Saturday, July 27, 2024

ECZ given $3.8 million by US for elections


Ambassador Schultz
Ambassador Schultz

The US Government has given Zambia through the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) US$3.8 million towards the holding of credible elections on August 11th.

US Ambassador to Zambia Eric Schultz says this substantial contribution is aimed at ensuring the voice of the electorate is heard.

Mr. Schultz says a portion of this contribution will go towards preparations for the referendum which will be held alongside the general election.

And Mr. Schultz has encouraged political players to start implementing resolutions of last week’s Indaba in order for the country hold peaceful and credible elections.

He says the Indaba was a great initiative which all political players must appreciate by implementing what was resolved.

And visiting US Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of African Affairs Todd Haskell says the US Government is expecting Zambia to hold peaceful elections free from any negative forms such as violence


  1. Everything is now nicely falling in place. This is due to the able leadership that the stakeholders both local and foreign have seen in our humble and visionary leader, President Lungu. Thanks to the US government.

    • You must be a F.OOL to celebrate a country that can not only to buy its own medicine nor have its own money to hold elections. 50 years after independence colonialist have to buy your medicine, pay for your elections and you cant even count how much maize you have in your country

    • Kudos ain’t you marching to the Chinese embassy, when it’s money issues they are not interfering in the politics of the country ka? I thought pf government won’t accept that offer.

    • Ichi chi Kudos nichi malonda at one of the zambian embassies in europe and does nothing but wait for news items on Lusakatimes so that he can comment.Wanya kolwe you are coming back in August straight back on the streets,

    • when you get bloody money, then you sell your soul to the devil,,,,, USA giving ECZ means that they choose Zambian`s next president ask RB who hacked the ECZ website after ECZ gave them money

    • A little fraction of the payment we require from these imperialists for the slaves they capturedo from here

    • Soon the PF leaders will start attacking the USA of being too involved in Zambian Political affairs. Zambians dont appreciate!! Forever begging for handouts and at the same time spitting in faces of the people that are donating the money!! What a country!

    • Blessed is the hand that gives not the one which always receives. Zambia is now a real banana republic. Why should a country with abundant resources survive on donations more than 50 years after independence? What a useless country!!!!!!!

  2. Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again free of traditional preponderance behaviour around the world. Germany, Korean penisula, Africom, Japan no more 1.2 million troops protecting you and NATO no more more 75% of your budget funded by American tax payers.

  3. Surely even money for elections we can not raise ourelves..very shameful…where is that empty tin Father Bwalya?

    • Frank walya should asking himself, what did i say about Americans? They have done nothing for this country? He should visit Evelyn hone as well and read that prack, so that he finds out who contributed to the building of that school.

    • PF and bwalya are not happy the USA guards their contributions robustly and demand accoutabiliry, what he meant is that PF have no chance to steal from American contributions, hence they are not giving anything.

  4. The Government and ECZ should have refused this money. Cut increasing pay to the president and all UPND, PF, MMD, FDD MPS etc. Use that money for the referendum. Zambia how dumb can all our politicians be? All of them, from the President, HH, General Miyanda, President Nawakwi, Chipimo accepting this is nonsense. Had they all been real leaders, we could have had the referendum after three new hydro electricity generating dams were built.

  5. Thankyou america.I didnt know what i was smoking when i said you contribute nothing to zambia.My only wish would have for you to relax the monitoring of the appropriation of these funds so that me and my homies can dip our sticky long fingers in the cookie jar.Alas thats not to be so we await to eat through our proxy companies contracted by ECZ.Good luck with your monitoring of the elections though uncle bob of harare has assured us of victory in round 1.

  6. This leads to the H H endorsement, watch this space.

    (” The US Government has given Zambia through the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) US$3.8 million towards the holding of credible elections on August 11th.”)

    just analyse this statement thoroughly.

  7. There is no doubt that the Americans are in support of the UPND and that is the reason why they have contributed such amount of money towards the forth coming Genenal elections;so that the elections would be free and fair without rigging.They want make sure that UPND is ushered in the office,and after that Americans can be given 75% investment opportunity in Zambia.Yep!PF watch out!Do not be excited and should you make any mistake of rigging the elections, the world is watching you.As my friend “Congo Zambia” has said, analyse the statement,”The USA Government has given Zambia through the ECZ US 3.8 million”,is worth to be pondered.

  8. I thought the fallen from grace priest Fatherless Bwalya said that America has done nothing in Zambia. well without America where could Zambia be? Thanks USA again. PF always says one thing and does the opposite

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