Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Muhabi to hand himself over to Police


Muhabi Lungu
Muhabi Lungu

Expelled MMD National Secretary Muhabi Lungu is this morning expected to hand himself in to the Police after a man hunt was launched for his arrest.

Mr Lungu is wanted by Police for organising an illegal meeting.

In an interview, Mr Lungu confirmed that he will hand himself in to police at Woodlands Police and hear his charges.

‘I’m ready for the police, i have never been the one to run away from the law,’ he said.

Mr Lungu is being sought by the Zambia Police after he convened an illegal meeting of fellow expelled MMD members including Mr Kabinga Pande, Faustina Sinyangwe, Joyce Musenge, Kenneth Chipungu, Chembe Nyangu, and others who left the party earlier.

The illegal meeting initially took place at Chrismar Hotel but was dispersed by the police.

Led by Mr Pande, the group claimed that their expulsions were null and void and they declared the constitutionally elected MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) dissolved.

Mr Lungu had earlier committed fraud by using MMD letter heads to write to the Police and sign the letter as National Secretary even though he and 19 others were expelled at a NEC meeting attended by over 40 people on 31st January 2015.

On Saturday, the police called Mr Lungu and summoned him to the police station but he did not show up and defied the police and the courts of law that have ordered him or his agents not to interfere with the operations of the office of the president of MMD Dr Nevers Mumba.


    • True these P.F Bandits have a lots of time & energy harassing citizens, & threatening bloggers, even online papers with closure, when if they’d used half that energy to sort out problems of poverty, lack of medicines in our hospitals, Zambia would be a better place for all.

    • At Kitwe central hospital. No bottles for sampling blood had to buy from Kitwe surgery. Last week a truck from medical stores was at the hospital followed by zbcn proper gander machinery. The camera man quickly took pictures of the truck and the outside of the hospital and off the crew went. Then zbcn news would read the government has stocked the hospital with blabla. What do they take us for?

  1. At man hunt. What crime has Muhabi committed to attract such Police attention with Headlines in the newspapers? There are serious issues the police should concentrate on than this simple issue of a meeting. Ma rubbish.

    • Agreed! You would think he murdered someone. Ba Police, there are more important things that require your attention and services!

  2. Under ordinary circumstances, we should not even know that Muhabi is being sought by the police, but due to pettiness which has flooded all government departments, the authorities have to blow the issue out of proportion. Suddenly, political issues have taken centre stage at the expense of economic, health and other matters. This is a sure sign that we are in decline as a nation and this needs urgent attention. We want to see LT and other news carriers spend more of their energies reporting on issues affecting people as mentioned above and less on trivial political trivia.

  3. Muhabi, Pande, and others did not hesitate to suspend Dr. Nevers Mumba in order to bring in Rupiah Banda to run as the MMD candidate in the recent presidential elections, They had no problems with treating Dr. Mumba disrespectfully and even performed this coup de tat leaving Dr. Mumba to seek justice in the courts of law which the whole nation knows the outcome: the Supreme Court put a stop to Rupiah Banda, Muhabi, Pande, and other’s plans to deliberately deny a Zambian, Dr. Nevers Mumba, his rights by suspending him just before a national presidential elections. That action revealed how devious and dishonest Muhabi and his companions including Rupiah Banda are. Are these the leaders the MMD party wants or even needs? Keep on Dr. Mumba. The law is on your side. The nation is behind you.

  4. By the way, as President of MMD, Dr. Mumba is the leader of the party. Muhabi and others were expelled because of their betrayal of the party and undermining Dr. Mumba’s candidacy as the MMD candidate. Rupiah Banda was the ultimate betrayer of Dr. Mumba and the entire MMD party when he sought to by-pass Dr. Mumba and deceive MMD leaders in the NEC to support him instead of backing Dr. Mumba. Do you blame Dr. Mumba, the legitimate President of MMD, for expelling the leaders of this coup? When they were expelled, they lost their membership and their authority to speak for the MMD party. This is very elementary and if these guys don’t understand this, then they are even worse human beings with absolutely no decency. You were expelled. You don’t have any right to call for a meeting of the…

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