Saturday, July 27, 2024

We will not Amend Constitution in next Parliament Sitting-PF


PF legal counsel Tutwa Ngulube
PF legal counsel Tutwa Ngulube

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) legal counsel Tutwa Ngulube says it would be retrogressive for the next sitting of Parliament to amend the Constitution of Zambia.

Mr Ngulube said further amendments are unnecessary because the constitution has received overwhelming approval from many Zambians of various backgrounds.

“The constitution can be amended at any time but it will be retrogressive to remove the 50-percent-plus-one and the grade 12 requirement for one to become a councillor,” he said.

Mr Ngulube, who was speaking in an interview yesterday, said as far as the majority Zambians and the PF are concerned, the just-amended constitution is a progressive one.

The PF legal counsel said the 50-percent-plus-one electoral system has worked well in some West African countries like Benin and Guinea Bissau.

He said the apprehension by some sections of society that the new mode of electing the President may lead to confusion in the event of a re-run is normal.

“There cannot be confusion in the country because we have security in place to check troublemakers, and this may not even arise because a winner will emerge during the first round,” Mr Ngulube said.

He said the majoritarian system of electing a President creates legitimacy in the leadership but it is unfortunate that people feel confusion could reign during a re-run.

“Imagine, if we have 20 presidential candidates and the winner gets 10 percent of the votes, that President is not legitimately elected,” Mr Ngulube said.

He further said the PF is going to win the August 11 elections with a landslide and there will be no need for a re-run.

Mr Ngulube said, however, that the only constitutional matter that needs attention is that of deputy ministers.
“This constitution does not provide for deputy ministers. This is the clause that can be put back into the constitution by the next sitting of Parliament,” he said.

And Mr Ngulube said there is no need to amend the grade 12 requirement for one to be elected councillor because Zambia has enough secondary schools in all parts of the country.

Meanwhile, the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has called on Government to carry out countrywide education campaigns to explain new clauses in the constitution.

Secretary general Cosmas Mukuka said Government should interpret the amendments to the constitution so that people can understand and appreciate them.

In a statement yesterday, Mr Mukuka said it would be wrong to assume that everyone understands the amendments to the constitution.

“This is in view of the fact that the country has illiterate people who will not be able to understand the legal language used in the document,” he said.

He said the constitution is the supreme law of the land and it is important that its contents are fully understood by all Zambians to enable them participate effectively in the governance system.


  1. Ba Ngulube we know that you eyeing for the kabwe central seat but you have some fear that somebody else may be adopted for the seat. maybe somebody old without a G12 certificate. So you want to say no amendment kikikiki. By the way people calling for amendment includes information minister kAMBWLI who said he will go around the country to ask people if constitution need amendment

    • “By the time the PF has finished amending their amendments to their amended amendments, the constitution will be back to where it was.” – Kalaki

    • Kalaki says, “By the time the PF has finished amending their amendments to their amended amendments, the constitution will be back to where it was.”

    • Frankly where were these PFools looking when they happily signed a Constitution that works against their core supporters, grade 12 failures who want to rule the country? And what about the Deputy Ministers, positions used to bribe the opposition?

  2. other options of ensuring credible candidates could have been provided. If one dropped at form two and over the years did a number of professional studies like accounting, marketing, logistics

    etc is just as good as grade 12. This proviso could hsve been

    • This is already in the constitution … it says ” minimum a of grade 12 or equivalent”. Meaning any qualification equal to or above grade 12 meets the requirement.

    • The Electoral Commission of Zambia has tasked the Examination Council of Zambia to interpret the equivalent/minimum. They have also encouraged those who want to stand to submit their grade 12 certificate for certification/verification. It is the Grade 12 certificate that matters. Not Grade 9 and professional certificate because it will also be challenging to interpret professional certificate. A grade 7 who is certified as a Psycho-social counsellor HAS a professional certificate. Bwana just look for your G12 certificate or equivalent (Cambridge). If you dont have, dont worry. Those of us who have will represent you

  3. Why does the current Republican President have this rare talent of surrounding himself with 1diots?Tutwa,Kambwili Mumbi Phiri,Chama etc.

    • In Chizungu they say – Birds of a feather flock together!

      It is very hard for an 1diot to see that someone else is an 1diot ! At least a small amount of intelligence is required.

    • Yes HH with his Banda the Malawian chap, GBM the wife bitter, and now Mwape the most mediocre Veep Zambia has ever had… the list is endless

    • You want to know why HE surrounds himself with Tutwa, Kambwili, Mumbi etc? He is humble. The people he mingles with are God’s creation. Ask God why he created these “*****s” as you may call them. And you, you think you are so special? Ask yourself. Every God’s creation has a purpose.

  4. Dream on Mr Pig! If you think PF is going to win in August you need to seriously consider your sanity.

    After borrowing billions of dollars and having them unaccountably disappear as per the Auditor General report while you, Lungu and the rest of you thieves are building new houses and buying fancy 4×4 cars do you think Zambians want more of that?

    • @Joker, the people behind plundering are ordinary Zambians like yourself who are civil servants especially accountants and controlling officers. These are are the ones siphoning huge amounts of money from government coffers, unfortunately even some ministers are involved. That is why it is important for ZPPA to quickly submit the public procurement benchmark prices to help stop this rot.

    • You see @Joker, that’s why Zambia can never allow the likes of you to lead the country… you thrive on name calling and abuse, so full of anger and hatred…no mental fortitude to confront dissent and diversity of thought with maturity… just like an under five human

  5. Good move.We don’t need to amend G12 clause period.If PF will amend G12 then my president Lungu won’t see my vote in 2016.G12 clause is very important to develop mother Zambia.There are too many schools and u can’t fail to get G12 certificate.Can a Councillor fail to pay for exam fees?The answer is big nooo.There is no way councils can be led by G12 farriers.By allowing G12 clause in da constitution cadrelism will be gone in future.Pipo will be serious with school.Not only that most pipo will pursue for high education after getting G12 certificate.Agony is campaigning for somebody when u don’t have G12 certificate.MPs should not play with us otherwise we won’t allow crazinesss.Viva PF n Lungu for giving such a good constitution.Pipo are in love with PF coz of da constitution.Let…

  6. @ Moscow op

    Farriers? FARRIERS? Do you know what a farrier is?

    FYI a farrier is someone that fixes horse drawn carts. How many of those do we have in Zambia?

  7. While at CBU I came across this notice on a wall “If someone has seen a brown trouser I lost it. Please return to room K.. Reward will be shown”. I thought to myself, could the fellow who placed the notice have been to primary school or he came straight to university. Point being G12 certificate is not enough. Quality of our education is rotten, that’s how someone with the reasoning of Tutwa is a lawyer. What we need is a system that checks a candidates’ ability to think & reason over a wide range of issues. Primary interviews & debates in town halls are one sure way of assessing candidates.

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