Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Miles Sampa and HH sign an Electoral Pact as Guy Scott endorses HH


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema and Democratic Front leader Miles Sampa gesture to their supporters who came to witness the signing of an election pact between UPND and DF.
UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema and Democratic Front leader Miles Sampa gesture to their supporters who came to witness the signing of an election pact between UPND and DF.

United party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema and Democratic Front (DF) President Miles Sampa have this afternoon signed a PACt in which the two parties have agreed to work together towards the August 11th General Elections. At the same event former Vice President Guy Scott endorsed the candidature of the UPND leader.

Mr. Sampa urged other opposition political parties to consider supporting Mr. Hichilema and the UPND because President Lungu has failed to deliver to the expectations of the people.

Mr. Sampa also hinted on other Members of Parliament that are expected to join the UPND once Parliament is dissolved.

And Former republican vice president Guy Scott has endorsed opposition UPND president Hakainde Hichilema as his preferred presidential candidate in the forthcoming general elections.

Dr. Scott who is also PF Lusaka Central Member of Parliament said that he finds Mr. Hichilema to be the best candidate to become Zambia’s next republican president.

Dr Scott said that as a founder member of the ruling PF he is disappointed that President Edgar Lungu has destroyed the party by embracing MMD members.

Dr. Scott who also served as acting republican President said that he does not think that the ruling PF should be embracing members of a political party that failed the Zambian people.

Dr Scott said that he also thinks that President Lungu has failed to run the affairs of the nation as evidenced by the poor performance of the economy.

And Mr. Hichilema described the support from Dr. Scott and Mr. Sampa as a clear understanding of the opposition’s quest for change.
Mr Hichilema said that the doors of his party remain open for more other political party members to join.

And reacting to the move by Dr Scott and Miles Sampa, Patriotic Front Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri said that PF is not surprised that former Vice President Guy Scott has endorsed UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema’s candidature in the 2016 General election.

Mrs Phiri said that the PF is ware that Dr Scott has personal hatred for President Edgar Lungu.

Speaking in an interview with ZNBC News in Lusaka, Mrs Phiri said that Dr Scott should have been brave enough to resign from PF instead of just endorsing Mr Hichilema while he remains in the PF.

And PF Deputy Spokesperson Frank Bwalya has said that Democratic Front leader Miles Sampa and former Vice President Guy Scott who have resolved to work with Mr Hichilema are not political factors.

Mr Bwalya said that Mr Sampa has an insatiable thirst for leadership while Dr Scott is irrelevant to the political discourse saying he left the PF before the January 20, 2015, Presidential election.

He said the two leaders opposed to President Lungu because they were allegedly interested in the presidency, after the death of President Michael Sata in 2014.


FORMER Vice President Dr. Guy Scott flanked by his Wife Charlotte address the crowd when he endorsed the candidature of UPND President Hakainde Hichilema
FORMER Vice President Dr. Guy Scott flanked by his Wife Charlotte address the crowd when he endorsed the candidature of UPND President Hakainde Hichilema


  1. HH, mpaka litente. The writing is on the wall. HH is the next president. Those with eyes and little wisdom have already seen

    • GBM and HH have been accused of buying all the mealie meal in Zambia,,, it seems their Plan is working,, people are following where there is nshima,,,,,,lungu has nothing to offer, people shall not live on football match tickets alone


    • What is Guy Scott Smoking Kanshi? I thought some few weeks ago 11 MPs from the party he is accusing Edgar Lungu embraced Joined HH on a public platform. Is the old white man suffering from dementia or temporal memory loss? He should try another reason, like I just hate Edgar Lungu than use MMD as an excuse. That is a flawed reasoning. For his own information Canasious Banda was part of the MMD that destroyed Zambia, according to Dir Scott.

    • Politics is about numbers whether you like it or not. It’s also about perception; right now it looks like PF is lacking both ingredients.

    • Ni forward chabe. Mpaka litente

      Enough of the mediocrity under PF and Lungu, time to usher in serious leaders

      Viva HH

    • It’s better to cry in the rain ED. No one will know those are tears. Then you and your mouth pieces can continue to tell everyone who will listen that it doesn’t matter and it doesn’t mean a thing and we will pretend we believe you. Cry in the rain. Ouch.

    • I now officially support UPND.

      Under 1 condition

      Sampa should lead this pact.

      Let miles take over the leadership of UPND please.

      UPND all the way.



    • This is what is fundamentally wrong with politics in Zambia! Cannibalisation of political parties! If HH is the change we are craving for what is he doing with William Banda with his well-documented cruelty and violence; GBM with his theory of sebana wikute and the principle of fya buteko; Guy Scott and his opportunistic politics; Miles Sampa with his huge ego? The same people that messed our country are now welcomed as heroes. Next will to join will be the BOSS- bunch of suckers and scroungers and the cycle of corruption and nepotism goes on!

    • For once imagine you live in the Age of Reason and you are a Zambian but then you go and vote ECL again…At this stage, I cannot imagine how a sane person, in the right frame of mind can even contemplate to vote Kambwili and ECL again….Miles Sampa is the next UPND President…It’s Official!!

    • In all honest the BIGGEST SEVEN DEADLY SINS sins for lungu has is as follows:

      1) He has nonentities who offer nothing to PF but take a lot away (Father Bwalya)

      2) he has people with little to understanding what they are talking about as mouthpieces of the country

      3) Failure to let go dead wood in his Government

      4) positions filled not based on ability to perform for the Zambians but out of people rewarded for the loyalty

      5) Undermining the judiciary law (The speaker- Matibiti and Acquittal of Banda)

      6) Failure to condemn and do anything about lawlessness with the youths- which are a danger

      7) No presence ANYWHERE including fighting gigantic war battles with the oppositions (Post newspapers etal). etc) reminiscent of going to a gunfight with a kitchen knife…

    • Sadly this trend looks insurmountable to address in 5 months.

      It may well be over before it started



    • I had so much respect for HH because I thought he was a principled man but now not so much. The same politicians that have destroyed Zambia and that I personally abhor are now at his side. The question is what have they been promised? Zambia forward with the same trash!

    • unless these individuals have bases, the endorsements mean nothing. Banda’s endorsement for Lungu carried much more weight since he was delivering eastern province. Scott and Sampa have no base and their dislike for Lungu is not new.

    • Mpaka itole for EL litente nokupoka Drunkard u ‘ve amassed millions at the expense of poor zambians yo end is near.
      DF ‘ll take Northern,Luapula,part of Central and CB whilst the mighty UPND ‘ll take Lusaka,Central ,North Western ,Western and Southern then Eastern Levy Ngoma ‘ll be first Upnd mp .
      Too much busushi mu PF ,More Mps to resign .Edgar will remain with RB and some kumawa Mps

    • You useless uncivilised brute. Call your father names because he failed to raise you properly and to be well mannered person. That is the problem of raising cattle instead of children. They end up like, devoid of any idea of how people can differ but not insult each other.

      Do not attempt to insult me because I give your own medicine in a way you will regret. Let us just debate maturely and remain one people.

      Your HH has only made a political plunder, accept. Sampa is not known in Northern province. That is why he was hiding in Matero. UPND can not win in Matero, PF will. Many who had supported Sampa will go to PF because they see how they were deceived into partnering with UPND. Scot was in Lusaka central and won because of popular party like PF. Now he is not adopted. PF will win…


    • “HH leta ubwembya tuume ishilu, HH leta ubwembya tuume ishilu mwansakabinga atuchusa muno!!”

      Did “Muzungu opusa” really sing as above – I love him na kupusa kwake!!

      Vote Zambia Forward!! Vote wisely 11/8/2016!! Vote UPND!!


      I thank you!!

    • I have always told that HH will form an alliance with the people of Zambia.people from all walks of life,ages and tribe will come to him.HH will become a good refuge and kachema of all those oppressed in there own country full of plenty but duped in poverty.Come 25th June ,2016 a political tsunami will bury the entire PF mark my words.

    • As usual, Mr Frank Bwalya says Guy Scott and Miles Sampa are not a factory!!! Really? Looks like President Lungu will remain with Mumbi Phiri, Frank Bwalya or maybe Dora. Even Kambwili may change his mind. Chama has been silent lately. Those with eyes to see can see that PF is finished to the call. I like Dr Scott and Miles Sampa. This is a brilliant move. Chipimo seems to be unfocused lately. I would want him to work with the winning team. Nawakwi has lots of brains, but she is trying to prove a point that she can do it solo; it wont work!!

      May is around the corner! Soon PF will be a one man show just like MMD.

    • Muzungu opusa all he thinks of is colonisation. So we can safely say that Muzungu opusa has colonised UPND

    • It is amazing to see how even this white couple fails to do things above hate. It is their hate for Lungu because of losing that Vice-Presidential job that has made them go to UPND. But, as they say, we shall see after August 11 if they will still be a factor in Zambian politics.

    • Goes to show how confused Sampa is. He has been kicked out of the so-called Orange Alliance by Chipimo and still wants to masquerade as a member of that alliance who is entering into a pact with UPND. Goes to show how phony and a political fraud Sampa is.

      “Rusco April 29, 2013 at 07:40

      Guy Scott just has to reorganise himself, otherwise he is not worth the white color he is painted. He was going to be the main advosor to Sata, but he has become a CHOLA boy as he calls himself. So the Stupidity aspect just embroils him very well, and it is even very mild. How do do accept the Vice presidency yet you know you will never act as a president in the prevailing sitiation, that is being a dander head. All people always aim high and you sentle for Vice presidency that never was progressive to Presidency it case of any thing. Ask yourself, what led to RB to become a president when he never expected it in his life time. It is all stupidit that goes with such thoughts. So HH was very correct…

    • Mumbi and Bwalya’s speech so predictable. Something like,…..”we respect the choices of our colleagues who have decided to be part of the opposition. It will be insincere on our part to say we will not miss them because we shall miss those votes. We wish them well “

    • Mumbi and Bwalya have no tact and are bound to bite their tongues. However fact is they have to sing and dance to the song of he who feeds them! They could do well to just wish those leaving well and ready to face them during the jostling for votes!

      For a long time we’ll experience politicians crisscrossing among parties until such a time integrity and deep rooted understanding of party policies people choose to align with reaches maturity. Its up to the management skills of party leaders on how to embrace the “defectors” and integrate them in the structures to maximum benefit without breeding acrimony among members! Someday the desire to be of service to country than otherwise will entrench in our crisscrossing politicians!

    • @Redeemed

      It’s DONE (full stop).

      Scott was the remaining founder of PF….he is now gone with the wind of change to UPND.

  2. GBM and HH have been accused of buying all the mealie meal in Zambia,,, it seem their Plan is working,, people are following where there is nshima,,,,,,lungu has nothing to offer, people shall not live football match tickets alone

  3. Awe kwena PF is in trouble. The only thing remaining is for the electorate to say ‘enough is enough’. How much more suffering can PF place on its people due to the lack of a vision. Forward with development.

    • Senior Citizen has morphed as Asigai, child of ‘god’ but really an offspring of diabolus.

      I ask MMD Chief Bottom licker, Luapula Premier, Kudos, and other tribal insulting propaganda specialists…..

      1. Where does your hackneyed tribal agenda fit in … is Scott, GBM, Muchina, Sampa and thousands of others Southerners or is it cowtheners?
      2. Where does the leaving of the Sata clan plus Scott and other original founders of PF make of Lungu as leader?
      3. Has the coming of Rupiah Banda, Kaingu and Dora Siliya helped the fortunes of PF going forward?

    • Why accuse innocent people. We were not there when UPND decided that only a Tonga can be its president. Tirbalism was enshrine at that time. Now you want to accuse ohter who do not have such rhetoric in their parties. HH has never denied this. Which means he supports it. Scot, Sampa, and GBM joined HH as marriage of convenience, just to remove a common enemy from power. And if they can achieve this, they will again ditch HH. This a desperate attempt by HH to remove the tribal tag to his party. Too little too late. HH needs to renounce that tribal presidential tag for UPND and open it to all other tribes. He should also renounce the violence in SP on other leader who do not support UPND. If he does not, the same will used against to campaign in other provinces.

      EL is winning in AUGUST…

  4. This is a boring song. They same guys did the same in the past elections and were beaten clean. There is nothing knew here. It is the same thing which happened and PF has answer for it. Guy Scot is not a political factor. Sampa is getting confused each as he finds out that he has made yet another political error and has to find ways to appease himself by going to HH. Desperate people do desperate things.

    Sampa has just allowed those who followed him to go back to PF because they will feel betrayed.

    If it was other people than these, it would have mattered. As it is, HH and his leaders are not doing anything new and not changing anything to destroy PF. It is a mere waste of time and money. If you UPND think this is the best you can do, you have already lost in August. Remember, EL…

    • They only did that when they realised their plan had failed. Their campaigns had no significance. They cannot sway the voters from PF to UPND because it is clear they are doing this out of hatred personal frustration. They did not want EL to stand and they have never forgiven him for that.

    • Not only did president Lungu beat them clean, He white washed the whole sata family, mother, son, nephew, uncle bashi no no bob and best friend guy scott.

      Viva president Nawakwi.

    • Wait for August iwe Bantu sure!! This was a known fact that Scott, Sampa & Kaseba and others fought to have miles as president after Sata’s death.
      But Lungu, kambwili and uncle chikwanda beat these guys with very limited access to state machinery. Wait and wait for August imwe sure.
      Trusted lieutenants of sata’s were Mulenga, lungu, Ngosa, kambwili, uncle Chikwa, Luo, mubokwanu, & mama Wina.
      Any of these left the PF then writting will be on the walls… Otherwise PF will still win in August!!

  5. Once called Muzungu Opusa by HH. There really is no honor in politics, nabazungu bonse kusabaila. This year is going to be funny. Politicians should always remember the electorate vote and not endorsements. If only Kambwili could leave PF, so as president Lungu has wiser people to work with.

    Viva president Nawakwi.

  6. There is no tribalism in Zambia, the only problem is that in the quest for survival, PF, MMD, UNIP, and UPND have rushed to claiming tribal when they run out out of ideas. With the message of tribal-branding, the poorly and everagely schooled voter, still casts a vote on a failed policy and continue to suffer…This is exactly what ushered in Edgar Lungu…But big up to the Zambian people for being so damb, and with such levels of confidence, in the man who, not only once, but repaetedly and clearly, told them he had no vision…but they went ahead and voted him…I wonder everytime how it is possible to be proud ar being a Zambian, and continue being so

    • I guess even ECL is himself is still so surprised how Zambians are so stup!d a group of people voted who can vote on anything that walkes..

  7. This is the selfsame Miles Sampa who was initially appointed Southern Province Minister who UPND wanted disciplined for making those tribal comments…Zambian politics is funny place to be a cadre…IF this party forms govt all these guys including GBM will be recycled into cabinet and back to square one.

    • Really, but hey, wait a minute, Scott ruled Zambia for 3 months and the market had confidence in his leadership for 90 days…but as soon as your drunk and malnourished ECL entered State house, a free falling Kwacha was ushered in as the market lost confidence in the visionless Chawama man……How is that?

    • Go head to bed with your scout. He failed to defeat EL and he will fail again. I think EL is better that HH who is devil worshiper, became president of upnd on tribal grounds and has never disputed it, used tricks to enrich himself from the privatisation proceeds. I would rather go with the humble EL who openly supports Christianity. All these guys going to HH have a similar attitude, hate. We do not need such people to rule. I can assure you, HH will not win in August. These guys have only made it worse for him. They have nothing to talk about EL apart from hatred for winning them all in the last elections. Winning them again together with HH he will. Go EL Go!!!! We will show you what really politics is. Not ya Ku Chainama.

    • Wait and see how much resources will go to HH now. Come campaign time these guys will be in all living rooms. Scott formulated the strategy to torpedo MMD. Before Nyamasoya woke up, n lulenda kukanwa, Sata was President. Watch how the formula works in it new application.

    • Sampa is lost he doesn’t know what he wants from Orange to Red alliance Scott PF has been invaded by MMD forgetting that the some MMD are in UPND what does it show he is also confused we are better to continue with PF.

  8. Well, there is still more to come. People have realized that Lungu does not have anything to offer.
    Despite all the false accusations that GBM and HH are causing mealie meal shortages, it is in fact Lungu and his stooges that that are stealing the maize and taking it to Zimbabwe via Beira, a friend of mine from Malawi, told me that the PF thieves are loading the maize and taking it to Beira in Mozambique and then there are trucks taking it to Zimbabwe. This is don to deceive people that Zimbabwe is buying maize from Mexico when in fact it is coming from Zambia. This maize is being taken from Eastern province especially Katete. What a shame.

  9. Seeing Guy Scott, and Sampa arrive for this press briefing is a clear sign that leadership in UPND is based on popularity contest which works only for people with money, criminals, and puppets with the right profile. The election on 11th August is a contest between the The People and The Post. Edgar Lungu is representing The People and HH is representing the puppets of The Post. The entry of Guy Scott as a puppet of the Post demonstrates what a French white supremacist once said “The reason Africans are losing all their battles is because they don’t know they in a war since 1433.” Since the days of Rupiah Banda and recently Edgar Lungu as Presidents, The Post’s comparison propaganda has been well spread as a geopolitical scheme to first imply that Presidents from Eastern or Northern…

  10. Panka litebte nefipuba fullu ati litente nonse. Ulya palya ngu devil attrack rejects,satanists,panga devils etc. Darkness and light cant be together dark has to surrender.
    Wait ‘ll you see the pipo pf will get from devil island,do nt think those mps suffering for upnd contributing huge sums to pay pipo who are not members are happy. Wait one will lose even the little he has.mmd,pf and upnd mps join lungu dont follow those frustrated f**ls
    Lungu twali wina kale naba wina.
    We wait to see a fight for grory between kaseba v molin, gbm v cbanda, for running mate tailakaba tekanyeni. Hh fighting the holy spirity wether to be born again or not,wether to move out of 7de and join catholic or not, wether to divorce and marry dolin who knows english well or not, upnd has complications only f***s…

  11. Ba ‘defunct father’ Bwalya, pilizi; GBM not a factor, Dr Scott not factor, Kilometer, oh sorry, Miles Sampa not a factor, Mwaliteta not factor, bra, bra, bra; then surely who is really a factor in PF? Mumbi Phiri, Kambwili or Chama l believe?

  12. Sampa and Scott have nothing to offer Zambia. They are both failures and looking for jobs, as for Scott at that age, he should be ashamed.

    HH is losing direction with all this, he is now ignoring the old members, he now going for people who have money. Mweetwa and the others are now supporting PF.

    VIVA PF!

  13. Since the days of Rupiah Banda and recently Edgar Lungu as Presidents, The Post’s comparison propaganda has been well spread as a geopolitical scheme to first imply that Presidents from Eastern or Northern Provinces are just incapable of doing anything good with themselves, and second the Post is trying hard to hide the dark side of the Tribalism from Southern provinces. The game is on!






    • You must be an azz of chimp, which have just come out of the zoo with all its wildlife struggle…You cant spell correctly yet…Upgrade to a human…Azz!!!


  16. Upnd is no longer a Tonga party… With GBM, Scot, Sampa, Wynter and bana kaseba as HH running mate Upnd it slowly transforming into ‘PF rite’.

    Having said that EL will still win. Just like he won last time.. Scot and sampa did not support EL…

    • HH has committed yet another political mistake. This is what EL has been waiting for. EL is smiling because he know more mistakes are coming from the no tekanya HH and UPND leadership.

      I would like HH to state that UPND presidency is open to non Southerners and proclaim that they way he elected as UPND president was inappropriate since it was on tribal grounds.

    • @Asigai: chikubaba bwanji? If UPND are welcoming what PF label as non factors, why should that concern you as a PF stooge? If in your view UPND are making a political mistake, you must celebrate because it gives PF an advantage. Otherwise, it looks like you are feeling the heat. Each and every vote counts , from the dullest person to the most intelligent, from those considered non factors to those considered factors; their votes count. Just one vote can make a difference in a 50%+1.

    • Knight_Kgosi, I am only responding to what your friends are saying. They are also making claims and i am making mine. I have a right to comment on issues concerning my party. If I am a stooge for PF, you are too, a stooge for whatever. Otherwise you would not have responded. I have all the right to think it you chababa. About 50+1, I know every vote counts, and it is true HH can not manage this. EL on the other hand can. But as I said if they all fail, EL will by default continues to rule until HH and UPND break up. Because if they do not get 2016, it is the end.

      So my friend, get ready to get the real meaning and effect of the 50+1 clause. It is another road block for HH. He created it himself. It only give advantage to the incumbent.

  17. Scott most stupid white man – HH
    Dr Scott (l) and HH (r)
    HAKAINDE Hichilema says Vice-President Dr Guy Scott is “the most stupid white man” he has ever seen.
    The UPND leader was speaking at the party’s secretariat in Lusaka yesterday when he officially welcomed Dr Canisius Banda to the party, where the latter has been co-opted as vice-president for political affairs.
    Hichilema said Vice-President Scott abrogated the Electoral Code of Conduct by continuing to campaign in Lukulu West after the close of the campaign period.
    He said it was shocking that Vice-President Scott deliberately disregarded the law by his conduct.
    “Ine nikalibe kuona muzungu opusa kwati uja (I have never seen a white person who is as stupid as that one Dr Scott),” Hichilema said much to the amusement of his…

  18. “Ine nikalibe kuona muzungu opusa kwati uja (I have never seen a white person who is as stupid as that one Dr Scott),” Hichilema said much to the amusement of his party cadres, who responded with applause, cheers and loud laughter.
    “I am serious about it because the campaigns closed on Sunday in the morning, 06:00 hours. Guy Scott landed in Lukulu airstrip at about 10:00 hours and I was there. Then he went on a helicopter to campaign in Kakulunda polling station against the Electoral Code of Conduct. I called the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), director Priscilla Isaac. I said look this Muzungu is campaigning here against the law. He is a Vice-President,” he said.
    Hichilema said when he saw that Vice-President Scott had continued campaigning in the area, he was compelled to…

    • It doesnt matter- leader forgive. Managers do not.

      HH is a leader.

      Anyone who judges someone based on what they say is obtuse

      Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.Romand 12:19



    • Mushota…..Mushota…..Mushota….go, go, go… amazed and happiest that you now backing the right candidate for top job!!!

      We need change…and everyone working together with HH is the answer to PF induced poverty facing ordinary Zambians.

  19. inform the ECZ about it.
    He claimed that after ECZ contacted Vice-President Scott over the matter, he denied campaigning and sneaked out of Lukulu West Constituency, but later went back to continue campaigning.
    “Si muzungu opusa uyu (Is this not a stupid white person?),” Hichilema asked the cadres, who eagerly agreed with him.
    And Hichilema said the UPND’s victory in Lukulu West was a clear indication that Zambians have rejected President Michael Sata’s one-party state.
    “The people of Lukulu have refused the one-party dictatorship of President Sata by voting for the UPND candidate. They tried very hard to manipulate the results. That is why it took 24-hours after voting to announce results,” he said.
    “We positioned our people to do parallel vote tabulation. After voting, they…

  20. , they ran on canoes, on motor bikes and brought the results to Mitete. Even when they delayed the results, we were saying ‘just declare the results’.”
    Hichilema accused the PF of manipulating election results in the Kapiri-Mposhi by-election.
    “That is what we did not do in Kapiri. We allowed them to manipulate there. You saw the results for Kapiri. That was a clear message sent, that there is no safe constituency for ‘Puff’ (PF); that is what Solwezi people say…,” Hichilema said.
    On Nevers Mumba’s statement that he is cannibalising MMD members, Hichilema maintained that poaching of MMD members to UPND was one way of consolidating the opposition in the country.
    “We are not poaching MMD members; I think I have answered this question already. Mumba is my colleague. I have great…

  21. respect for him. We may have different qualities, him and I are Zambians. He is my brother, he is my friend. I will not say anything against Dr Mumba. He knows my views; we have spoken the two of us on this matter and I have put a view that if UPND members join MMD, I am happy. I would rather they join MMD than going to the PF because that will kill democracy. It will bring about the one-party state,” said Hichilema.
    And Dr Banda claimed that UPND was the only party that could deliver development in the country.
    “I accepted to be part of the UPND because I certainly believe that it is a worthy vehicle for the delivery of national unity and national development.
    Sometimes the thief will call the other thief; the tribalist will call the other tribalist. So, be careful,” he said.

  22. r Banda claimed that Zambians had become enemies of the PF.
    “We must never endeavour to deceive. When you deceive, quickly you are found out; you become an enemy of the people, and the PF government is quickly and rapidly becoming an enemy of the people. People are becoming frustrated quickly. Despair is certain in the nation. President Hichilema, let us be ready to form government with an alternative convincing plan anytime,” said Dr Banda.
    And UPND vice-president Richard Kapita claimed that Hichilema was “an enemy of his success”.
    He wondered what crime Hichilema had committed to deserve insults from the PF.
    “The only sin that Hichilema has committed is that he worked very diligently when he was in industry. He has a record unlike these other people who claim. Wherever he…

    • That is your problem. We are not interested in HH’s stolen wealth but his qualities as a leader. Why do you waste our time reminding that he is rich. He is not the richest man in Zambia nor the most educated.

      Zambian do not elect someone based on hie wealth or how much he insults and hates those who defeat him politically. Zambian is a Christian country and I am sure many Christian will reflect on this fact to vote for a God fearing man.

      HH and UPND have made another blunder and we are waiting for them to continue before August. EL is a political genius. Why do you think he is so silent. He is not stupid. But HH and UPND too much talking and showing off. There is still time mind you!! We told you the last time you never listened. It is coming again. History repeats itself in August.

  23. he worked, anyone can go there and find out whether he stole or not. He is an enemy of his own success, this man you see here,” claimed Kapita.

    • HH has not denied this. He said it himself that he came out of Privatisation smiling when people on the CB were crying. Yes, he worked hard stealingly. He is only a clever thief. Ask him about the Cold Storage Board animals. These are the same animals he is now boasting about. Anyway I know in some tribes it is not a shame to get rich illegally, even arranging with your wife to sleep with a neighbor, so that you can charge with adultery and get his animals. This is the type and leadership in HH. We do not need this crap.

  24. civilized people would have simply wished their defected colleagues well in their chosen endevour, than these uncalled for insults.what kind of the so called young people who insult their parents just because they have moved on in their political carrier.You are cursed . i thought after all the insults you heaped on Mr Sata who most likely was older than your father you have repented, shame on you.

    • Exactly….but manje balibwtu-bwetu all the way….Some Zambians are really so damb, uncivil, an schooled…. no amount of education can change certain characters in Zambian…just saying

    • You are the worst culprit. You cannot even write comprehensible, coherent and cohesive composition. Why do shame yourself like this on media.

      Pleas if you cannot write good English, ask someone to do it for you or do not do it at all. We have better people in Zambia than you. Why do you want to bring most well educated Zambians to you pathetic level. Go nack to school please!!!

  25. So Guy Scott has abandoned Winter Kabimba and his Rainbow Party. I would like to know what Winter thinks and how he fits into the scheme of things

  26. If PF want to have 1 percent chance of winning the elections, they should remove Senior Citizen from among their cadres. He brings bad luck!

  27. Guy Scott is liked on the copper belt. speak to taxi drivers they will tell you that. Copper belt people still think Sata was a great leader and everything died when he died. So PF watch out. . . This wind might grow stronger and sweep you off. Add a 15% plus to upnd strength and reduce 20% plus on PF strength on copperbelt.

  28. Who is going to vote for PF and things are now? See Miles Sampa is cream on ice cake in Northern and Guy Scott is entire Lusaka central offloaded to UPND. PF should think of conceding in the August election as UPND and HH victory to limit damage of PF party under E C L failure to govern Zambia.

    • Sampa is not a cream of Northern province that is why he was squatting in Matero Constituency. Scot was winning on Sata’s back. He has not been adopted in Lusaka central that is why he is now very bitter. Accept it, HH has made a political mistake. These are a spent force politically. They were surviving due to the system, PF and now they face the reality that they cannot do it otherwise.

      So my friend you leader is not see things politically right , yet again. This is how he missed a penalty last time. This time with the 50+1, wina azalililatu!!!! ukuti maweeee napenga mebo, EL wanijisa maningi!!!!

  29. Just a reminder to HH and UPND, don’t f00l yourselves, these crooks including HH where defeated by President Lungu in 2015 who only campaigned for merely 21 days.
    Instead of UPND celebrating, they should be very worried because their party is under sieze by power hungry vultures.
    When President Lungu defeats HH again in August, you will see how they will scamper and any critical thinker would tell you that there is nothing new that has happened to UPND except that they just made it official.
    President Lungu is winning clean again because we love him as Zambians period.

  30. Mr HH of the UPND is adhering to conditions set by the Post Newspapers to embrace Mr Guy Scott and Mr Miles Sampa.These two opportunists never voted for Mr Edgar Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia. However, good luck further more Mr HH should be very careful with the terms of reference given to him alone by the Post Newspapers without the knowledge of close senior members of the UPND…

    • Do not fool yourself. These guys had left PF in 2015. They were only hanging on because they wanted to continue benefiting as MPs. Sampa was already formally and this move is good for PF as some people who followed Sampa will go back to PF because they now see how crooked he is. This is making PF even more stronger. We are all smile chabe as UPND and HH kill themselves politically. They are fighting the battle on our behalf. HH is self-destructing by going to be with these guys. Continue going to Chainama hotel while we do the right politics, focusing on winning not on Facebook on Post Newspaper. Really politics my friend.

      Go EL GO show them how it done. No hate or insult can stop this man in August. With 50+1 HH has huge problem to dislodge EL. EL will continue by default as…

  31. Before we know it, the new generation of leaders will be in the PF and all recycled politicians will be UPND… Auto cleansing for LUNGUs’ PF. The best is yet to come

  32. “Dr Scott said that as a founder member of the ruling PF he is disappointed that President Edgar Lungu has destroyed the party by embracing MMD members”
    I Hope HH is not destroying UPND by embracing PF members. Scott is now a “Clever White man”

  33. HH is under seize believe it or not. Is not just the other day that this power hungry playboy Sampa was expelled from the Orange party and already he is in pact with Kachema and Fat Albert? Unless you are a political novice you can get excited but the truth is President Lungu will wallop these chaps once and for all.
    Guy Scott has no respect for blacks and their is nothing he can tell anyone. He is a damn dead racist who has joined a dead tribal party supported by biggest snake in Zambia’s politics, M’membe. Anyone can see that these chaps just hate President Lungu because he beat them at first attempt and NOT that they represent the interest of Zambians. God has already lifted President Lungu and nothing will change it till 2026.

  34. Its good that people are preparing themselves properly so that Zambia be completely delivered from the plans of the secret societies. You may not like to hear this, just like in January last year President Edgar Lungu will win the elections. It was not an easy task last year neither will it be an easy task this year but he will still win the elections. I am kindly advising the UPND supporters to mentally prepare themselves for the results of elections. Yes HH will get votes but not more than what President Lungu will get. So as we celebrate the defections and alliances we should just keep this in mind that Edgar Lungu will still win the elections.

    • I agree because God sees what men do not see… there is an evil gang up in the natural realm by selfish and greedy politicians…. now is when Zambians will discern between the evil and the good

  35. So this is how Sampa has really ended up joining the ranks of Cosmo, Muliokela and the likes! And what are the implications for upnd?

  36. Ba PF your goose is cooked and its over for you already.Elect HH,elect this level headed Tonga man to lead Zambia from the rot of visionless PF and Bemba tribal mismanagement.

    • Mzambia wa zamani, Do not bring the Bembas in your rotten tribal talk. Ask why your god HH agreed to picked as president for your on tribal grounds. To date, he does not dispute this. You are the ones peddling tribalism and now accuse others of it. If your leadership in UPND is cemented on tribalism, it means the whole system is rotten. That is why SP is a no go zone for non-Tonga led party. Shameless tribalist.

      Your headless HH has yet made another political blunder. Scot and Sampa are not getting anything from PF and are not bringing any number to UPND. If anything, many who followed them will go back to PF because they have nothing to do with a tribal based party. These guys are only joining HH because EL is there common enemy because beat them clean and they feel bad about it. It…

  37. Kikikiki the failed CARTEL stranded, and BLINDLY CONTROLLED by Mmembe. HH is on record saying ” Ine nikalibe ona muzungu opusa monga Scott ” and he went further saying, ” Guy Scott is the only colonist remained in Zambia.” Guy Scott is too dull and easily forgets.

  38. What I don’t understand is how people can deny the loadshedding, cholera, shortage of commodities, abuse of human rights, tribalism, hate speech and blatant corruption perpetuated by ecl.

    • Sorry for your confusion and not understanding. But you see, when people trust an individual, they will support him even in hard times. Cholera and other issues have not started today. Humanity has faced them in all ages. What matters is how you manage a crisis. EL and PF have managed this crisis, which they did not cause of course.

      I hope you know understand why EL is the favourite to win and continues to get support country wide. I hoe you will sleep well now my friend as you question has been answered. Please if any other problem feel free to ask.

  39. This move will shift the balance. ECL misbehaved when GS was acting President, disrespecting him with an arrogance that baffled most people. How can there be any love between them? The reality is that ECL has little respect for constitutions, if they are stand in his way. The Panga coup in Kabwe, which saw him ascend to power together with the chief architect of that coup, Mrs Wina, will see him ultimately out of power and shamed. His actions as President have not helped him, aside from signing in the constitutional amendments. He has not demonstrated wisdom by letting PF cadres become lawless and uncontrollable. A President has to uphold the Constitution and ensure that the four arms of governance are effective. He will rue this day!

  40. PF you need to stop and look at yourself in the mirror, maybe it’s time to change your ways. Pride comes before a fall. You are losing people and if it continues you might be left with a shell of yourself. Don’t think people will vote for a party everyone is running away from, people know when a party is collapsing, to make it even you are messing with their mealie meal

  41. Wisdom says it is only the foolish fly that gets buried with the carcass. Indeed the decayed carcass that is PF is being buried and the wise flies are flying away as the stinking corpse is being interred. If PF overcome this then it will be a resurrection of Lazarus proportion.

  42. The Pf have fallen on their panga and the tribal card has not helped things at all these deplorable primitive ways of usurping power are long outdated in this time.Its time we started showing seriousness in changing the political dispensation of the way we conduct our politics of this day and age.We should ensure and encourage competitive Politics for the future generations to come the best brains and ideas carry the day and what practical works for the electorate otherwise we will lag behind.I think the new constitution will bring alot of change as it has raised the criteria of the nect generation of politicians

  43. Hh said it before:Scott nimuzungu wopusa. So what has changed?
    Scott and Miles Sampa are nonenties and Upnd remains a regionalist party and they will gnash their teeth on, 13 August 2016.

  44. Hh said it before:Scott nimuzungu wopusa. So what has changed?
    Scott and Miles Sampa are nonenties and Upnd remains a regionalist party and they will gnash their teeth on, 13 August 2016. .

  45. Only progressive Zambians will do what GBM, Dr Scott and young man Sampa and others have done. Zambia under Changwa is headed for more doom. Time to liberate Zambia economically and from violence is now under the Forward UPND team and its alliances. Forget the likes of Mumbi, Dora, Bwalya Frank and Kabwili. Forget about the Nigerian prophets.

  46. ….yaba….after going thru most of the comments…PF bloggers are really unsettled and confused…@Arm critic..@Child of God…you will choke and die with BP while the politicians remain dancing at rallies…don’t take what they smear themselves with when they are in different camps seriously….so many examples to give…Frank Bwalya once said Hakainde mubotu(he is good) and Kambwili is mad…remember on let the people talk..??…Dora and Kaingu on PF not to mention RB…Kaunda KK once said Sata is not a presidential material….there are too numerous references to mention

  47. Lungu is a seasoned politician like Guy Scott The problem with Lungu is the reflection of Ruphia approach to ensure he is the king maker and all the powers rest in him. There are a lot of similarities between Lungu and Ruphia, globaltrotting, lack of charisma, drunkardness , greediness , pompousness, lack of assessing the political mood within and outside their party. Grudge and hostile at tendencies towards those with different views. Sponsoring and hiring holigans to inflict and cause violence and anarchy. Lack of emotional intelligence, chasing founding members with the view to hold on to power that retune alienates the grassroots . A good and seasoned politician is the one who embraces even his enemies so that he is able to know what they are upto of which Lungu lacks. Lungu is on a…

  48. Lungu is not not a seasoned politician like Guy Scott The problem with Lungu is the reflection of Ruphia approach to ensure he is the king maker and all the powers rest in him. There are a lot of similarities between Lungu and Ruphia, globaltrotting, lack of charisma, drunkardness , greediness , pompousness, lack of assessing the political mood within and outside their party. Grudge and hostile at tendencies towards those with different views. Sponsoring and hiring holigans to inflict and cause violence and anarchy. Lack of emotional intelligence, chasing founding members with the view to hold on to power that retune alienates the grassroot.

  49. Dr Scott said that as a founder member of the ruling PF he is disappointed that President Edgar Lungu has destroyed the party by embracing MMD members.

  50. Guy and Sampa have been embraced in the UPND when they are also part of the government that has failed the Zambians. Guy is a fake politician is condemning members from MMD who have been embraced in the magnificent and able PF government when is also part of government he is saying has failed the Zambians. UPND is also embracing these failure who will add to the failure of UPND to take over power. Twalamipika fye bwino loleleni.

  51. Zoona HH niopusa he is now mingling with the person he said nimuzungu wopusa. lelo muzungu wopusa hawama kikikikikikiki. Mwaiche HH U should stop politics of insults becoz naiwe wakala chipuba pa last mingling namuzungu wopusa. koma zoona ndiwewosila.

  52. Power does lies with the people, Lungu won the election without the support of Guy, Sampa and GBM. So what the h.e.l.l are you talking about? Check this out y’all electoral demographic patterns will repeat themselves. LP, C/Belt P, CP, NP, MP, EP, LSK P goes to ECL whereas SP, NWP and WP still goes to HH. Failed LIMA party and unregistered DF party leaders are not a factor in this endeavour! The people of Zambia will have the last say. Democracy will play its part and whoever the almighty God endorses will carry the day. Good riddance though, finally Guy has come out in the open and surely so he has the right to belong to a club of his choice. Guy, Sampa and GBM have always boasted of having made PF reign, okay, real test for PF is nigh. People Behold one of the most interesting…

  53. Nothing new here. No major breakthrough for HH. Scott is a finished politician. Sampa is a suckling misguided baby.


    • HH once attributed Guy to a VERY STUPID MUZUNGU he had ever seen…know Guy is busy treking to the same person who not long ago insulted him.Guy is desperate..he is a job seeker.

  55. How does UPND enter into an electoral pact with DF – a party declared nonexistent via a Supreme Court ruling? Something isn’t just adding up here!

    • Maikalange, you are the man.

      I also wanted to ask the same question.
      \\\\\\\\\ Can an individual be a party?
      How can an individual without a party sign a pact with a party?
      \\\\\\\\\ HH is UPND and UPND is HH\\\\\\\\\\\

      Simple Description: ‘ DESPERATION AT ITS BEST’

      Bushe Tefyo?

      Selako ba Lungu Babombeko

  56. Can a normal person complain if the most stupid white man leaves his party?
    Can a normal ECL complain if the most stupid white man that HH has ever seen endolses the one who insulted him?

    God chooses leaders. What happened to ECL in January 2015 can only be attributed to God being on one’s side.

    Guy Scott did not leave PF yesterday, No!
    Guy Scott left PF the day that Michael Sata fired Winter Kabimba.

    Just thinking aloud ” Where is Winter Kabimba?”

  57. Stop kalijo.PF finished start counting your selves.Bembas say ukusunga mbwa maano wabula maano mbwa ilabutuka.Lungu is not wise all people are running away from him ati they are not a Ba PF chamubabani sory gus just accept its time for HH.

  58. What people are forgeting is that 11th november, 2011 and 20th January 2015 are two different times, weeks, days and years. Scott was known becuase of our beloved PF founder MC Sata, he (scott) played a part in the PF victory on 11th but on the 20th of january 2015 not at all, in fact he wanted HH to go through other than Lungu, to his supprise, the opposite happened. So who is Guy scott to pf’s equations today? what value does he add on it which can cause us to worry? equally to his counterparts miles post sampa and mama kasebanya what impact do they have in politics. How posible is it that ecl can work with mulenga sata but fail to work with kaseba? something is wrong about the three tretors and betrayers of MCS. Nevertheles, wishing u guyz a good downfall with your dubble H.

  59. I do not see any politic party like MMD, DF, UNIP, RAINBOW and FDD should make a pact to support PF. Unless you have been paid, promised a position. If your interest is really to save the nation from additional economic harm. I give Sample and this White Man Scott as your MODEL. These two guys had positions and leaving those position calls for huge sacrifices. There those cowards who can’t even speak now because they and their children are eating and affording to go to school. Thanks to the Zambians who have signaled warning to any political party that we no longer joking we give you a job you don’t perform we fire you and hire somebody capable to run the nation.

    To the Zambians. Do you Know that you are the shareholders of this nation. So be careful who you hire or employee to be…

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