Saturday, July 27, 2024

Results released by ECZ so far are fake -Dr Canisius Banda


Dr Canisius Banda talking to journalists
Dr Canisius Banda

The opposition UPND has described the results of the January 20 presidential election released by the Electoral Commission of Zambia as fake.

The party has since demanded that the winner of the election is not declared until the verification of all results is done and consensus about them is established.

In a statement released by its Vice President-Politics Canasious Banda , the UPND said even if this takes weeks, the declaration of the winner must not be based on fraud, but on the truth.

Dr Banda said Zambia is a democracy and every citizen has the responsibility to invest in the growth and maturity of this democracy.

‘The holding of elections is fundamental to this end. It is the expectation of the citizens that through these elections, they will have food on their tables, clean and safe water in their homes, unhindered access to education and healthcare, employment and affordable housing,’ he said.

He added, ‘However, because of the fraud that we have witnessed, this goal of the citizens might remain a pipe dream. It has been observed that though the citizens have confidence in our electoral process, this process is in danger of failing them because of the Patriotic Front’s continued interference.’

‘We are aware of bad elements that are in our midst that are making a mockery of our electoral democracy. Because of their malpractice, their deliberate manipulation of results, citizens are having their vote stolen.’

Dr Banda stated that it is in the interest of every citizen that the ECZ is strengthened and that it conducts truly free and fair elections, because unity and peace in the nation hinge on this.

‘We are aware, as we had earlier warned that the transfer of results of the presidential election held on the 20th January 2015 has been marred with gross and glaring irregularities,’ he said.

Dr Banda charged that many of the results so far publicized by the ECZ do not reflect the actual voting pattern of the citizens as admitted by the ECZ itself.

‘Many of the results have been manipulated to suit the interests of one political party. Many of these results are fake, they are mere products of deception,’ he said.

‘Note that it is the interest of every citizen that accurate results are given. The truth must prevail. All of us collectively as citizens must ask for nothing but the truth. Anything short of this, is unacceptable to the democratic rights of our people.’

Dr Banda has since thanked all Zambians including members of UPND and supporters for the manner in which they have conducted themselves so far.

‘It is only fair that the wishes and aspirations of the Zambian people that cast their vote are respected. The discrepancies in the election results observed so far are a very serious concern that border on national security,’ he warned.

‘We have successfully participated in this election and know that we are headed for victory. It is therefore important that we all handle this matter with the seriousness it deserves. We therefore wish to appeal to all Zambians and stakeholders to let the electoral process to be concluded in a fair, transparent and orderly manner. We further wish to thank all the citizens that voted for expressing their will, and we shall do whatever we can to ensure that their will is respected.’


    • Its painful if we have these kind of people as leaders, Obama once said ;; Its hard to help africa because they choose leaders that cant rule”, and you people want Caniscious Banda the VICE?,

    • RESP,

      Ugh! Are you so indolent that someone “should cage this man”? Time of spoonfuls are over, please try to cage him yourself rather than slumbering from without dear!

      On the otherness, Viva HH, Viva Hakainde Hichilema, Viva, UPND and Viva Forward.

      Last kicks of the discarded PF who have resorted to rigging votes. Confusion has confused the visionless PF leadership.

      The Only,
      Skeleton Key

    • Uyu mwenso nomba mwatampa. A few hours ago, you were in a meeting with the chairperson and settled on where the fault was. Now that it still shows you’re still second, they are rigged? You have done very well in these elections, but don’t cause unnecessary strife

    • A clodpole in the making here.
      HH should replace this sorry excuse of a vice president.He adds nothing to the cause but take away a lot

      replace this man


    • We have bad losers and good losers….and now UPND has already started decampaining itself for 2016……..PF lost elections many times and accepted defeat but kept on pushing……

      thank you Zambia but our job is not done yet….let’s all unite and help each other and our country Zambia….BETTER DAYS ARE COMING.

      I thank you



    • Dr Banda, why are you not complaining on the results from Southern, Western and North-western? Because you want your Hachi-hachi to win? Be realistic it is common knowledge that NOT all can win. Job seeker you are. I start doubting if you a wise man from east, I think you are un wise man from South. Wake up Banda you think if HH win will give you a job, you are mistaken. You will be the deputy minister, all the cabinet will be Tongarised. WAKE UP BANDA

    • @ Silumba-sa-Sata – Why are you so obsessed with Bembas even when an issue has got nothing to do with them? Get a life you primitive man. ?

    • Canisius still got his mind locked up in students politics instead of national politics. Listening to this guy and Dipak reveals why HH has been being more self damaging remarks. UPND need to hit the bar of maturity right now. Otherwise, the end has come home. EL is coming out more and more a mature statesman ready to Govern the country to peace; stability and development. Flictional politics albeit have no future in Zambia.

    • its all done…In the next 5 hours Edgar Lungu will be declared winner by 802,397 followed by UPND 770,807, Inauguration tomorrow midday. Presidents confirmed so far to attended are Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Hifikepunye Pohamba of Namibia

      i thank you Zambia……….

    • A person can participate in elections as a voter, a candidate, an election official or monitor/observer.

      Candidates in the elections are either sponsored by political parties or contest as independent candidates. The winning candidate in these elections is determined on the basis of a simple majority vote. This is referred to as the first-past-the post (FPTP) electoral system which Zambia has used since its independence in 1964.

      All elections in Zambia open to monitoring and observation by local and international organisations respectively upon obtaining the necessary accreditation. The observers and monitors express their opinions on the conduct of each election through reports that they issue at the end of their missions.


      Katondo boys

      i thank you

    • YOH! Bo Canissius, do you you know what kind of trouble you can bring with such statements? This man will be in his nice comfortable home when ordinary people are being beaten with pangas by cadres. He should cool down and be sensible.

    • Zambian is a Failed State, it cannot hold credible elections. The rubbish that the PF and ECZ idyots are sowing will be felt by younger generation when the Lungus, Chamas etc, are long gone.

      I thank God my children are America. How do you raise children in a country like Zambia?! Corruption, nepotism, tribalism, theft, no meaningful civil discourse, panga culture, name it.

    • @ RESP, now that anomalies are surfacing, UPND is not under obligation to concede defeat before the anomalies are addressed, no matter what PF or ECZ says!
      Elections must be credible, Period!

    • Ba Banda we have heard this song before…you are lucky PF seems to it fair, remember FTJ,VJ and clique.? Keep crying. On a serious note now Banda and the rest of upnd…concede defeat and start campaigning next week for 2016 fulustop.

      Viva EL Viva PF…. The Post says its tight but its over….kikikikiki

    • The language Dr. (?) Banda is using is not of a responsible person but an alarmist and bitter loser. Can this man realise if voter turnout in 7 provinces that voted overwhelming was equally as in 3 provinces that voted for HH, the gap between two would have been over 600,000 votes. EL is representing 7 +3 states whereas HH had the mandate of a narrow group brainwashed by selfish tribalists and gold-diggers. As for Mr Banda cage the person for calling a due process a fraud. He is involved in libel of Judge and her equally respectable citizens.


    • @Nostra hahahahaha you have really cracked me up buddy…. Canisius looks like a rebel leader from East DR Congo… Canisius Banda is the face of the upnd…kikikikikiki

    • True that Dr Banda. If it was not the winner would have been announced by now.

      ECZ is now reconciling figures from independent observers and TIZ. Any figure that does not tally with TIZ ECZ is querying to establish the source of the anomaly.

    • Dr. Scruffy man, just accept the reality like your patients suffering from the “I endorse syndrome”,.. such as GBM,Mutati,Mucheleka,Mrs. Mwanawasa,Nalumango,Masebo,Munkombwe and many others concentrate on medicating them. As of now clinically they are not okay they may ran in the bush.

    • Only those results benefiting you are real. Politics at work just accept defeat and move on. You have fought a good fight. 2016 is around the corner. These results will keep the PF on their toes. If they don’t do well, come 2016 HH will be president.

    • UPND and it’s leadership believed in false prayers provided by a big church in emmasdale by it’s bishop and youth pastor who tried to influence the members to vote for UPND but alas the member knew that it was a ploy as the man of God was after a big offering. Shame that we should use the church to deceive people. Work members and never allow such to happen again

    • There were a lot of ghost voters in Southern Province created by VJ and PF have not made an issue out of it. It is the only Province that has recorded over 50% of turn out whist the rest of the country has been below 30%. So the good Dr. should just learn to grow up and accept defeat.

    • He really looks like a mad man! He has to get out of that filthy place he lives in called Mumana pleasure resort. With the UPND impending loss he knows he cannot get out from there into a decent government house. I pity the guy. But disappointment should not make one lose their bearings and start hallucinating.

  1. I guess this is the concession speech by UPND from. PF must have won this election. Not bad regarding the fact that all polls had put you at running away with this one at 80%

    I think you should be proud and you have done well and how you handle yourself now will board well for you in 2016, but the way you have started. I must say it not promising.

  2. True, this is not a party convention that KaniminamisamLungu thinks he can arm wrestle his way to victory. This concerns the entire Zambia and due process should be allowed to prevail in a free and fair manner. If ECZ has noticed and admitted that there are irregularities then no winner should be declared whether PF or UPND until results are verified.

  3. in bemba we say uwawa tabula kabepesho. so u want ECZ to accept the fake PVT results yo are conducting. shame on u bad losers. try yo nonsense Zambia is bigger than UPND

    • Shula you are very dull,
      Didn’t you hear Mambilima at 1400 radio Phoenix admitting that they also noticed the mistakes on the compiled results and they are correcting it?
      We only accept genuine results, and reject results from thieves. Why inflating Chawama figures from about 13 000 ++ to about 18 000 ++. Isn’t this thieving ? In your mind it is kubuula fye?.

    • Pleeeasee, don’t quote the language of thieves. We have nothing to learn from the “natolafye” culture. This time, akuna “kutolafye”! Busholi ki busholi !

    • @6.2 Silumba-sa-Sata – Why are you so obsessed with Bembas even when an issue has got nothing to do with them? Get a life you primitive man.

  4. Indeed Dr, Banda.

    As leaders of UPND, why did you trust ECZ so much?
    What do you plan with this? Why do we have thieves everywhere? Please UPND save Zambia from these looters. They looted Copperbelt, then Lusaka and now they are in GRZ and in ECZ. Save Zambia UPND. Please, Dr, Banda, Dipak Patel and HH, these thieves we are not free in our country.

    • You Rigged elections in Southern Province hoping you can win but Alas, Zambia is bigger than southern province. You are lucky the confusions in MMD and defections of MMD big shots to your party has reduced your embarrassment. Come 2016, you will learn that Tribal politics have no place in Zambia bcoz the Zambian people will vote in numbers to neutralise your votes in one province.

    • Every once is free to have their own opinion, but it’s a game you enter understanding that officials are ECZ not any other chap..

  5. Too Bad UPND you are still waiting to form Government but you have done better than we you did in 2011, my advise stay together and do more maybe one day you will Govern Zambia, As for now it is One Zambia, One Nation, One Love its time to move on

  6. ECZ is the Electoral Con-mission, the rigging mechanism of PFools. TIZ, church mother bodies and anybody who did PVT from polling station results should present their results to ECZ and ask for all discrepancies to be reconciled and explained. Otherwise what is the point of PVT if not to verify the credibility of the election results? ECZ are incompetent and a vessel for making a mockery of our electoral process.

  7. What is this ba Banda? we have 29 more to go, we can do it, please if you have no faith get out of our party. We have not lost don’t speak has if we have lost. chi Banda or Ha Banda has we call you in Choma……

  8. UPND don’t start on this road it’s not good for you, I voted for HH but now I am beginning to thank God he lost. Be magnanimous and accept defeat, by all accounts you’ve run a Dar much better election campaign but you’re are ruining your bright chances for 2016. If you’ve ears stop this childish behaviour. Can you give us 20 examples of fake results. ECZ have credible results it’s ZNBC that’s a scumbag that altered the credible results handed to them by ZNBC. I saw it myself and raised to my wife because I had the figures from my lady Mambilima and what they were showing

    • Mr H H could felt embarrassed if he lost against Mr Lungu (the new ,junior to Mr HH,but for the first time contest the election and won). no one could hardly accepted . but truth is painful .

    • It was Kenneth Maduma who had altered the results with the hope to incite the people. This chap should get replaced

  9. believe me if UPND had won watchdog would have published it already… let me ask are UPND members dull and weak. beacause they are always complaining if its not rigging its pf is beating us, why are you always the victims? if any of you have participated in an election before you would agree with me that rigging is one thing that is impossible if you have competent members in your team(monitors) if you monitors cant manage an eletion how are they going to manage the affairs of the nation?

    • In fact PF monitors are the ones that are suspect that’s why undp is this even close but you can’t beat God. Watch 2016

    • No matter what you do to some one from southern province they will not appreciate if you are not Tonga. This government has done a lot for the province including building animal Deeping tanks and health posts in a number of areas. Did they see that? no. They are all HH blind. what they get from HH no body knows. It is just all about tribalism.

      Tribalism is in there blood, even in the church. As those who are fellowshipping with them in that church.

    • As always and typical of Tonga culture, they never admit their role in how they are perceived. This election has confirmed once again how tribal Tongas are. Did you notice how those less tribal Easterners are? UPND wan one constituency (Sinda) and getting reasonable votes across. Tongas, be reasonable. For as long as your voting pattern and ideology remains as always: “Vote Tonga, vote UPND”. Remember Tongas have never voted any other party in the face of a Tonga party. Prior to 1972, Tongas always voted ANC; you voted for MMD in 1991 because there was no Tonga Party. Came NP under Baldwin, you voted for it. When Dr. Akashambatwa (The lady) took over, you stopped voting for it. Came UPND; you never looked back. When Mazoka died and Sikota looked poised to take over: Remember the uproar!

  10. @mmd chief bootlicker you have become an irrelevant blogger like me. Except that you have become an ass licker. Leave Banda alone. Let him call for recounting or verification we have no problem with that as long as it rests the case. The winner will remain the winner.

    • Irrelevant Kalaba


      …..and your screen name too,,,very interesting

      its all done…In the next 5 hours Edgar Lungu will be declared winner by 802,397 followed by UPND 770,807, Inauguration tomorrow midday. Presidents confirmed so far to attended are Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Hifikepunye Pohamba of Namibia

      i thank you

    • Kopala Maketeer

      is he really a Doctor??? just wondering,,,,,,

      its all done…In the next 5 hours Edgar Lungu will be declared winner by 802,397 followed by UPND 770,807, Inauguration tomorrow midday. Presidents confirmed so far to attended are Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Hifikepunye Pohamba of Namibia

      i thank you

  11. Mr C Banda, ECZ chairperson said NO ONE CANT STOP THE COMMISSION FROM ANNOUNCING THE WINNER. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE RESULTS THE COURTS ARE THERE…That was loud and clear. The zambian people cant wait for you(UPND). you are not the only party which was contesting. they were 11 political parties. Copy from President and collective..

    • Upnd you must be realistic, if you want to rule as you say learn to net work with other provinces. You can not rule the country with Southern province,Western ,North-western,and part of central no ways. This is about 4 out of 10 dullo. The ” I endorse syndrome” uko lelo.

  12. Dr. Banda, don’t make people lose the sympathy you are about to accrue after losing.

    You have done extremely well as UPND given the tribal tag the party wears.

    This is time to strategize, time to reflect on what has gone wrong and move on.

    Remember there is rainbow party in the corner so the next elections might be tougher.

    You need to strengthen your national character as a party.

    The earlier you concede defeat the better so that people can begin to see maturity in the party.

  13. This is not the time to turn the other cheek. If ECZ was cooking the books they have to prove their numbers. ECZ is using ZNBC as the fall guy when in fact rigging was at ECZ. ECZ will not admit that because nobody will ever believe their results. They are passing the buck to ZNBC.

  14. I surpoted lungu but am not a PF kada. Let us look at Nawakwi now. PF and lungu won because there was no opposition. The 3years of pf rule was a mess

  15. This statement seems to be laced with anger and hatred that may incite many UPND supporters contrary to expectations by those who voted. ECZ should not be initimdated and should be given the professional space needed. UPND and PF meet with ECZ this morning ,so this statement is surprising. Its my sincere hope that he retracts this statement and engage ECZ on his concerns. As voters we hope that we can have a winner by midnight tonight as the longer it goes on the more the aniexty will grow in the nation. Let’s all rally behind the ECZ as the only credible source of election results. The approach taken by Cannius will come back to haunt him and UPND in 2016.

  16. How about a haircut sir? That said; we have to state that we are very impressed with the ECZ, the world over is impressed as well.
    PF, be humble in victory, celebrating a narrow win in other people’s faces only stirs emotions. UPND, be hopeful in defeat, it is clear that your party is necessary for the development of our democracy and perhaps the nation in one or more ways. The performance by the PF & UPND have clarified that now, 50+1 truly is possible. It would be a great thing if Zambia can only have two political parties, it will really bring fairness. Regards folks!

  17. Lungu used to steal from clients as a lawyer,stole the votes in pf as party president and now he brings in an electiön rigger from ziambabwe by the name brown kasaro whose first rigging job has been exposed where he inflated edgar’s votes by 5000 in some constituence.For how long should a christian nation ZAMBIA be rules by a thief President

  18. ECZ is a credible institution that must not be smeared in upnd dung! The tallied figures are correct verified figures which znbc has failed to beam the correct ones for their own incompetence. Uwawa tabula akabepesho!!! We already have our President ECL who has shown patience and tolerance as he awaits his GRAND INAUGURATION.

  19. Canisius is a merchant of evil. Each time he opens his mouth, it is pwetete. Upnd should come to their senses and accept the outcome of will of the people. Hh is a bad political player who goes into an election to win at all costs. When asked if he was ready to conceed defeat, he failed to answer in all the interviews before the elections. Is he taking the Zambians for granted?

  20. I pity most on this blog, if this is what Zambia has to offer, then they deserve what they get. As a democrat, I believe that both parties and it’s supporters can argue as much as they want, the result according to ECZ will stand, but if anomalies are found, they need to be addressed before announcing. Word I have is inauguration is tomorrow, it will sad if a death will divide our nation and few will benefit. I hear the Indians who were providing fuel for EL’s choppers are awaiting all various benefits. The Elite few will benefit for sure!

    • You mean to be divided with Tongas let them go to hell. Infact not all Tongas are bad there are a section of Tongas especially those coming from HH clan and Mukohmbwe

  21. Its over my brother, let us move on. This is another Mazoka dejavu.
    You had excellent support from Western, North-Western, parts of Lusaka and Central province. You have made good gains on the Copperbelt, Northern and Eastern.


    • Now you have shown us that feeling sympathy is a crime. In 2016 you will not get more votes from other provinces we will try RAINBOW PARTY and you will keep on voting for yourselves. KWASILA. VIVA RAINBOW PARTY AND WINTER KABIMBA 2016 HERE WE COME

  22. Is this the same doctor who said the ECZ printed ballots that vanish the selection within 1 hour? Did anyone see such papers? Why is it so difficult to accept defeat if you have lost? This is now irritating and exposing what would be in Zambia if this team won.
    Results from Southern Province clearly show some selfish trend. Can such people think of other provinces if they won an election? May be that is why God keeps denying them this opportunity.

  23. Up n down under fives have failed to exhibit simple leadership virtues . They are behaving like uncouth “lumpens” who are excited on having their first sex! To use Chinua Achebe phrase, unless a penis dies young, it shall surely eat bearded meat! This is not your time so back to the “infamous drawing board”. I salute His Excellency Edgar C. Lungu.

  24. This man has cost the country so much already with his false unfounded accusation .were is the Law,he needs to be locked up for intising violence.

  25. People may be wondering why voter turn-out was high in UPND strongholds. The explanation is simple, they arranged transport to pass through villages and ferry people to poling stations. Some people even received compensation for their time to go voting.
    Whether this is legal is not for me to say. But PF should learn something from this. If this is legal then do the same next year.

  26. I have followed a number of elections and never came across a quiet loser. All losers will have something to complain about. Just go ahead and announce a winner.

  27. its all done…In the next 5 hours Edgar Lungu will be declared winner by 802,397 followed by UPND 770,807, Inauguration tomorrow midday. Presidents confirmed so far to attended are Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Hifikepunye Pohamba of Namibia

    i thank you Zambia,,,!!!



  28. canicius is a vicious canine, a rogue, a savage. he is uncouth, unclean, probably uncircumcised. canicius is an outcast, an infidel, a kafir.

  29. Dr Canissius Banda, let’s sort out things step by step.
    Were the ballots in the UPND nucleus of southern province tainted by chemicals? If so as you claimed, how come the highest votes come from there?

    Until you answer this one, we will not believe anything else coming from that mouth.

  30. A person can participate in elections as a voter, a candidate, an election official or monitor/observer.

    Candidates in the elections are either sponsored by political parties or contest as independent candidates. The winning candidate in these elections is determined on the basis of a simple majority vote. This is referred to as the first-past-the post (FPTP) electoral system which Zambia has used since its independence in 1964.

    All elections in Zambia open to monitoring and observation by local and international organisations respectively upon obtaining the necessary accreditation. The observers and monitors express their opinions on the conduct of each election through reports that they issue at the end of their missions.


    Katondo boys

    i thank you

  31. Mwenso akwete Banda especially to those people bought membership cards at k1000 promised to be given jobs….mukose bane…

  32. Ba Banda you forgot to tell the nation why you and your fellow Upnd crowns VJ invited guyz from NIKUV Isreal into the country, we were saved by our vigerant Special Branch who unearthed your skim. Don’t worry you still have to account for the monies that trail has also bin unearthed by BOZ you guyz ve some explaining to do. Tomoro EL kambotolo in State House

  33. Does he know what the constitutiion says about what he is saying? The elctoral process is governed by law and not someone’s wishes.

  34. In some polling stations in Choma, Edgar Lungu actually got 0 votes. Now think of this: at each polling station, each political party is supposed to have one of their members resident in that area as a polling agent. In view of this, how possible is it that Lungu couldn’t get even one vote from his own agent? Does that mean there was no PF polling agent at the polling station? Or does that mean that even the PF agent there didn’t vote for Lungu? This is very suspicious!! There is something very fishy with results from Southern Province which requires further investigation. Can this Dr. Canisius Banda shed light on this? Whose results are fake Dr. Banda??

  35. ZAMBIA will be UNITED against TRIBALISM

    Mwe bantu its one Zambia one nation! we have all seen how our friends in southern province voted; clearly it shows that we are not together with these people. I wonder if every single southern province voter truly believes in the UPND manifesto and if UPND has ever delivered anything for the people. It is a shame when people do not show appreciation…PF govt has many positive developmental plans for the region and they are currently in motion, by 2016 you will see this development. You should stop this trend of wanting to be in the limelight all the time. Your personal successes are just that “personal”.


    • Nixon, i am not from Southern province yet i understand why most southerners are behind HH. Tribalism is when you surport a candidate merely because he is from your tribe even when one lacks the needed qualifications. On the contrary, when the candidate of your tribe is the one who reflects excellent qualities and you support him, that is not tribalism and is normal in any society. YOU CANNOT COMPARE HH WITH E LUNGU. SEEING THAT HH IS THE BEST CANDIDATE AMONG THE CONTENDERS, THEY SHOULD NOT VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE AND THAT IS WISDOM. WE NEED QUALITY LEADERSHIP AND MUST DESIST FROM VOTING FOR VISIONLESS LEADERS SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY BELONG TO OUR TRIBE. CURSED BE EDGER LUNGU AND THOSE OF HIS TEAM WHO MANIPULATED THE ELECTION RESULTS. LET THEM BE ACCURSED.

  36. HH took Zambians for granted.they have punished you for your pride & thot Maureen,nalumango would add value?they were just prostituting with mutati & lungwangwa.canisius misbehave & you will find yourself and Hopeless Hopeless HH,foolish dipak etc in prison forever.shame to you ,accept defeat ,H.E. Edgar is 6th President.andrew banda,Lameck Mangani,gbm we will see what you will do now.MYSRIP.end of HH from now he will be depressed with his bunch of tribesmen

  37. It is therefore important that we all handle this matter with the seriousness it deserves.
    ECZ and PF have taken the peace we enjoy for granted…….. as supporters who have voted for UPND we not allow this nonsense. ready for come what may…….. they burnt tyres and used panga.. for RB to concede defeat. we are willing to do more than what PF did…..alert and active….. all the way to state house

  38. ….continued;
    The trend of tribal voting will damage relationship across the nation. The old people or politicians are the ones interested in boasting about tribe, because they want to say things like “at least tongas have achieved this or that and are better than bembas” or “tongas are intellectuals…not these other tribes that cannot reason”. Old people like Munkombwe and VJ still desire to be in the limelight, they would like to see their “own” in power so that they can claim it is their protégé. Southerns are really suffering from this problem because it is in their DNA and the only way to get rid of it is to ensure that they intermarry up to the 4th generation so that they stop thinking and believing that all the best things in life come from tongas; so stop the nonsense!…

    • Webo ababantu bafwaika baleupana fye beka beka of the same tribe. Baliitemwa nakaso. Inter marriage kano nabambuya babo.

    • its all done…In the next 2 hours Edgar Lungu will be declared winner by 802,397 followed by UPND 770,807, Inauguration tomorrow midday. Presidents confirmed so far to attended are Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Hifikepunye Pohamba of Namibia

      i thank you

  39. …continued;

    UPND’s future is at stake. Come 2016 you will see how ZAMBIA is UNITED against TRIBALISM.

    Good Night.


    • It’s this user nonsense this one has rigged or what ever the accusations. concentrate on the next erections my dear….

  40. This is amazing…all these bloggers outside Zambia. Why not ask the cause of the near riot in Kabompo. How come Xavier Chungu, a man removed from jail today is the Strategist for PF.

    Zambians need to be serious….history has shown that the Zambian model is not sustainable…where crooks are in position of influence and power. There got to be a solution!

    Maybe not today but in good time…

    EL or HH are not the issue here but the state of hospitals, governance , corruption, etc…

  41. The 120 days all started when we lost HEMCS (MHSRIP), who fell sick on 20th October, 2014 who later passed on in London on the 28th October, 2014 and we needed to conduct Presidential Elections; which His Honour the Acting President Dr. Guy Lindsay Scott called for to be held on 20th January, 2015.
    Get ready for Inauguration time-table so that we can deliver our President ELECT, Edgar Chagwa – to his residence at office at Plot 1 housing State and Nkwazi .
    Congratulations to you all my friends across Zambia and Global

    Inspired by: #Team_7500
    For the Big: #Team_KAMBWILI

    Katondo boys

    i thank you…….

  42. Zambian is a Failed State, it cannot hold credible elections. The rubbish that the PF and ECZ idyots are sowing will be felt by younger generation when the Lungus, Chamas etc, are long gone.

    I thank God my children are America. How do you raise children in a country like Zambia?! Corruption, nepotism, tribalism, theft, no meaningful civil discourse, panga culture, name it.

    • Go and read a bit of Max Weber’s political sociology to understand whether or not Zambia is a failed state. Zambia is certainly not Somalia, iwe! Why are you being melodramatic about nothing?

  43. Dr Banda is setting a very bad example for our democracy. We have institutions that are observing the elections and those mandated to take care of all the election responsibilities and we all believe that these are credible people and institutions we have put in place. Just because we are losing does not mean the ECZ is corrupt and is favoring any individual. From the onset UPND had convinced themselves of victory even before a single vote was cast. So this is normal reaction from them, as far as they are concerned there is only one winner and that is HH. Any other result is fake and incorrect, I wonder what would happen if all the participating political parties took the same route. It is really shameful the behavior being exhibited by UPND.

  44. EL this and that, HH this and that, PF this and that, Upnd this and that, what do all these stand for? Nobody knows just waffling through and through that is what Zambian politics is lots of rhetoric sidestepping discussion on real issues for a road map! It is just become boring and without a mind like Guy Scotts’ on leading we are headed nowhere! While African leaders weave around issues and see leadership as a way of enriching themselves the WHITES see leadership as providing a service and accounting to the electorate to justify the privilege given them to lead! The past few weeks under Scott have been refreshing making me wonder why we did away with colonial masters who for example levied families for failing to send their children to school as no child left behind!

  45. Well done PF and UPND,

    My concern however regards the voting pattern in Southern province. In polling stations in SP where HH got 100% votes and other parties got “0” , Is it that not even one person had a different opinion? What kind of tribalistic tendencies are these comrades? What these Tongas don’t know is that they are digging their own grave, next tym other provinces will not vote for you, they will be like bakaivotera abene, Tongas you have set a bad precedence, you shud know that No man is an island.

    Congrats Edgar, God bless You

  46. Mwanya mwalusa if UPND and just a warning 2016 is coming, if you continue behaving like you don’t need other provinces mukachimona again and again and again until you change your primitive Tonga attitude , otherwise don’t even dare coming ku CB, Luapula, Muchinga’ Northern, Central, even Lusaka. Just keep in your primitive Province tukamone nga mukatekapo Zambia and Zambian imwe ba Garry Nkombo Mwaba fimabiluuuuuu (Saint). Wooooooooooooooo mwaitaya.

    • Cool fimofimo I think you don’t know what politics is about. Winning an election doesn’t mean you should insult the lower you are still compatriots and must live together. Your Mugabe attitude is backwards. You are just as immature as Gary Nkombo

    • Correction: I meant to say: winning an election doesn’t mean you should insult the loser (or the winner)

  47. fellow Zambians back home , reading most of the comments makes me very Sad i thought our democracy had matured i was wrong . Most of the comments that people are putting across are not issue based but slander. I have been following these elections from day one of the voting and reading some of the comments one can tell some people are writing from without. In very true democracy any aggrieved party has a right to raise concern I do not see any thing wrong with Dr. Banda raising concern. Judge Mambilima a woman of high standing acknowledged the anomaly so where is the maturity by UPND BRAVO all fellow UPND members back home I salute all of you for the Job well done

  48. Uwulelosha tabamucheba kukanwa, goes a Bemba saying. But what this man is saying isn’t fair. It’s like someone saying the doctorate he holds is fake!

  49. Goodnight Zambia… what a productive day this has been….


    Watchdog has now run out of the ‘LEAD STORY’….for those of you that have done Journalism….you know what am talking about….and Muvi TV too….


    I thank you

  50. On the contrary UPND has leaked voters ballot papers in Choma Dundumwezin Namwala and Itezhi tezhi in a fictitious voter turnout

    Its something that ECZ should also supervise and monitor choongo areas It was an order given by tonga loyalist in support of HH to win

    Please ECZ investigate and ensure systematically rigging by HH sympathisers is curtailed very sad experience

    This is a farming season and people are out in fields with Mbabala registering such a tirunout its a source for ECZ to investigate real time

  51. Edigar is finally the 6th President of Zambia. HH-UPND can now start mourning but us Zambians will be celebrating .

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  52. I don’t understand why everyone is bashing Dr C. Banda. He’s raising very serious and important issues that have been cause for civil strife in other failed nations. Zambia isn’t immune to this.

    His allegations must be given the attention they deserve. Democracy should not only be transparent, free and fair but it must also be seen to be otherwise the confidence of people in the system is eroded. Even if there is only one case of electoral malpractice, that is enough to lose confidence in the process. We shouldn’t accept fraud in election results and “just accept” defeat for the sake of whatever reason.

    As for Tonga tribalism allegations, I have seen similar big margins against HH in Bemba speaking provinces so why the double standard? Be real! Failed State indeed.

  53. Ladies and gentlemen: does it mean that all the brothers and sisters in Southern Province have seen are negatives? There have been no roads taken there? No health posts, no schools? Surely, there could not have been even a thousand voters to appreciate what the PF has done for them? This election is indeed an eye opener for 2016. Some people will remain what they are no matter what! So, 2016 must be different. You the 7provinces wake up and don’t pretend, you are not loved, be ready for 2016!

    • The *****s have lost because they are too tribal.

      They mess up and disadvantage some people even at work places.

      Bantustans are too polluted with hatred. They will never rule if they dont embrace the one zambia, one nation motion.

      They are too jealous of people from the other 7 provinces.

    • Imagine. Even their bottom road is being worked on and they are not happy with gvt. Investments should have some appreciation and acknowledgement. At this rate better take development where the people appreciate. Abashitasha leave them alone. Don’t try to change them cos that’s how they are

    • Must. You are very right on this one. For example there is a 74 km gravel road being tarred in Bweengwa constituency, Monze-Niko road. However PF got 79 votes in that area. Honestly it’s really difficult to understand and please these SP guys. How do you explain that project being nothing to them. Something is wrong. Secondly are the guys in SP telling us that no one smokes marijuana in that area because no one voted for the Green Party. Lol

  54. This Canicious chap used to be at DK. He used to wet his bed in grade 10 to 12. Hope he found a cure for that instead of blabbing nonsense!

  55. The moment we have been waiting for, Edgar C. Lungu is the 6th |Zambian Republican president, it was written and well placed that one day this son of Zambia, no matter what you will say about him, by the way we are not all perfect, God bless you my President, we love you!

  56. Dr Banda’s utterances can be equated to conceding defeat. He say right things that are misplaced and can’t trusted. If UPND had meeting with ECZ,what were the discussions?
    UPND has performed beyond my expectations. Work hard for 2016. Dr Bands you have started decompaigning yourselves for 2016 with such comments. You don’t show humility.

  57. Whatever the results, UPND should be cerebrating for improvements in this elections, they have actually improved tremendously and Canitius his dirty minded as his looks outside. UPND rebrand, do away with bitter leaders like Canitius, HH, Matha Mushipi so that you remove a tribal tag and you will see pipo defecting to UPND.

  58. Now ECZ is not giving real results? Fools! . You want them to give fake ones that u have…..tubbish. Canacius jst go bach to the hospital and do what know best. You have failed as a politician……..H H go back to the land you can not win any elections with your alttitude you need prayers my stupid brother……….not from your gods but from the ever lasting God…….rest in peace AMEN

  59. Awe sure newly inaugurated freemanson Banda, you are too thirst for the convent. God will never allow your kingdom of darkness to rule. First you need to receive Jesus as your savour, go tell your satana ati vavuta there is holygost fire. State House & and freemanson can enter there. Your freemanson Igwee this what is happening to him now at his secret house. Just concede difficult imwe ba manson.

    Igwe manson uyo!!!!!

    Halecita Haima Halolesha Hapona Hafenta…kkkkk?kkk

    As Edgaar heads for victory


    A big blow to PF: Mafinga Constituency totaling center catches fire in mysterious circumstances as more polling centres emerge in UPND strongholds.

    17 of the 23 polling centres that have been totaled so far have given HH 41,613, excluding Gwembe south, Syantumbu in siavonga and kyanenga in Kabompo.

    Watch the space

  61. He looks MAD and filling the whole screen camera

    Just concede you will loose also in 2016 if you feature the unsalable HH

    On the contrary its you loosing out and systematically rigged in Choma and areas we know

    Commanding people to only vote hanjanza only

    Useless Tribal HH

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