Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Lungu and his Ministers not campaigning-Police IG


Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja speaking to Irene Kaluba who was hit by a Police car in Kafue whilst Police Public Relation Officer Charity Munganga Chanda (r) listens at UTH
FILE: Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja speaking to Irene Kaluba who was hit by a Police car in Kafue whilst Police Public Relation Officer Charity Munganga Chanda (r) listens at UTH

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu and his Cabinet ministers are not campaigning ahead of the general elections but merely explaining development projects to the people, says Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja.

And the Police chief said he intended to call secretary generals of all political parties to a roundtable meeting to discuss the application of the Public Order Act (POA).

Mr Kanganja said President Lungu and his Cabinet ministers were permitted by law to go round the country and explain their development programmes to the people.

He said this yesterday soon after appearing before the Parliamentary Select Committee on Legal Affairs, Governance, Human Rights, Gender Matters and Child Affairs where he had gone to make submissions on death penalty.

“There is only one government at a time so they are not campaigning but only explaining to the people the projects which they have done,” Mr Kanganja said.

He said it was not good to start campaigning when the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) had not authorized.
Mr Kanganja said the Zambia Police Service would only allow campaigns in accordance with the programme of ECZ.

Meanwhile, Vice President Inonge Wina is today expected in Kasama District in Northern province for a three days working visit.

According to a tentative programme made available to ZANIS, Mrs Wina is expected to tour various development projects taking place in the province.

On Saturday, the Vice President will date Mbala district where she is expected to commission ST Mary’s College of Education and inspect other developmental projects in the district.

On Sunday, Mrs Wina will attend a church service at the United Church of Zambia in Kasama district.

The Vice President will later visit the Kateshi coffee plantation and feature on a live radio programme on Radio Mano before concluding her tour of duty.


    • Mr, Kakoma, what about the rally (please ask LT for the pictures) he held in Choma? Was that not a campaign rally? Does he need to call for a rally to explain what he purports to have done???

    • Meanwhile Jameason Kadansa can hold a rally in a stadium in Choma? It’s about time the opposition stood up against this nonsense. We are no longer in the dictatorial UNIP era where people’s rights are trampled on in broad daylight

    • Political tension is growing and slowly developing into political anarchy and eventually political violence and civil strife because the ruling party is extremely scared of letting opposition party leaders address political rallies. In a true democracy opposition parties should be free to address rallies on any political issues that they feel should be addressed. What is PF afraid of? Let the opposition speak so they can know where they (PF) are going wrong. Policemen have never ever anywhere in the world contained civil strife. If anything they are always the first to be defeated by the people and to run away from their job.

    • The Opposition need to sue the Police and claim for lost damages in terms of time and opportunities to interact with the Party Structure and electorate. How about PFofficials like Father Bwalya etc and First Lady. Can the first ladies of the Oposition parties be allowed to do what Madam Esther Lungu is doing.

  1. I don’t see how the president visiting the charcoal market place and eating the comb of maize like that, is explaining the developmental projects. Bye! Mr police general.

    One love

  2. Comment:The most *****ic and foolish IG Zambia has ever had.Your days in that office u are currently ocupying are numbered.Pf wont b there 4 life.

  3. l feel sorry for this short sighted I.G.who will have his contract terminated should the PF loose the general elections these elections.He should be very careful the way his plays his cards because timing is very important in life.

  4. Why can’t others also be allowed to explain their intended future developmental projects and inspect places where they intend to develop their projects since that will not be campaigning?

    I know how a dull person who only thinks he knows looks like and I can tell when I see one on the picture. Ubupuba bweka bweka.

  5. It’s not there in our constitution bwana until you go pamupando but with your KALUSA you are still very far 2050 probably.

    • Lord God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the one eternal, immortal and invisible God. To you belong all honour and glory.

      Father God we intercede for our son, brother and compatriot HH. You who is no respecter of man and yet you whose callings and gifting are without repentance, by the finished act of redemption, we decree favour , protection , wisdom , grace and peace on HH.

      We rebuke, cancel and humiliate all works and stratagems of the devil and his cohorts. We plead the blood of Jesus over HH and declare that he who you have blessed remains blessed and that there is no divination and enchantment against HH for no weapon fashioned against him shall prosper.

      Father we pray and agree for your word says where one or two are gathered there you pour a blessing.

  6. Until a time comes when the president would not have to employ police IGs things will remain like this forevet. Better these IGs are appointed according to the experience and by parliament or a commission of some sort.

    • I may add appointments made through parliament and/or commissions to include all government department heads, permanent secretaries, banking CEO’s, foreign service and, parastatal heads

  7. The question to the IG is Why are the government ministers and President explaining the projects? Why do they talk about elections during their tours?

  8. Of course, PF explaining arrested development through campaigns. Come on IG, don’t think you are clever. That’s why IG & Police force needs to be moved to Judiciary. Too much tempering under the executive wing.

  9. No one can prevent change whose time has come, not even an armed police force. The voice of the majority is the power of God.

  10. Mr. Kanganja,
    If that is the case, then opposition can do the same and explain to the people that your boss and his bunch are laying to them?

  11. Let him enjoy his 15 minutes of fame.If he were any wiser he could have avoided being drawn into politics.Edgar is a gonner our stomachs tell us so.You will be the first IG to be prosecuted for abuse of authority of office.

  12. This simply shows and confirms that IG position is political, how else can a police chief call on politicians to explain the POA? Wasn’t this POA created by politicians?

  13. We understand, they are just explaining development projects so that people can vote for them again but they are not campaigning! Are we fools or is it you who’s foolish?

  14. LT just show this IG those pics of the pf rally in choma with the four whites in attendance, they were showered with pf chitenjes, interestingly the guys refused to put on the chitenjes, that’s is the IG’s definition of explaining developmental projects to the people, distributing campaign materials.

  15. We expect this from the IG and those appointment by the president, not surprising at all. Our democracy is far fetched and simply lip service. We in for more trouble with this kinda arrogance from the IG!

  16. It’s a good thing POA, cannot be applied to day to day gov’t business. And of course the gov’t must communicate with its citizens. For goodness sakes!

    But if such is seen as campaigning by opposition, then this should egg you on in your ambitions to be in gov’t. These are the privileges and spoils of the Winner! Dream on.

  17. Boma ni Boma guys!!”SELENI EDGAR LUNGU ABOMBEKO”!!!dont worry about your job Kakoma as PF will 100% retain power this year!!

  18. The opposition today do not have what it takes to change this govt. just pick your hoe and start working becoz PF is going nowhere.


  20. This police IG is very dull. So he is telling us that people are not aware of what is happening because there is none, and it has to take Edgar to explain (lie) to the people about what he thinks will happen. Even a very dull person can tell that Edgar wants to influence the people so that they vote in his favour! Iwe kapokola, you are not talking to dull people like yourself. Walitumpa sana c!kala iwe! How do you explain that rally in Choma we mbwa iwe!

  21. We have a potato for IG. This potato has never heard of systemic thinking. Potato, everything is connected to everything else

  22. Kanganja should be reported to the constitutional court for breaching the constitution. His actions are tantamount to infringing on the constitutions right on freedom of assembly and expression. If found guilty he should be removed as IG before the August Polls.

  23. This lunatic IG has turned into a political vuvuzela like frank bwalya even worse considering he is appointed to ensure impartial enforcement of the law. In short he is the most useless IG in Zambia.

  24. Snowden said” it is not what is illegal that governments do but the legal things that governments do that worries me”. Mr kanganja, what can be your comment on this? Enjoy project the “legal” things the government in power does against its people especially those with opposing views to the ruling class

  25. Undermining the patient. It was going to be nice for the inspector and his bodyguard to sit down to maintain the same level as the patient while talking to her.

  26. This IG is not normal,he is too excited about his job.Zambiains know what they want nd come August a big statement will be made.

  27. motorcased taking over the whole of theroad going from one town to the next in the southern province, handing out PF regalia and you call this not campaingining when will the lies stop!!!!

  28. Why should the police inspector general issue such a statement? It is PF who should be doing so. The problem with the Zambian police is that they think their job is to protect the president. Your job is to protect the citizens. Learn from what happened during the deposing of Muaba in Egypt you numbskulls!

  29. What about districts like Milenge in Luapula where th govt has no project to point @???? No visit ka ???? Milenge Am tod is the only district
    without electricity, post ofis ,police station, road network ,clean water ,ofices etc ………pliz visit this district & see wat the govt can do …..

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