Saturday, July 27, 2024

It’s the responsibility of youths to usher in new era of politics


Traditional dancers in action at Parliament grounds
Traditional dancers in action at Parliament grounds

Munali constituency aspiring candidate Patrick Mungo says it is the responsibility of youths to usher in a new era of politics in the country.

Mr Mungo who was a guest at the interactive radio program, The Lusaka on UNZA radio, said it is only the youths who can bring an end to what he termed ” traditional politics” of character assassination, name calling, violence and insults.

He said it is high time that young people become the bearers of massage of hope by engaging one another on how the country can be moved forward through sharing of ideas regardless of ones political affiliation and not tools of violence associated with the youths in politics.

“As youths we have got the responsibility of passing the values to the next generation. We need to get rid of these tradition politics of character assassination, insults and violence, we need to move from these tradition politics to modern politics were tolerate other people’s views which by the end of the day we gives various ideas on how to develop this country,” he said.

And Mr Mungo has called on youths to join politics and help move the country move forward and that youths must fight for their place in politics because the old politicians will not give it them for free.

He said for him to join politics no one forced him but he saw it fit because he wants to be part of the people who are going to move the country forward and that he will fight for his place in politics with expecting any favours from any one.


  1. Stupid, useless mediocre journalism and reporting, even after reading the story one can not even understand a thing, fck you editor you are taking us for a pu##$ssy, this has been going on for some time, grammatical errors have become an everyday thing, to hell with you.

    • @Yamwetuka
      I have just finished reading this piece of crap LT think is a story. I understand your concern. Why can’t they employ journalists to be writing their stories? It is a nightmare to read picture captions when they publish what they term pictures of the week or whatever they have involving more than one picture.

      The ldiots at LT need to understand that they are fcuking wasting people’s time by practicing preschool journalism. It’s utter bullsh!t to call this a news site!

  2. just stop visiting this site if you can’t cope with this kind of reporting instead of resorting to insults.
    mind you no one invited anyone to this site.
    take a leaf from me, i have stopped visiting the ZWD for obvious reasons.

  3. @ Mature I agree with u. I see maturity in you just like your name. I also don’t visit the Watch Dog, just like I don’t read the post news paper. Better that way than insulting.

  4. Let us learn to criticize in a mature manner. We are how we talk. Immature criticism exposes the other side of our reasoning. What if LT refuses to feature our postings over our simple grammatical errors? Majority of us can succumb to such a provision. At times silence is defence.

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