Zambian Voice Executive Director Chilufya Tayali has called on President Edgar Lungu to call for a press briefing where he would offer policy directions on a number of issues facing the nation.
Mr Tayali said Zambia has now reached a stage where the President needs to intervene on a number of issues to give policy direction.
“We have seen in the past that, whenever the President speaks out on something, people jump, the markets including exchange rates are prompted,” he said in a statement.
He said while the inflation rate seems to have performed well in the last month recording 22.20 percent in March of 2016 from 22.90 percent in February of 2016, there seem to be a shrouded policy direction on other economic factors.
“There is a lot of speculations on fuel, mealie meal, fiscal policy, Govt borrowing and its repayment plans, loadshedding, national security as we go towards the elections, among other issues,” he said.
He added, “People seem to be anxious on what the future holds. The opposition, on the other hand, are taking advantage of the situation to feed people unverified or imaginative information.”
Mr Tayali observed that due to obscure information, the debates in the country are rather emotional because people are merely speculating.
“It is, therefore, imperative that the President steps in and put the country on the right course on policy for all citizens to follow.”
For the first time, Tayali writes objectively!
He simply needs topping up from the PF…his money is running out!!
Tayali, Tayali! Do they have policy direction? Why do you think no one even Chikwanda cannot show up to speak on behalf of EL on financial matters. it is guesswork/ chipantepante as some call it. They are clueless my friend. You think the president doesn’t know what he should do?
I wish I could take this guy seriously. Even when he sounds a bit sober this time around, it wont take 48 hours before he spills trash again. Sorry, Tayali, you dont have character. Personally, I dont trust you and I dont even know whom you are really representing in this so-called “Zambian Voice”.
The reason the president is saying nothing is because he has nothing to say. He has NO vision for this country – and the only people who jump when Edgar speaks are airheads like YOU Chilufya Tayali and Mumbwe Phiri!!
Yes. People are imagining lies about everything. People are imagining that there is no mealie-meal in Zambia when mealie-meal is plenty and very cheap everywhere; People are imagining that there is no oxygen at UTH; People are imagining that the economy is bad and that people are hungry when people are throwing food away every day and the government is therefore exporting maize to Zimbabwe; People are imagining that there is bad governance when the PF government is very efficient and effective in service delivery; People are imagining that there is load-shedding in the country because they are just blind and can’t see the lights everywhere; People are imagining that fuel is expensive when it is the cheapest in the region; People are imagining that PF cadres are violent when they don’t…
People are imagining that PF cadres are violent when they don’t attack anyone anywhere; People are imagining that the POA is bad when actually the police are using it very well and giving every citizen the freedoms they are entitled to in the constitution; People are imagining that students need their meal allowance when actually it has been government pleading with students to take up their allowances as students are saying their parents can afford to sponsor them; People are imagining lies on everything.
Biggest joke, is it not the same guy, Edgar who bolted from a BBC interview? Where will he get the courage to address the nation when he has messed up everything?
Yamunyokola njala Chilufya Tayali! Trying hard to bootlick anywhere, but too late for the hypocritical Tayali.
The best thing to do for bootlickers like Tayali is by voting wisely for the best future of his children’s children, family & Zambia.
This TIZ boy can’t be trusted, by tomorrow Tayali will be refusing to have said the above logical fallacy of today. As usual, a hypocrite is a pathetic liar.
Vote Wisely, otherwise njala iza nyokola with the disappearance of Mealie Meal under visionless PF charlatans.
The Skeleton Key
Chilufya Tayali has called on President Edgar Lungu to call for a press briefing not where he would offer policy directions on a number of issues facing the nation, but offer him ka 2 Pin.
I agree with Tayali.
Very true but the only problem is that the ***** chakolwa lungu has no vision with his useless bitches chi mumbwa phiri and dora silyt always backing like dogs starved dogs
He is right this time.
This boy has no intergrity to be taken serious…you simply need to put £1 coin in him and he will be singing your somgs…please LT dont cheapen your site with his Facebook page posts.
You will never stop surprising me Tayali. You say people are being fed imaginary and speculative information by the opposition parties? Really? But who do load-shedding, high mealie meal prices, inflation, job losses, erratic fuel availability, cholera and depreciation of the kwacha, among other problems, if it’s not the same Zambians who you say are being fed with speculative and imaginary data? Are these problems imaginary? Are the people of Zambia imagining that prices of their staple food high? Are Zambians imagining that there is electricity load-shedding? Aaaah Tayali, be serious, young man. Its better for you to keep quiet if you have nothing to talk about!
You will never stop surprising me Tayali. You say people are being fed imaginary and speculative information by the opposition parties? Really? But who does load-shedding, high mealie meal prices, inflation, job losses, erratic fuel availability, cholera and depreciation of the kwacha, among other problems affect, if it’s not the same Zambians who you say are being fed with speculative and imaginary data? Are these problems imaginary? Are the people of Zambia imagining that prices of their staple food are high? Are Zambians imagining that there is electricity load-shedding? Aaaah Tayali, be serious, young man. Its better for you to keep quiet if you have nothing to talk about!
..you can only give directions……
1) if you know your position (where you are)
2) if you know where you are going(destination)
3) if you have a map and able to read it…
..none of the above can be attributed to any of our current leaders….. the best they can do is point in the direction of the rising sun and tell us that is east therefore this must be west and this must be north and this way must be south….but end up scratching their heads to which direction they must take us…..
BA Tayali you are saying that we the people of Zambia are being fed with speculative information when you know for sure that we are buying Mealie meal here in Kalabo at 130,and just finding it is very difficult this is just of the many challenges we are facing without being told by anybody and ill advice you to serous for one coz what we are facing now is very very bad for us.
So you people are saying I can use Tayali, say give him $1000 and he will write whatever I tell him to write? kikikikiki
a party that has held only 2 press briefings in 5 years. and the president is completely clueless on the happenings in his country what will he talk about when he holds a presser?
Austerity measures austerity measures …….hahahahaha….are you sure??? Zambiambians only vote for chimwela and not true leadership and functionally literate leaders. Chimwela chabe…. Mukafya kunsala ne chimwela chenu bakamba.
We are so stuck in the KK times when a press conference was a major event only second to a major International soccer match. I think what we need is to strengthen the Press aide’s office and give HIM direction so he talks policy more than he talks PF semantic. Add to that the fact that we do not seem to have the energy to pick up a policy document and read up on what the heck this country is all about. That will actually be first hand, with no spin from a president or his proxies…
When the source of news for the opposition is dry, they shall suggest for the president to hold non beneficial press briefing so they can find something to talk about. It was the same when he put his hand on the new constitution, for the hole month critics had this and that to say mostly which did not add any good to the already passed constitution. There is time to fight and time to shake hands. ECL worn the fight and for now we should all be contributing to make Zambia a better place. The whammy of some in the opposition is to blame everything including natural mishaps to PF and in particular ECL
there is mealie meal to talk about Mr. Dull man from PF. Lungu will just put us to sleep with any press conference anyways.
Tayali… just go and lick king Julien.
April 4, 2016 | Filed under: International News,Latest News | Posted by: Newsroom ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Fuel lines stretched for more than a kilometer (half-mile) on Friday in Nigeria’s capital because of a fuel shortage in sub-Saharan Africa’s top oil-producing country.
Drivers in Abuja groaned and shouted in frustration when one station closed because it was apparently out of fuel.Associated Press writer Michelle Faul contributed to this report from Abuja.
So fuel shortage is globa. CK
Tayali sucks that’s all I don’t know why we alow this nosence in the country I hope such comedians won’t be there after elections in new government
Tayali the cost of living has gone high my brother, what is imaginary about that? Be factual with your reporting not the ranting you are spewing every day. ECL is clueless. PF stronghold are ready to vote for more hunger and more suffering for another 5 years iam told. What a country.
What a country for sure where the f00ls have out numbered the wise…….we shall remain with our poverty forever.
The best person for the job is Edith the rest are tired or have no clue if not then they are desperate willing to take on anyone just so they win….Our God is just Edith will be president and the country will change come on Elias, Mutati, Mbulakulima, Milupi lets put our weight behind our sister she can deliever better than all and sundry….come on mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts let us throw our power vote and boot out these no hopers…VOTE EZN 2016 FOR PRESIDENT
Tell hm to step down he has faild wht is he gong to talk abt and what?