Saturday, July 27, 2024

Casual Workers at UNZA want to be made permanent after working for over 10 years


The old residences or GOMA RUINS-UNZA
The old residences or GOMA RUINS-UNZA

CASUAL workers at University of Zambia (UNZA) Maintenance and Horticulture department have asked for quick Government intervention to have them employed on a permanent basis.

Some workers complained that they had worked for more than ten years but were still being treated as causal workers in contravention of the law.

The workers who spoke to Sunday Times during the week complained that they could not continue to be working as casual workers for more than 10 years as would be eluded of their entitlement in an event they were not given permanent jobs.

The workers have since accused senior members of staff at the institution of having fired long serving workers and employing new ones.

“We have worked for this institution for the past 10 years and no one has been put on permanent employment, we are tired of this kind of conditions of service and we want change,” said the workers.

And UNZA public relations manager Damaseke Chibale said in a statement that the UNZA council and management were aware of the new amendments in the labour laws particularly on casualisation.

Mr Chibale said the university and the labour commissioner’s office had reached an advanced stage in discussing the modalities of dealing with casualisation at the higher learning institution.

“We are aware of the new labour laws and UNZA Council and Management are doing everything possible to end this issue,” he said.

UNZA has since appealed to the affected workers to remain calm as discussions were underway with various stakeholders.


  1. The concept of short term jobs is not well embraced in Africa. If recruit someone, even just for maternity cover, they want to stay forever. In developed nations, short term jobs are a normal procedure and people can earn a living moving from one to the other. Lazy Africans want to search for a job only once then remain in it forever

  2. surely this can’t go on! in any part of the world this would have been seen as wrong, you basically work for 10 years with no protection, it is like being an intern for 10 years yet you do the exact same work as a full-time employee.

    • problem is these people are not improving themselves for a better job. how can you want to be a permanent casual worker? they just want a passport for lazing around at work place! why not write for a ka g12 certificate so they can improve themselves then they will qualify for real jobs….

  3. Go to Shamenda so he explains his so called no casualisation policy…then he will tell you there is no funds as they have increased their salaries.

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