Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu concerned about Musa Mwenye suing a company on the Coppertbelt in a London Court


resident Lungu and his Vice President Inonge Wina (Fourth from left) and Chief Justice Irene Mambilima (third from l) pose for a photo with newly sworn in Supreme Court Judges. Supreme Court Judge Justice Charles Kajimanga (2nr),Supreme Court Judge Justice Micheal Musonda (2nl),Supreme Court Judge Justice Jane Kazor Kabuka (l), Supreme Court Judge Justice Nigel Mutuna (r), Supreme Court Judge Justice Jones Chinyama (fourth from r)
resident Lungu and his Vice President Inonge Wina (Fourth from left) and Chief Justice Irene Mambilima (third from l) pose for a photo with newly sworn in Supreme Court Judges. Supreme Court Judge Justice Charles Kajimanga (2nr),Supreme Court Judge Justice Micheal Musonda (2nl),Supreme Court Judge Justice Jane Kazor Kabuka (l), Supreme Court Judge Justice Nigel Mutuna (r), Supreme Court Judge Justice Jones Chinyama (fourth from r)

President Edgar Lungu has called on lawyers and judges in the country to have patriotism in the court system and find better avenues of attacking one another if justified.

Mr. Lungu has expressed worry at former Attorney General Musa Mwenye who has instigated a lawsuit against a mining company on the Copperbelt in a London court.

President Lungu said he will consult the Law Association of Zambia on the matter as to why a former attorney general and member of the bar can go out of the country and cast suspicion on the integrity of the Zambian judicial system.

President Lungu charged that he will defend the integrity of the country’s judicial system.

Mr. Lungu said he has a lot of confidence in the country’s judiciary system hence the need for judges and lawyers to preserve the integrity of the country’s judicial system.

President Lungu said he will not take lightly the casting of suspicion on the court system in Zambia especially by a member of the judiciary.

The Head of State said this at state house today when he swore in five Supreme Court judges.

The five Supreme Court judges include Justice Charels Kajimanga, Justice Michael Musonda, Justice Jane Kazora Kabuki, Justice Nigel Mutuna and Justice Jones Chinyama.

He said Zambians will continue to look to the judiciary when faced with the challenge of resolving differences.

President Edgar Lungu congratulates Newly Sworn in Supreme Court Judge Justice Jones Chinyama at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu congratulates Newly Sworn in Supreme Court Judge Justice Jones Chinyama at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu congratulates Newly Sworn in Supreme Court Judge Justice Nigel Mutuna at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu congratulates Newly Sworn in Supreme Court Judge Justice Nigel Mutuna at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
resident Edgar Lungu receive latter of Orth from Newly sworn in Supreme Court Judge Micheal Musonda at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
resident Edgar Lungu receive latter of Orth from Newly sworn in Supreme Court Judge Micheal Musonda at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu receive latter of Orth from Newly sworn in Supreme Court Judge Charles Chinyama at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu receive latter of Orth from Newly sworn in Supreme Court Judge Charles Chinyama at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu receive latter of Orth from Newly sworn in Supreme Court Judge Jane Kazor Kabuka at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu receive latter of Orth from Newly sworn in Supreme Court Judge Jane Kazor Kabuka at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu congratulates Newly Sworn in Supreme Court Judge Justice Charles Kajimanga at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu congratulates Newly Sworn in Supreme Court Judge Justice Charles Kajimanga at State House during the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu and his Vice President Inonge Wina at State House During the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges
President Edgar Lungu and his Vice President Inonge Wina at State House During the swearing in ceremony of the Supreme Judges


  1. Come on Mr. President, there are many priorities in Zambia to be concerned about than a private company being sued in London. Is it that you person issues with the lawyer?

    • Zambian journalism with its lazy writers. I was hoping to atleast get the background to the story but alas. LT writers what kind of journals, magazines or books do you read? I didn’t go to journalism school but I know some stories require some background information to make sense.

    • Mr President its worth noting that a party cannot just sue outside Zambia for no apparent reason because a London Court cannot have jurisdiction over a matter which falls outside its powers. Therefore, for Musa Mwenye to commence action outside he knew that the Court had powers to hear his case or the parties agreed on London has the venue in case of a dispute. Further Musa Mwenya is also a Solicitor in UK. I think the President has scores to settle with Musa

    • The ink is not even dry when you appointed unqualified judges for the Constitutional Court against the Constitution and legal advise. If we can all afford it, we will also file our cases in London. You can file yours here with your judiciary.

    • This DULLEST of lawyers, doesn’t know that one is free to choose which jurisdiction one would like to sue someone – for best of outcomes!! Why did Mwanawasa & co take Kafupi”s cases to London??? Chagwa akolwa vi chibuku na vi katata na vi mayewu combined vamene akamba ati ni tu “Jamieson” Enze kolewa mu kalingalinga pamena enze ku UNZA, si anga chinje kumwa proper “Jamieson” – mixi yake yamene akamba ati tu “Fort Jameson”

      #CHAGWA AGWA KALE!! #Chagwamustfall!!

      Vote wisely 11/8/2016!! Vote Zambia FORWARD!! Vote UPND!!

      I thank you!!

  2. The man has his reasons. One does not have to see it as an indictment on the competence of our own. Speaking from experience, sometimes it is either specialist knowledge or just avoiding putting people in to compromising situations that has one dealing with an international company in a country that perhaps holds their headquarters. Never mind the back handers and naughty games some companies get away with in Zed.

  3. Nigel Mutuna and Charles Kajimanga are back. Remember them? The three musketeers in the Judge Chikopa movie, the other one chickened out; Justice Philip Musonda. He should have stayed

    • Yes signing the injunction at night, Lungu, do you call that a credible judiciary? And refusing to attend to Sampa’s case until after the filing of nominations with Electoral Commission of Zambia was over
      Give me a break Mr President and stop intimidating people. Why don’t you go for Membe’s neck who disparages you day and night

  4. Cartel member trying to take our glorious nation’s name into the bowels of disrepute. Is not this the same Musa Mwenye that handed Guy Scott presidency alas only acting, to try and appease his and his cohorts inferiority complexes? Zambia is a grand nation with competent judges and lawyers that are taking our country to judicial prudence. Even GBM was given a great ruling today. Patriotism starts with Jesus, education and prudence.

  5. I am not a legal expert but I find the elevation of Mr Jones Chinyama to Supreme Court a bit surprising. Mr Chinyama was a Magistrate some 6 years or so ago. Isn’t that too soon?

  6. The fact that you are taking it personal, Mr. President, is what is casting suspicion on our judiciary. The smart thing would have been to influence one of your stooges to file a complaint with LAZ.

  7. The gentleman second from left, Kajimanga or whatever they call him, why does he have a head like the “likakalinyateli”?

  8. Hey EL, Your government brought judge Chikopo, sorry Judge Chikopa from Malawi against the best advise of many reasoning Zambians…so why cry about Musa Mwenye when he takes a private case to London?..

  9. Misa Mwenye has always been a thorn in chagwas flesh just follow the interpretation of the law that ensued after Edgar wanted to claim the instruments of power. He was beaten hands down at every turn including exposing the fact that he was unfamiliar with the cabinet handbook despite having been Minster of justice ….this is a new one I just hope for his sake he is not clobbered again…Mwenye is a shrewd lawyer that Edgar will never be and this is a FACT!

  10. As usual president Edgar Lungu has lost it again. The country’s judicial system has continued to bleed in dispensing justice due to lack of foresight by PF leadership. Remember judge Chikopa from Malawi to preside over Zambian litigations as if Zambia had difficiency of qualified judges. Late president Sata appeared in a court case (looking haggard due to sickness) where were his legal advisors for a sitting serving head of state to appear in a junior court case.
    Recently president Lungu has just been advised that non of the newly appointed constitutional judges (proposed names then) were qualified to be appointed as constitutional judges. Lungu overlooked it because he believes anyone below him can not advise him and went ahead with appointments any way. Who can have confidence in such…

  11. Congratulations Justices Mutuna and Kajimanga.Now Sata must be turning in his grave with annoyance after dedicating his presidency to throwing you out of the judiciary,not to mention Mutembo.

    • Ah! You mean Mutuna with his dodgy DBZ ruling? These are our Supreme Court Judges? Anyway, if greedy Wataba Ngulube could be CJ, why not these Judges for hire?

  12. I do remember very well that his Excellency the late President Sata sent Mr Edgar Lungu then the deputy Minister to take invitation to Malawi for Judge Chikopa.
    Why didn’t he refuse considering that the Country had enough judge or he had confidence in our Judicial system.
    Your Excellency, it will be extremely difficult for one, more especially the former attorney general to have confidence in our judicial system considering the way former DPP Mutembo Nchito has been mistreated.
    In most cases your party officials go to influence the judges to pass judgment against Mutembo Nchito.
    Remember Mutembo Nchito and Musa Mwenye worked together closely.
    In Bemba we say(ici kwa nka bacimwena Kuma mpa lanya)
    Given the above information, the former attorney general has every right to sue anyone…

  13. Musa Mwenya is State Counsel, therefore, the President ought to have sought an audience with him before issuing an off the cuff statement about him to the nation. The President has personal issues with Musa and its public knowledge.

  14. What is happening?all these people who were sworn as Supreme judges today hail from North Western province, is this the gimmick to win more votes from North Western province?
    The President must be advised to be always cautious when making such appointments to avoid uproar from people and also as a way of generating confidence in his appointments.

    • Michael Musonda and Nigel Mutuna are from North Western?
      By the way there are also Chinyamas in Western Province and part of Southern Province.

  15. He is casting suspicion on the Judiciary himself by appointing Mungeni Mulenga who assisted him in becoming PF president and therefore presidential candidate. And a lawyer by the name of Mr. Saangwa wrote a letter suggesting that all your appointees to the constitutional court do not qualify but you and Amos that is state house have decided to remain mute and have just gone ahead to appoint these people. All this casts suspicions on the judiciary. I beg to move.

  16. Hon Jones Chinyama suffers from a disease called Acromegaly (Hyper secretion of the growth hormone).

    • @ ellen

      PLEASE do not give him crazy idea. Next thing you know, we will be saddled with his personal adviser, certain “KBF”

  17. How many Supreme Court judges does Zambia have? Are we seeing another Argentina where the crowd of do-goodie Presidential appointees weakened the judiciary??

  18. To me Lunga has never sounded or acted as a lawyer no wonder he was deregistered. Anyone within the commonwealth can sue withine if they can prove it’s relevance. Judges are never patriotic in practice. They look at the facts before them. Is Lunga implying that any foreigner who sues a Zambian before our judges should not win by all means because of patriotism. I don’t understand how this man Lungu became a lawyer. Probably the same way he became president of PF and country through hook and crook.

  19. While the President is right to be concerned about this just like any other well meaning Zambian citizen, we all know how controversial our judges have sometimes been by passing surprising judgements.
    It is not a hidden secret that corruption almost always influences our judges and Musa Mwenye knows this better. I mean even I given the right environment I would escape our clearly corrupt system for a system I will have more faith in. Why did Levy go to London against Frederick and why did Michael seek the services of a Malawian judge called Chikopa? The government itself has been indicting the credibility our judicial system and this will justify any citizen with the means to look elsewhere.
    Patriotism is not a factor in making judgements and the president is ill advised on this…

  20. This means that an impoverished and highly indebted country like Zambia can afford to have a total of 18 supreme court judges.Where is the money for their huge salaries going to come from.Yet there is a wage freeze on all civil servants.This is totally ridiculous.

  21. Questio is do we need all those judges for sure, and at such huge cost to this Country. Is Lungu normal, who advises him, does he even think through. Kwena ama easterners tamwakwata mano

  22. The President should read KCM contracts when it comes to arbitration…many cases against them have been held in Mauritius and London before…is the issue Musa or KCM has complained to the President?

  23. Lungu is a as bad as the new appointed supreme Judges with worst track records of passing judgements, Chinyama ruling on Chiluba, Mutuna on DBS
    The reasons are well known and it’s entirely to do with lining up dodge supreme Judges if the elections do not go his onw way to have judges to rule in his favour. Lungu knows very pretty well that Northern, Muchinga and Luapula are not in good books with the current crop of PF . Don’t ukubeba is what is happening in these three provinces and for sur Jamie’s will do even more better than Lungu or HH. The marks and cracks are too open to see. Why Mulenga Sata is not willing to stand as an MP when he is serving as a deputy Minister for Lusaka province? Lungu is a lot chap any political party that is taken over by a novice person ends being…

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