Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lusaka woman divorced over a bag of mealie meal



ONE woman’s decision to accept a bag of maize from a male friend has earned her a divorce certificate in the Matero Local Court.
Leah Kaleuka’s 12 year-old marriage to Patson Sikazindu ended in divorce after her husband begged for the dissolution because he no longer trusts her.
Sikazindu, 53, suspected his wife Kaleuka, 48, of Chilanga of having an affair after she went home one night with a bag of maize which she claimed was given to her by her male friend.
Sikazindu told senior court magistrates Miyanda Banda and Davies Mpundu that the two got married in 2003 and have six children together.
“I returned home around 19:00 hours and Kaleuka who had just come back from Ndola was out visiting again. She only came around 21:30 hours. I beat her out of anger and demanded to know who she had been visiting but she refused to show me the man’s house. I am convinced she is having an affair with the same man,” he said.
Sikazindu said out of fear, Kaleuka disappeared from their matrimonial home the next day because she did not want him to ask her about the whereabouts of her lover.
“Kaleuka even got the police to detain me for assault. We tried to retrieve the man’s number from her phone but there was nothing. Kaleuka then moved in with her sister in November last year until now,” he said.
But Kaleuka who did not dispute claims that she was having an extra marital affair did not object to the court granting divorce.
The court granted divorce with no compensation. Sikazindu was awarded full custody of the children. The couple was ordered to share household property equally.



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  2. These marriages ,go back and check the foundation of their marriage you will find that it is very weak.
    May be there is no even nsalamu. Chigololo chabe. The strong the foundation the strong the marriage.

  3. Beaten for coming home at 9.30pm, Crikey ! A bag of Maize equals an affair! Irreconcilable, and unreasonable behaviour grounds proved. Just the beating is enough for this divorce.

    • Who is this person with the -1 down marking! I’ve got my eye on you! Every post has two numbskulls doing the marking…..! What’s it about?

  4. Muzo you are right! Some marriages have a very weak foundation. The most common, couple move in together, cohabit like animals, woman falls pregnant, nsalamu all the other issues ignored. The man gets fed up and says, “you are not even my wife,” and finds any excuse to chase her. Meanwhile there is another lady waiting in the wings. I blame women. They have very low self esteem and any man will do so that they can be called “Mrs.”
    Fathers you have a huge task of ensuring that your daughters have high self esteem. Build them up! Most of the troubles in America, teenage pregnancies, drugs, gun toting I because of absent fathers, emotionally, physically or both!

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