Saturday, July 27, 2024

Luangeni MP urges people not to listen to prophets of doom calling themselves honourables


Charles Zulu
Charles Zulu

LUANGENI Member of Parliament (MP) Charles Zulu has urged the people of his area not to be swayed by prophet of doom, currently peddling lies in the constituency.

Mr Zulu who is immediately past deputy minister of energy said when he held a meeting at Zimema village in Chipata on Saturday that it was not proper for some people claiming to be honourables to embark on premature campaigns aimed at disturbing the people in the constituency.

He said such prophet of doom whom he described as ‘fake people’ must be ignored by the people of the constituency but instead give support to him and President Edgar Lungu in order to steer development in the constituency.

Mr Zulu who was accompanied by Kabompo East MP Danny Chingimbu said he was aware that some of the prophet of doom were busy giving out salt, chickens, t-shirts including chitenge materials to the people of Luangeni constituency.

He said there was need for people of Luangeni constituency to partner with the Government in an effort to foster meaningful development in the constituency saying he was on top of things as an MP to ensure that the area is developed.

“You must be careful with these fake people who have nothing to offer apart from giving you salt, chickens,t-shirts and chitenge materials. These people what i know they are going round claiming that they are honourables whilst not because I am the only one in this area is called honourable,”Mr Zulu said.

He said there was need for such unscrupulous people to tell the people of Luangeni the truth rather than peddling lies at the expense of what he and the Government was doing in the area.
He urged the people of Luangeni to work with the Government of President Lungu in order to continue accelerating development in the constituency.

He said the people of Luangeni were looking for instead of giving them handouts such as salt.

Mr Zulu said the people of Luangeni must be happy working with him because the area for the first time had electricity, good drinking water,an ambulance at Chikando clinic, good roads network and improvement of schools. He assured the people of Luangeni that he would work hard to ensure that people were provided with safe drinking water and electricity in each place.

He said he was looking forward to provide each church with a decent roof in the constituency.

He said the Government delayed the payment of farmers because of the overwhelming in the number of bags bought from farmers to what they had budgeted for.

He praised the people of Luangeni for voting for President Lungu in the presidential election.
He said President Lungu was happy with the votes which came from Luangeni Constituency.

He said there was also need to work for foster the unity of purpose by embracing One Zambia,One Nation.

He however handed over certificates to Chisomo-Kazola women club,Ngalande Women Club,Matongwe women club,Chikondi-Kabiya women club and Mtowe women club.


  1. We know your Lungu is sick and he has IMPAIRED JUDGEMENT

    Bad news!! Lungu is NOT ENJOYING his presidency after he BULLDOZED his way into presidency, he is also sick. Today I re-read the Baifra wars of Nigeria I enjoyed BUT IN ZAMBIA WILL NOT have such civil WARS I LOVE MY COUNTRY. Bembas should NOT PUSH the Tongaz too much otherwise hell may break loose.

    God is great.

    • With this kind of language I can see HH losing again in 2016 because all Bemba aligned tribes will not vote for him. The last election was the nearest he had gone on the presidency. Tongas decampaigned HH on social media through their hate speech against the North eastern Zambians who are the majority.

    • Bt old man what is ur problm? Wat has h.e lungu done to u?morova he is frm eastern provice,u shud b talkin abt nsengas,chewas,tumbukas or ngonis and plz leave bembas out of ur stinkin mouth

    • 2016 campaigns have started Baba.Keep on sleeping HH will have strong MPs this time.PF keep on cerebrating while time is ticking its only 19 months.

  2. This is a correct message. HH and his cult followers are the Devils among us.

    Zambians should rally behind the President of The Republic in order to push Zambia forward. As for all the people campaigning with free gifts, they should be dealt with by the law.

    It is sick that people are being preyed upon by this unscrupulous man. A good citizen has duty to uphold their country’s democracy structures. People like HH are really enemies of the state.

  3. Why is Hon. Zulu worried that some people are campaigning earlier? if he has worked for the people, then he should relax and let his deeds talk.

    Right now he is just showing signs of weakness..

    I beg to move..

  4. @Anderson Nkumbula stop thinking in Tonga.that’s why they call you primitive.iam a ganja farmer from eastern p and don’t lungu but hh.

    • ganja farmer you a miserable Economic refuge from Northern Eastern Rhodesia.Go back to your poor country and leave to develop our country,just one we can turn the so called NORTHWESTERN Rhodesia in beutifull country like a part of south Africa.we tired of these thieves mwe.Bakolwe go back to your hills.

    • @5.1 Kaonde Nasosa

      There is NO North Eastern Rhodesia. Why would you prefer to revert back to pre colonial times?

      This hate is eating your brain.

  5. Why are the Bembas included in this discussion? Has Honourable Charles Lungu said anything about the Bemba in his discussion? Why is comment No. 1 brought on board the Bembas? Your little thinking will always haunt you and keep on losing elections with your tribal affiliation! Can you come out of the box and think broader than just talking about the Bembas!!

    • @Alinaswe Iwe ka ka mudala. The issue is about NON-Performing MPs and most of those are PF lazy MPs.

      Lungu has to b stopped !.

  6. It is very worrisome that 50 years into our Independence, the country appears deeply divided along ethnic lines. There are people, including Dora and Mmembe, who hate HH with a passion simply because he is Tonga and there are others who hate Edgar Lungu simply because he is not from their tribe. The capabilities of these two people are not important anymore. Hate speech anchored on ethnicity has become so rife, even among the bloggers. Even those of us who are neither Tonga nor Bemba are beginning to hate this development and are feeling very offended. We have clearly branched off onto a wrong lane. If we have leaders, they should stop this matter before it divides this country permanently. If we feel we can’t live together then let’s stop pretending, let’s go our separate ways!

  7. This guy is speaking in parables. Who are those people masquerading as honourables. Is he the only person who can be called an honourable in that constituency? May be some other MPs had passed though there-they also qualify to the title.

    Any other person can be called an honourable, especially that the area is full of retirees and old men of valour. That is pomp of the highest degree.

  8. President EL and Vice president Wina are not even Bemba’s
    I don’t understand why this hate speech is targeting Bemba’s.

  9. Mr Zulu let me educate you: the term ‘honourable’ is parliamentary and not a title you must go about using anywhere. Unfortunately, because of love of titles in Zambia, you parliamentarians have abused it. Remember that in parliament there is a time when the house breaks into the committee of the whole house at which time MPs are addressed as Mr, Mrs. Dr etc and not ‘the honourable member from…’ So stop abusing this term in ignorance

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