Saturday, July 27, 2024

Yes, I get money from politicians, Tayali admits he received K10,000 from Kaizer Zulu


Zambian Voice Executive Director Chilufya Tayali
Zambian Voice Executive Director Chilufya Tayali

Zambian Voice Executive Director Chilufya Tayali has revealed that he was paid K10,000 by State House official Kaizer Zulu at the height of Mr Zulu’s corruption scandal.

Mr Tayali said the money was meant to assist the Zambian Voice carry out some advocacy activities for Mr Zulu when he faced investigations by the ACC bordering on corruption.

He also revealed that he has received money from politicians such as UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema and figures such as newspaper owner Fred M’membe and suspended DPP Mutembo Nchito.

Mr Tayali was speaking on Wednesday when he featured on a radio programme on Power FM called Power and Politics.

He explained that as a non-profit making organisation, the Zambian Voice receives donations from well-wishers to keep it going.

Mr Tayali however stressed that he cannot get comprised after receiving donations from individuals or organisations.

“Basically what we do is source money from everywhere. We are a civil society organisation and our role is to speak out. We have spoken out for many individuals in this country whom we feel have been down trodden and this is our work,” Mr Tayali said.

He said most Zambians do not have the right to question his conduct as Executive Director because they have never donated anything to the running of the Zambian Voice.

“People can talk all they like but when it comes to keep the organisation a float, Zambians don’t step up. I have to struggle to look for funds so that we can talk the way we talk,” he said.

He added, “I have no shame to say that yes Kaizer Zulu has given me some money, yes he gave me a ka 10 pin at that time he was facing those corruption issues and we spoke for him. We have done the same for HH and Ba GBM. HH gave me a ka 2 pin.”

Mr Tayali also revealed that he has now fallen out with Mr M’membe for undisclosed reasons.

“I used to be very close to Fred but yes we have not been in good terms because I am a person who speaks my mind and I told him off over something that he was pushing and this is why I do not get any coverage from the Post these days.”


    • This just confirms that this guy is really a shameless PF cadre paid to do all sorts of dirty jobs! Even his attacks on UPND and others are purely political.

      Tayali is all part of the rot and corruption in PF and he can not deny this.


    • Ati ka 10 pin. Tayali is suffering from malignant narcissism whose only talent is garish self promotion!

    • Such hyenas will have no place in the new political space that will be created by UPND when it forms government in august. It will be a total change of national political culture that will foster a culture of just service. Bye bye Tayali. find something else to do come August. Maybe EL will still give you money to try and protect him from prosecution.

    • Iwe Lungu, the man is telling you that he received a ka 2pin from HH and you don’t believe him. You are biased.

    • Tayali!! you are such a cheap tick!! Kaizer Zulu made 500,000 out of that corruption deal and he gives you 10pin,,, and you lick his,,

    • He knows his time is up, Backing the wrong man and he did this just to make people believe that HH is also involved but its too late for people have made up their minds and HH is the man. EL is a big disappointment even to his supporters who can not believe what the guy is doing.

    • “We are a civil society organisation and our role is to speak out”
      “He said most Zambians do not have the right to question his conduct as Executive Director because they have never donated anything to the running of the Zambian Voice”
      “People can talk all they like but when it comes to keep the organisation a float, Zambians don’t step up. I have to struggle to look for funds so that we can talk the way we talk,” he said.

      Civil societies represent the interests and will of the people, how can you not be answerable the you are supposed to represent? I hope the other Donors show this ka imbwa the door. You are soliciting money in the name of the zambian people. Why insult them now?

    • In one breath he says he sources (goes round asking) donations and in another sounds as if those who donate to him volunteer to do so! I am baffled!

  1. How can Tayali publicly confess and be proud of receiving money so that he can some dirty work? This is moral bankruptcy!

  2. JJP to extract something very fundamental out of him; on the Rupiah corruption to which Tayali was a key witness. Unfortunately, he received underserved publicity out of this process which dos not materialize after Rupiah vowed back. He is an unschooled a JJP to extract something very fundamental out of him; on the Rupiah corruption to which Tayali was a key witness. Unfortunately, he received underserved publicity out of this process which dos not materialize after Rupiah vowed back. He is an unschooled a

    The Post want

  3. JJP to extract something very fundamental out of him; on the Rupiah corruption to which Tayali was a key witness. Unfortunately, he received underserved publicity out of this process which dos not materialize after Rupiah vowed back. He is an unschooled a JJP to extract something very fundamental out of him; on the Rupiah corruption to which Tayali was a key witness. Unfortunately, he received underserved publicity out of this process which dos not materialize after Rupiah vowed back. He is an unschooled a

    The Post wanted to extract something very fundamental out of him; on the Rupiah corruption to which Tayali was a key witness. Unfortunately, he received underserved publicity out of this process which did not materialize. He went to HH to ask for help in terms of fuel. He is an unschooled and unprincipled political mercenaries who has reached a point where NO ONE trusts him; let alone his family. He is now like a prostitutewho immoral men burning with liar will push into a corner for a one minute stand for temporary satisfaction not caring about long term consequences.

  4. Please can’t you people realise this is a LUNATIC? A social path? It explains why he felt entitled by abusing that disadvantaged girl.
    Zambians stop abetting this lunacy.

  5. I want to reasonably doubt that Mr. Tayali was misquoted. I need to find out on my own. Anyway man is evil but on the other hand it is what you have been tasked to to acquire it .

  6. Tayali has said why he got money from others. Could it be that others were trying to help his organization in good faith unlike the corruption issue he has mentioned

  7. Even received some pins from HH and Mmembe? Well, they must be disappointed that they didn’t manage to own you.

  8. kka ***** akka kalesabaila u thnk hh z at yo level anless bene kaizer can giv u dnt put hh in stupid

  9. Tayali is a dangerous crook and the best way to treat him is to take him for a comedian. he hates HH so much. i wonder what he will do when HH becomes president this August.

  10. And the hynaes in UPND are busy hallucinating and cheating themselves that their ka god, ka Kachema can be trusted with the national affairs, where?
    We know this UPND has borrowed massively from foreigners and no wonder you see HH running to foreign and sponsored foreign medias it’s because he wants to assure the unsuspecting shylocks that he will pay them back in the unlikely event that Zambians make a mistake to vote on his head.
    The truth is UPND and HH are broke and the only way they can pay back all those millions of borrowed dollars is by being in power. UPND does not have any development agenda for Zambia and if you doubt ask any of their tribal PMs.


  12. Are we peaceful people or a bunch of cowards? this rat can not live to see another day in other countries. The dog irritates me

  13. Leave Tayali alone,zambians you lack intergrity ,’it’s politics of the belly’.even yo HH has grey areas,,,,to much hatred and pretence-rubbish!

  14. Absolutely no shame no intergrity at all…why even hide behind this selfsame organisation. Please stop publishing this boys articles…this is how our society has morally decayed!!

  15. If he has received money from all those sources that he admits, it would be naive to say that he belongs to any one political party. The so called NGO is a desperate one that gets money from anybody including crooks, cartels just to prop them up or speak for them as this Tayali says. The Holier than though HH also pays to such desperate belly driven NGO so that he can get the voice. And when they ask him about his role in the privatization of Zambian assets in goes int derogatory mode.

    • Either HH does not listen to advice or he has very poor advisors. How on earth does he entangle himself with this tick. If NGOs are required to pay tax ZRA should move in on Tayali’s NGO and many others.

  16. Why should normal people take this lunatic so seriously?
    Tayali is just paid to attack hh. This is another way of trying to bring down hh.
    What a shame.
    God does not like people who treat others the way this pfool parasite does.
    Let him sober up.

  17. Shameless and desperate. He is setting himself up to be used during campaigns by the highest bidder hence the uncontrollable yapping. Everyone knows you now you leech. No one will hire you and if they do, it will be at a very cheap price and the discard will be without comfort.

  18. This article was brewed from Upnd secretariat to discredit Zulu. Tayali never writes his stories without including prostitutes and xex. These are not tayalis words. WAIT for his denial soon.

  19. So as long as the corrupt pay you, you speakout for them.????
    You are a shamless usless thief that deserves no air time.
    Gentlemen if you are principled and hate corruption and see any story by this theif, don’t read, don’t comment that way these media people will know no one is intrested in Reading about him and his compromised organisation.

  20. Lusakatimes editors please improve on editing your articles. Too many grammatical errors for an online publication.

  21. Zambia, Zambia… have you stooped this low? where is the news here? Should Tayali be the headlines, sure?

    1. Go to Kariba and collect data from Zambezi River Authority, interview the dwellers along the banks of Lake Kariba and take pictures of the water levels at the Lake and the falls in Livingstone etc… to enable citizens determine whether load shedding is there to stay or for how long you shall remain doomed.

    2. Go to FRA sheds, take pictures of the maize stock, interview some relevant staff, and reconcile their positions with millers and retailers… etc to enable you determine the cause and whether indeed UPND are the ones causing the millie meal shortages, for how long you shall continue buying a bag at K100 etc

    3. Go to Indeni and Tazama, take pictures, interview some…

    • Because we read articles with his name which pushes Internet traffic for these media. The best is too completely ignore anything under him. I for one will never give him air time by reading his articles after this revelation.

    • HH and his role during privatisation of mines

      By Dr. Albert D. Bwalya

      Patriotic Front Members should know that HH was not in government when Fredrick Chiluba was selling the mines. He was neither a government agent but was rather helping the MMD regime as one of the 120 Zambian Economists called by Fredrick Chiluba to try to value the mines.

  22. Patriotic Front Members should know that HH was not in government when Fredrick Chiluba was selling the mines. He was neither a government agent but was rather helping the MMD regime as one of the 120 Zambian Economists called by Fredrick Chiluba to try to value the mines.

    At the time of privatisation, HH was already a wealthy man with a lot of investments in South Africa and in America. He was just called by President Chiluba to be among the 120 senior government economists to try and value the mines on behalf of the government.
    People who are talking about privatization are either ignorant about the whole issue or are just deliberately doing so to scandalize HH.

    Ask Madam Edith Nawakwi the Finance Minister at that time and she will tell you the truth that HH was never involved in…

    • Ask Madam Edith Nawakwi the Finance Minister at that time and she will tell you the truth that HH was never involved in any under valuing the mines. We are still blessed as a country because the one who was Finance Minister at that time is still alive and active in politics. Nawakwi would have been in forefront condemning HH if he was really guilty.
      In Zambia its like every God chosen person has to undergo accusations. Look at how the Late President Sata (MHSRIP) suffered before being elected. The same people that are in PF today insulting HH (Bowman Lusambo and Dora Siliya) were the ones who were in forefront of calling our father Micheal Sata as a man who wanted to promote homosexual. Homosexual against Micheal Sata was like a national anthem for Dora Silya and Lusambo. Today it is…

    • The same people that are in PF today insulting HH (Bowman Lusambo and Dora Siliya) were the ones who were in forefront of calling our father Micheal Sata as a man who wanted to promote homosexual. Homosexual against Micheal Sata was like a national anthem for Dora Silya and Lusambo. Today it is heartbreaking to see the same people that insulted our departed leader being given front seats in PF and Government while members that laboured for the party are still wallowing in poverty after spending all they had to make the party grow despite persecution.
      The PF is now desperate as it has run out of campaign strategy hence to resort to tribalism, privatization and violence forgetting that all those are outdated political gimmicks.
      Dr. Albert D. Bwalya
      Political Scientist.
      University of…

  23. The PF is now desperate as it has run out of campaign strategy hence to resort to tribalism, privatization and violence forgetting that all those are outdated political gimmicks.
    Dr. Albert D. Bwalya
    Political Scientist.
    University of Zambia.

    • We do not have Dr Albert D. Bwalya ins the Department of Political and Administrative Studies at UNZA. Stop telling lies iwe mambala. You are just like Tayali.

  24. Politicians have voices. Are these the people Chilufya represent who give him money? If this is true, then Zambian Voice is misleading because it means nothing to the voiceless. Do you need to pay the Zambian Voice in order to be represented?

  25. Unfortunately, he is typical of the type of opinion makers who Zambian society idolises. Corrupt to the core, but without even realising it himself.


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