CHIEF Justice Ireen Mambilima has thanked President Edgar Lungu and the Patriotic Front (PF) Government for supporting and protecting the judiciary.
Ms Justice Mambilima said the judiciary was grateful to President Lungu and the PF Government for the steady and tireless support as well as protection.
She said her office had been concerned with delays in disposing of cases but she was glad to state that a number of interventions had been put in place such as the appointment of more judges and the establishment of more courts especially the specialised Divisions of the High Court and fast track courts.
Ms Justice Mabilima said this in Livingstone yesterday in a speech read for her by Judge Flugence Chisanga during the inaugural opening of the 2016 Sessions of the Industrial Relations Division of the High Court for Southern Province.
The Industrial Relations Court, which is now a Division of the High Court under the Amended Constitution of Zambia, has been launched in Livingstone to handle industrial and other labour related cases in Southern Province.
This means that the people in Southern Province will no longer be required to go to Lusaka for industrial and labour related matter.
The first circuit commenced in Livingstone yesterday on April 4, 2016 and the last one would commence on November 7, 2016 while each circuit session will be for a period of at least two weeks.
Ms Justice Mambilima said the first session in Livingstone symbolised the continued resolve in the implementation of the reforms in the judiciary.
She urged the judges for the Industrial Relations Court to rise to the occasion and ensure to dispose of the cases expeditiously despite of many challenges affecting the smooth operations of the judiciary.
“I have no doubt that the Industrial relations Division of the High Court will have a lot of cases to hear and determine in Southern Province.
“I say so in light of the fact that in the last three years, that is, from 2013 to 2015; out of the total number of 1, 806 labour disputes that were handled by the office of the senior labour officer, a total number of 740 cases were referred to the courts of law,” Ms Justice Mambilima said.
She said access to justice was one of the fundamental human rights which the judiciary was determined to uphold.
“We are all aware that Livingstone where the launch for the Industrial Relations Division is being done today is the hub of tourism in Zambia.
“As such, it has attracted considerable investment in the tourism and hospitality industry. Unfortunately, most of these disputes are not resolved by the parties ex-curia but are brought before the courts of law,” Ms Justice Mambilima said.
Ms Justice Mambilima also announced that plans were underway to construct a court building complex in Choma which would accommodate the High Court, Subordinate Courts and the Small Claims Court.
Speaking at the same meeting, Industrial Relations Court judge in charge Martin Musaluke said the achievement of bringing justice closer to the people in Southern Province would only be met if all stakeholders come together.
Mr Justice Musaluke said there was need for employers, employees, trade unions and the media in Southern province to come together and inform the public about the milestone of the opening of the Industrial Relations Division of the High Court in Livingstone.
“All labour and industrial relations cases in the province can now be filed and heard in Livingstone.
“With improved infrastructure and adequate funding, resident judge could be stationed here in Livingstone to exclusively deal with labour and industrial relations cases,” Mr Justice Musaluke said.
Southern Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu said the presence of the Industrial Relations Court in the province would result in quick disposal of cases, reduction in the cost of litigation and access to justice by more people.
Mr Mubukwanu also said the Government had bought a light track for the judiciary to mitigate transport challenges.
Why are you thanking Edgar Lungu when it is his responsibility. Its not like he has done the Judiciary a favour. Its his job to see to it that government wings like the Judiciary are running smoothly. Its like thanking a parent for looking after his own kids.
Stop this nonsense.
Kuya bebele rigging accomplices.
Stop yapping you ID-IOt the Chief justice is on track. Which president has done this before. Thumbs up ECL.
That is the mindset of a Black African.
Always praising “The Chief” so as to gain favour, by singing praise songs.
Its the same cr@p, that we hear time & time again, “P.F, is good, coz they are building roads bridges, & schools”
They indeed should be improving the nations infrastructure, as that’s what they were elected to office for, NOT gaining dodgy kickbacks in the process. One then does Not use their Brain capacity, to wonder why Zambian roads are the costliest to construct on the planet??
In a nutshell P.F, have failed to govern, as they are the most corrupt regime, ever to rule Zambia.
#Chagwa must fall
Go on internet and Google the cost of constructing a km of road and you will be amazed that Zambian roads are no where near the most expensive roads.
@Keleni tasa atushe, the average cost per kilometre of building a road as per world bank estimation is $1.4m and in Nigeria alone it is $3.4m. So Zambia is still within and please stop cheating pipo that we are the most expensive and inflate the costs. You should research these things before making a fool of yourself.
@Keleni tasa atushe, the average cost of tarring a road in Africa as per wold bank estimation is $1.4m/km and in Nigeria alone it is $3.4m/km as per research carried in 2013/2014. The research examined cost overruns in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Madagascar, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. It found Nigeria with the highest cost overruns, “where the contracts increased their original value by 39.7 per cent on the average during implementation.”
The average cost overruns in Ghana were 34 per cent; about 18 per cent in Mozambique and Tanzania; and none in Ethiopia, Uganda, Zambia and Kenya.So stop cheating youself and your cohorts that we the are the most expensive.
This is a morally wrong statement. What will happen if FDD were to bring an issue against Kadansa & his PF to this condescending Chief Justice? Its statements like this that make our judiciary look spineless & useless. Its not Kadansa who protects the judiciary, its the constitution.
HH is nicknamed kadansa how does he come into the equation of judicial?
Iwe it is HH who was nicknamed kadansa by Nawakwi because he is fond of dancing pa ma rallies. You think Kadansa is Lungu! You should follow Zambian politics properly mwana you are making a fo.ol of yourself, have you just come on the political scene? Dont emberass yourself.
Now Mr. President can you quickly appoint the public protector/defender
We are light years behind RSA…this is a typical example..thanking the Executive for protection…does the Judiciary need protection if its truly independent.
What happened to Ireen?
What nonsense from the Chief Justice of a PF compromised judiciary!! This woman is an Ar.sewhore – she facilitated rigging and now singing fake praises!
Sounds like She is saying “good bye”!
There are three arms of government
(1). Legislature
(2). Judiciary
(3). Executive
The statement by the Chief Justice is a mockery to the concept of separation of power. It’s time Heads of the Legislature and Judiciary grew some steel “bolaz” and show us that they’re truly independent. This naked hero-worshipping must end, whether the President is EL, HH or Nawakwi. It’s a backward trend
Ubepelefye ” Umfundisi” whatever they call you, this IRON lady will still be there after the elections.
We need the equivalent of Chapter 9 institutions that are independent with capacity to protect the ENTIRE constitution and put the office bearers along with the citizenry in order! This article shows how illusory separation of powers in Zambia is. It gives us the impression that the Chief Justice is subordinate to the President in contradiction to what the CONSTITUTION states! Not surprising that in SA at the moment both the Presidency and the Parliament violated the constitution. I believe in Zambia it is happening on a daily basis and ignored even by those that are at the receiving end!!!
“The chosen one” the way you have listed the names is the way the results will be after 11 August, thank you.
Very shameful for the chief justice to be seen to be grovelling at the president. Shame. Aba ba sebana wikute it’s almost acceptable, but the chief justice kissing a.rse so openly!!
Simply a disgrace and transgression. There is so much she could said without compromising herself.
Is she that desperate?
I have much respect for this woman by the way? Donchi kubeba. Perhaps.