Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Arrest culprits of leaked documents, orders Kambwili


Chishimba Kambwili
Chishimba Kambwili

GOVERNMENT has directed Inspector-General of Police Stella Libongani to investigate and bring to book people who leaked documents to the media on a US$192 million loan Government obtained from China.

Chief Government spokesperson Chishimba Kambwili said in Luanshya yesterday that police should arrest the culprits, noting that the State is not obliged to disclose security matters to the public.

“I am directing the Inspector-General of Police with immediate effect to take keen interest in the leakage of this document and bring the culprits to book,” Mr Kambwili said at a press briefing.

“Even if Government sat and discussed this loan, there is absolutely no way that it can be brought to the general public because some of these issues are of very high security concern, and there is no way Government can disclose that to the general public.

“And for those people either at the Ministry of Finance, the treasury or in the office of the Secretary to Cabinet who are leaking documents, we want to tell them that their days are numbered and they should not blame anybody. They should face the consequences of their action,” he said.

Mr Kambwili, who is Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, said reporting on issues that border on security is irresponsible.

He has appealed to Zambia Media Council (ZAMEC) strengthen its governance in the regulation of the media in the country.

Mr Kambwili observed that reportage is what could have caused previous governments to hesitate in enacting the Freedom of Information Bill (FIB).

“I want to appeal to ZAMEC, which is supposed to regulate the media, that we agreed as Government to allow the media houses to regulate themselves but we are disappointed because it appears ZAMEC is now toothless,” he said.

Mr Kambwili also said the police should pursue Fourth Revolution Party (4R) president Eric Chanda for allegedly defaming President Lungu.

Mr Kambwili was reacting to a media report quoting Mr Chanda as having said that President Lungu has no moral right to advise aides at State House.

“Government takes very strong exception at the unbecoming behaviour of people defaming the President with impunity, Surely, even if there is freedom of expression, can one go and say the President has no moral right to advise aides at State House.

“Can you tell your own father that you have no moral rights to talk to me? Gentlemen, I think we are losing it,” he said.


  1. So Minister Chishimba Kambwili has confirmed for us what the ZWD reported. Since coming into power the PF Government has borrowed so much money, but yet they have nothing to show for it. This loan was most likely going to be shared by the president and his cabinet without the Zambian population knowing about it as it has clearly been done with all the other millions the PF government has already borrowed. While we all timidly complain in our private homes and appear to be protesting (to no avail) online about excessive borrowing, the people who leaked these documents are the real patriots of Zambia! Job well done in exposing this poor financial planning and attempted robbery! You can sleep knowing that you have done a great service to your country.

    • Zambia is a full-blown criminal enterprise. This situation is politically wrong, economically unjustifiable, socially immoral and intellectually unacceptable for Zambia where the entire cabinet can borrow and keep the money for itself without telling the taxpayers. As a matter of fact, it’s cabinet that should be investigated and subsequently arrested.

    • If anybody has lost it, it is Kambwili. Defence budgets and loans are in public domain the world over. As to the defamation issue, good luck!

    • The problem with Kambwili is he fails to see that Lungu is not our father. Lungu is our president, we as tax payers sustain the presidency. To suggest that Lungu is our father is highly inflammatory and insulting. Similar Esther Lungu is not the mother of the nation. These titles after much debate may be a preserve of KK and Mama Betty. Luck of education is a curse, and Chishimba Kambwili is the best example

    • It is The Post, the paper that digs deeper, that revealed this information yesterday. ZWD just copied and pasted.

  2. Announcing a loan is not the same as divulging how you will utilise the funds. There are a lot of grey areas in the way governments have been procuring debt. At the end if the day it’s us ordinary Zambians who will pay irrespective if which party we belong or don’t belong to. So Ba Chishimba do the honourable thing of telling us how much other loans you’ve procured. Also you’ve not explained how 14 million USD for 100 villages will be used. On average the cost for sanitation dies not go beyond 5000 USD you’ve not answered this question Hon. Also know that there is 150 million USD loan from ADB for 1200 villages for WP yet to be launched program.

  3. So it is true! I wonder how many loans have secretly been contracted on behalf of tax payers! There could be more secret loans.

  4. Can’t these pipo see that toad face is costing them? Anyway let them keep him as govmnt PRO so that we have fresh blood come 2016.And where is the defamation in what Chanda said? Toad face has an avalanche of lawyers to consult at Justice Ministry at his beck and call but chooses to publicly embarrass himself instead of consulting them.What a bunch of jokers.

    • Feel pity on the tribalism and illiterates who voted Pf in and thus doomed Zambia to dept induced poverty for generations to come

  5. The cabinet itself is to blame for the leakage of sensitive information. The information was exposed by one or two individuals who were involved. So the police should start investigating the cabinet ministers and whoever is involved.
    Hon Kambwili should be the first to be investigated.

    • The chief culprit of stealing and publicizing of leaked documents is non other than Michael Chilufya Sata and nobody stood up to chastise him for wrong doing, now that others have found the formula for information leaks the government and its spokes person Kambwili are frantic!

  6. I think your days of lies and decit are numbered. Leave Chanda and the true Zambians telling us the truth. Even the name Kambili says it all. A tool that digs an empty hole. PF 2016 start packing your bags.

  7. Have you all forgotten about the Dochi Kubeba? This is a party full of liers. What you are borrowing will be paid by Zambian tax payers and your empty threats will also catch up with you in 2021 for can hide now but not forever.

  8. Everything has a process and right timing of doing it. It also has a right media to announce it. When you seat in an executive meeting and plan how things should be done who to reveal it and when and then from nowhere someone leaks it at a writing time wrong media wrong intentions of course you need to get concerned and ask who is a traitor. People need to get serious and understand their role in life. I can only hope that a time frame be put in place before this traitor is brought to book. Ck ensure that this culprit stands as an example to many people who are getting paid by leaking classified information and documents.

    • This is the selfsame reason why Edgar Lazy is still Defence Minister, to get kickbacks from such defence deals and no one will question him!!

  9. Hon. Minister, can you also instruct Police to arrest people which stole documents related to the transfer of powers between then Acting President and Vice President or the people who stole Report of the Commission of inquiry into operations of ZRA. I am 100% sure that our “learned” Solicitor General will help you in bringing to the book all this criminals.

  10. Iwe Kambwi Lungu can not be our father the fact that you hold on to him for a job does not relate to us ok? You have failed to arrest the former AG who threatened lungu and gave power to Guy Scott, let the people link information so we are kept up to date with your stealing.


  12. Dear Kambwili, you are very stupid, this is our country and we are obliged to know how resources are been used in good manner. Don’t behave as if zambia was formed by your mother and father. Malabishi, chimuutu kuyiipa

  13. Security of the Nation when your own people have no security, the police force has failed to protect the people.
    People sleep in homes that look like prisons now, before going to bed one has to make sure that the bugler door is locked, windows must have the same thing, wall face has to be high enough.
    When reporting a crime you have to go with your own paper and pen coz the police do not have them. You should also provide transport or fuel for the police.
    Zambia has just gone to the dogs.
    Instead of saying good night sweetheart to your wife, you have to ask bushe naukoma gate, chibagila bar door, namawindo naukoma, its good there are no house fires coz people would`nt survive in case of one.

  14. “I am directing the Inspector-General of Police with immediate effect…” Really?

    If indeed a crime has been committed, or is suspected to have been committed, does the Police Force (Service) need instructions from the Minister of Information to investigate?

    Even if the Inspector-General needed instructions from politicians, wouldn’t the Minister of Home Affairs be the right person to issue such instructions?

  15. Dear bloggers, please enlighten me on this; who is the Republican President between Edgar Lungu and Chishimba Kambwili?

    Has Kambwili got powers to older the Inspector General of Police?

    Edgar Lungu should relieve Kambwili of his duties before we wake up to the rude shoke oneday of Kambwili directing the Soldiers to arrest President Edgar Lungu.

  16. Kambwili’s uterances amounts to a ‘coup’.

    Let the police arrest him for the outbust.

    Edgar Lungu must take charge. Kambwili is not the president. Let him be caged at once.

  17. sponge bob sounds like the newest shushushu who has been sent to Canberra. Is this not the Kabwili who grumbled the part of the Lusahya land to build his own houses. Time is coming you and your cruked PF thugs will be jailed like Hosni Mubaraki who has been found guilty.

  18. So this BUFFOON wants to arrest the messenger for leaking information on how loans are being contracted in our children’s names behind our backs.
    These reckless empty tins first obtain a loan from the Chinese Govt via The Poly Technologies, a subsidiary of China Poly Group Corporation, which is a defense manufacturing company.It deals with missiles and other military products & the $192m loan is to supply and deliver equipment to our defense and security wings….this likened to someone getting a loan from Shoprite and being paid in groceries from products under one roof instead of you shopping around for a good deal.
    No one knows the interest on this deal and we wonder why we are supplied with substandard equipment.
    It make me wonder why Edgar Lazy still clings on as Defence minister.

  19. Mune Edgar becareful of Kamwili!
    This is a guy who was alledged to have stolen from Ba mukamfwilwa during ZCCM in Chingola
    Defend yourself Kambwili I know you’ll read this….

  20. Too many mores, this time around. Find more stringent methods to effectively tackle the malaise. From the cartel angle, basically, and of course from the pastoralists’ camp!

    It serves all the myopic, narrow minded Zambian’s who voted for this corrupt kaponya party right.
    Muzanya chusi, kufa na njala!!!
    Ati MWANYA!!

  22. So it is true about this money! Kambwili has confirmed by saying arrest the culprits who leaked the information! A shot in the foot sir! Digging yourself deeper in the hole! Ehe! Too arrogant!

  23. How a whole population can stand for this nonsense is mind boggling. Zambian voters a the most irrational in the world. Sometimes I wish this was a dream and this is not happening before our very eyes. ONCE BEATEN TWICE SHY. WE SHOULD ALL BE SHAKING OUR HEADS RIGHT NOW. THE PF FOOLED MANY PEOPLE BUT THIS TIME THEY WILL NOT FOOL ALL THE PEOPLE OF ZAMBIA. TULELOSHAFYE ALA KULONGA TULALANDA!

  24. Kambwili needs to arrest himself first. All the evidence is readily apparent but ACC and Lungu don’t do anything about it. How can a simple Kaponya have what he has on his salary. Lungu is the real problem because he seems to have a thing for criminals and only if he is never elected is when we will move forward. They are smiling and showing their teeth now but when the time comes PF will be sweating bullets. Lungu and his fainting spells will only worsen. They guy will be fainting every minute and every second once elections come. The biggest buffoon taking him down is big and loud mouth Kambwili. But that’s fine with us because we know that “Birds of a Feather, Flock Together.”

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