All invited Guests to be sited 10.10 Arrival of service chiefs and Diplomats 10.15 Arrival of Chief Justice 10.20 Arrival of Acting President Dr G.Scott 10.25 Arrival of President Elect- His Excellency Hichilema H. 10.26.30 National Athem 10.27 HH takes Oath of Office & Receives Instrument of Power fro G.Scott 10.30 Speech by His Excellency President Hichilema H. 11.00 21 Gun Salute & National Athem End of Program 14.00 President HH Announces his Cabinet and the Kwacha jumps to K2.5/$1 Zambia heads for massive economic, social development under HH for next 11 Years.!

  46. @ Katondo boys: good afternoon. Suddenly u are wearing a brand new set of brains. Where did u buy these brains? Or did u do a brain surgery? If u did a brain surgery, kud u giv us details of the super clinic u went to. I can assure u many of us still need brain surgery. We are currently backing a wrong horse-PF & we can not see it bcoz our brains currently are malfunctioning.

    @ PF Media Team: I have no option but to believe yo statement. I am sure yo statement was edited by both Emmanuel Mwamba & Brian Hapunda. It is therefore factual. (as Kambwili wud say “period”). Ba Willie Nsanda is chilling in RSA and is having super good time. He is relaxing.

  47. Ba lesa bakululu kabili tebakwangalilako, Bwana GBM you are not a leader even in UPND you willing be a failure mark my words,soon HH will discover that you are a liability politically and he will get rid of you faster than PF that tolerated you. At least PF took you as a their own child even when you blundered they tolerated you,MMD rejected you but thank to batata ba Sata MHSRIP who made you to be recognised politically. God is great and he will see through Edgar because he is the one who has chosen him and not GBM.Glory be to God and you are still on the throne.

  48. The Rally for Mpulungu at Muzabwera Grounds is tmrw but people have gathered today

    The warm up to tmrw rally is underway in Mpulungu


    2015 VOTE PF(EDGAR)


  49. Please, GBM is not a lightweight. His voice resonates strongly across the country. We have perpetually lived in self-denial about the popularity of HH. We deceived EL that the Northern, Luapula, Muchinga and Eastern would not vote for a Tonga. This is evidence that HH is being accepted acrosss the country. By the way, people gathering for rallies in Mpulungu have been there from Saturday; have not had resources to go back after we cancelled the rally. We do not have money either to pay them. By the way, those people in GBM picture are attacking me…that I was one of those Sata rejected.

  50. ‘warm up rally’ = bribing with chitenges and cibuku. vodka to anyone willing to listen for more than 3 minutes

    • and if you’re a farmer, payment has been promised only after you attend a rally. Thank you for correcting me ZWD.

      I thought it was only chitenges, chibuku and vodka

  51. Awe ba GBM bena chipubafye mwe. You dont give the reasons for supporting someone as it is because there is noone to support. What a peabrained reasoning! Edgar Lungu lets see if you can bite. This is the time to expel GBM from PF Period.

  52. SHHHHH shall we all observe a moment of silence. Thank you ladies and gentlemen
    ….and that is GAME OVER!

  53. Ba LT, y can u not give us any update on either EL or his much advertised rallies in Northern Province? Call Emmanuel Mwamba or Kalaba for clarification. I am now getting worried.

    • @Brickforce Wire

      Manweli is here and is talking about today being a warm-up rally (without Edgar). the real rally is tomorrow.

      Isn’t it laughable?

      And they are also refusing to present him to the nation for a Live debate.

      Ask Manweli. He usually posts just behind me.

  54. I remember one time Vernon Mwaanga ‘was evacuated’ to RSA when ballot papers were being printed in that country. Is it a coincidence one Willie Nsanda has been evacuated now that ballot papers are being printed?

  55. Is Gbm something to worry about he is no longer famous in kasama , come on he scored 195 votes at a Convention which means his brain is full of water,dull chap who can’t even control his family, wife who loves young boys used to sleep with Sata,first born a drug addict, second born a bitch pleading for a Congolese dic, third born is a suicide victim, forth born a known fat lesbian living with Josephine nalungwe, fifth born ****s anything he sees with a skirt all this happens under his roof but daft enough to even notice, so who is Gbm let him go! Edgar for Presido!leave Broke Gbm he has no money that’s why he is disparate to be recognized.

  56. HH needs to be advised to tread cautiously on some unstable politicians who claim to endorse his Presidential candidature. This caution stems from a realisation that GBM is not a politician but an accomplished business man whose motive is to merely etch a space for the operation of his own business interests.

    The next President, whether it be Lungu or HH, must guard against people that corruptly use govt. machinery to enhance their business ventures at the expense of the nation. Besides, the cartel comprised of Miles Sampa, Kaseba, Nevers Mumba etc have no heart for a non-Bemba to preside over the affairs of the Zambian Republic. HH must thus be careful to the effect that PF confusions may spill over into a well coordinated and united UPND.

    • Mwansa Kabinga




      If GBM thinks he owns the votes in kasama, then he is cheating himself. It is just him who will support HH and perhaps the wife if she has no right to secret ballot. Be warned GBM!!!!!!!!!!!!

      2015 VOTE PF(EDGAR)


    • HH will not know know what has hit him…. He can’t see through this. Hope he can manage them. Otherwise he will fail to stand even in 2016. He was once infiltrated by Sata and he still hasn’t learned anything. Some of the MPs that delivered Lusaka to Sata were from the broken pact.
      Never enter in a pact with guys like Katele, GBM, Mutati.
      For the sake of history ask those who formed MMD and UNIP how Kaunda and Chiluba came to power. Also think about what has already become the role of Mweetwa, Simusamba, Nkomo, Shaka, Muntanga, Mooya, Dr. Banda in the presence of the new recruits. Have you also observed that non of them has so far joined UPND? They are safely calling it endorsement!!

  57. Well done Hon GBM. After trying your luck threatening EL, you discovered he cannot be be held to ransom. I watched your sponsored hunger stricken committee wanting to squeeze campaign money out of PF – wamusanga E.L. Kafikepo yewe to your political grave yard!!

  58. It’s a political suicide to celebrate or be exited about GBM endorsing the opposition because Kulubemba is PF stronghold no matter what. If you critically look, no one ever talked about GBM after the reconciliation because he is not a factor in politics more so in Kasama.
    This man was beaten clean by Sampa in Kabwe despite “all” the money, so what makes you think he is a factor?
    Mr Sata dropped him from his position as Defense Minister and challenged him to resign to see his popularity, the man refused for he knows he got that seat because of PF.



  59. I have a suggestion or two suggestions to all bloggers.

    1. Lets have a political discourse by those who are pro-PF to highlight HH’s weakness and EL’s strengths and in the inverse those who are pro UPND to do the same.
    We then can dissect and debate these issues.

    2. Why don’t we have a presidential supporters debate, as a prelude to the presidential debate. On this one we create a virtual panel of moderators, and bloggers can select members of each opposing group. A list of predetermined questions covering the economy, health, political among other areas, can be crafted.

    I feel we should all channel our abundant energies towards a more focused and enriching discourse.

    What do you think, guys?

  60. PF president Edgar Lungu has again failed to fly to Northern Province to hold his political campaigns ahead of the presidential by-elections on January 20.
    Lungu was today scheduled to land at ZAF Mbala Airbase in the morning aboard a South African hired plane but has not showed up much the frustration of people.
    He was supposed address public rallies in Mpulungu, Nsama and Kaputa but the meetings have been put off again.
    According to information reaching The Watch Dog, PF cadres who had gathered at rally sites to listen to Lungu are very annoyed with him for wasting their time which they could have used wisely on farming.
    The cadres said that Lungu’s failure to appear for campaigns is propping up speculations that his health is failing him.
    They noted that if Lungu cannot withstand…

    • You wish, you blood suckers, vampires, darkness worshippers! Edgar is well and fit if anything it’s your HH who is sick! Just look at his wife, the only thing sustaining HH is expensive ARVs from privatization money.

      This time around, no blood to suck, sorry?

      Viva Edgar lungu

  61. Imwe. Stop pissing on our chips.

    You can’t see that this is Ba Mwine Lubemba’s emissary? You are still expecting Ba Kanabesa to stand on a hill and tell you his leanings?

    That’s what we are happy about. Ba Kanabesa has spoken. Regardless of GBM’s real inclination, he had to do this as ba Kanabesa’s emmissary. He had no choice.

    Do I have to explain every nuance to you? Sha!!

  62. @ Jessie wa mu town: thanks for update. Things seem NOT to be ok in PF. If printing of ballot papers was not already underway and if the constitution could allow, it wud have been better to consider replacing EL at this late hour. I foresee serious electoral defeat at the hands of HH. This will be a total white-wash, total massacre. I also foresee EL struggling with his health especially if he forces himself to undertake strenuous campaigns. BUT at the heart of all this, I foresee KALABA & Mwamba issuing a lot of lies just like they were doing on Sata. Mrs. Lungu my appeal to u is DO NOT ALLOW THESE SCOUNDRELS TO PUSH YOUR HUSBAND SO EARLY INTO HIS GRAVE. AT ABOUT 58, HE STILL HAS LIFE AHEAD OF HIM. HIS CHILDREN & GRAND CHILDREN & ZAMBIA AT LARGE STILL NID HIM.

  63. The loads of promises made by HH in this years campaign are very frightening. Where on earth has any country, US included, have even four (4) promises been fulfilled? I hope people can see this act of jealous and desperation on the part of HH that all he cares for is to be a leader at all costs!

    The man is so selfish that even where all can see good, he sees bad. In all fairness, PF has performed exceptionally well in three years and deserves to continue with its development path. Can surely the death of a great leader, Sata, make UPND a substitute for nothing? All those opposing PF today are the same people the PF defeated in 2011 are still bitter and nothing else.

    EDGAR LUNGU will move thi country to great heights and so let’s support this noble man.

    • You clearly DO NOT live in the US. Obama has not fulfilled even 4 of his campaign promises?

      Be Gone from here, White supremacist!!

  64. GBM is one bitter man. He surely thought he would be chosen as presidential candidate hahahahahahaha. As naive as Zambians can be, the still know what presidential material looks like. Whether said presidents follow suit once elected is a different story. 22nd January and GBM shall be ushered out of PF. Does he even realize that with Sata gone, the old ways of politics are vanishing. Once again the highest office of Zambia has alluded the Bembas. A Bisa, A Ndola dweller, a Luapulan, A malawian, and now another Easterner shall be president.

    • Folks I warned that as we count down to January 20th 2015, reports about and against PF President Edgar Lungu will constitute alarm, scandal, ridicule and other allegations to demean, undermine or scandalise him because he is deemed as a clear front runner.
      The story in The Post is a case in point.
      Someone took time to manufacture information and purportedly signed by a Mr. Gupta.
      To my knowledge Hon. Lungu doesn’t even have a doctor called Gupta

      2015 VOTE PF(EDGAR)


  65. @ Promises: sorry dear u deserve a brain surgery. It is not yet too late for this operation. But better still a brain transplant, if possible, wud be the best remedy for u. Think about it dear. It is fo yo own benefit. I can see u are so unhealthy brain-wise. I love u dear; do not think that I am insulting u. Otherwise if I hated u, I wud not have recommended such remedial measures in yo head to make u start thinking like the rest of us. Yo Michael Sata promised heaven on earth despite having so many obvious deficiencies and u never questioned. Instead u were busy shouting “PA BWATO”! Here is a case where someone who has qualities of thinking outside the box is promising u and u are totally averse. Shame.

    • I certainly believe it’s you who is sick. Which person doesn’t know that your HH is just a chancer and nothing more? Show us what he has done in his life to uplift the lives of Zambians other than boasting? Mind you a great mind does not need to be president to make an impact in peoples’ lives. This is what you are suggesting and, sorry it will and shall never happen. HH WILL NEVER EVER BE PRESIDENT OF ZAMBIA AND IKNOW WHAT AM TALKING ABOUT!

  66. GBM is a political failure let hm wait for January 20 and see hs popularity cz he won kasama central nt bcoz of hs own accord bt bcoz SATA.

  67. As Americans say, “it’s the how that matters” in campaign promises and sadly no opposition leader is saying for example how they intend to do away with youth unemployment, how they intend to get good taxes from the mines, how they will bring the price of mealie meal down, how they intend to carry on with the massive development PF is carrying out, how they will deal with shortages of University accommodation, how they will creat employment, where they will get money to increase civil Servants’ salaries, how they intend to put more money in people’s pockets, how they will accelerate and finish the Link 8000, pave 2000 and Link L400 projects, how they will do this in 16 months, NO ONE IS BEING TRUTHFUL! All we see is bitterness and hate.
    PF is delivering & EDGAR needs our support.

  68. Willie Nsanda has in fact fled the country for good! He is not coming back to Zambia any time soon cos he thinks HH will win it.

    The guy has run away with alot of money from RDA after destroying all the documentary evidence following the recent break in with the help of Xaviour Chungu.

  69. With due respect, Obama looks older than his age because he too over promised, and believe you me, if circumstances allowed, he would not have made it to Third term!

    America is a broke nation as we speak now and China is calling the shorts. This is the same situation you want to put our beautiful country in. Don’t be deceived by the propaganda of television, it’s bad in the West my friend..

    ZAMBIA under PF is doing far far great and this acknowledged even by th so called IMF and World Bank, so tell you HH THAT WE DONT NEED HIM HERE,

    • WHAT MORE CAN I SAY….!!!!


      2015 VOTE PF(Edgar)


    • Promises my friend,
      If China is calling the shots as you say, get a load of this. Among the richest Chinese more than 50% of them say if given a chance they would immigrate to the US, western Europe or Australia. So it appears you know some that so many Chinese don’t know.

  70. @PROMISE

  71. The last time i checked many where waiting for what GBM would say and if he is not a factor there wouldnt be this fuzz on social media

  72. This semi-illitrate called GBM thinks he is God, look at his disorganised speech, hw can a normal person say i wl remain a commited pf member while endorsing HH, with or without u we are voting for EL.

  73. ba GBM if truly with all your heart you loved sata, you cant do what you are doing. you first fought edgar and then your turn around you expect an applause. you condemn people i.e edgar for being cautious with your move. so far what you have done i feel you finishing yourself. do you think even HH will have any confidence in you if he won the election. mr GBM you overrate yourself and you think zambians are fools. how do you betray all that sata laboured to build. look at what you did while he sata was alive.
    people just want to eat that ill gotten money you boast about. and to me you are not serious at all. which tonga have you seen behaving the way you are doing.respect sata even if you dont like lungu to lead you. you are an embarassment to the bembas and people ogf your age.behave…

  74. welcome GBM! You are the next Minister of Defence. This ministry has remained vacant since you resigned. President – HH; Minister of Defence – GBM!

  75. if they are confused at thought, they will take the confusion wherever they go. There is faulty reasoning here, supporting a candidate from another party whilst saying you still belong to your party is a very myopic way of reasoning. Just shift camp and move on. Double dealing creates a mistrusted character of you, even where you go. What you are doing is opportunism, very unprincipled. We yet to learn how embarrassing the future will ever be for you.

  76. Saki refuses to rejoin UPND

    By Lambwe Kachali

    Thursday June 19, 2008 [04:00]

    UNITED Liberal Party (ULP) president Sakwiba Sikota yesterday said UPND president Hakainde Hichilema is not honest in his offer of reconciliation because he has failed to deal with tribalism in the party. Responding to Hichilema who on Tuesday invited him to rejoin UPND in the spirit of national unity and development, Sikota said Hichilema’s offer to the leadership and membership of ULP to rejoin UPND was not genuine and was laced with thorny issues.

    Sikota accused Hichilema of playing to the gallery by using the press without apologising to the people that suffered at the 2006 UPND convention and those who were still affected by the alleged tribalism in the party. He said if Hichilema really wanted…

  77. @93-I tend to disagree with you. Generally American President grow grey because of the work they do. I have lived here for close to 20 years, and have seen three residents greying while in office. The US economy is very sound with a lot of jobs created.

  78. You UPND cadres who make noise online,have you ever seen 2011 results for your HH?plus those results in september 2014?you made similar noise 3months ago but lost badly in your ereas!honestly can HH win in Eastern,Lusaka,Copperbelt,Luapula,Northern,Muchinga and Central urban?THE ANSWER IS A BIG NO!No matter how HH campaigns in these areas,he’ll lose to PF!Yes HH will win in Southern and most likely come first in North western and western!be real guys,in other provinces,he cant defeat PF!over confidence without facts is too bad!just like Edgar Lungu wont win in southern,HH also cant win in PF strongholds!

  79. GBM, Only recently you were supporting Edgar Lungu and availing yourself to participate in his campaign trails. When you get “ignored” you switch camps and starting supporting HH. You want to convince us to join you. Your battle is not our battle. Stop trying to confuse the nation. What if HH ignores you? and I hope he does?

    What is the position of UPND with regards to “Barotseland” issue?

  80. Sad news for team Lungu, unless they are truly blinded by the insane idea that “God has anointed him!!!!!!!!!”. God does not anoint the political leaders of Mankind’s systems and nations. Winning is done by hard work campaigning, true political skills, and earning the goodwill of the people. If you don’t have those things plus luck (and GBM’s money!) then even God cannot help you…

    The man tried his best to work with EL and we must respect him for his “protest vote”, even if it is going to Hakuna Hatata by default

    • Chibuku mwana,
      tell me about it. I was almost tempted to say that only in Zambia do people buy this nonsense about God anointing politicians. Until I remembered that in the US truck-load upon truck-load of Americans believed the same thing regarding G.W. bush.

  81. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. This is the problem with GBM – obese.

  82. Cursings of my fore fathers. Zambians are clearly faced with starhk choices….if they choose Edgar over a proven business man, a man of sober character then they are whacked, stupid and plain destined a destiny that is unsalvangeable

  83. HH needs to explain how he is going to accomplish the things he is promising voters. How, for example, is he going to reduce electricity tariffs? ZESCO is a commercial entity; it is not possible for a president to force it or the Energy Regulation Board to reduce tariffs! Besides, UPND + HH do not seem to have a Manifesto; all I see is a two-page set of notes found at: *****

  84. stranded millionaire .wants to belong to 2 parties at one time for the sake of his out for this big boy .he said it one time that he is in politics to protect his business ,so now he is not sure of his fate and wants to hang to 2 at once.SELFISH BALLOON u will soon bast.


    HH careful with that FOOL ,mind u he wanted to b president,
    IT JUST TIME.21 days to go.STROKE is coming your way.mayb u will go South Africa for holiday to reduce stress.

  85. Gary Nkombo endorsing Lungu in Mazabuka central or Mweetwa in Choma central is a project in futility – the same goes with GBM endorsing HH in Kasama.

  86. As a way forward, I would argue that GBM attempts unconsciously to twist a given normative description of a noun, but he is aware that he does not possess the necessary ‘knowledge’ or abilities to undertake such a task. Furthermore, he attempts to mask his deficit in higher mental abilities by throwing all sorts of accusations at his pre-chosen opponents not knowing that he slides back into the divisive trap which he initially attempted to avoid. GBM must question his approaches in lieu of sugar coating his misdemeanors or rather serious criminal acts. GBM needs to de-escalate serious situations which are orchestrated by himself and his disciples. Viva, Tongas and well meaning Zambians.

    THE ABOVE WORDS WERE POSTED BY “BOOM&WHATEVER” ON LT IN 2008. I am vindicated. I don’t just…

  87. What are common health consequences of overweight and obesity?

    Raised BMI is a major risk factor for noncommunicable diseases such as:

    cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke), which were the leading cause of death in 2012;
    musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis – a highly disabling degenerative disease of the joints);
    some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon).

    The risk for these noncommunicable diseases increases, with the increase in BMI.

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