Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu is not stressing KK as alleged by Cornelius Mwitwa-PF


The Patriotic Front -PF- has described as disrespectful a statement attributed to UPND Deputy spokesperson Cornelius Mwitwa suggesting that President Edgar Lungu is stressing first president Kenneth Kaunda.

PF National Youth Chairperson Stephen Kampyongo says Mr Mweetwa’s comments carried in today’s Post Newspaper are mischievous.

Mr. Kampyongo who is also Local Government Minister says President Lungu did not take Dr Kaunda for any government project.

He has explained that Dr Kaunda was in Chinsali to merely officiate at a school named after him and to attend a special church service at Lubwa mission.

Mr. Mwitwa has been quoted in today’s edition of the Post Newspaper as accusing President Lungu of stressing Dr Kaunda.


  1. PF campaign strategy – Donchi kubeba reloaded:

    A. Obtusification: Lying that Lungu is not to blame for all economic ills and that it is Global….and that Zambians should not complain but thank Lungu who is getting fat each day in pocket and body!
    B. Falsification / Smear / Hate campaign: Accuse HH of sattanism, mason, privatisation
    C. Tribalism: Demeaning and intimidating other tribes that challenge Muchinga Bemba PF failure. Label and insult them as Tonga whilst exaulting wako-ni-wako Muchinga Bemba-Eastern alliance.
    D. Violence through Police and PF militias.
    E. Blackout HH from public media whilst Lungu branded campaign vehicles everywhere.
    F. Enhanced corruption of population through economic blackmail.

  2. HH is on record to talk bad about senior citizens. This was more rampant in the last two general election which he lost. This is what led to KK and other senior citizens siding with Sata.

    PF has just given the former Head Of State the dignity and honour he deserves. HH and UPND have nothing to do with old people as they consider them to finished and useless people. This shows what type of mentality HH has. He thinks he is the beginning and the end. An unfortunate mistake of pride that will continue to make not electable even in August this year.

    Unfortunately, age is now catching up with this senior citizens disrespector.

  3. PF don’t campaign using the aged KK. That was just your plan to invite him to your global travels.

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