Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fred M’membe and Kabimba RB defamation case fails to take off


Wynter Kabimba and The Post owner Fred M’membe
Wynter Kabimba and The Post owner Fred M’membe

The case in which Rainbow Party Leader Wynter Kabimba, the Post Newspaper and its Editor in Chief Fred M’membe are facing charges of criminal libel and contempt of court in relation to a published article concerning former President Rupiah Banda failed to take off this morning.

The matter which was scheduled for ruling before Magistrate Kenneth Mulife has been adjourned to 22nd April 2016 as the ruling is not ready.

Magistrate Mulife was supposed to rule on an application made by defence lawyers to dismiss the matter in which former president Rupiah Banda has sued the trio for libel and contempt of court.

The defence has contended that the case should be quashed because Mr. Banda’s immunity has been restored and he cannot appear before any court of law as a witness.


  1. politics! politics’s always a game of chess, judgements and counter judgements, accusations, cadreism and hateful speech over development is the order of the day in my beloved country..

  2. This immunity business is very strange. RB cannot appear in any court as a witness?? So if RB was the only witness to a situation where someone raped his wife, the no case? The witness is gagged by law, finito! The culprit will call on the witness and the witness will say, ‘no court for me mate’ . Go away!

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