Saturday, July 27, 2024

Miles Sampa will fail to run his political party-Malambo


MIles Sampa Launching his Democratic Front Party
MIles Sampa Launching his Democratic Front Party

Governance Activist Maurice Malambo has charged that Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa will fail to run his political party because he is not ready to work with anyone.

Mr. Malambo believes that the Matero lawmaker has failed to exhibit leadership skills that are required for one to run and manage a political party.

Mr. Malambo said that Mr. Sampa is a young and energetic leader who needed to be taking time in making influential decisions if he has to make it in his political career.

Mr. Malambo said that he felt that the move to leave the PF by Mr. Sampa may not leave any negative impact as some members celebrated his exit showing that they were waiting for him to leave the party.

Over the weekend the Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa finally launched his Democratic Party, hours after leaving the ruling Patriotic Front. Sampa launched launched the opposition party with a handful of supporters in Kitwe.

He was surrounded by former PF deputy secretary general Anthony Kasolo. There were also a few family members most of who are directly related to late the president Michael Sata.

During the launch, Mr Sampa said that tribalism should not be entertained in Zambia as it has the potential of dividing the nation adding that he hoped to see a Zambia where people were working together to address the current political challenges in the country.

Mr. Sampa said that the systematic rejection and intolerance had left many of the PF Members with no voice in the party that is why has decided to leave and form his own political party.

Mr. Sampa added that he had worked tirelessly to bring unity in the PF but to no avail and that he cannot remain in such a political party where there is no unity.

Mr. Sampa stated that there was too much appetite to intimidate and humiliate other members in the ruling party saying his party is focusing on peace and unity.

Mr. Sampa on Thursday resigned from the ruling party saying the decision was as a result of intolerance, hate, vengeance and violent conduct towards party members; including those who supported him at the Kabwe convention in 2014.

And former PF member Rachel Chileshe has said that the PF should not push too far those with opposing views as they will remain without any option but retaliate.


  1. PF have really lost it!! On 11/8/16 only NINCOMPOOPS will remain standing with PF!! What does MALAMBO Know?? Probably just licking from someones empty dishes! A party is not run by one person, BUT BY PEOPLE OF LIKE MINDS AIMING FOR A COMMON GOAL!!

  2. Congratulations I guess is befitting, whether it was a correct move or not but its good to see younger people forming parties as old ones before him are recycled politician other than Chipimo Jr. Zambians who complain about same old people from UNIP ruling us should decide the course of their future either through Sampa or Chipimo period or be courageous enough to form the alternative, enough of complaints

    • Absolutely right @Zero Boyz. It is time for the younger generation to put up or shut up. I, too, am impressed that we have two new young and fresh politicians on the scene. There is a choice for the youth – Go with NAREP or DF. Do not go with the same old recycled politicians. You can’t have a person who was minister in the 70s, coming back to be minister in the millennium. Its absolutely tragic that such a situation occured. I hope the two (NAREP AND DF) target young people to be members. All the Zambian youth need is enlightenment.

  3. I think it is actually Miles Sampa who has lost it. The chap is so indecisive and I pity those that follow him. The best he could have done was to become an King maker, join something like MMD or UPND. His little party is going nowhere and thank Good for the new constitution. All these small parties will be washed away under the bridge in the first round.

    That is the problem with Short Courses from Harvard or any other institutions for that matter. They are just basically immunization programes. They give you a bit of something so that you don’t get the real thing. The chap is even worse than he was before his short course at Harvard and he will never get the real knowledge as that short course immunized him from getting the real thing.

    • why do you want him to follow other failed parties/characters??? This is why democracy is so important, it promotes FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, rather than a HERDING MENTALITY which is very well exhibited by parties like PF – LEARNING FROM ONES ENDEAVOURS IS THE BEST OF LIFE TEACHERS!! So the best anyone can wish him, is the best! He has RECOGNISED HOW OTHER PARTIES HAVE FAILED, or he may well be trying his luck on the gullibility of Zedians – after all, Sata & epitomised by Lungu, any riff-ruff can make it to the top, we seem to love riff ruffs leading us , the foolis..h zambian herd!!

    • Why do you want him to follow other failed parties/characters??? This is why democracy is so important, it promotes FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, rather than a HERDING MENTALITY which is very well exhibited by parties like PF – LEARNING FROM ONES ENDEAVOURS IS THE BEST OF LIFE TEACHERS!! So the best anyone can wish him, is the best! He has RECOGNISED HOW OTHER PARTIES HAVE FAILED, or he may well be trying his luck on the gullibility of Zedians – after all, Sata & epitomised by Lungu, any riff-ruff can make it to the top, we seem to love riff ruffs leading us, the foolis..h zambian herd!!

    • Why do you want him to follow other failed parties/characters??? This is why democracy is so important, it promotes FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, rather than a HERDING MENTALITY which is very well exhibited by parties like PF – LEARNING FROM ONES ENDEAVOURS IS THE BEST OF LIFE TEACHERS! So the best anyone can wish him, is the best! He has RECOGNISED HOW OTHER PARTIES HAVE FAILED, or he may well be trying his luck on the gullibility of Zedians – after all, Sata & epitomised by Lungu, any riff-ruff can make it to the top, we seem to love riff ruffs leading us, the foolis..h zambian herd!

    • @ MMD Chief Bootlicker

      Who said that he (Sampa) will stand for President? Only bootlickers and 1mbeciles can assume that.
      New Constitution says 50% + 1 of total cast votes.
      Therefore, the name of the game is “Alliance”.
      Sampa alone its irrelevant, Sampa as the head of small political party supporting another party becomes very important.
      So much about your political “savvy” (lol).
      All this time and you have not jet understood why, how and because of Chipimo Jr. decision.

    • Another point you have missed @MMD Chief Bootlicker is that all he has to do is field a few MPs on his party ticket, just like NAREP is doing. Get into parliament and then slowly start growing his party for the next elections.

  4. This is the end of his political career.Sticking within PF could ve preserved his career and later his chance could ve come like Lubinda’s case.To remain relevant and formidable in opposition,you need to ve CHARISMA,HUGE FUNDING and STRONG CHARACTER,Sampa is lacking in charisma and character I dont about funding.Come August its ECL Nafuti nafuti nafuti!

  5. It will also be hard to run his (Miles Sampa) if PF thugs keep harassing him & his people. I believe in fairness & equality. Everyone has the right to political views, everyone has the right to expression. Go on Sampa, do ya thang!

  6. Yes why are they harassing him if he is nothing. They should have left him alone. But for them to be following him wherever he goes means that they are scared of him.

    Let the Zambian people judge him and not the PF party. I know and this is a fact, there will be cracks in PF before the general elections and the young man knows where he is leaning. Chimbwi pakulila ninshiiiii…………….

  7. I’m sure that,the time for UPND to be in power has come, but let them watch DF in 2021, it will not be easy to defeat them, why do I say so:
    (1) In 2021 general election the tribal tag will come for HH
    (2) Many PF members will regroup under DF come 2021

    UPND will win narrowly in 2021 the end of 2025 many will UPND and join DF and will be the end UPND 10 year rule

  8. @manager Education keep on dreaming who told u that upnd can this election they are very fall not even 2021

  9. I think Miles has a trump card up his sleeve, just hope he plays it at the right moment. all those who criticised him can now prove he was right in all he said about pf, look how they are victimisn him now. worse still the president calls him tribal lol

  10. i wish comrade sampa well with his new party though on the other hand it pains me to see that one of cobra’s own is trying by all means to destroy sata’s dream and legacy. i dont know what is so wrong with the cobra’s relatives.fostine sinyangwe and antony kazolo are some of sata’s relatives who at one time betrayed him and he was left standing with his biological sons and daughters to finish the race.lastly i would like to let mulenga sata and his siblings know that we shall remain defending sata’s legacy till the end of time.

  11. You people. Leave Sampa alone. I would have done the same. Note that (1) he had more votes than Lungu at the Kabwe convention meaning the grassroot is with him (2) there is a lot of Sata’s people that do not want Lungu so that is another plus for Miles. Staying in PF and being treated like that as a founding member is not tolerable. Go for it Sampa and maintain your dignity and respect. Imgaine if the late MCS had stayed in MMD. He would never have been president. Sampa is better than most politicians in Zambia and means well. Good luck and if can join HH and change Zambia

  12. Why do you want him to follow other failed parties/characters??This is why democracy is so important, it promotes FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, rather than a HERDING MENTALITY which is very well exhibited by parties like PF – LEARNING FROM ONES ENDEAVOURS IS THE BEST OF LIFE TEACHERS!! So the best anyone can wish him, is the best! He has RECOGNISED HOW OTHER PARTIES HAVE FAILED, or he may well be trying his luck on the gullibility of Zedians – after all, Sata & epitomised by Lungu, any riff-ruff can make it to the top, we seem to love riff ruffs leading us, the foolis..h zambian herd!!

  13. Leave Sampa alone to build his party,and it is not about ascending to the republican presidency this year.Everything has a start and he has started,so let’s just wish him well and allow him to mobilize without interference.Its his democratic right,he knows what he is doing,and some of us are supporting him.We Are ready for the journey.So plesSe lets have respect for people’s choices,that’s multipartism.God bless you all

  14. Malambo should leave Sampa alone. The young man has got our blessing. He has done well. He has courage. Some of you would have crushed into depression if you were treated like the way he was treated yesterday. Dora is a full minister yet Sampa was not given a ministerial post. We wish Sampa well and he should go into alliance with UPND for 11/8 than go into alliance with MMD or Rainbow. Now we will see how many PF will remain bucking on LT. Viva Sampa.

  15. This analysis lacks merit , it is based on personal feelings. Even losers like MMD bootlicker have completely missed it. I wonder what Havard studies have to do with forming a party. Sata never had havard eduction.

  16. Ba Sampa, ati I will die PF! Just accept that you worse than poison. You the chaps Peter Tosh wrote and sung about decades ago, “Lessons In My Life, People make you promises today but tomorrow they change their minds”! If at all people like Sampa ever read the great minds journeys to prosperity, he couldn’t have made such a serious blunder in life.
    His friend Wynter Kabimba made the same mistake forgetting the bigger picture and the true essence as why PF, from day one was a party of choice! I can rest assure iwe Sampa that, no matter what you try and do, you will not even be remembered that you excited in Zambia’s political space!

  17. Although I am always opposed to Lusambo’s regular hullabaloo, I am on the opinion that Sampa made a political miscalculation. It takes long to form a party and hit the ground running. The late Sata endured for long. UPND is an old party and still enduring the turmoil. Once political heavyweight Wynter Kabimba’s Rainbow party is still at it’s infancy. Nawakwi is still hopeful. Waiting to succeed Lungu through a PF loyalty route would have served better. He could have observed the current political temperatures before ‘committing his political suicide’. Although I anticipate criticism, I am sure Sampa’s PF’s exit will be a storm in a cup of tea and inconsequential to say the least. Good luck!

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